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We believe (v)
= We all hold the belief (n) that parental care is important (vital, essential, ) to children’s
= We all hold the belief (n) that parental care plays an important (a vital, an essential) role in
children’s growth.

Parents and students still cling to (堅持/依附) the belief that a university education is a
sure-fire (萬無一失的) ticket to a decent (體面的) job.

(Gerund: V-ing -> noun)

Taking a gap year becomes a fashionable idea all over the world = all around the globe.

Students who spend that one year exploring their interests usually end up having a clear
goal of what they want before continuing their education.

Spend (time) doing sth.

End up doing sth.

毅力: per/se/ve/ran/ce

當然,不用說,Lee Wai Sze 已經下了很多苦工去成為一個職業單車選手

(Without any doubt) Needless to say, Lee Wai Sze Sarah has put in considerable effort to be
a professional cyclist.

(take a lot of effort)

Some smokers agree with/favor the introduction of e-cigarettes, despite that some
studies/journals/articles have shown they are just as harmful.

執行:en/force the law
維持:uphold the law
遵守: 1. obey 2. observe the law
違背: 1. break the law 2. flout the law 3. violate the law 4. disobey the law
通過: 1. pass 2. en/act

熱情/愛好: passion
喚起/建立:awaken / develop
One of the many roles of teachers is to help students awaken (b.i) their passion for learning.

得到:1. gain 2. obtain 3. acquire 4. secure the permission
拒絕:1. refuse 2. deny
要求:1. require the permission 2. request 3. seek permission
It is difficult for sb to do sth.
It is difficult for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to gain/acquire/secure permission to
operate in Mainland China.

目的:Target. Goal, Aim, Purpose

1. Today, many teenagers and young adults lack(verb) purpose and direction in life.
a lack (n) of :
2. Today, there is a lack of purpose and direction in life among many teenagers and
young adults.

達到目的:achieve the purpose

以xx為目的: serve the purpose
Homework serves the purpose of cultivating (cultivate) a sense of responsibility among

發出警告: issue (v) warnings
The global warming phenomenon is actually issuing a warning (signal) to people that we
should start to protect our environment.

財富:wealth (and health)

具有: possess(v)
獲取: gain/acquire/obtain (v)
繼承: inherit (v)
累積: accumulate (v) // (n)(accumulation)

熱情: enthusiasm (noun)

傳達: convey (convey the message)
表達: express the enthusiasm
抑制: dampen // dent
eg. Examinations have dampened students’ enthusiasm for learning.
eg. Some teachers have lost enthusiasm for teaching, as they are forced to impart 傳授V.
exam skills.

平等: equality
追求: pursue/ fight for/ strive for equality
保障: guarantee (v)
eg. For years, sexual mi’norities (vs ma’jorities) have been striving for equality by calling for
the legalization of same-sex marriage.
eg. Even today, women still have not yet achieved true equality in the workplace: they are
not paid as much as their male counterparts (n.) for the same position, for example.

public facilities 公共設施
teaching facilities 教學設施

弱點/脆弱: vulnerability (n.) (adj. vulnerable)

eg. Criminals often take advantage of 利用 the vulnerability of children.
eg.Criminals often exploit 利用 the vulnerability of children.

憤怒:n. outrage=anger
provoke/generate/spark outrage 引起憤怒
eg. The lockdown of Shanghai has sparked intense outrage all across the city.

歧視: dis/cri/mi/na/tion (noun)

構成歧視: cons/ti/tute (v) // amount to (v) discrimination
對抗:fight // ’combat
禁止:ban // prohibit // forbid
Eg: For many years, ethnic minorities 少數族裔 in Hong Kong have suffered discrimination.
Racial discrimination 種族歧視

處理/對抗/補救 缺陷:deficiency
Address/overcome/remedy (verb)

Environmental catastrophe
Eg: To avert (v) 避免 an economic catastrophe, the government must now liberalise the
Avoid = avert = prevent

另外的選擇:al’ternative (n)
Eg. Countries everywhere are now seeking al’ternatives to nuclear power.

