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Words of the Chosen

Version 4.1

Lord Darkview

November 2019

Exalted is a role-playing game which has captivated its fans for over such alleged infringement is permissible under fair use principles in
a decade. Its unique blend of classical myth and literature, realis- U.S. copyright laws. If you believe material has been used in an unau-
tic geopolitics and cultures, and high-flying anime and kung fu, all thorized manner, please contact me using the feedback form.
blended into a single, immersive pan-ur-myth, offers something in its
lore for any player. However, some players prefer aspects and styles Useful Resources and Links
of play other than those emphasized in the canon game mechanics. • Exalted 3rd Edition Corebook
This has resulted in the creation of many fan-adaptations of the game,
of which this is yet another. • Godbound (Deluxe Edition)
Godbound: A Game of Divine Heroes is a newer game about
game about characters who share much in common with those of Ex- • My Godbound Character Sheet (for Google Docs)
alted. The setting and mechanics of Godbound are quite distinct,
yet they echo many themes also present in Exalted. It thus seems nat- • My Godbound House Rules
ural to blend the mechanics of Godbound with the lore of Exalted
to create a vastly different play experience. Such is this adaptation. • Feedback Form

Using This Adaptation Change Log

This is not a complete game! You must have the Godbound and Ex- • Previous version February 2018 (Verses of the Champions).
alted game books to be able to play. Specifically, Godbound (Deluxe
Edition) is required for the mechanics of play, and a sufficient num- • Rewording and editing throughout document.
ber of Exalted books are required to understand the terminology,
setting and lore. Neither game’s mechanics, definitions, setting, or • Lexicon of the Throne content used where appropriate.
lore are substantially detailed or reproduced in this document. Hav-
ing Lexicon of the Throne is optional, but strongly recommended. • Redesigned Chosen significantly. Magical Themes, Castes,
The basic rules of play are assumed to be those of Godbound and Great Flaws changed throughout.
(Deluxe Edition), modified as this document stipulates. Cross-
referencing will be necessary both within this document and with the • Added to the list of General Words.
source material. For this reason, it is strongly recommended to read
• Exigents custom word list discarded. They now use use Gen-
the document in its entirety before playing. Effort has been made
eral Words, plus a custom Word based on their Patron.
to include relevant hyperlinks and page references to speed up nec-
essary cross-referencing. When a page number is specified without a • Lunars lost the ability to bind any gift, and instead “adapt” to
source, assume it refers to Godbound (Deluxe Edition). any Word (gaining some but not all the benefits of binding).
I also strongly encourage using My Godbound House Rules. Lunar Word requirements were loosened.
While not required, some of the options can definitely help with
the particulars of Exalted-style gameplay. • Infernals had a full Word structure overhaul, Shintai inter-
grated as a gift, and gained Devil-Tiger support.
No copyright is claimed in regards to either Exalted or Godbound. • Alchemicals gained Colossus and Polis support, and lost access
To the extent that material may appear to be infringed, I assert that to Sorcery and Necromancy.


1 Preamble 1 5 Martial Arts 20

5.1 Crane Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2 The Chosen 3 5.2 Eagle Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.1 The Solar Exalted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5.3 Golden Home of Wanderers Style . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2 The Dragon-Blooded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5.4 Rat Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3 The Exigent Exalted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5.5 Snake Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4 The Lunar Exalted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5.6 Throne Shadow Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.5 The Sidereal Exalted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5.7 Tiger Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.6 The Abyssal Exalted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5.8 Wood Dragon Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.7 The Infernal Exalted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 6 Allies, Foes, Beasts, and Spirits 25
2.8 The Alchemical Exalted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 6.1 Demons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6.2 Elementals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3 Gameplay Changes 18 6.3 Fair Folk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.1 Treasures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 6.4 Gods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2 Immaterial Creatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 6.5 Spirit-Touched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
6.6 Undead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4 Ritual and Primordial Magic 19 6.7 The Exalted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.1 Thaumaturgy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2 Sorcery, Necromancy, and Protocols . . . . . . . . 19 7 Acknowledgements 28

The Chosen

Mechanically, the Exalted function as themed Godbound (p. 224). Patron

They follow the normal rules for Godbound except as described in
Each of the Exalted types was forged by a unique being, and this be-
this chapter of the document.
ing has left their mark on their Chosen. Most Exalted of the same
type share a single Patron or small group of Patrons. For most, the
Incongruous Demigods effects of their Patron is entirely wrapped up in their magical themes.
Exalted and Godbound follow many of the same archetypal trap- For a few others that have multiple potential Patrons, the particular
pings. Both are mortal heroes raised to divine power by forces Patron can have effects on many of their other characteristics.
that are beyond their control. Yet they differ in certain crucial
ways. Foremost, Godbound often share few things in common Magical Themes
with each other. Meanwhile, the Exalted divide into categories
based on their nature, and these categories shape their powers, Each of the Exalted has several magical themes relating to their
politics, and growth in distinct ways. Godbound measure their patron, philosophy, style, or place in the world. Any invocation
powers in Words and gifts, which immediately grant broad and of power by an Exalt needs to fit these themes. This includes ev-
profound capabilities. Exalted measure their powers in Charms, ery bound gift, invoked miracle, or impossible change made to the
which are more specialized and build on one-another to increase world. Just having the Word, Effort, Influence, and Dominion is
in specificity and power. Godbound timelines are measured in not enough. The Exalt’s player should be able to describe their use
months and years, with power almost independent of age. Exalted of power in a way that expresses the themes of their Exaltation.
may live for centuries, and elders are vastly more powerful than Consequently, while many Words are shared among the Exalted,
their juniors. The Godbound world of Arcem is also dwarfed in their powers will differ in practice. Each type of Exalted will have a
size and complexity by the Exalted world of Creation. greater propensity to some gifts, miracles, and projects than others;
The upshot is that the Exalted here will differ in some sub- and even similar power will likey manifest differently.
stantial mechanical ways from their original presentation. This
is deliberate. This goal is not total fidelity to the original source
material, as Exalted is clearly best for that purpose. Instead, the Caste
goal to take the Godbound mechanics, and alter just enough to Some Exalted types are divided into Castes, each with its particular
allow players to enjoy the sort of characters, world, and stories anointed roles. The impact of Caste varies by Exalt type, but it always
that Exalted has to offer while using a different system. provides advantages in specific contexts or grants to some otherwise
Keep in mind the following differences between the original unique ability.
Exalted, and those seen here:

• Exalted have broad arrays of powers from the beginning, Anima Banner
and grow in stamina and versatility rather than the maxi-
All Exalted have an Anima Banner which manifests as they spend
mum effects of their powers.
Effort. The appearance and brilliance of the banner is thematically
• No powers or capabilities are limited to Elder Exalted. Abil- colored by an Exalt’s type and caste, but is also individualized. An-
ities may be level-gated, but they are not age-gated. ima Banners use the rules for Incandescent Power (p. 225), except as
noted otherwise. The displays associated with the first, second, and
• All Exalted can contribute to a fight. The gap between the third point of overt Effort are analagous to the Faint, Glowing, and
warrior and sage is much reduced. Iconic levels described in Exalted.
• Large same-Exalt groups may have more duplication in pow-
ers. Mixed-Exalt teams are more compatible, systems-wise. Great Flaw
• All Exalted will be able to directly impose changes on a large Some types of Exalted suffer from a Great Flaw. The general sort
scale from a very early point. of flaw is determined by the Exaltation’s type, though the specifics
may be individualized. If so, the Exalt’s player may have a hand in
choosing the particulars.

Words Martial Arts
Words represent the magical prowess of the Chosen in broad fields. All Exalted are natural martial artists, with the martial arts being
If an Exalt is adept at martial combat, they will likely have Sword. represented by Strifes. For the first True Strife learned by an Exalt,
Gifted orators may have Command or Passion. While Exalts with the cost of the initial and final techniques are reduced to to one-half
the same Word may have some overlapping effects, differing magical gift point each (allowing full mastery of the True Strife for three gift
themes will create distinctions in what powers Exalted types can use points). Additionally, many Exaltations themselves act as teachers
and how they manifest. for some particular Martial Arts.
All Exalted begin with three or four bound Words, drawn from a
list dicated by the character’s Exaltation type. This list includes both
Sorcery and Necromancy
General Words and Words in line with the Exalt’s magical themes.
These lists can be expanded at the GM’s discretion. All Exalted can master Sorcery and Necromancy, to varying extent.
The particulars will depend on the Exalt type.
General Words
General Words represent magical abilities that are easily conceivable
as some outgrowth of mortal talents. All Exalted may bind such Level and Power
Words. Such powers are not derived from skill alone, and the mag-
An Exalt’s level represents cultivation of their personal essence.
ical themes of the Exalted color which abilities they can manifest.
This is usually a function of experience, which can indirectly re-
General Words include the following:
flect age.

From Godbound: Free/Deluxe Edition: • Newly Exalted are level 1. They are mighty by the standards
of mortals and lesser spirits, but are not yet ready to shake
• Alacrity • Journeying the foundations of the world.

• Artifice • Knowledge • Exalted coming into their power are level 2-3. This is akin
to Dynastic Dragon-Blooded in or having just graduated
• Beasts from secondary school, or a Celestial Exalt who has spent
• Might
• Bow few seasons exploring their abilities.
• Passion
• Command • Exalted with mature skills and power are level 4-5. Most
• Sorcery Exalted that survive long enough will reach this point.
• Deception Dragon-Blooded frequently settle at this level, and even the
• Endurance • Sword progress of Celestial Exalted slows noticeably hereafter.

• Health • Wealth • Exalted who have nearly perfected their Essence reach level
6-9. Dragon-Blooded who reach this point are rare and usu-
ally do so only after decades or centuries of discipline and
From Lexicon of the Throne: deed. Celestials reach this point more readily, but still after
many years of great accomplishment and fortitude.
• Dance • Music
• Exalted who have perfected their Essence are level 10. They
• Desire • Theft plateau in personal development, and no longer gain lev-
els. Instead, they often focus on gaining power indirectly
• Murder • War through legacy projects, mentorship, and artifice. Every 50
experience points, they may regain use of their divine fury
From My Godbound House Rules: if it has been expended, and unbind a gift to reassign its
points elsewhere.
• Grace • Trade Exalted naturally age and die at the same rate they would in
an ordinary Exalted game. Their lifespans are so long that this is
Restricted Powers rarely a relevant concern for any PC over a campaign, though it is
Some Exalt types are limited in their ability to bind gifts, invoke mir- certainly relevant for NPCs.
acles, or use Influence and Dominion.

The Solar Exalted

Patron Words
The Solar Exalted are the Chosen of the Unconquered Sun. The Solar Exalted may bind General Words, Sun, and Peak Human.
Each Solar begins bound to four Words, at least one of which must
Magical Themes be Sun or Peak Human.
The magic of the Solar Exalted flows from the pinnacle of human
skill and is supplemented by limitless inner virtue, force, energy, and Martial Arts
power. Their magic is particularly capable at imposing and preserv-
The Solar Exaltation itself counts as a teacher for True Strifes associ-
ing order in the face of chaos.
ated with virtue, light, being a champion of others, or facing impos-
sible foes. At the GM’s discretion, past lives may act as teachers for
other True Strifes.
Each Solar Exalted belongs to one of the five Solar Castes: Dawn,
Zenith, Twilight, Night, or Eclipse. The Exalt’s player can choose the
Exalt’s Caste. The Caste counts as a bonus fact benefiting any action
Sorcery and Necromancy
relating to its role, aptitudes, and talents (as described in Exalted). The Solar Exalted can master Sorcery up to Solar Circle, and Necro-
Additionally, once per scene, the Exalted may invoke a miracle relat- mancy up to the Labyrinth Circle.
ing to their Caste without needing to commit Effort.
Celestial Senses
Great Flaw The Solar Exalted always know the time of day and relative position
Each Solar is cursed to respond severely to experiencing or witness- of the Sun.
ing a particular event. The Solar’s player chooses the triggering event,
which should relate to one of the chief virtues of Compassion, Con-
viction, Temperance, or Valor. The player also chooses a response, Lords of Creation
which should be a subversion of the same virtue. The subversion can The Solar Exalted are effectively the first among equals, in both
be a time of forsaking the virtue, becoming an extreme cariacature lore and gameplay. The Sun Word is one of the most powerful
of it, or interpreting it bizarrely. and flexible Words. While they are otherwise limited to General
When the established trigger occurs, the Solar is compelled to Words, a Solar’s unfettered miracles and straightforward themes
respond accordingly. If that response causes the Exalted some extra allow them to exploit those Words to the fullest.
difficulty (whether immediate or in the future), they gain a point of Yet a Solar is not intrinsically more powerful than other Ex-
Dominion. An Exalt cannot gain more than one point of Dominion alted. Their raw numerical traits are no greater. Their themes
per session this way. and Word lists circumscribe their powers to those linked to Skill.
The Exalted may suppress the compulsion, but they must com- Finally, other Exalted can access similar powers through gifts.
mit Effort until the next time they yield to the compulsion. This As in a traditional Exalted game, new players will likely find
allows them to ignore all such compulsions for the remainder of the the Solar Exalted the easiest to play.
session or day (whichever is longer).

