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Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

División Académica de Ciencias Sociales y humanidades

Licenciatura en Derecho

Asignatura: Lengua Extranjera

Actividad 5: Vocabulario, Materia Prima del Idioma

Alumna: Suri Saraí García Olán

Matricula: 161F25132
Diccionario personal de palabras y frases nuevas.
Incluye en este formato cuando menos 40 palabras nuevas que vas prendiendo.
Para realizar este trabajo puedes apoyarte en un diccionario bilingüe ya que en
cada entrada de cada palabra se especifica esta información. Te
recomendamos que utilices el siguiente diccionario en línea:
New word Part of meaning pronunciation Phrase where you
speech found it
match verb relacionar [mætʃ Match the
] conversations…
Information Noun Información /ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən/ Where is the
1 Age Noun Edad /eɪdʒ/ At the age of 10
2 Air Noun Aire /ɛr/ The air is so cold
3 Bank Noun Banco /bæŋk/ Bank of the West offers
4 Stable Noun Estable [ˈsteɪbə l] The weather has been
5 Scat Verb Largarse /skæt/ Scat leave alone
6 Cut Verb Cortar /kʌt/ Please cut the cake
7 Through Noun Mediante /θru/ To pass through
8 Neckline Noun Escote [ˈnɛklaɪn] Has a low neckline
9 Pulse Noun Pulso /pʌls/ She has no pulse
10 Body Noun Cuerpo /ˈbɑdi/ I have a nice body
11 Live Verb Vivo /lɪv/ He is on live
12 Only Noun Solo /ˈoʊnli/ He was the only
13 Deductive Noun Deducctivo [dɪˈdʌktɪv] He is a very deductive
14 Anchor Noun Ancla [ˈæŋkər Anchor was smaller
than expected
15 Deep Noun Profundo [ˈdiːp] The ocean is deep

16 Chubby Noun Gordito /ˈtʃʌbi/ She is chubby

17 Clapboard Noun Tablilla [ˈklæpbɔːrd] White clapboard

18 Bridge Noun Puente [ˈbrɪdʒ] The London bridge

19 Clanger Noun Regarla [ˈklæŋər ] I clanger my life
20 Bake Verb Hornear [’beik’ ] I bake the bread
21 Citrus Noun Citrico [ˈsɪtrəs] Types of citrus
22 Scavenge Verb Escarbar /ˈskævɪndʒ/ I scavenged all night

23 Oil Noun Aceite [ˈɔɪl] Shell oil

24 Relationship Noun Relacion /rɪˈleɪʃənˌʃɪp/ I broke my relationship
25 Purifier Noun Depurador [ˈpjʊərɪˌfaɪə] The purifier is old
26 Forecastle Noun Camarotes [əʊksl] Stay in a forecastle
27 Rudder Noun Timon [ˈrʌdər ] The boat builder
28 Chain Noun Cadena [ˈtʃeɪn] Two chain’s
29 Surround Verb Rodear [səˈraʊnd] She surrounded the
30 Draft Noun Borrador [ˈdrɑːft] I borrowed my draft
31 Acknowledge Noun Reconocimient [ækˈnɒlɪdʒ] I acknowledge my part
32 Thruster Noun Motor [ˈθrʌstə] The thruster is burned
33 Furniture Noun Muebles [ˈf3ːrnɪtʃər ] The furniture
34 Superstructure Noun Superestrcutura [ˈsuːpər strʌktʃər ] The burj khalifa us a
35 Match Verb Relacionar [mætʃ] I get a match on tinder
36 Starboard Noun Estribor [ˈstɑːrbɔːrd] He is on starboard
37 People Noun Gente /ˈpipəl/ I don’t know this people
38 Tool Noun Herramienta /tul/ Out his tools and
began to work
39 Reference Noun Referencia /ˈrɛfərəns/ She made numerous
references to him
40 Maintain Verb Mantener [meɪnˈteɪn] I maintained my scores

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