名聲:reputation (n)
+ve: acquire /build up/ earn / establish / gain/ protect
-ve: damage/ destroy/ ruin/ tarnish 玷污 reputation
Live up to: (+ve)
Live up to my expectations 滿足我的期待

Eg. One must work very hard if she/he wants to obtain a professional qualification.(專業資

抗議:protest / march / demonstration / parade

Organise / lodge / spark (v) a protest

Promote/foster/facilitate/enhance preservation
Eg. So far, the government has failed to foster ’preservation of local cultures.
Preservation of biological diversity (Biodiversity) 生物多樣性

Lee Kuan-yew, the founding father of Singapore, is widely believed to (bring) have brought
prosperity to the country.

刺激 stimulation
Eg. A multicultural mix of students on campus 校園 would provide stimulation for local
Parents believe that children get a lot of stimulation from playgroups, which is why they
spend so much money on them.

緊張氣氛/關係 tension
The Education Bureau’s proposal about reforming Liberal Studies has generated a lot of
social tension.

結果 outcome
There are multiple ways to measure and evaluate (v.) 評估 educational outcomes - academic
achievement is just one of them.

步伐/節奏 pace
slacken the pace // slow down the pace
living pace
eg. Most Hongkongers cannot stand the pace of their daytime job / cannot stand the working

義務/責任 obligation
discharge your obligation 履行
assume your obligation 承擔
eg, Schools must discharge their obligation to provide sports for students with disabilities.


Reality show is a type of television program, feactured by celebrities or ordinary people living
their everyday life or undertaking specific tasks under certain scenarios. ……give some
examples of 2022 popular reality shows

Why popular?
- the content is mostly liked by youth or young adults
- may consist of conflicts between characters which may stir public attention
- promote core values in society or even build up moral character for adolescence

Fav reality show:

First aired in 2010, Running Man is a South Korean reality show that has gained online
popularity among different countries, especially Asia. It currently consists of 7 MCs….
- Promote local cultures, eg Korean cuisine such as Korean rice cake, Korean kimchi,
Bulgogi and so on.
- Organize games in local landmarks, with punishments for losers that brings
excitement to the audience

More or less popular?

- will remain its popularity in the future
- All MCs show strong sense of responsibility and their dedication to work. Most of
them have experiences of getting injured during the show
- The whole production team has been putting much effort into this reality show, which
makes me believe the show will continue to attract audience’s attantion as always.

While filial piety 孝道 is one of the core values 核心價值 of Hong Kong, the elderly often face
a number of ordeals 磨難 here. Write a letter to the editor of Hong Kong Post to explain the
plight 困境 of the elderly and suggest some solutions to it.

1 + 2 +1 +2 +1

Dear Editor,

Among all kinds of virtues 美德 of human beings, filial piety is no doubt one of the most
important elements元素. Yet, it is lamentable 可悲的 that people in Hong Kong no longer
respect the elderly as much as before. Old people living alone or in homes for the elderly are
just the tip of the iceberg - the plight of the elderly is far beyond what most of us may
imagine. Therefore, I am writing to give my opinions on this issue and suggest some ways to
alleviate the problem.

Abandoned by their children, many old people have to live alone either in subdivided flats
劏房 or in public housing estates. Not only are some buildings dilapidated 破舊的 with
malfunctioning facilities like elevators that always break down, but the elderly also need to
take care of themselves, ranging from preparing meals to washing clothes. Some of them
lacking this capability 能力 will probably be sent to the homes for the elderly where someone
will look after them but, meanwhile, they are deprived of 被剝奪 the freedom to walk around
the city, not to mention 更不要說 the poor attitude of some staff members. While one may
anticipate 預料 that their families are poverty-stricken 窮困潦倒 so they cannot but 唯有
send the elderly away, this is far from the truth for some, if not 甚至 most, cases. Even
though the grown-ups 成人 have sufficient financial ability, they are usually unwilling to invest
time and money in their parents.

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