The Dragon-Blooded

Patron Restricted Powers: Gifts and Miracles

The Dragon-Blooded are the Chosen of The Elemental Dragons. A Dragon-Blooded can only use miracles associated with his Aspect
Word, and must be fourth level or higher to replicate greater gifts.
Magical Themes A Dragon-Blooded must be fourth level or higher to bind greater
The magic of the Dragon-Blooded flows from rigorous training, a gifts, and can only bind greater gifts associated with his Aspect Word.
lineage of greatness, harmony with their fellow Dragon-Blooded, and
affinity for one of the five elements (as signified by their Aspect). Restricted Powers: Dominion Limitations
Aspects Dragon-Blooded need not spend Dominion to gain levels. They do
not gain monthly Dominion from cults or being a free divinity, and
Each Dragon-Blooded has one of the five Elemental Aspects: Air,
gain no benefits or gifts associated with the Apotheosis Word. They
Earth, Fire, Water, or Wood. The Exalt’s player can choose the Ex-
cannot impose Impossible changes on the world; they must first un-
alt’s Aspect, which replaces Caste for the Dragon-Blooded. The Ex-
dertake to make those changes Plausible or Improbable.
alt is automatically bound to the appropriate Word (Sky, Earth, Fire,
Sea, or Wood, respectively), hereafter called the Aspect Word. Dragon-Blooded cannot create Artifacts with abilities analogous
to greater gifts, other than greater gifts of their Aspect Word.
Anima Flux
Dragon-Blooded benefit from the effects of Wizard’s Wrath (p. 51) Martial Arts
when their Anima Banners are at the Glowing or Iconic level; this The Dragon-Blooded Exaltation itself counts as a teacher for True
effect manifests in a way appropriate to their Aspect. Worthy Foes Strifes associated with any of Creation’s five elements. If a Dragon-
can only be affected by one such Fray die per Aspect each round. Blooded learns such a Strife, he may add the analogous Aspect Word
Dragon-Blooded are immune to the Anima Flux of other Dragon- to the list of Words he may learn (though it will not be treated as an
Blooded (regardless of Aspect). Aspect Word for him).

Great Flaw Sorcery and Necromancy

The Dragon-Blooded are not afflicted by a Great Flaw. The Dragon-Blooded can master Sorcery up to the Terrestrial Circle,
and Necromancy up to the Shadowlands Circle.
The Dragon-Blooded may bind General Words, and their Aspect
Word. Each begins bound to three Words, one of which must be Ten-Thousand Dragons
their Aspect Word. Dragon-Blooded may bind additional Words at The Dragon-Blooded are indeed weaker than their celestial coun-
a cost of two gift points apiece (rather than three). terparts. Their restricted access to greater gifts, miracle use, and
Word of Wood Impossible changes mean they often need to tackle tasks carefully,
This Word pertains to the element of Wood and all its associations: stubbornly, and in greater numbers. Some abilities will remain
growth, nourishment, instinct, abundance, cultivation, and decay permanently outside the reach of any Dragon-Blooded.
(though not reproduction). Its inherent bonuses and gifts match Yet the Dragon-Blooded are still mighty. They alone of the Ex-
those of the Fertility Word (p. 40), except for the following: alted hold the innate power over the elements; through this, they
can be almost unparalleled engines of destruction. Their Anima
• Lesser gifts: Scent the Prey (p. 33) replaces Birth Blessing. Flux makes them dangerous to almost any foe. Most importantly,
they are legion: for each of the other Exalted, there are dozens of
• Greater gifts: Lord of the Wild (p. 33) and Deplete Health (p. 42) Dragon-Blooded, bound by powerful ties of blood and loyalty.
replace Cornucopian Blessing and Sever the Line.

The Exigent Exalted

Patron Castes
The Exigent Exalted is the Chosen of a god. Their Patron is the god
The Exigent Exalted do not have Castes.
that forged the Exaltation in divine fire from its own essence, and
may or may not have survived the process. This is true even if the
Exaltation passes through an intermediary–it is the original Patron’s Great Flaw
essence that matters.
The Exigent Exalted are not afflicted with a Great Flaw.
The Patron’s nature determines several facets of the Exigent:
his Anima Banner, the nature of the Patron Word, his potential at
Sorcery and Necromancy, which martial arts are natural to it, and Words
whether it can be passed to future Exalted after its host dies. The
The Exigent Exalted may bind General Words, and their Patron’s
player and GM should outline some details regarding the Patron at
Word. Each Exigent begins bound to three Words, one of which
the outset, as this will help to design the rest of the Exalt.
must be their Patron’s Word.
Magical Themes The Patron’s Word is a de facto Word of Creation based upon
The magic of an Exigent Exalted flows from the unique purviews of that god’s portfolio and powers. As an example, a harvest god’s Ex-
his Patron. While the Exigent will generally be able to apply powers igent might have the Harvest Word, with gifts involving agriculture,
much more broadly than his Patron, the Patron’s themes will usually celebratory festivals, and literally or figuratively scything through op-
show through in how the Exigent’s magic functions. The player and position. The player and GM should work cooperatively to design
GM should ennumerate at least five appropriate magical themes. the Patron’s Word, including its gifts.

Alone among the Chosen Martial Arts

Currently, very little has been published canonically about the Ex- The Exigent’s Exaltation counts as a teacher for True Strifes associ-
igent Exalted. We only know that their powers are related to their ated with the themes of its Patron. At the GM’s discretion, past lives
divine patron. Due to this, some improvisation is necessary. may act as teachers for True Strifes (if the Exaltation reincarnates).
Each Exigent Exaltation is unique in their Exaltation’s history
and Patron, and has a Word unlikely to be posessed by any other Sorcery and Necromancy
Exalted. They also have fewer liabilities than most other Exalted
both mechanically and socially, as the Exigents are accepted al- The Exigent Exalted can generally master Sorcery up to the Celestial
most anywhere. Yet the Patron’s purview is likely to limit the Circle, and Necromancy up to the Shadowlands Circle. Exceptions
places where that power can be applied, which may lead to in- do exist: extremely weak or magically averse patrons might reduce
teresting complications and situations in play. their limits to lower Circles, while extremely powerful or magically
adept patrons might allow them to access the top Circles.

The Lunar Exalted

Patron Adapted Physique

The Lunar Exalted are the Chosen of Luna. The Lunar Exalted benefit from The Prowess of the Perfect Form (p. 230)
for determining their minimum Attributes and hit points.
Magical Themes
The magic of the Lunar Exalted flows from unsurpassed tenacity, in-
Martial Arts
stinct, adaptability, combined with the might of a force of nature and
a touch of primal chaos. Their magic is particularly capable at ma- The Lunar Exaltation itself counts as a teacher for True Strifes as-
nipulating physical form, pressuring things until they break or adapt, sociated with animals, predation, adaptation, instincts, and chaos.
and protecting chosen companions. At the GM’s discretion, past lives may act as teachers for other True
Each Lunar Exalted belongs to one of the Lunar Castes: Full Moon, Sorcery and Necromancy
Changing Moon, and No Moon. The Exalt’s player can choose the
The Lunar Exalted can master Sorcery up to the Celestial Circle, and
Exalt’s Caste. Once per scene, the Exalted may invoke a miracle re-
Necromancy up to the Labyrinth Circle.
lating to their Caste without needing to commit Effort.

Great Flaw Celestial Senses

Each Lunar Exalted has an Innate Weakness (see Godbound, p. 225) The Lunar Exalted always know the day of the lunar month; the di-
to a specific (or specifically treated) material. This weakness may be rection and distance to the nearest entrance to Creation if without,
shared with other Lunars, but is not universal to all Lunar Exalted. and to the nearest exit from Creation if within.
The Lunar’s player should select this weakness with the GM.
Additionally, Lunars have a Tell chosen by the Exalt’s player. The
Tell is a subtle but specific animal trait that is present in all their Wardens of the Wyld
forms. The Tell is usually beneath notice, as human and animal The Lunars are both ferociously powerful and highly unpre-
species frequently have odd traits in Creation. Someone in a po- dictable. There is no such thing as a fragile Lunar, the Shapeshift-
sition to carefully study the Lunar could identify the Tell, if he had ing Word is extremely flexible, and their abilities allow for incred-
previously observed it. This occurance should be quite rare, however. ibly customized builds.
Yet Lunars also have limitations. Their choice strengths in
Words some areas are balanced by weaknesses in others. If they choose
The Lunar Exalted may bind General Words, Night, Birds, and In- to adapt many new Words and gifts, they lose access to miracles
sects. Each begins bound to three Words, at least one of which must and the ability to enact world-changes. Their weakness also allows
be Alacrity, Endurance, Might, or Shapeshifting. well-prepared foes to threaten them more effectively.
A Lunar may spend one gift point to “adapt” to a Word. The Exalted fans are sometimes divided over the nature of Lunar
Exalt may the Word’s intrinsic abilities and bind its gifts, but can- themes and what powers they should have. The open gift selection
not use it for mundane tasks, miracles, or Influence and Dominion allows GMs and players to tailor Lunars to their liking, whether
projects. A Lunar may adapt to any Word in this way, though the Ex- that means staying to the canonical or drawing inspiration from
alt’s magical themes still limit its use. Given sufficently long stretches fan-works like Terrifying Argent Witches.
of downtime, adaptations can usually be changed.

The Sidereal Exalted

Patron Martial Arts

The Sidereal Exalted are the Chosen of the Maidens of Destiny. In addition to being Skilled in Strife (p. 226), all Sidereals can learn
or develop any Strife by observing related phenomena, even without
the aid of a teacher. Some Strife techniques have benefits exclusive
Magical Themes to Sidereal adepts. Further, all Sidereals begin with one True Strife
The magic of the Sidereal Exalted flows from disciplined practice, fully mastered, at no cost.
cosmic martial arts, and being able to both read destiny and alter fate.
Their magic is particularly capable at discerning and altering cause- Sorcery and Necromancy
and-effect relationships, creating desired downstream consequences. The Sidereal Exalted can master Sorcery up to the Celestial Circle,
and Necromancy up to the Labyrinth Circle.
Celestial Senses
Each Sidereal Exalted belongs to one of the five Sidereal Castes: Jour- The Sidereal Exalted always know the month of the year, the direc-
neys, Serenity, Battles, Secrets, or Endings. The Exalt’s player can tion and distance to the nearest entrance to Yu Shan if without, and
choose the Exalt’s Caste. The Caste counts as a bonus fact benefit- the direction and distance to the nearest exit from Yu Shan if within.
ing any action relating to its role, aptitudes, and talents (as described
in Exalted). Additionally, once per scene, the Exalted may invoke a
miracle relating to their Caste without needing to commit Effort. Masters of Fate
The Sidereal Exalted have a powerful array of abilities. Their spe-
cial Words enable more clever, indirect play, while martial arts
Great Flaw
can allow a lot of customization and combat power. Additionally,
The Sidereal Exalted have Undestined Powers and Limits (p. 232), they have access to information from Fate, which often provides
which prevents them from using Dominion to change the world ex- vital clues as to how to direct their attention. This encourages a
cept through a proxy, and causes their identity and deeds to become behind the scenes playstyle, while still enabling a direct approach.
confused and forgotten over the course of a few months or years. Yet Sidereals do face some difficulties. In particular, their
smaller selection of Words and need for proxies can limit their
Words ability to enact the world changes they desire. It also affects the
reliability of critical capabilities and friends day-to-day. This is
The Sidereal Exalted may bind General Words, Fate, Luck, and in addition to the stresses being a functionary of Heaven entails.
Time. Each Sidereal begins bound to three Words, at least one of Even as a bureaucrat, a Sidereal’s life will always be interesting.
which must be Fate.

