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don't you ‘Az But you only have one semester let, isn't? B: That's right, but [ have to go with them. 5 Grammar for Writing Using Negative Questions and Tag Questions in Blogs Pre-writing Task 1. page 200 Possible answers “Boomerang kids" are students wh move back in with their parents after college, Some reasons students move back home are because of the bad job market, to be closer to their parents, or because of the economy. 2 page 201 Damien: So, we've all agreed to focus the project on students moving back in with their parents after college, haven't we? ‘The textbook said that there are more of these "boomerang kids" than Defore.Jo said she thought it was because of the bad job market. agree that is one reason, but shouldu’t there be other reasons, too? I think young people might be closer to their parents than they used to be. Wouldn't you guys agree? Jo: Tagree that many young people seem closer to their parents, but [don'tknowifthat isa reason to move back home with them, Gabriel, you said that you think family is generally more important to people these days(didrvt you? Yes, Idi. I'l try to find some articles. Don't you think thatthe economy has something to dowith it? Young people feel insecure about their future, We could write about positive and negative weasons why young people live at home aftr college Gouldn’tw3? What do you think? ‘The tag questions a¥é used to confirm previous information, The negative questions are used to suggest new information. Writing Task A Write page 204 Answers willvary. Gabriel: 2 Self-Edit page 201 Ansivers will vary 46 Answer Key 15 That Clauses Cultural Values 1 Grammar in the Real World A page 202 Answvers will vary B Comprehension Check page 203 Lb 2a ae C Notice page 203 1. believe that 2. have learned that 3, agree that Number of subjects: two Connecting words that 2 That Clauses Exercise 2.4 Forming That Clauses page 205 2 Infact, recent research has found that hard work doesn't always lead to wealth, 3, Many older Americans are realizing that they are unable toretire after working hard all their lives 4, Many employees assumed that their companies would reward them for their hard work. Researchers recently reported that job satisfaction has declined in recent years, 6, Employers are beginning to understand that its important to give people some freedom at work Exercise 2.2 Using That Clauses Without That, Over to You page 205 Answers will vary. Exercise 2.3 Using That Clauses A page 206, 2, Michael read that the average European gets about two months’ vacation every year. 3. International labor statistics show that the average American works 46 weeks per yeat. 4. Some experts believe that culture may be one reason for the difference in attitudes toward work. AA group of scholars found that Europeans tend to value leisure more highly than Americans. 6, Some scholars believe that Americans tend to value earning money more highly than Europeans. 7. A professor at Gradina University wrote that many Americans seem to use possessions as a measure of a B Group Work page 206 Ansivers will vary 3 Agreement Between That Clauses and Main Clauses Exercise 3.1 That Clauses in Sentences with Present Verbs in the Main Clause page 208 2, Research shows that contemporary Latin American cultures have roots in Aitican, European, and indigenous cultures, 3. Sociologists believe that Latin American cultures influenced world culture as well as US, culture 4. Many musicologists agree that modern US. music is derived in part from Latin American cultures. 5. Many language experts assert that Spanish speakers contributed a great many words to the English language, 6. Most sociologists agree that Latin American cultures will continue / are going to continue to influence US. culture. Exercise 3.2 That Clauses in Sentences with Past Verbs in the Main Clause page 209 3, thought that 9, felt that 4, would be 10, was taking 5, knew that 11, pointed out that: 6, would have 12, was leading to 7. were aware that 13, did not realize that 8, was having 14, were destroying Exercise 3.3 Agreement Between That Clauses and Main Clauses Group Work page 209 Answers will vary. 4 That Clauses After Adjectives and Nouns Exercise 4.1 That Clauses After Adjectives pages 211-212 2. Some people are worried that Am ‘making everything the same, 3, ‘They are aware that Hollywood and fast-food chains are influencing culture. 4, Tam convinced that culture is a two-way street, 5. Lam positive that other cultures influence US, culture as much as US, culture influences them. 6. Alot of people are surprised that the French invented canization is 7. They are surprised that the British invented one of the original fast foods, fish and chips. 