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Name: ____AUSA, JOHN ALMARK Y. Date: APRIL 08,2022

Course / Section: __BSBA-2A FM. Score: _____

Instructions: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. Always write your NAME, COURSE and

Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. Considering the context of the 1950s, what issues and interests were at stake in the debate over
the Rizal Bill? Do these issues remain pertinent to the present?

-Only college students would be allowed to study unexpurgated editions of clerically

contentious reading materials like Noli Me Tángere and El Filibusterismo, according to the
measure. On Flag Day, June 12, 1956, the bill was signed into law. an act to require courses on
the life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels noli me tangere and el
filibusterismo, to be included in the curricula of all public and private schools, colleges, and
universities, and to authorize their printing and distribution, and for other purposes.

2. Do you agree with the rationale of the Rizal Law? Cite specific provision that you agree on and
explain why.

- Yes, I agree with the logic for the Rizal Law, which is codified in Act No. 1425 and requires all
Philippine educational institutions to give courses on José Rizal. An Act to Include in the
Curricula of All Public and Private Schools, Colleges, and Universities Courses On the Life, Works,
and Writings of Jose Rizal, Particularly His Novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo,
Authorizing the Printing and Distribution Thereof, and for Other Purposes is the full name of the
law. In any event, the Christian church strenuously restricted Rizal's law to the anti-clerical
issues that were prominent in Rizal's works Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.And it should
be implemented in a way that it helps us to know more about the things Jose Rizal did before
becoming our National Hero, and for us to be inspired by his deeds.

3. Why do we need to study the Life and Works of Rizal?

-Jose Rizal’s life is essential to examine because of his contribution to the Philippines’ freedom.
He chose knowledge and the power of writing to fight for his nation. We are expected to
become more aware of the ideas that our country is founded on by studying the lives of heroes
like Rizal.

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