The Abyssal Exalted

Patron Words
The Abyssal Exalted are the Chosen of the Deathlords. The Abyssal Exalted may bind General Words, Death, and Lich King.
Each Abyssal begins bound to four Words, at least one of which must
Magical Themes be Death or Lich King.
The magic of the Abyssal Exalted flows from the pinnacle of human
skill, supplemented by the irresistible gravity of death, entropy, and
Martial Arts
oblivion. Their magic is particularly capable at ending life and inter-
acting with the dead. The Abyssal Exaltation itself counts as a teacher for True Strifes as-
sociated with darkness, death, despair, or vengeance. At the GM’s
Castes discretion, past lives may act as teachers for other True Strifes.
Each Abyssal Exalted belongs to one of the five Solar Castes: Dusk,
Midnight, Daybreak, Day, or Moonshadow. The Exalt’s player can Sorcery and Necromancy
choose the Exalt’s Caste. The Caste counts as a bonus fact benefit-
The Abyssal Exalted can master Sorcery up to the Celestial Circle,
ing any action relating to its role, aptitudes, and talents (as described
and Necromancy up to the Void Circle.
in Exalted). Additionally, once per scene, the Exalted may invoke a
miracle relating to their Caste without needing to commit Effort.
Celestial Senses
Great Flaw The Abyssal Exalted always know the direction and distance of the
The Abyssal Exalted resonate with Oblivion and are dissonant with nearest Shadowland.
life and its positive associations. The Abyssal will occassionally feel
compelled to further some dark inclination of the Neverborn. These
usually involve the destruction of things particularly hated by the Champions of the Dead
Neverborn, but may occassionally involve something to ensure the If the Solars are the long-lost lords of Creation, Abyssals are
Abyssal does not become attached to Creation. the long-sought champions of the dead. They possess the same
When the established trigger occurs, the Abyssal is compelled to strengths, and are a source of inspiration to those in need. Almost
respond accordingly. If that response causes the Exalted some extra everything said for the Solars goes for their Abyssal counterparts.
difficulty (whether immediate or in the future), they gain a point of The primary differences in play likely relate to where they are
Dominion. An Exalt cannot gain more than one point of Dominion and who they interact with. The Solars are often free agents, and
per session this way. likely reside primarily in Creation. Abyssals are mentored by the
The Exalted may suppress the compulsion, but they must com- most powerful actors in the Underworld: the Deathlords, will
mit Effort until the next time they yield to the compulsion. This likely spend much of their time there, have frequent interactions
allows them to ignore all such compulsions for the remainder of the with the Dead, and may find themselves unwelcome in Creation.
session or day (whichever is longer).

The Infernal Exalted

Patron Words
The Infernal Exalted are the Chosen of the Yozi. The Yozi are the The Infernal Exalted may bind General Words, and Yozi Names.
mutilated and forsaken architects of Creation, creatures of immea- Each Infernal begins bound to four Words, at least one of which
surable size, vast purviews, and alien thought. must be their Patron’s Yozi Name.

Magical Themes Martial Arts

The Infernal Exaltation itself counts as a teacher for True Strifes as-
The magic of the Infernal Exalted flows from the Yozi to whom they
sociated with pure expressiveness, primal force, or outright malevo-
are bound. Each Yozi’s set of themes is incredibly unique, broad,
lence. At the GM’s discretion, past lives may act as teachers for other
detailed, and beyond the scope of this document to reproduce (see
True Strifes.
The Manual of Exalted Power: The Infernals, pp. 105-107).
Powers derived from a bound Yozi Name must keep to the themes Sorcery and Necromancy
of the namesake Yozi. Infernal powers derived from other Words still
The Infernal Exalted can master Sorcery up to the Solar Circle, and
need to comply with a Yozi’s themes, but it can be any Yozi whose
Necromancy up to the Labyrinth Circle.
Name the Infernal has bound.
Celestial Senses
The Infernal Exalted always know the direction and distance to the
Each Infernal Exalted belongs to one of the five Castes: Slayer, Male- nearest entrance to Malfeas if without, and the direction and distance
factor, Defiler, Sourge, or Fiend. The Exalt’s player can choose the to the nearest exit from Malfeas if within.
Exalt’s Caste. The Caste counts as a bonus fact benefiting any action
relating to its role, aptitudes, and talents (as described in Exalted).
Additionally, once per scene, the Exalted may invoke a miracle relat- Princes of Hell
ing to their Caste without needing to commit Effort. The Infernal Exalted are a mighty force unleashed on Creation.
They posess the raw power of a Solar or Abyssal Exalted, but are
Great Flaw something different. All are natural sorcerers, monsters in the
making, and have the backing of Hell itself. Instead of being
Each Infernal has particular urges, which epitomize an aspect of their
champions of others as Solars and Abyssals might be, they are
Patron’s nature. The Exalt’s player chooses the specific urge and the
champions of themselves. The Infernal Exaltation is about the
sorts of situations in which it manifests.
actualization of will as a cosmic principle, whether the Yozi’s will
When the established trigger occurs, the Infernal is compelled to or that of the Exalt.
respond accordingly. If that response causes the Exalted some extra Yet, their benefactors’ evil designs likely do not align with the
difficulty (whether immediate or in the future), they gain a point of Infernals’ long term interests. They may be celebrities in Malfeas,
Dominion. An Exalt cannot gain more than one point of Dominion but few there can truly be trusted. Moreover, their powers are
per session this way. constrained by the alien nature that is the source. The only so-
The Exalted may suppress the compulsion, but they must com- lution left to the Infernal is to redefine themselves in accordance
mit Effort until the next time they yield to the compulsion. This with a purpose only they know, and then impose that reality on
allows them to ignore all such compulsions for the remainder of the everyone else–not unlike those who came before.
session or day (whichever is longer).

Yozi Names
Yozi Names are Words distilling and expressing the essence of a Yozi’s Greater Gifts of Adorjan
themes and powers. The Words themselves are not literally the Yozi,
their powers, or their their soul-hierarchy. They are simply a way Cyclone of Knives On Turn
through which the Chosen can manifest some part of a Yozi’s nature Commit Effort. For the duration, your Fray die increases to 1d12
(see The Manual of Exalted Power: The Infernals, pp. 105-107). and harms all foes in sight, including worthy foes and allies.
Yozi Names provides tremendous versatility for invoking miracles
and changing the world with Influence or Dominion. However, the Detach From Meaning Action
Yozi’s nature sharply circumscribes this power. Binding additional Commit Effort for the day. Everyone within 200 feet immediately
Yozi Names also makes an Infernal’s General Words more flexible becomes non-magically hidden in their current position (including
by expanding the thematic options for their use. yourself). Everyone except you recognizes that they are hiding, but
Binding a Yozi Name also allows a character to bind associated cannot recall why they are hiding or what they were previously doing.
gifts. All gifts of Yozi Name are treated (and costed) as greater gifts: Worthy foes can negate this with a successful Spirit save.
the titans are too grand to deal in lesser powers.

Greater Gifts Faster Than Thought (Smite) Instant

As the Alacrity gift of the same name (p. 30).
Devil-Heart Shintai Manifestation Action
The Infernal can transform into a terrible form called a Shintai. The
Shintai’s appearance and gifts are chosen by the Infernal upon ini- Gust of Unanticipated Demise Constant
tially binding this gift. Shintai may be significantly larger or smaller Whenever you attack an unsuspecting foe (from hiding, when they
than a human, and may have bestial features or other cosmetic dis- are distracted, etc.), your damage is read straight and is maximized.
tinctions. When choosing the Shintai’s gifts, the Infernal’s player
may choose gifts from any Word (regardless of whether the Infernal Perpetual Motion Pattern On Turn
could ordinarily bind it, and with the GM’s permission), and may Commit Effort. Your movement speeds are doubled (to a minimum
spend as many Gift points as the Infernal possesses. Gifts selected of 60 feet), and you may start your move before your standard action
cannot be changed later, but the Shintai gains new gift points at the and finish your move after. Opponents in melee no longer get an
same rate as the Infernal. Instant free attack when you move out of range. Provided you con-
Transforming into their Shintai takes an action and requires tinue moving, you never need to eat, sleep, or otherwise rest.
committing Effort for the day. It grants the following traits:
• It uses the Infernal’s Attributes, Base Attack Bonus, Effort, Whispers Fade Away Action
Saves, and Move speed. Commit Effort for the day. Silence any number of targets within
• Its AC is 5; this can only be modified by gifts. earshot, including yourself. Targets cease making any audible sounds
until the end of the scene or until you release them. Worthy foes
• It has Level × 3 hit points; this cannot be modified. It has full can negate this with a successful Hardiness save.
hit points the first time it is used each day.
• It can attack twice per action.
• Its natural melee attacks inflict 1d8 damage. Greater Gifts of Cecelyne
• Its Fray die is 1d12. Arbitrary-Prohibition Trap Action
Commit Effort for the day, choose any number of targets in sight,
• It can only use its assigned gifts, and no other powers.
and assert some law of personal conduct. This law should be a single,
• It cannot use Miracles, except to defensively dispel. simple sentence. For the rest of the scene, the chosen targets must
obey that law, provided the results would not be outright suicidal or
The Infernal reverts to his usual shape at the end of the scene,
emotionally intolerable. Worthy foes can ignore this law with a suc-
when the Shintai is reduced to zero hit points, or when the Infernal
cessful Spirit save. This law also has no hold on your clear superiors.
uses an action to revert to their normal form. If the Shintai was re-
duced to zero hit points, the Infernal loses their next turn and all but
one of their hit points; otherwise, the Infernals pre-transformation Cross the Desolation Constant
hit points are restored. The Shintai can only be used once per scene, You are immune to hazards of temperature, always succeed in forag-
and any injuries or lost hit points affect it when invoked in subse- ing, and double your traveling speed in wastelands. By walking for
quent scenes that day. five full days into any wasteland, you may gradually cross into The
An Infernal must be fourth level or higher to bind this gift, and Endless Desert. Conversely, by walking for five full days into the
it may be bound as a gift of any Yozi Name. This gift’s effects cannot Endless Desert, you may cross into any wasteland in Creation that
be replicated by a Miracle. you choose.

Desert-Radiating Presence Action Wrathful King’s Grasp Action
Commit Effort for the day. The land you designate within a 10 mile You utterly crush any object you hold, regardless of its construction
radius becomes an utter wasteland. The area becomes at least as or magical properties. You can affect distinct parts of larger objects,
inhospitable to life as a desert, and devoid of useful resources. Veg- like ship masts or support pillars. If used on a partially-restrained
etation dies instantly. If used as a gift (and not a miracle), you may or grappled foe, you deal 1d12 straight damage. If that foe is fully
destroy a terrain-based Faction feature. You may leave oases within: immobilized, you deal 1d12 straight damage per level instead.
small areas of immense abundance.