8, Tam sure that we all benefit from global cultural exchange, Exercise 4.2 That Clauses After Nouns and Adjectives A Group Work page 212 Answers will vary. B Over to You page 212 Answers will vary. 5 Avoid Common Mistakes Editing Task page 213 Settlers from the east who traveled across the American, that ‘Wost in the mid-nineteenth century understood they faced a difficult journey across deserts and mountains ‘They knewythat the trip would take yeurs and that some would peopleliose their lives. However, they were optimistic. Michael mmons was oe ofthosedeerined travelers Someone tld him to goto the Pacific Northwest for new opportunities He sol is snes to pay for the supplies tat he and is family needed. He knew that the are was largely unknown He ls new tha. was dangerous. ‘This did not stop him. ‘When Simmons and his group reached Oregon, he he announced that was going to continue north. The ‘Hudson's Bay Trading Company heard the news, and they discouraged him, However, Simmons was certain/that the trip going to be successful, and he did not listen. Instead, he continued north as planned. After he artived, he \elped to establish the first settlement inthe territory that is now known as Was {ington State. Documents show that Simmons built the first mill using water from the ‘Tumwater waterfall for power. For this, he is sometimes called the father of Washington industry. Answer Key 47 eae 6 Grammar for Writing Using That Clauses to State Reasons, Conclusions, Research Results, Opinions, and Feelings Pre-writing Task 1. pages 214-215, Possible answers: Students had problems speaking in class and not knowing ‘what to call their teachers. The writer’ information came froma study. 2 page 215 ‘The rst semester at college canbe very difcut for international students. Arecont study investigated the main difficulties international students had in thelr fst semester in colleges in the United States and Canada. ‘Ten students partieipated Te rst dificult that students had was peaking in clas There were a ow reasons for this, One reason was that the students were embarrassed about their English, They fel that twas nd. good enough. However (C Was unilyDhabtheir English was not good. Afterall, each stadent had to receive hgh score onan ‘entrance exam in English (Cis posaibTeThadthe students did nothave enough confidence at fist Many ofthe students were not used to speaking class because they did not speakin class in their ome countries, Another problem many students had was that they did not knoe what to cal thelr teachers. The reason for this is that 1 the students call their teachers “Teacher” as a sign of respect when they are in their home countries, However, they discovered that Teacher soundéd rude to somo US. teachers. The teachers asked the students to call them by their fist names, although they realized that some 1 sudents would be uncomfortable with t st It was 2 interesting that many ofthe students reported having these woblems in the beginning, However, most found that they 2 were able to adjust fairly quickly 48 Answer Key ‘These expressions introduce the writer’ opinions and feelings. Writing Task A Write page 215, Answers will vary. 2 SelF-Edit page 215 Answers will vary. 16 Noun Clauses with Wh- Words and If/ Whether Inventions They Said Would Never Work 1 Grammar in the Real World A page 246 Ansivers will vary; Possible answerThey faced skepticism and strong public doubt. B Comprehension Check page 217 Possible answers 1. People doubted him because he announced he had invented the light bulb before he had a model. 2, He convinced them when he it up an entire New York neighborhood in 1882. 3. They had little formal education, they had no financial support, and they did not publicize their research. C Notice page 217 1. when he would complete it 2, whether they had financial support 3, iftheir airplane would fly or not La 2» 2 Noun Clauses with Wh- Words Exercise 2.4 Noun Clauses with Wh- Words A pages 218-219 2, what she invented 3, who she is 4, why she invented it 5, when she invented it 6, where she was living 7, what the cell phone looked like 8, what it was made of B Pair Work page 219 Answers will vary Sra el Exercise 2.2 Reduced Noun Clauses with Wh- Words + Infinitives. pages 219-220 2, Amy wonders where to find a good patent lawyer. 3. Idont know how to find a manufacturer for our product 4, Binh is wondering who to ask for money for our invention 5. Tllfigure out who to contact for financial advice, 6. Lwonder what to charge for our product. 3 Noun Clauses with If/ Whether Exercise 3.1 Forming Noun Clauses with If/Whether page 224 2. Many people don't know iff whether some robots think like humans. 3. Many people don't know if/whether we can invent a nonpolhuting fue, 4, We can remember if/whether anyone has invented a self-cleaning house 5. Many people don't know about whether hybrid cars are good for the environment. 