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Sociocultural education II

Unit 2 Iurhuari García Félix

Feedback activity unit 2

Complete the sentences loafing The tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working
collectively than when working individually.
2.Cohesiveness The degree to which group members are attracted to each other and are
motivated to stay in the group.
3. Status A socially defined position or rank given to groups or group members by others.
4. Notwithstanding the generally positive consequences of teams, there are rare situations
in which group informality may not contribute to higher performance.
5. Groups differ in cohesiveness, the degree to which members are attracted to each other
and are motivated to stay in the group.
6. the norms the adjustment of one´s behavior to align with the sustainability of the group.
7. The main factors that influence group informality are members’ similarity,
communication, entry difficulty, corporations, and external competition and threats.
8. Social arrangement norms this norm is centered on how we should act in social settings.
Answer the following questions
1. How do status and size differences affect group performance?
Group size is an important factor that affects functions performed in a group. Smaller groups
complete tasks faster than larger ones.
2. What determines status?
status is typically based on sex, age, race, family relationships, or birth
3. How do group norms and status influence an individual´s behavior?
Norms tell group members what is expected of them what is acceptable and
unacceptable and allow members to anticipate the behaviors of their fellow group
4. What are the characteristics of the cohesive groups?
The characteristics of a cohesive team are Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability,
and Results.
5. What can you do to encourage group cohesiveness?
Encouraging communication, a cohesive team thrives on open communication, practice
team-building activities.
6. What are the advantages and limitations of cohesive groups?
Better cooperation, Motivational elements, Time-saving/// Lack of creativity, Low level of
7. What were the major conclusions of the Hawthorne studies?
The conclusions drawn by Mayo from the Hawthorne studies established the beginnings
of the importance of management style as a major contributor to industrial productivity.
8. Give two examples for each types of norms.
Shake hands when you meet someone.
Make direct eye contact with the person you are speaking with.

Select the correct answer

1. Which of the following was NOT a conclusion of the Hawthorne

o Worker's behavior and sentiments were closely related.

o Output increases and decreases proportionately to changes in illumination.
o Money was less a factor in determining worker output than were group standards,
sentiments, and security.
o Group influences were significant in affecting individual behavior.

Sociocultural education II
Unit 2 Iurhuari García Félix

2. Which factor increases group cohesiveness?

o Trust
o Diversity
o Negative past group experiences
o Arrogance
3. According to status characteristics theory, which does NOT contribute to a person´s

o The power a person wields

o A person´s ability to contribute to a group´s goals
o An individual´s personal characteristics
o A person´s social position
4. What is the relationship between size and group performance?
o The larger the group, the greater the individual productivity
o Increases in group size are inversely related to individual

o Total productivity tends to decline in large groups.

o Group size is not a determinant of individual productivity
5. Norms tell members what they ought and ought not to do under certain

o True
o False
6. Which of the following is a strategy to increase group cohesiveness?
o Make the group smaller
o Encourage agreement with group goals
o Decrease the perceived difficulty of attaining membership in the group
o Both A and B are correct.
7. High status members of groups are given less freedom to deviate from norms than other
groups members
o True
o False
8. ____________ norms come from informal work groups and primarily regulate social
interactions within the group.
o Friendship
o Social arrangement
o Allocation of resource
o Appearance

Sociocultural education II

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