Desire-Fulfilling Enslavement Action Greater Gifts of She Who Lives In Her Name
Present to a nearby person an object of great desire to him (money,
love, prestige, or anything else). For as long as he has that object, he Capacity-Restoring Will Action
must obey your orders. Lesser foes automatically accept the object. Choose a damaged person or thing. You restore that person or
Worthy foes can refuse or discard the object, and may resist each thing, as either Faultless Repair (p. 32) or Flesh Made True (p. 42).
such order with a successful Spirit save. Restorations are focused on an ideal that suits you, which may mean
omitting some fixes or adding small features that help you, even if
Manifest the Endless On Turn they hinder the victim or item’s intended function (GM’s discretion
Commit Effort. You can take actions as if you were a large mob (vast on specifics).
mob, if fifth level or higher). This allows you to act in multiple places
simultaneously or attack large numbers of foes at once. Your attacks Chaos-Purging Method On Turn
against mobs deal straight damage. Commit Effort for the day. Each round, as an action, you may negate
any low-magic or theurgy effect active or spell in the midst of being
Obeissance-Enforcing Aura On Turn cast. You may also alter the Wyld (and Fair Folk) as per the Artifice
Commit Effort. Your attacks automatically hit demons, gods, your gift Transmuter (p. 32).
worshipers, your servants, or your subordinates that are lesser foes,
and you have an invincible defense against them. For each extra Ef-
fort committed, you may extend these benefits to one extra person. Memory-Vivisection Inquiry Action
Commit Effort for the scene, and choose a target in sight and some-
thing you want to know from them. You dredge the most relevant
Greater Gifts of Malfeas memories to the top of the target’s mind and know them. This is
traumatic; victims are left catatonic for a day or more. Worthy foes
Eternal Brass Body Constant can resist the dredging with a successful Spirit save, and suffer a -4
All damage dealt to you is reduced by one. You recover from any penalty to all Attribute checks for the rest of the day rather than
crippling conditions within 15 minutes of suffering such injury. You being rendered catatonic.
are immune to any effects based on inflicting pain.

Inescapable Viridian Radiance On Turn

Mind-Ideal Expression On Turn
Commit Effort. You can manipulate objects telekinetically out to a
Commit Effort. You emit green light out to the horizon that pierces
range of 200 feet. You can also wield your mind as a magical weapon
all obstacles (especially buildings) which could conceal the presence
with the same range, dealing a 1d10 damage die by throwing ene-
and actions of creatures. Everything touched by your light is revealed
mies, cutting them with blades of mental force, or burning them
to anyone in sight, and mundane or magical attempts at stealth or
with crystal fire. You can also fly at your usual movement rate, and
disguise (other than those of the Deception Word) are defeated.
can hover in place.
Mantle of Sovereign Will Constant
You are immune to any attempt at mental influence or persuasion, Perfected-Field Manifestation On Turn
magical or otherwise. You may consider such influences, but they Commit Effort. Each round, as an action, you can create shapes of
hold no exceptional persuasive power. You may also take a single crystallized fire or force-fields. These creations can be any shape less
action against anyone who attempts an act of persuasion at Instant than 20 feet across, provided they have at least two symmetries. Trap-
speed and as if you stood beside them. This gift does not immunize ping or harming opponents functions as walls and zones of danger
you from being misinformed or the gifts of the Deception Word. (p. 27). These creations last as long as you commit the Effort.

Thrall-Making Shout Action Self-Optimizing Agenda Constant

As the Command gift of the same name (p. 35). Whenever you make a plan, you automatically recognize all po-
tential vulnerabilities based on available information. As the plan
Withering Balefire Flare On Turn progresses, any problems became instantly obvious to you, as do pos-
Commit Effort. You wield green corrosive fire as a magical weapon sible contingencies to address them. You also gain the benefits of
dealing 1d10 damage with a range of 200 feet. You gain the effects the Deception gift Deceiver’s Unblinking Eye (p. 37).
of Nimbus of Flame (p. 41), save that it affects attackers at any range.

Greater Gifts of The Ebon Dragon
The Roar of the Devil-Tiger
Some Infernals who live long enough may chaff under the will of
Assume the Dark Reflection Action
the titans to whom they are bound. The Yozi are creatures of vast
Commit Effort and choose a person you know well. You become a
power and will, but that will is alien and not the Exalt’s, and that
Perfect Masquerade of that person (p. 37). You lose all your powers
power is only a lure. To be so close to the font of power from
(Words, Gifts, low magic, Theurgy, Strifes, and Shintai) except for
which Creation arose is tantalizing, and to not be able to express
The Ebon Dragon Word and its gifts, and gain the powers of the
it as one wishes is insulting.
chosen person instead. You may only use that person’s powers in
An Infernal can cast aside the Yozi’s will and assert their own,
ways appropriate to The Ebon Dragon Word. If you choose to end
in a moment of profound revelation. Such an Infernal must be
this gift, that person can never again be chosen. This Gift automati-
level 6 or higher, with at least three bound Yozi Names. It will be
cally ends if the chosen person dies.
up to the GM when an appropriate moment has occured, and if
any rituals besides are required.
Upon this proclamation, the Infernal permanently and irrevo-
Bitter Nemesis Perspective Action cably loses all Yozi Names he has bound. In their place, he gains
Commit Effort and choose a person. You become that person’s a new Name, and it is his own. Creating this Word is akin to
nemesis: you instantly learn everything that person loves and hates, creating a concept Word (Lexicon of the Throne, p. 38), and
and take the opposite attitude towards those things. Your attacks, is a cooperative exercise between the player and the GM. This
saves, and Attribute checks to oppose that person gain a +4 bonus. Word will resemble a Yozi Name in that it has themes of powers,
Worthy foes can make a Spirit save to not have their attitudes in- styles, and personality. The powers should be a blend of aspects
stantly discovered, but those attitudes are automatically revealed if from the various powers the Infernal previously posessed, espe-
you observe relevant behavior. cially those from their Yozi Names. The stylistic and personality
aspects should be a reflection of the Exalt’s taṇhā. These are his
deepest, intransient desires: his aspirations, preferred methods,
Body of Lies Constant objects of fascination, philosophical principles, relationships, and
You gain the benefits of the Deception gifts Deceiver’s Unblinking so forth. These are carried to a point of spiritual fetishization: an
Eye and Liar’s Flawless Grace (p. 37). Additionally, attempts to Infernal fascinated by fire will find that many of his powers work
divine your location, nature, or mind, or fate return whatever you by burning away things or leaving them alight in the aftermath,
wish for them to (rather than the truth). while another craving supremacy will find his powers often func-
tion by subjugating others. The Infernal’s player and GM should
ennumerate a list of themes for the Infernal’s taṇhā, which may
Heroics-Thwarting Miasma (Smite) Instant evolve over time as the Infernal becomes more in touch with his
With a glance, you can tell if an action in sight is against your inter- deeper self. The player and GM should then draft a set of at
ests or if it is motivated by positive intents for others (such as helping least six greater gifts to act as chief manifestations of the Infer-
or protecting friends and loved ones). You may commit Effort for nal’s Name.
the day to cause such actions to fail. The Infernal immediately is refunded the gift point value of the
lost Yozi Names, minus the cost for his new Name. He may also
refund or keep old gifts associated with the Yozi Names, depend-
ing on how they suit his new themes. Any refunded points can
Soul-Corrupting Venom On Turn be spent on new gifts immediately.
Commit Effort. Your attacks deliver a curse of pure antagonism. The Infernal is forever changed by this. No longer imprisoned
This does not affect the attacks’ damage or range, but they become by the trappings of the Yozi, his bindings are his own taṇhā. Truth
magical weapons. Foes struck by your attacks are blinded (p. 169), to himself has new meaning, as it is the font of all his power. He
they can no longer regain hit points, and they are now considered may be changed physically, such as in altered appearance or anima
a creature of darkness. The first time a worthy foe is struck during banner. Even if not obvious, a dedicated and clever servant of the
a scene, he can make a Hardiness save to become immune to these Yozi will be able to reveal this.
effects for the scene. The world is changed too, by his actions. The Infernal has em-
blazoned his name on Creation itself. His will is now akin to a
Yozi Name, and Names have power. At the least, the successor
Sudden But Inevitable Betrayal Action to his Exaltation will bear his Name, and other nascent Infernals
Commit Effort for the scene and choose a person in sight. That might seek it out for power and patronage as well. His name might
person is cursed such that their emotions are inverted with respect be evoked by magi for powerful rituals and glorious artifice. Per-
to their subjects—that which he once loved, he now hates; that which haps the seeds of truth spun into the world will one day lead to
he once enjoyed, he now fears; and so forth. Worthy foes can resist a result the Devil-Tiger never could have anticipated; and on that
this with a successful Spirit saving throw. day he will in spirit be as every other creator before and after.

The Alchemical Exalted

Patron Words
The Alchemical Exalted are the Chosen of Autochthon. Alchemicals follow all the rules for creating and playing The Arrayed
(p. 227), except that they cannot install more than two Word echo
Magical Themes links using gift slots, and their permanently bound Word must be
The magic of the Alchemical Exalted flows from divine despiration, one of three specific to their Caste.
loyalty to a greater society, technological development and improvi-
sation, mechanical expertise, and modular design. • Orichalcum Caste: Knowledge, Might, or Sun

Castes • Moonsilver Caste: Alacrity, Deception, or Shapeshifting

Each Alchemical Exalted belongs to one of the six Alchemical Castes:
Orichalcum, Moonsilver, Jade, Starmetal, Soulsteel, and Adamant. • Jade Caste: Command, Earth, or Endurance
The Exalt’s player can choose the Exalt’s Caste. The Caste counts as
• Starmetal Caste: Alacrity, Knowledge, or Sorcery
a bonus fact benefiting any action relating to its role, aptitudes, and
talents (as described in Exalted). Additionally, once per scene, the • Soulsteel Caste: Command, Death, or Endurance
Exalted may invoke a miracle relating to their Caste without needing
to commit Effort. • Adamant Caste: Deception, Fate, or Might

Great Flaw At levels 4 and 6 an Alchemical can bind the Colossus and Polis
An Alchemical Exalted are not afflicted with a Great Flaw. Words, respectively. These Words do not occupy Word or gift slots,
though they do require intensive ritual overhauls at a Vats complex.
Tools of a Titan Each overhaul requires a specified amount of celestial shards and
Dominion, which may come from the Exalt or others.
The Alchemical Exalted do not have the raw power or en-
durance of the other Exalted, at least not at first. What they do Restricted Power: Miracles
have is tremendous adaptability: with the time and resources to An Alchemical Exalted cannot use miracles to replicate greater gifts
prepare, an Alchemical can equip the right gifts to tackle any situ- of slotted Word echo links.
ation. However, they have fewer gifts and less Effort, which limits
their capabilities. Planning and preaparation are essential. Martial Arts
Much like in Exalted, Alchemicals can eventually become
Colossi or Poleis. Each stage grants a tremendous increase in size The Alchemical Exaltation itself counts as a teacher for True Strifes
and potentially power, but radically alters the playstyle. Alchem- associated with machinery, industry, or the role of their Caste. At the
icals may become even more powerful than their counterparts, GM’s discretion, past lives may act as teachers for other True Strifes.
but their mobility and capacity for adventure is limited. GMs and
players should consider the impact each evolution will have on Sorcery, Necromancy, and Protocols
the character and the game as a whole. Alchemical Exalted can master Man-Machine and God-Machine Pro-
tocols, but cannot learn Sorcery or Necromancy.