6 Scientists haven figured out ifwhether there are other planets humans ean live on. Exercise 3.2 Using Clauses with If/Whether A page 222 Possible answers 2, I don't know iffwhether it will take along time to invent it 3, I don't know iffwhether Lam smart enough to do it by myself, 4, Ldon't know if/whether people really want solar-powered cars, 5, [don't know iffwhether a solar-powered car will, work on cloudy days, 6, [don't know if/whether my car is going to be too expensive, B page 222 Possible answers: 2, Lean't decide wl bank. 3, Tean't decide whether or not to patent my idea fist. 4, Teantt decide whether or not to see a lawyer. er or not to take out a loan from the 4 Noun Clauses in Direct and Indirect Questions Exercise 4.1 Direct and Indirect Questions page 224 2, what your most famous invention is 3, iffvhether you can show us an example SIPUUPErESTsTTseTesEsECETeSTSTTSETSOTTESSTESTSTTPTSTETIESTESTRITTTESTESTEIESEESTESTESESSTETESETSTESTESETSEETTSETSTTSTTSETSTSTAEITSETSTETTSETSTESTTSEESERTTEETSNESITSETSNETISETESTRTTeTeTETIaTTSnTETESIESEENETTTSRTOnETISTETTEE |. iffwhether you market your gloves ‘where you were born itfwwhether you studied art in college 7. how you became an artist 8, what your self-regenerating car is, 9. how it works 10, what your first invention was Exercise 4.2 More Indirect Questions A page 225 Answers will vary. B Pair Work page 225 No answers. 5 Avoid Common Mistakes Editing Task page 226 Many inventions make if more convenient, but the Internets the most essential one today the Internets apart of dally fe. Although some people worry about elses this fact is harmful or not, many agree that they would do not know what would they do if they could not go First ofall, the Internet helps people communicate instantly with family and felends who are far away. Inthe past, people had to write a letter or pay for a long-distance call to find out how were they doing. While they waited, they worried about whether their loved ones were all right. Now there are many ways to contact people and find out if they are well Inadaition, the Internet helps people find information, It we want to know whats the temperature in Seoul today, -we only have to type the question. Also, itis very easy to Took for employment, research solutions to ¢ problem, an whether even find out wether a movie is playing nearby, whether Its too early to tell either the Internet causes serious problems for society or not. To me, it seems extremely ‘valuable because it connects me to people I care about and. to information Ineed. Answer Key 49 eee 6 Grammar for Writing Using Noun Clauses with Wh- Words and If/ Whether Pre-wrlting Task 1. page 227 Possible answers: Itis about the discovery of penicillin. The discoverer did not realize why the fungus killed the bacteria or how to produee it rapidly. 2 page 227 Penicillin is effective against many serious bacterial infections. Alexander Fleming, Scottish scientist, discovered penicillin in 1928. However, he did not immediately understand what he had discovered, At the time, he was observing substances that could destroy bacteria, However, Fleming was nota very neat scientist. He often left trays of bacteria around his lab In August 1928, he went away fora vacation. When he returned, he found that something strange had happened to one of the trays. fungus had grown on the bacteria and killed them. At first, Fleming did not understand why this had happened, but he late realized what he had discovered He realized that the fungus was powerful and could be "useful in curing bacterial infections, but he still had not understood how important it was. He doubted whether the fungus could be effective long enough to kill bacteria inside a human bods, The penicillin he grew inthe first few years was too slow in taking effect, so he stopped working oni. After afew years, he returned to it, Fleming and other scientists discovered ways to make the substance ‘work more rapidly, and it soon beeame the most effective antibioti in existence. This discovery has saved millions offives. Writing Task 1 Write page 227 Answers will vary 2 Self-Edit page 227 Answers will vary. 50 Answer Key 17 Direct Speech and Indirect Speech Human Motivation 1 Grammar in the Real World A page 228 Answers will vary Possible answer: Internal rewards are particularly effective in motivating workers, B Comprehension Check page 229 External Reward | Internal Reward 1 v 2 v 3. v a 7 = 5. v € Notice page 229 1. said 2. told Actual words: 1 You know because quotation marks are used. 3, informed 2 Direct Speech Exercise 2.1 Statements in Direct Speech ‘A pages 230-234 Possible answers 2, Mike Ditka said, “the ones who want to achieve and win championships motivate themselves" 8. Nolan Bushnell said, "The ultimate inspiration isthe dealin 4. Dwight D.Fisenhower said, "Motivation is the art of getting people todo what you want them to do because they want to do it Thomas Jefferson said, "Tm a great believer in luck, and T find the harder I work, the more Ehave of it? 6. Fernando Flores said, “Great work is dane by people ‘who are not afraid to be great” 7. Ralph Waldo Emerson sald, achieved without enthusiasn 8. Wayne Gretzky said, "You miss 100 percent of the shots yout dont take! 9. Lao Tau said, “Ihe journey of thousand miles begins witha single step” fothing great was ever B Over to You page 234 Answers will vary. € Pair Work page 234 Answers will vary.

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