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Unit 15 | Cultural Values That Clauses 4 Choose the correct places to add that to the noun clauses in the articl Jobs with Values Many jobs have different values associated with them. Here are just a few: Doctors: Doctors value each patient's life. They even take an oath." The ath (a) says (b) doctors must treat (c) sick people to the best of their ability. Doctors also promise to keep a patient's information private. Lawyers: Privacy is also important in law. (a) Lawyers (b) know (c) they cannot share a lient’s information with others ifthe client doesn’t want them to. Lawyers also value 2. faimess. a 3. Teachers: Teachers (a) value leaming. They believe (b) all students (c) can learn. c Dentists: Dentists value good dental care. They know (a) their patients will have 4. healthier teeth (b) ifthey brush and floss them every day and (c) see a dentist regulatly. c Librarians: Librarians (a) value reading. They also think (b) peaple should be quiet in 5. libraries to let other people concentrate on what (c) they are reading. 7 c 6. Journalist: Journalists (a) care about the truth. They (b) Jeam (¢) they must be ‘correct and fair when reporting, 2 Read the sentences about how different cultures value time. Type the that clauses to complete the new sentences that combine the sentences in bold. Omit hat for the informal sentences. 1. Or Kis on entvancloget He ascovered something eary nbs carer: People fm diferent cutures vale time arerenty. ‘kms Dr Kin decoveredthatpaaple tom Seron cuturs value tre Srey 2 Pe sgoing stay Sra He assumes smmthing:Brenans ent ws im! ing ae for partes wth chose emis. (rer Pa esr (iain) ews ind bing ate Fer paren wh cise ines Me mols receaenng Gorman cate. He has 004 something: Germans usuaky Bes 0 be om tna. ‘oem Mt ko has reas [= Etgarmans__—_) usualy the t2 De on tre, 4 Unies isting frend int Untas Stites She els something: Americans are somatines oo weted about tne era Mela fees (= AERTS} are sorties toe wore abot ve Si PperirevmtingCaedan we at She hn ntndvomiing Conains ures warren one. {era pt he ek SE) ly tr erg on ra 5 Caron son vaceton ay. Sbe has resized something: Sometimes tis not mportanto be on time nay. (reer Corsina has eatzed srsirce [Ere potent tab an rein tay, 7. Rots san aie et ona pot in China He umdestanssomating: Chinese peopl ten plan things erst aience (erat Or Retina urderatanch ut cine pop Jota pa ings yarn adc 1% Sentoxaymar Tot Asacanse Hendietd w # pany He quetsessomsrara: Peopet aren often Is for porte indapen (rte Ban guoses © GRGGS—— are can um fpr apon Unit 15 | Cultural Values Agreement Between That Clauses and Main Clauses 1 Reorder the sentences. Drag the words into the correct order. +) 1) [ Sete] ( sae] | tat) [ eecee) | bo) [common valve reat elie + (DD en (ore a if * (i towers | irsore | rat ][aorcaeen | vat [arayerepea | (oom) (5 [_mestpeone }(_eapect }(_tetpacoe ) HD + (TH Meotchiden |[ ieom || tt |( gandoarents |( desene }[ respect |) ¢ (TE Ree titrins | tee) tt) [pee] [Sroved ns | (ome epecinitepst |(_] * (TE serm wecrers | owen) (rat | [cencron | (wore) [mero vespecra nine pact) (75) + (UY [Sere teers | ccm | [tet] tent} || tetonbeer ne are Baa eee eB 2 Choose the correct form of the verbs to complete the blog entry. Use the information in parentheses and the explanations in the box to help you. after = The event in the that clause happened afer the event in the main clause. before = The event in the that clause happened before the event in the main clause. same = The event in the that clause happened at the same time as the event in the main clause truth = The that clause expresses a universal truth or fact that applies to the present. traveled aot or ort as: year | covered nat people Cr) vlue pesca spae diferent n eet parce wor For exanpe, because | Canscan son at Canadians (wth) stand | abe tee fet apart when they tak Aer & party at wort in (Quete:rowever | eakzet Bat people mere tore) Rac been standing ery Close lgener|askee someone work wth abou hat eee a noted, and tund ov bat rene speaking Canadians usualy (uth) + the to stand much ccsertan Englsh speating Canis Befoe went pan, | had loked a some pcires of Toyo online | oiced hat prope same) | mele | geneaty ce eter cr te sueets anne subway, So! guessed at (ae) w wou see | peop very Cse gee everyunere Japan nen Iwas ee Leama nat pecpe (se) os genera meemgs ana soa ev Poon eof sore) oxm sand meemgs ws lee gee on says ane Be Set cause is couoée m hese paces | hope tat | wot be waveing as much nex yea I wart my oun personal sate and would he ost stay home for awn Nonetheless (ve lezmed someting about erent cures and personal space Mis yea fund on mat Mey UR). ¢ ae a} Unit 15 | Cultural Values That Clauses After Adjectives and Nouns 1 Read the online comments about learning languages. Is the word in bold an adjective before a that clause or a noun before a that clause? Different cultures have different views on learning languages. What do you think about learning languages? JL22: People in the United States often know only one language, butit's clear that people in Europe usually learn more than one language. e adjective before a that clause a noun before a that clause KyleK: | It's understandable that Europeans know many languages. The countries are 2. close together, and they need to communicate with each other. e adjective before a that clause - noun before a that clause 3. DougT: It's unfortunate that people in the United States don’t speak more languages. « adjective before a that clause 3 noun before a that clause 4. DougT: It's my view that there are many benefits to being bilingual!” 6 adjective before a that clause noun before a that clause 5. Mary96: tis evident that bilingual people have advantages. e adjective before a that clause é noun before a that clause 6. Mary96: It’s understandable that bilingual people get better jobs. « adjective before a that clause 2 noun before a that clause 7. Sandra: The problem is that not many schools in the United States offer enough foreign language classes, z adjective before a that clause noun before a that clause George06: | disagree. My impression is that schools offer classes, but it's very 8. challenging to find places to speak other languages outside of class. a adjective before a that clause oun before a that clause 9. JavierR: I'm certain that people in my country value language learning. Almost everyone leas Spanish and English in school adjective before a that clause é noun before a that clause 10. 