Only Alchemicals of fourth level or higher can bind the Colossus Phantom Zone Projection Array Action
Word. Binding the Word of Colossus represents transformation of Commit Effort. You and those within you are banished into Else-
the Alchemical Exalted into a living warstrider-temple. This Word where. You and they can act normally, and have an invincible de-
cannot be used for miracles. fense against being located. You and they cannot perceive the outside
world save by a Simulcast Sentience Simulacrum. Once this gift is deac-
Upon binding this Word, the Alchemical selects a sacred arma-
tivated, you and those within you return to the point where you left
ture (p. 206) which will become his new body. He must be at least
on first activating this gift. If you die in Elsewhere, your body and
level 6 to select a medium-class armature, and at least level 8 to select
those within are returned. Activating or inactivating this gift takes
a large-class armature. Constructing this armature costs Dominion
one full hour.
and celestial shards normally, and the transition to this new body
involves complex rituals. He may transition to a new armature later,
Simulcast Sentience Simulacrum Constant
though the rituals must be conducted anew, and any increase in the
You may create and deploy a “drone” copy of your pre-Colossus,
Dominion and celestial shard cost must be paid.
human-size form. Making a drone requires one month and con-
The Alchemical gains a shape and size similar to the armature, as sumes one Celestial Shard. This drone shares all your traits and
well as its movement type(s) and speed. He may use the armature’s abilities except those related to the Colossus or Polis Word. It draws
AC and saving throws if those values are better than his own. He can from your Effort, Influence, and Dominion, but takes damage inde-
lift, carry, or break objects that would make sense for the armature’s pendently, and is destroyed if reduced to zero hit points. You can
size and form. He also gains a number of bonus hit points equal to only consciously control either your body or the drone; once per
the armature’s hit dice; these hit points are always lost first, and can scene, you may shift which you are controlling. The uncontrolled
only be restored via the same processes that would be required to re- body or drone becomes inactive unless attacked, which activates a
pair and maintain a godwalker (p. 205). Finally, he gains a number defensive autopilot. You may only have one drone at a time.
of Void component slots based on his armature class, which may be
used to install any divine component other than a divine actuator (p. Transcendent Temple Symbiosis Constant
208). Small-class armatures grant one slot, medium-class armatures Your internal structure is altered to house an amount of people up
grant two slots, and large-class armatures grant three slots. to a Power 1 Faction. Your body provides enough resources and
amenities for them to live comfortably inside of you indefinitely.
Elsewhere technology creates larger space on the inside for them and
Lesser Gifts does necessarily match the outside proportions of your armature.
You may also choose one Feature to grant the Faction; this Feature
All-Purpose Fabrication Multiplex Constant
may be changed with a retrofitting operation during downtime.
When binding this gift, choose a Feature. Any faction you reside
with gains that Feature for the duration of your presence. When
the faction uses Dominion to create improbable changes related to
Greater Gifts
the Feature, those changes become plausible instead. This benefit
only applies if you remain with the faction for the project’s duration. Divine Ordinance Oblation Mechanism On Turn
You may bind this gift any number of times, gaining an additional Commit Effort. Whenever you make your first attack in a round, you
Feature each time. can immediately make one extra attack against any target in range.
This extra attack cannot benefit from effects that would cause it to
automatically hit, maximize damage, or produce additional attacks.
Heroism Advancing Sepulcher Constant
Everyone housed inside of your frame cannot be targeted or harmed Heaven Stairway Translocation Nexus Constant
until the bonus hit points granted by the Colossus Word are fully You house Elsewhere tunnels that connect directly to allied Vats
depleted. Even thereafter, your self-defensive gifts and miracles ap- Complex. These can transport creatures and objects as large as a
ply to them as well, and they use your AC and saving throws if those man in the case of small-class armatures, scaling up to the size of
values are better than theirs (determine before rolling). You can com- a two-oxen cart for large-class armatures. It takes one day to cross
mit Effort to enable such protected individuals to also make attacks through the Elsewhere tunnel to arrive at the destination.
while under your protection, using the better of their or your base
attack bonus, damage, and range. War-Populous Community Center Action
Commit Effort for the day to launch a swarm of violent machine
Hyper-Adaptive Resource Deposit Point Constant spirits from hangars installed within your frame. This counts as a
You gain one Void component slot, which may be used to install any 20-HD Brazen Legion (pg. 153) with any extra movement types and
appropriately sized divine component other than a divine actuator speed you have. They must be commanded by you and cannot stray
(p. 208). You may bind this gift any number of times, gaining one more than 300 meters without deactivating. You can activate this
additional Void component slot each time. gift a maximum number of times per day based on your armature
size: 1 for a small-class, 2 for a medium-class, and 3 for a large-class.

Only Alchemicals of sixth level or higher can bind the Polis Word. Destruction
Binding the Word of Polis represents transformation of the Exalt into A Polis can be destroyed in two ways. The first is through destruction
a living city, embodyment of the Autocthonian state, and guardian of the Alchemical’s soul gem. This requires an enemy to locate it,
of Autocthon himself. This Word cannot be used for miracles. fight past its defenses, and reduce the Alchemical to zero hit points.
Binding this Word requires a complex ritual, 30 Dominion The second is maintenance failure. Physical and spiritual Prob-
points, and 6 celestial shards. Initially, this permits the Alchemical lems afflict a Polis as well as its citizen faction. If the Trouble such
to install a Birth of the Metropolis echo link (p. 178), and nothing Problems amount to would overwhelm the largest faction the Polis
more. When the Alchemical arrives at a location worthy to found has ever held, the Polis succumbs. While difficulties such as social
their Polis, they activate that gift. Their body unfurls into a living problems are not counted, they can destroy the citizen faction, thus
cityscape, and they can realize the rest of their Polis powers. dooming the Polis from lack of maintenance.
In the event that a Polis dies from either event, the city begins to
Polis Traits rapidly crumble. It provides no further amenities, and soon transi-
The Alchemical no longer can move under their own power, and ef- tions from a place of shelter to danger for its inhabitants.
fectively has no physical body with which to directly manipulate the
world. As an action, he can place their persepective at any vantage Lesser Gifts
point they choose in the Polis; he can activate gifts or take actions
using muncipal infrastructure at the site. Birth of the Metropolis
Foes can attack the Features, gifts, or citizen faction of the Polis As the City-Seed gift of the same name (p. 178).
without directly harming the Alchemical himself. Only effects di-
rected at his soul gem can cause him injury, and he has an invincible Courage of the Multitude
defense against all such effects whose sources are not in the imme- As the Cities gift of the same name (Lexicon of the Throne, p. 14).
diate presence of his soul gem. He gains 50 bonus hit points, but
may only apply his self-defensive traits to his soul gem. He loses the One of the Many
ability to enter a divine fury (p. 21) upon reaching zero hit points, As the Cities gift of the same name (Lexicon of the Throne, p. 14).
and instantly dies instead.
The Alchemical also gains a number of Void component slots Sire of Stone and Street
equal to twice the Power of his citizen faction, which may be used to As the Cities gift of the same name (Lexicon of the Throne, p. 14).
install any divine component other than a divine actuator (p. 208).
If the Alchemical had bound the Colossus Word, he loses all Unseen Barricades
benefits of that Word. The gift Advanced Simulacrum Support Bay will As the Cities gift of the same name (Lexicon of the Throne, p. 14).
enable him to create a drone which benefits from the Colossus Word
and its gifts, even if the Alchemical cannot directly use these abilities. Word on the Street
If he has not bound Colossus before Polis, he may still do so after- As the Cities gift of the same name (Lexicon of the Throne, p. 14),
wards to enable creation of Colossus drones. save that it only functions within the city that is the Polis.

The Citizen Faction

A citizen faction generally comes to settle the Polis shortly after its Greater Gifts
founding. The Alchemical does not control this faction, but may Advanced Simulacrum Support Bay Constant
communicate with its leadership. The faction performs vital mainte- This gift functions as the Colossus gift Simulcast Sentience Simulacrum,
nance on the Polis, provides essential crews for most muncipal-level save that you may create two drones, one for each of your human-
gifts, and may serve as the Alchemical’s cult. The faction’s Power de- form and Colossus-form. The latter gains the benefits of the Colos-
pends on its population: Power 1 if less than 30,000 people, Power sus Word and any Colossus gift echo links you have installed. The
2 if between 30,001 and one million people, and Power 3 if over cost to make or replace them is unchanged, but does not include
one million people. The Alchemical’s level must exceed the faction’s the cost of any divine components outfitting the Colossus drone
Power by 5 to support it. (and these will be lost if the drone is destroyed). You are still lim-
Select a number of Features and points of Problems equal to ited to controlling only either one drone or your Polis self at any time.
the Power of the largest citizen faction the Alchemical has ever held.
These represent key physical, spiritual, geographic, or geomantic ad- Vats Complex On Turn
vantages or failings of the Polis: resource deposits, helpful or dan- Commit Effort. You have a Vats Complex capable of supporting
gerous neighbors, or degenerating systems. They are permanent, the removal, installation, creation, and repair of Alchemical gift and
and can never be lost or ameliorated. Neither the Alchemical nor Word echo links, including your own. This site can also be used
their faction can use Dominion to permanently enhance their own to overhaul the systems of Alchemicals, and in the rarest of circum-
features, though the Alchemical can create temporary features with stances (as determined by the GM) to create new ones.
Influence. If further Problems are aquired in play, the faction can
address them with Dominion but the Alchemical cannot.

Gameplay Changes

Demesnes, Manses and Hearthstones Artifacts
Demesnes are rated on a 1-5 scale, depending on the raw power that Artifacts costing greater than 15 Dominion require one or more
can be drawn from them. While certain rituals may require demesnes hearthstones to function. Each full 15 points of Dominion cost re-
of specific power and aspect, their utility is rather limited. quires one Effort from a hearthstone to be committed. This committ-
Manses allow full exploitation of a demesne. Building a manse is ment must be maintained while the artifact is in use; removing the
much like creating an artifact, save that time and labor requirements hearthstone will turn off the artifact until it is replaced. The hearth-
are as constructing a large, mystically significant building. The con- stone’s Effort is committed for the day on the artifact’s first use, and
stant greater gift Taming the Dragonline allows the owner of the manse unavailable for other purposes (including other artifacts). If a hearth-
to harmonize with it for five years at a time (rather than a day), in- stone powering an artifact is removed and returned to the same ar-
creases his Effort by the rating of the underlying demesne while he tifact that day, the artifact will resume functioning. Artifacts vary in
is within the manse, and allows him to claim a hearthstone from the how many hearthstones they support: some need a single, powerful
manse. The manse may contain other powers, and is treated as if it hearthstone while some can use multiple, lesser hearthstones.
had Effort equal to its underlying demesne level.
Hearthstones allow the bearer (if harmonized to the source Warstriders
manse) to recover Effort more quickly, regardless of how far they are Warstriders use the rules for godwalkers (p. 202), with a few excep-
from the source manse. A hearthstone has Effort equal to one-half tions. First, the pilot can use their miracles, gifts, and techniques
the source manse’s demesne, rounded up. As an action, the bearer if they would make sense for the armature. Second, the pilot may
may commit one Effort from the hearthstone for the day; doing so supplement the godwalker’s Effort with his own. Third, godwalker
causes one Effort he previously committed for the day to instead be pilots do not suffer sympathetic damage. Finally, the warstrider ar-
committed until the end of the scene. Some hearthstones provide a mature, engine, and all components are treated as a single artifact of
lesser gift to the bearer at a cost of providing less Effort; a gift that their total Dominion cost for calculating hearthstone requirements.
requires Effort reduces the hearthstone’s Effort by one, a gift that
does not require Effort reduce the hearthstone’s effort by two.

Immaterial Creatures
An immaterial (or dematerialized) creature cannot interact with mat- Hurry Home Action
ter. They are generally imperceptible to material creatures without Commit Effort for the day. At the start of your next turn, you vanish
the aid of magic (though they can still sense the material world). from your current location and reappear in your spirit sanctum (or
They cannot affect or move objects, attack, or be attacked except similar lair). If you have been bound to a summoner, you instead
with magic or magical weapons. Creatures can only be immaterial appear by their side. This greater gift is only available to spirits.
in Creation; in all other realms (Yu Shan, Malfeas, the Underworld,
the Wyld, Autochthonia), all creatures are always materialized. The Spirit-Vanquishing Approach On Turn
following three gifts relate to immaterial creatures: Commit Effort. You may see, hear, or otherwise sense immaterial
creatures. You may interact with those beings as if they were material
Dematerialize/Materialize Action (allowing you to attack them), if you wish. If you reduce a spirit
Commit Effort for the day. If you are a naturally material creature, to 0 Hit Dice, you may permanently and utterly destroy that spirit.
you dematerialize for up to a day. Conversely, if you are a naturally Spirits instantly know that you have bound this gift. Exalted who
immaterial creature, you materialize for up to a day. You may return have mastered a True Strife, been initiated into Primordial Magic,
to your natural state by ending the gift. This lesser gift is only avail- or bound Words relating to awareness or mysticism may bind this
able to spirits. ability as a lesser gift. Miracles cannot replicate this gift.

