Articles of Incorporation of Religious Society

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Religious Society

"THE SOCIETY OF______________________“


1. That the "S ociety of _____________________________________________" is an

unincorporated religious society of the Order of _______________________________ of
the Roman Catholic Faith, with office address at_____________________________________;

2.That it desires to incorporate itself as a religious corporation, for the

administration of its temporalities and for the management of its properties and estates
within the Philippines;

3.That its incorporation is not forbidden by any rule, regulation of

discipline of the Order of__________ of which it is a part;

4.That its incorporation has been duly authorized by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of
its membership had at a regular meeting of the Society on _________, as evidenced by a
certificate hereto attached as ANNEX A and made an integral part of these Articles;

5.That the place where the principal office of the corporation is to be established and
located shall be at________________________ Philippines;

6.That the number of trustees of the corporation shall be five, and the names and
residences of the trustees elected by the Society to serve for the first year, are as follows:

Name Amount Contributed

_____________________________ ____________________________
_____________________________ ____________________________
_____________________________ ____________________________
_____________________________ ____________________________
_____________________________ ____________________________

7.That the right to administer all temporalities and all property held or owned by the
Society of shall, on its incorporation, pass to the corporation, and shall be held in trust and for
the use, purpose, behalf, and benefit of the Society herein incorporated which shall,
furthermore, have the right to purchase, hold, mortgage, or sell real estate for its church,
charitable, benevolent, or educational purposes by and with the consent of a majority of its

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned presiding officer of t h e " S o c i e t y o f

" h e r e b y s i g ns a n d f i l e s t h e s e A r t i c l e s of Incorporation for all purposes of the law.

___________________________ ) S.S.

__________________________, Presiding Officer of the "Society of ______________"; that

he has caused the above Articles of Incorporation to be prepared and filed according to law;
that he has read and understood the contents thereof; that all the allegations in said Articles
as well as the annexed certificate ANNEX A are true of his own knowledge.


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