1990: My hope is that everyone will speak both Spanish and English in the next 20 years. 3 adjective before a that clause noun before a that clause 11, Mei92: My concern is that people will stil only be bilingual é adjective before a that clause e noun before a that clause 12, Mei92: I's fortunate that we speak three languages in my family adjective before a that clause 6 noun before a that clause 13. Isabel: In some places there's a belief that learning only one language is the best. S adjective before a that clause noun before a that clause 14, Isabel: | guess the point is that a lot of us disagree! é adjective before a that clause noun before a that clause 2 Type that clauses to complete the sentences. Use the prompts with it is or The is in the main clauses with that. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. (wrcessancatie tis understandable that erat cates have erent vaues 2. (Gow ara) rem cata vates sou be especies 3. pode) Tia Oban ET sombing cris poste on cle mie conte matey sabe . (rteresting) (Tis Fiarectng fai the Itemat might nelo reduce these problerns by mating people more evare of oer cbures 5. op ESBS pet witness ain cerca . (sy) TERS ST hr we ver carts becuse of ret cvtal aes he ave 3 Drag and drop the correct words to complete the sentences. 1. tin is suming hat cm anis cot a fr empayaes to eam 2 second language 2. am (Fata at) socal ating tes irae pels racy 3. have ("empresa | tera young people are leaning a seca ngage 4 Myczncem [iota | any peopl canat ford heat nance 5. sey (Rd) tate cart hap 4 tes [rea] ma ote en ftp th en 1 tact [Seating oat fod ei Unit 15 | Cultural Values Avoid Common Mistakes 1 Choose the letter with the mistake. (a) John recognized, that cultural values were different in Mexico than they were in his country. (b) He realized that people viewed time differently. He found out (c) he was able 4. to.adapt easily. {t's disappointing (a) that Chinese classes aren't available at our school. |'m not sure (b) that people value learning other languages enough. | hope (c) that more 2. language classes be available in the future. I's embarrassing (a) that don’t speak Spanish better. | realize (b) that it’s important to 3. speak other languages. Its true (¢) that 've been trying, but its dificult for me. (2) Research shows that values differ in different cultures. (b) Experts do not believe, that one culture is right and another is wrong. e) They think that itis important to 4, understand the differences. Diana and Jim realize (a) that they should respect their parents. Their parents are relieved (b) that their children understand this value as well. They feel lucky (c) that 5. have respectful children, a c 6. Tom (a) understands that culture influences (b) values, but he's (c) not sure, that his values are influenced by culture. Many cultures believe (a) that hard work is important. Research shows (b) that this idea is usually true in these cultures — people who work harder are usually more successful and happier. According to psychologists, itis not surprising (c) that parents teachingtheir 7. children this value. 6 c I'm glad (a) that 'm learning about different cultures. I'm surprised (b) that learning so 8. much in this class. I'm disappointed (c) that the class is going to end soon. e 2 Choose the correct words to complete the article about diverse cities. Diverse Cites Around the World There nthe works that are ceturally diverse Its interesting that with dierent cutsral values can often get along wluten eat tees nega mnaetcarnieet ee Now York Cy: tis dart Now Yok Oy catalyse. Pople spckacuné 0 arguges inte cy ripe na come New Ye hy te ow OK Ope ae ean Pao rnd ie | HO Te Toro: Tecmo Comes metdhere dy «Rin at Fencad Ench we efll rgnges Canta beech preva oot pp Te earings ae Oe a eft propia wr abn Lata ip cor Rona abi pec Spt hiom fara Lance mento sg om tt London: On ste saat | roster utente ward canola nL Thelageante cleave reas: a ‘Peres in which you cant vary tod to acu fe not Dubs: ub ty bering a rae ly hin srg | attnas| nt dvs inthe past ary cp Fom around rt have reve thee er vor king ta gba cy teday Unit 15 | Cultural Values Self-Assessment Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences. 1. This book says ___ affects the way we think. that e that culture % is 2. Briana __ all journalists should tell the truth. é believes, that Ps believes that, « believes that 3. Doctors take an oath that says they __all patients to the best of their ability a treated « will teat o have treated 4, Do you __ that people have different values? e understand a show have 5, Many Americans feel that individualism ___ extremely important today. was 6. Historians are aware that people ___hard to survive inthe past. work 3 fare working e worked 7. Ihave decided that |___ Japanese next year. « will study 5 study S have studied 8. My parents were pleased that |__ respectful to my teachers at the meeting yesterday. e was 4 am o will be 9. The study showed that most teenagers ___ their grandparents. é are going to respect, respect 7 will respect 10. Ms. Lang found outthat her students ___the homework on values. They had to do it together in class. é aren't completing « hadn't completed 6 won't complete 11. I heard that Dr. Roberts __ his books at the new bookstore. 6 selling o would selling « would be selling 12. I's___ that | won't understand the culture in a country whose language | don't speak, e likely © unlikely 6 fortunate 13. clear that Erica loves to learn about other cultures. 6 She 14. Itwas our___ that Rich wouldn't move to another country. ° possibilty © difference e impression 15. The is that noone understands us. problem views 6 frightening hnttps://

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