Ritual and Primordial Magic

Thaumaturgy Adapting Spells

Thaumaturgy and other types of lesser ritual or prayer magic use the The spells of Godbound and Exalted are largely thematic and
rules for Low Magic (p. 56). narrative effects, rather than deeply mechanical ones. As such,
compatibility is a minor issue between systems, and both sources
Sorcery, Necromancy, and provide usable spells. In some specific cases, an Exalted spell has
a specific mechanical effect, in which case some translation may
Protocols be necessary.

Sorcery Spells, Necromancy Spells, and Protocols use the rules for
Theurgic Invocations (p. 62), except as noted otherwise. Each of the
The seemingly substantial differences between Sorcery and Necro-
three ascending Theurgy degrees is analagous to the respective cir-
mancy are sometimes more stylistic than functional. While there
cles of Primordial magic; eg: Invocations of the Gate are analagous
are some things only a single art can do (such as summoning
to Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, Shadowlands Circle Necromancy, and
demons with Sorcery, or raising the dead with Necromancy), most
Man-Machine Divine Protocols.
ends can be accomplished by multiple disciplines—albeit with
Theurgy Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent some individual peculiarities.
Degree Sorcery Necromancy Protocol With the GM’s permission, many spells can be adapted to other
Circle Circle Rank disciplines. Additionally, this is the reason for the low barrier
Gate Terrestrial Shadowlands Man-Machine to learning multiple disciplines; despite thematic differences and
Way Celestial Labyrinth God-Machine some protected niches, there is too much overlap to justify dou-
Throne Solar Void bling the required investment.

To be initiated into the first circle of Sorcery, Necromancy, or Proto-
cols, a character must take a Fact representing his initiation into that Exaltation Maximum Maximum Maximum
discipline, and bind the gift Adept of the Gate. Initiation to high cir- Type Sorcery Necromancy Protocol
cles in the same discipline does not require taking additional Facts, Circle Circle Rank
but does require binding the gifts Adept of the Way and Throne. Solar Solar Labyrinth none
There are two restrictions, however. The first restriction is that a Dragon-Blooded Terrestrial Shadowlands none
character must be third level or higher to bind Adept of the Way, Exigent varies varies none
and fifth level or higher to bind Adept of the Throne. The second Lunar Celestial Labyrinth none
restriction is that each entity has limited potential in each discipline— Sidereal Celestial Labyrinth none
a maximum circle they can master. Abyssal Celestial Void none
A character can be initiated into a additional disciplines (eg: a Infernal Solar Labyrinth none
Sorcerer being initiated into Necromancy). The character must take Alchemical none none God-Machine
a fact representing his initiation into the new discipline. Thereafter,
his Theurgy-granting gifts also apply to his new discipline, allowing Casting Rituals
him to cast comparable spells (up to his potential character limits). For spells with rituals requiring specific reagents, timing, or actions
Exalts may learn multiple disciplines without directly inhibiting their (eg: Demon of the First Circle, Rain of Doom), these are essential
progress in either; magicians simply tend towards a single discipline parts of the spell and cannot be circumvented. This also prevents
for reasons of time and philosophy. casting such spells quickly or instantly.

Martial Arts

Martial Arts use the rules for Strifes (p. 212), except as noted other-
wise in this document. Martial Arts Lore
The Lesser Strifes are analogous to the Terrestrial Martial Arts. Eliminating the restrictions on Exalted learning specific martial
Any mortal can learn them, with the aid of a teacher. arts above their tier has a few implications for the setting. Most
The True Strifes are analogous to the Celestial Martial Arts. Any importantly, it eliminates the idea of needing to enlighten mortals
Exalt can learn them, as can most spirits or other enlightened indi- and Dragon-Blooded to reach their potential. These changes will
viduals. The main barrier is that most characters are quite limited in have little significance for most campaigns, but the GM should be
the Celestial Martial Arts they can learn without a teacher. aware of and consider them.
The Sidereal Martial Arts consists of two distinct types. The first
type is a small subset of True Strifes that have unique benefits to
Sidereal practitioners. Other Exalted may still learn them, but only Crossed Wings Denial Instant
a Sidereal can fully utilize them. The other type is Sidereal gifts and When physically attacked, you may commit Effort for the scene to
miracles which often take the trappings of martial arts. negate that attack and all other attacks against you from that attacker
The Exalted are natural martial artists. For the first Celestial until the start of your next turn. You cannot take a hostile action
Martial Art they learn, the cost of the initial and final technique is against any target on your next turn.
reduced to one-half gift point each (allowing full mastery for a to-
tal cost of four points). Additionally, the Exalted can do without a
teacher for a range of martial arts. These exemptions may come from Feather-Stirred Arrow Deflection Instant
the Exaltation’s themes or the memories of its past lives. Among all Commit Effort for the scene. If you are attacked by a physical projec-
of Creation, the Sidereal Exalted have forever been and continue to tile, you may force your attacker to launch an identical attack against
be the supreme martial artists. a valid target of your choice (including themselves).

Crane Style Wings Spread to Sky Action

Fly up to 50 feet, to a maximum height of 200 feet. If you do not fly
Weapons and Armor: Crane style’s unarmed attacks are usually each turn while in midair, you fall immediately.
sweeping, open-handed motions. It is compatible with the use of
paired war fans and hooked swords, but not with armor.
Beak Spears Frog On Turn
The Lesser Strife Commit Effort for the scene. If you are attacked by an opponent
Initiate: The initiate is immune to surprise. within reach, you may immediately make a single attack against them.
This effect ends if you take a hostile action against any target.
Disciple: The disciple fly 50 feet as an action, and their attacks do
1d6 damage and count as a magical weapon.
Wisdom of the Celestial Crane Constant
Master: The can commit Effort for the day to counterattack once Your unarmed attacks count magical weapon dealing 1d8 damage,
against each opponent that attacks him until he takes a hostile act. and your AC is reduced by 3 (to a minimum of 0). After striking
an opponent, you can speak to them an earnest lesson or warning.
Techniques The next scene where that opponent faces a situation related to that
lesson or warning, they must heed your words or suffer a +2 penalty
Fluttering Cry of Warning Constant to AC and -2 penalty on all attack rolls for that scene. Worthy foes
You cannot be surprised. You also perceive surprise attacks against may resist this effect with a save versus Spirit at the time they would
nearby allies swiftly enough to warn them, preventing them from suffer the penalty. Any opponent may only be given one lesson or
being surprised. warning per scene.

Eagle Style The Lesser Strife
Initiate: The initiate’s movement ignores partial obstructions, and
Weapons and Armor: Practitioners may use talons, khatars, and his unarmed attacks gain a 50 foot range.
light armor.
Disciple: The disciple’s AC is reduced by 2 (to a minimum of 0),
and can commit Effort for the day to move their target 300 feet (re-
The Lesser Strife sisted by a save versus Evasion).
Initiate: The initiate reduces their AC by 2 (to a minimum of 0)
Master: The master’s unarmed attacks do 1d6 damage, count as a
and doubling any speed when closing towards a foe or moving in a
magical weapon, and can strike immaterial targets.
downward direction.

Disciple: The disciple’s attacks unarmed count as a magical Techniques

weapon doing 1d6 damage, and he can glide down up to 30 feet Unrestrained Wanderer Method Constant
horizontally as long as he descends at least half that distance verti- The adept has flawless balance and ignores any obstacle which would
cally. not fully obstruct his passage. A Sidereal adept create a solid path of
golden essence in any direction or orientation as he moves, allowing
Master: The master may commit Effort for the scene to inflict 1d4 him and a handful of allies to walk over water and lava, on inverted
damage per level on a target within reach. If that target is below the surfaces, or into midair.
master, or the master started their action from several feet above the
target and descended to attack, the damage increases to 1d8 per level.
Winding Path Assault Constant
Commit Effort. The adept collapses space between themselves and
Techniques their target, increasing the range of their attacks by 50 feet and caus-
Diving Hawk Approach Constant ing their unarmed attacks to deal 1d6 damage. A Sidereal adept’s
The adept moves swiftly, reducing their AC by 3 (to a minimum of instead deals 1d8 damage and ignores cover provided they know the
0) and doubling any speed when closing towards a foe or moving in target’s location to within 10 feet.
a downward direction.
Endless Expanse Buffer On Turn
Commit Effort. The adept dilates space around themselves, reduc-
Raptor Talons Technique Constant
ing their AC by 3 (to a minimum of 0) and doubling the effective
The adept’s unarmed attacks count as a magical weapon doing 1d10
distance from any ranged attacker to him. A Sidereal adept also
halves the movement speed of opponents within 100 feet.

Eagle Eye Method On Turn Walking a Thousand Roads Action

The adept may commit Effort to gain visual acuity sufficient to see a Commit Effort for the day. The adept folds space to be in multiple
mouse from three miles distance (or similar feats). places at once. He occupies space as a small mob, but can only act as
one individual in the mob. He gains bonus hit points equal to half
Mighty Falcon Assault (Smite) Action his level (maximum 5); these cannot be healed and are lost before
The adept may commit Effort for the scene to inflict 1d6 damage normal HD or hit points. The effect ends at the end of the scene, or
per level on a target within reach. If that target is below the adept, or once the bonus hit points are lost. A Sidereal adept can attack mul-
the adept started their action from several feet above the target and tiple foes as if he were a mob, provided his attack does not require
descended to attack, the damage increases to 1d10 per level. committing Effort.

Gliding Wings Style On Turn Journey Launching Blow Action

The adept may commit Effort to turn a jump into a glide. He may Commit Effort for the scene. The adept strikes a blow which propels
move up to 60 feet horizontally as long as he descends at least half the victim (harmlessly, though perhaps disorientingly) to a location
that distance vertically. of their choice within 1000 feet which is not imminently harmful
(harmful locations include midair, underwater, on fire, or trapped).
Soaring Thermal Kata Action Worthy foes can resist this with an Evasion save. Sidereal adepts may
The adept can commit Effort for the day to rise up to 15 feet in the air choose a not imminently harmful location they own or have visited
as an action. They may continue rising using their action on consecu- in the last day.
tive turns, to a maximum height of 75 feet over their initial elevation.
Inescapable Psychopomp Stride Constant
The adept’s attacks count as magical weapons, and the adept can
Golden Home of Wanderers Style perceive immaterial targets as well as material. A Sidereal adept can
commit Effort for the day to instantly pursue a target that crosses vast
Weapons and Armor: Practitioners may use rope darts (or chain distances (as by teleportation) or between realms (between Creation,
diaklaives), but may not use armor. the Underworld, or Malfeas).

Plague Carrier’s Bite (Smite) Action
The adept can commit Effort for the day to deal up to 1d6 damage
Rat Style per level to a target within reach. Within 1d8 hours, that target
becomes sick with a disease inflicting a -4 penalty on all attacks and
Weapons and Armor: Practitioners may use cestuses, knives, Attribute checks, and lasting up to a week. The illness can be spread
khatars, and light armor. to lesser foes once it is symptomatic, if proper precautions aren’t
taken. Worthy foes can negate the initial infection and lesser foes
The Lesser Strife can negate subsequent infections with a successful Hardiness save.
Initiate: The initiate reduces their AC by 2 (to a minimum of
0) and has a Fact related to slipping restraints or moving quickly
through confined spaces.
Snake Style
Weapons and Armor: Practitioners may use a seven section sta�,
Disciple: The disciple’s unarmed attacks count as a magical hooked swords, and light armor.
weapon doing 1d6 damage. On hitting a lesser foe, the disciple may
steal a small item from the struck victim which is not in active use or The Lesser Strife
deliberately protected or hidden.
Initiate: The initiate is immune to poison, and their unarmed at-
tacks do 1d6 poison damage.
Master: The master may commit effort to know what a target is
focused on. If the target’s attention drifts elsewhere, the master’s Disciple: The disciple may negate the damage of an attack that
attack automatically hits strikes them once per combat.
Master: The master’s unarmed attacks do 1d8 poison damage. The
Techniques can commit Effort for the day after successfully hitting to read their
Scurrying Rodent Evasion Constant damage straight.
The adept is agile and nimble, reducing their AC by 3 (to a minimum
of 0) and giving them a Fact related to slipping restraints or moving Techniques
quickly through confined spaces.
Striking Cobra Technique Constant
Your first attack of each scene does maximum damage. Your AC is
Thieving Fink Claws On Turn reduced by 3 (to a minimum of 0), and you gain immunity to natural
The adept may commit Effort to have their unarmed attacks count and supernatural venoms and poisons.
as a magical weapon doing 1d8 damage. On a hit, they may steal a
small item from the struck victim, provided the item is not in active Armor-Penetrating Fang Strike On Turn
use or deliberately protected or hidden. Worthy foes can only be Commit effort. Your attacks ignore any improvement to a target’s
stolen from once per day in this way, and can negate the theft with Base AC from worn armor (effectively setting it to 9).
a successful Evasion save.
Snake Strikes the Heel Instant
Scheming Opportunist’s Eye On Turn When struck by an attack, you may commit Effort for the scene
The adept may commit Effort and choose a target within sight. They to launch an attack against your attacker (provided they are within
immediately know what their target is paying attention to or consid- reach). This attack automatically hits, and does maximum damage
ers important in the vicinity. If the adept is not the target’s focus to lesser foes.
or they are unaware of the adept, the adept’s next attack against the
target on that turn automatically hits. Uncoiling Serpent Prana Constant
Your unarmed attacks count as a magical weapon dealing 1d8 dam-
Lurking in Shadow Technique Action age, and gain a range of 30 feet. This technique counts as a Fact for
The adept may commit Effort for the scene to instantly hide in any checks dealing with acrobatics and contortion.
suitable concealment. This is proof against mundane detection, but
can be opposed by magic. It ends if the adept moves more than a Serpentine Evasion Instant
few steps from his location, takes an action to reveal himself, or is When struck by an attack, you may commit Effort for the scene.
discovered in another way. Negate the damage of that attack, and move up to 30 feet.

Swarming Vermin Method Instant Essence Venom Strike (Smite) Action

The adept may commit Effort for the scene in order to double their Commit Effort for the day to strike and automatically hit an oppo-
movement for the turn and have their next attack automatically hit. nent within reach, poisoning their essence. The attack counts as
Foes struck by this attack must make an immediate Morale check, either a magical weapon or poison, is read straight, and adds your
unless they are immune to fear and disgust. HD in damage (up to a maximum of +10). A victim can only be
affected by this technique once per day.

Finger-Stealing Handshake Action
Commit Effort for the day. A number of lesser foes equal to the
Throne Shadow Style adept’s level or HD (to a maximum of 10) switch sides to ally with
the adept in battle. These lesser foes count as Shadow Fingers for
Weapons and Armor: Practitioners may use cestuses, gauntlets, the scene. Lesser who are leading the opposition or are otherwise of
khatars, claws, and armor. plot significance cannot be affected in this way.

The Lesser Strife

Initiate: The initiate can create a Shadow Finger, granting them a Tiger Style
+1 attack bonus.
Weapons and Armor: Tiger style’s unarmed attacks simulate rak-
Disciple: The disciple may create two Shadow Fingers, and may ing slashes. It is compatible with a the use of claws, and with light
redirect attacks to those Shadow Fingers. armor.

Master: The master may commit Effort for the day to steal a target’s The Lesser Strife
breath, inflicting a -4 penalty to the target’s Actions and Attribute
checks unless they succeed on a Hardiness save. Thereafter, their un- Initiate: The initiate’s unarmed attacks do 1d8 damage and count
armed attacks count as a magical weapon dealing 1d8 damage with as magical weapons.
a range of 30 feet.
Disciple: Once per combat the disciple can move up to 150 feet
and attack as an action.
Sifu’s Useful Fingers On Turn Master: The master may commit Effort for the day to launch an
Commit Effort. With a five minute lesson or lecture, a willing sub- extra attack each round until he goes a round without attacking.
ject becomes a “Shadow Finger.” The Shadow Finger is immune
to unwanted emotion-affect effects, and the adept is aware if the Techniques
Shadow Finger is attacked. An NPC Shadow Finger also gains +1 to
hit. An adept can have up to one Shadow Finger per level or HD (to
Striking Fury Claws Constant
Your unarmed attacks count as magical weapon dealing 1d10 dam-
a maximum of 10). These benefits end if the Technique is ended, but
age, though you must use Strength for attack and damage rolls to
are restored instantly on reactivation. Either the adept or a Shadow
benefit from this Technique.
Finger may renounce that Shadow Finger’s status at any time.

Lotus Eye Tactics Constant

Raging Tiger Pounce Action
Commit Effort for the scene. You move up to 150 feet and attack a
The adept and their Shadow Fingers may strike dematerialized tar-
target at the end of that move. Lesser foes are knocked prone; worthy
gets. If the adept or a Shadow Finger attacks a target, attacks by
ones may resist with a save versus Evasion.
Shadow Fingers on the same target in the same turn may use the
adept’s base attack bonus (to a maximum of +10) instead their own.
Celestial Tiger Hide Constant
Shadow Lost in Court Constant Your AC is reduced by 3 (to a minimum of 0). You may commit
When the adept is attacked within 30 feet of a Shadow Finger, the Effort for the scene to reduce all damage from attacks by 1 for one
adept may choose to direct that attack to the Shadow Finger instead. round (not cumulatively) as an Instant effect.

Pneuma-Sealing Strike Action Spine-Shattering Bite Action

The adept hits a target and steals their breath. The target’s attacks Commit Effort for the scene. You automatically hit with an attack
and Attribute checks suffer -4 penalty, and they begin suffocating. that cripples lesser foes: halve their movement and increase their
The adept may use the breath as a magical weapon dealing 1d8 dam- AC by two (to a maximum of 9). Worthy foes can resist with a save
age with a range of 30 feet. The adept may end the effect by striking versus Hardiness.
the target again. The adept must commit effort for the scene to af-
fect a worthy foe, and such foes can attempt a save versus Hardiness Undying Predator’s Roar Action
immediately and every five rounds thereafter to negate the effect. Commit Effort for the day. All foes within 50 feet must make an
immediate Morale check. This gift can only be used against a foe
Welcoming the Uninvited Guest Action once per scene (regardless of the number of practitioners), and PCs
The Sidereal strikes a blow that reveals hidden or dematerialized foes are immune.
within 150 feet. Foes revealed remain so until they hide themselves
again. Worthy foes that are hidden (and not merely dematerialized) Angry Predator Frenzy On Turn
may resist with a successful Evasion save. Commit Effort for the day. You may make an extra attack every
round, until you do not attack during a round.

Enduring Oak Vitality Constant
The adept’s AC is reduced by 3 (to a minimum of 0), and he gains
Wood Dragon Style immunity to natural and supernatural venoms and poisons.
Weapons and Armor: Practitioners may use bo staves and armor. Endless Regrowth Meditation On Turn
The adept commits Effort for the day. He heals 1d8 hit points per
The Lesser Strife three levels, rounded up, at a rate of up to two per round.
Initiate: The initiate’s attacks count as a magical weapon doing 1d6
damage which can affect immaterial creatures and may count as poi- Eyes in the Trees Action
son. The adept chooses a target in sight and commits Effort, marking
them. As long as the Effort remains committed, the adept knows
Disciple: The disciple’s AC is reduced by 3 (to a minimum of 0), that target’s level or HD, cannot be surprised by the target, and can
and he gains immunity to natural and supernatural venoms and poi- always track the target.

Master: The master may commit Effort for the day and chooses a Unbreakable Fascination Kata Action
target within 100 feet. That target is stunned and cannot take any The adept chooses a target within 100 feet. That target is stunned
action until they are attacked or the scene ends. If they are attacked, and cannot take any action until they are attacked or the scene ends.
they can defend normally. Worthy foes can negate this effect with a If they are attacked, they can defend normally. To affect worthy foes,
successful save versus Spirit. the adept must commit Effort for the scene, and worthy foes can
negate this effect with a successful save versus Spirit.
Techniques Soul-Rending Blow (Smite) Action
Spirit-Poisoning Technique Constant The adept commits Effort for the day to inflict 1d6 damage die per
The adept’s unarmed attacks count as a magical weapon doing 1d8 level on a target within reach. This damage cannot be healed without
damage which can affect immaterial creatures and may count as poi- gifts or powers of similar effectiveness. Each opponent can only be
son. affected by this or similar healing-resistant damage once per day.

Allies, Foes, Beasts, and Spirits

Demons Neomah, the Maker of Flesh

Neomah look like hairless androgynes, yet have an allure and passion
All demons are spirits and naturally dematerialized in Creation. for their arts. They are ideal courtesans for Sorcerers to summon, and
They can use the gifts Materialize and Hurry Home. First circle also have the ability to create children from the flesh (or other tissues
demons are usually permanently destroyed when killed, while sec- and fluids) of multiple parents. They may commit Effort for the day
ond or third circle demons usually reform at some appropriate place to pacify and seduce any victim that fails a Spirit saving throw.
(usually in their sanctum or elsewhere in Malfeas) a while later.
Second Circle Demons
First Circle Demons
Second Circle Demons are truly unique entities and are frequently
The following four First Circle Demons represent common selec- ambitious, proud, and powerful. Such creatures can be modeled as
tions of the sorcerer for basic combat, transport, construction, and Weak or Established Parasite Gods (p. 148), and may have up to two
other needs. Innumerable other types of First Circle Souls exist, but bound Words or an array of gifts appropriate to their nature.
few are as well known or versatile.
Third Circle Demons
Agata Erymanthus Marotte Neomah
AC: 5 5 7 5 Third Circle Demons are the essential components underlying the
Hit Dice: 6 6 3 3 titanic Primordials themselves. Most have been around forever, and
Attacks: +6 +6 x 2 +2 x 4 +3 all have a firm identity and terrifying power. Such entities are at least
Damage: 1d6 straight 1d6 straight 1d6 1d6 as powerful as Dread Parasite Gods (p. 148), and may have multiple
Move: 60’ fly 40’ run 30’ run 30’ run bound Words or a vast array of gifts appropriate to their nature.
Saves: 12+ 12+ 13+ 13+
The modern elementals are descendants of ancient elementals and,
Agata, the Beauteous Wasp after a fashion, lesser cousins of the five Elemental Dragons. Elemen-
Agata look like a giant wasp carved from crystal, and are emotionally tals are spirits that occur naturally out of imbalances in the dragon
fluid and unpredictable beasts. They are ideal mounts and beasts lines. They take known forms, such as Wood Spiders and Storm
of burden for Sorcerers. They may commit Effort for the day as an Mothers. They are naturally material creatures, and if killed are usu-
Instant effect to cause a hit to poison the victim, causing violent sick- ally permanently destroyed.
ness and a -4 penalty to all d20-based rolls for the day if the victim Elementals don’t have a particular charge the same way that gods
fails a Hardiness saving throw. do. Instead, they find tasks that help to rectifying imbalances in the
natural flows of elemental magic in the world. Their interests are typ-
Erymanthus, the Blood-Ape
ically quite circumscribed. They are ageless, however, and can grow
Erymanthus look like massive, red-furred apes studded with black significantly in power with time.
bone, and are vicious predators. They are ideal brawlers for Sorcer-
Gods hold little regard for elementals. However, elementals are
ers to summon. They may commit Effort for the day to emit a roar
incredibly dedicated, if narrowly attentive. They are heavily involved
dealing 3d6 damage to a target up to 50 feet away; the victim can
in the Spirit Courts. Despite not fully understanding the purpose
attempt an Evasion save for half damage.
of everything they do, are quite adept. While the elementals (and
Marotte, the Hopping Puppeteer terrestrial gods) are technically functionaries of the Celestial Bureau-
Marottes look like an oversized knot of tangled hair, yet each hair is cracy, they typically receive little notice. Thus, the Courts have some
a limb with its own objectives. They are ideal builders, able to work degree of autonomy.
over 100-times faster than any mortal. They are also talented assas- Most elementals can be adequately modeled using the rules for
sins: they may commit Effort for the day to secrete a narcotic bile Spirits (p. 161), running the range from Minor (most functionaries)
that will paralyze a victim for a scene if that victim fails a Hardiness to Mighty (lesser elemental dragons). They may have the gift Dema-
saving throw. terialize.

Fair Folk Spirit-Touched
The Fair Folk are strange invaders from beyond Creation. Having Spirit-Touched are the offspring of mortal humans and some type
nearly destroyed it once, they loiter in pockets of Wyld energy called of spirit. Such conceptions are born of all the same desires as ordi-
freeholds, or linger hungrily near its borders. Fair Folk feast on nary mortal affairs. Unlike those more ordinary relations, there is a
dreams and desires, manipulate emotion and illusion, and weave sto- small chance for such children to have gifts reflecting their spirit par-
ries that make sense only to them. ent’s nature. Such children are called god-blooded, ghost-blooded,
or demon-blooded, respectively. Occasionally, the children of pow-
Hobgoblin Lorelei Cataphract erful Celestial Exalted are similarly gifted; such children are known
AC: 7 7 3 as Half-Castes.
Hit Dice: 2 4 6
Spirit-Touched are adequately modeled as common or exceptional
Attacks: +2 +4 +6 x 2
humans (p. 154). They have at least one lesser gift, and any of their
Damage: 1d6 1d6 straight 1d8 straight
gifts may include ones representing iconic powers inherited from
Move: 30’ run 40’ run 50’ run
their spirit parents. A Spirit-Touched who becomes Exalted follows
Saves: 14+ 12+ 10+
the rules for Mortals Becoming Godbound (p. 195). They do not auto-
Morale: 9 7 11
matically maintain their inherited gifts, but may choose to purchase
Effort: 1 2 2
them with gift points (even without related Words).
The three most common varieties of Fair Folk seen on Creation’s
interior are humanoid in shape. Hobgoblins are small, ugly, come
in packs, steal, murder, and kidnap, and may have a gift related to
stealth or theft. Lorelei are beautiful, tempt people with illusions and Undead are the remnants of the living in body and mind. Besides
desire, and may have a few lesser Deception or Passion gifts. Cat- their corpse, mortals leave behind their hun soul—the seat of iden-
aphracts are fearsome warriors, and may have a few gifts related to tity and will, and their po soul—their animal instincts. Ordinarily,
combat prowess. Numerous other bestial and brutish varieties exist, by three days after death, the hun has passed into the cycle of rein-
mostly near Creation’s edges. carnation, the po has dissipated, and the body is severely decayed.
However, odd circumstances and the actions of powerful entities can
Gods alter the cycle, making them linger in the Underworld or, occasion-
ally, within Creation. Undead are foreign to life, and cannot recover
Creation is filled with gods of all different sorts, ranging in power Effort outside of the Underworld or Shadowlands.
from the little gods of small but significant objects to the mighty In-
carna themselves. Gods are spirits, and are naturally dematerialized Corpses and Constructs
in Creation. If killed, gods typically reform at some appropriate place
(usually in their sanctum) a while later. Skeleton/Zombie
A god’s primary task is governing the objects of their estate. Skeletons and zombies are corpses, reanimated by necromancers.
Some gods, but not all, have significant direct power over their es- They usually serve as warriors, servitors, or for manual labor. An-
tate. The god’s failure to maintain their estate will usually result in imals corpses may also be animated, but have the same traits unless
some eventual malfunction, the consequences of which can vary and the creature is very unusual. They are modeled as Ancalian Husks (p.
are up to the GM. 165),
Gods are members of the Celestial Bureaucracy. Celestial gods
are usually more powerful, have vast or important estates, and usually Spine Chain
reside in Yu Shan. Terrestrial gods are weaker, have smaller estates Spine Chains are one example of stitched-together corpse constructs
in Yu Shan, or may reside in Creation. Terrestrial gods are also more favored by necromancers. These strings of skeletal torsos and arms
likely to join the spirit courts. act as self-propelled ramparts, scaling ladders, and battering rams.
All gods wish for several things: more worship, more respect, and
a grander estate. These things often go together. Gods live long, and
pursue these agendas relentlessly. Gods also have basic emotions and AC: 9 Move: 50’ run
desires, and can be deeply affected by changes in their estates. Any of Hit Dice: 15 Saves: 11+
these motivations can drive gods to actions which might antagonize Effort: 2 Attacks: +5 x 6
or harm others. Morale: 12 Damage: 1d6
Most gods can be adequately modeled using the rules for Spir-
its (p. 161). Most gods are Minor, warlike gods (including Celes-
tial Lions) are Major, and the very powerful gods (Ahlat, Amoth) Barghest
are Mighty. Gods like the incarna are well-beyond Mighty Spirits in Barghests are massive, black mastiffs that are actually still alive, but
power. All gods have the gift Materialize, and those with sanctums have adapted to the Underworld. They hunt in packs, and are some-
have Hurry Home. They may have multiple bound Words or an array times commanded by the Neverborn’s servants. They are modeled
of gifts appropriate to their nature. as Pack Hunters (p. 155).

Ghosts Lunars and Sidereals feud internally over ancient philosophical dis-
Ghosts are spirits. Most are naturally materialized in Creation dur- agreements.
ing the night. Daylight destroys them, dematerializes them, or drives Though Godbound does not intend for the titular characters to
them into hiding. If a ghost is killed, roll 1d6. On a 1 or 2, it reforms oppose one another—after all, the few PCs are the only ones of their
a while later; on a 3 or 4, it returns to the cycle of reincarnation; on a kind in the entire realm—such clashes between the Chosen are an es-
5 or 6, it plunges into Oblivion and is utterly destroyed. These odds sential element of many Exalted games. What makes these conflicts
may vary depending on the ghost. so memorable is the unique participants themselves.

Hungry Ghost Creating Chosen Antagonists

Hungry ghosts are the ghostly remnants of murder victims. They
To create an Exalted antagonist, first decide his Exaltation and level,
hunt their murderer, but will slay other victims as well. They are
as described in The Chosen. Next, select his Words and gifts;
modeled as Minor Spirits (p. 161), and have one or two predation-
gifts selection may not be necessary, especially for those Exalted
related lesser gifts.
with unrestricted miracle use. He also gains any relevant perks and
War Ghost bonuses from his Exaltation. Determine AC, HP, Effort, Saves, At-
War ghosts are the majority of troops within the Underworld. They tack Bonus, and Damage as if all Attribute Modifiers were +2. Ex-
serve Nephwracks, Deathlords, and the Abyssal Exalted. They are alted have a 30’ run movement speed, in addition to any granted
modeled as Minor Spirits (p. 161), and have the gift Materialize in by their powers. While Exalted are generally immune to panic, they
addition to one or two combat-related lesser gifts. may choose to flee a fight for various reasons: default to a Morale of
9 or 11, depending on their motivations in the fight. The Exalted
antagonists get at least one attack or action per opposing PC; if there
Mortwights are hun ghosts which were filled with hate, fear, or de-
are multiple Exalted antagonists, divide their allotted actions evenly
spair throughout life. They descend into the Labyrinth, becoming
among them (to a minimum of one action each).
less human and more bestial. They are modeled as Lone Hunters (p.
Alternatively, a GM may also simply use the stat-blocks from
155), with the gift Materialize and one or two predation-related lesser
other Dark and Terrible Foes (p. 145), with an Exalted overlay. While
this is effective in a pinch, combats are not nearly as dynamic as they
Nemissary might otherwise be, since few foes have the variety of powers that the
Nemissaries are ghost spies, assassins, and saboteurs. They are mod- Exalted bring to bear.
eled as Major Spirits (p. 161), and have the gifts Materialize, Nemis-
sary’s Ride (they may commit Effort for the day to animate, inhabit, Chosen Examples
and control and possess a recently dead corpse), and one or two other The Bull of the North
lesser gifts. The Bull of the North is a Dawn Caste Solar Exalt who united most
Nephwrack of the Icewalker tribes and led them to victory over five Imperial Le-
Nephwracks are ancient ghosts maddened by the revelatory touch gions. His power has rapidly matured, and he is level 5. He is bound
of the Neverborn. They are modeled as Lesser Eldritch (p. 148), are to the Words of Command, Endurance, Journeying, and Sword.
bound to the Death Word, are Shadowlands Circle Necromancers,
AC: 3 Move: 30’ run
and have the gifts Materialize, Nemissary’s Ride, and up to three
Hit Points: 30 Saves: 9+
more lesser gifts.
Effort: 6 Attacks: +9
Morale: 11 Damage: 1d10+2 diaklaive
The Exalted
Peleps Deled
The Exalted are arguably the most powerful force Creation has ever The very definition of overzealousness, Peleps Deled is a Water As-
known, yet by far the fewest in number. Even the numerous Dragon- pect who has taken more loathing to internal heresy (as he sees
Blooded presently number in the tens of thousands at at most, and it) than the Anathema. A skilled martial artist, he has slain sev-
these heroes are spread out over the whole of Creation. Each of the eral peers, and is level 3. He is bound to the Words of Alacrity,
Exalted could claim a small kingdom unto themselves and never need Knowledge, Sea, and Sword, and has mastered The True Strife of
to come into conflict. the Drowning Tide.
Yet the history of Creation, writ large, is the story of the Ex-
alted and their great struggles against both the enemies of the world AC: 1 Move: 30’ run
and each other. To this day, that struggle continues. Immaculate Hit Points: 20 Saves: 11+
Dragon-Blooded and Bronze Faction Sidereals hunt Solar and Lunar Effort: 4 Attacks: +5
Exalted. Dynasts duel over distinctions and desires large and small. Morale: 11 Damage: 1d8+2 spear


While this project was primarily my own writing, I cannot claim sole Members of the Exalted fan community have contributed inspi-
credit for all the ideas and formulations. It goes without saying that rational lore in their own right, and some of it has influenced this
neither Exalted nor Godbound are my work; beyond this, several document. Specifically, Terrifying Argent Witches is the work of fan
other devoted fans of those games have helped me create this through Revlid, and The Golden Home of Wanderers Style is adapted from the
inspirational discussion, their own work which I have adapted (with work of fan Melissa “JiveX” Xavier.
permission), and rigorous testing and feedback. TavelGorge’s Sponsored by Nobody podcasts led me to begin explor-
ing Godbound and seeing it as a viable complement to Exalted. His
Godbound is a Sine Nomine publication authored by Kevin
Exalted-to-Godbound Conversion also significantly influenced my own
Crawford. Specifically, Godbound game provides the mechanical
adaptation in its early iterations, and is the direct source for most of
underpinnings that this entire adaptation relies on. Additionally,
the Colossus Word.
Kevin Crawford is very involved with the Godbound player commu-
DragonMystic has developed his own adaptation, and its simple el-
nity, particularly in answering their questions, responding to feed-
egance influenced many of the changes from version 3.1 to 4.0. He
back, and sometimes creating more free material just because he was
also provided helpful comments on drafts for this document.
Mason Munden was exceptionally helpful when development
Exalted is published by White Wolf, with innumerable authors switched to LaTeX, contributing useful code and helping me debug.
and developers. Specifically, Exalted is the source for the terminol- Exthalion provided important testing of Alchemical adaptations,
ogy relating to the titular heroes, their antagonists, the lore, and so and helped brainstorm ideas critical to developing the Alchemical
forth which inspired all decisions made in this adaptation. Addition- Polis Word and Infernals, including suggesting key terminology.
ally, many of the authors and developers have maintained strong ties Raven Lane provided great help in tuning, testing, and critiquing
to the game’s community, which has contributed to over a decade of the project, using her game as a testing ground for ongoing changes.
fascination of at least thousands of fans. I also thank her players who put up with the ever-shifting rules.


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