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ISSN 0215-0883

Volume 6 Number 1, 2011

Ind. Aqua. Page Jakarta ISSN

Journal Vol. 6 No.1 2011
01 -105 0215-0883

Acreditation Number: 147/Akred-L1PI/P2MBI/03/2009

ISSN 0215·0883


Volume 6 Number 1,2011


CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................
Microsateliite genetic variation In cultured populations of African catfish
(Clarias gariepinus) In Indonesia
By: Imron, Dadan Sunandar, and EvlTahapari . 1-10
Performance and heterotic estimation of growth in Intraspecific crossing of
giant gouramy
By: Didik Ariyanto and Nunuk Listiyowati .. 11-17
Carbon to nitrogen ratio and nitrogenous waste accumulation in the intensive
catfish (Clarias gariepir:us) culture
By: Bambang Gunadl, Enang Harris, Eddy Supriyono, Sukenda, and Tatag Budiardi .. 19--29
Phylogenetic tree on lernaeosis In arwana fish (Scleropagesjardlnil)
By: Dikry Novel Shatrle, Kurniasih, Nurcahyo, W., and Triyanto .. 31··36
Sex determination In Indonesian pufferfish Tetraodon palembanqensis Bleeker,
1852 : implication for aquaculture and conservation
By: Media Fitri Isma Nugraha, JWayan Subamia, Sudarto, and Wahyu Purbowasito .... 37-45
The utilization of the kinds of live food on clown loach fish juveniles
(Chromobotia macracanthus Bleeker)
By: Nina MeiJisza, Rina Hirnawati, Sulasy Rohmy, Agus Priyadi, and
Jacques SJembrouck . 47-58
Manipulation of inceptisols pond bottom soil through addition of ultisols and
vertisols for rearing of red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) larvae
By: Saberina Hasibuan, Bambang Djadmo Kertonegoro, Kamiso Handoyo
Nitimulyo, and Eko Hanudin . 59-70
Does interferon (lfn)S exist in crustacea?
By: Dew; Syahidah and Leigh Owens .. 71--82

Geographic information system-based modeling and analysis for site selection

of green mussel, .
Perna viridts, mariculture in Lada Bay, Pandeglang, Banten Province
By: JNyoman Radiarta, Hatim Albasri, and Achmad Sudradjat . 83-90

Spatial distribution of brackishwater pond soil characteristics in Pekalongan City

Central Java Province
By: Andi IndrajayaAsaad and Akhmad Mustafa . 91-105

C/N ratio and nitrogenous waste accumulation ... (Bambang Gunadi)



Bambang Gunadl'". Enang Harris"), Eddy Suprivono'", Sukenda'", and Tatag Budiardi")

'J ResearchInstitute for Freshwater Fish Breedingand Aquaculture

"J Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheriesand Marine Sciences,

BogorAgricultural University, Darmaqa, Bogor, Indonesia
(Received 2 February 20 11 ; Accepted 5 April 2011)


This experiment was carried out to determine the optimum CIN ratio for heterotrophic
bacteria (blofloc) growth in order to control nitrogenous waste accumulation in the
catfish (Clarias gariepinus) culture. Twenty fish with an initial Individual size of about
50 g were stocked in fiberglass tanks which were filled with 200 L of water. Fish were
fed with commercial floating fish feed with a protein level of 31%-33%(manufacturer
label). The daily feeding rate was 2.5% of the fish biomass. The Inoculation of
commercial Bacillus sp. isolates was applied in the first day of the experiment after
fish stocking in order to obtain a bacterial density in water of 106 dull. Molases was
suplemented daily to the tanks to adjust (IN ratio in water. Four (IN ratios, i.e. 0, 7,
14, and 21, were applied as treatments in this experiment. The results showed that
molasses suplementation up to (IN ratio 14 to 21 were able to support the growth of
heterotrophic bacteria and to inhibit the accumulation of total ammonia nitrogen
(TAN) and nitrite in water therefore increase water quality for better growth of cultured

KEYWORDS: C/N ratio, nitrogenous waste, heterotrophic bacteria, biofloc

INTRODUCTION of fish culture and is the potential source of

pollution to the surrounding environment.
Most of the feed given to the fish will be
Controlling such waste is one of the important
excreted as nitrogenous metabolism waste. In
factor to achieve the susrarnabturv of
general, 60% of nitrogen contained in the
aquaculture production in the future (Bureau,
fish feed will be excreted as NH), while 15% 2004). ....
of feed nitrogen will be excreted into faeces
and only 25% of feed nitrogen will be retained Wyk & Avnimelech (2007)' stated that as
for fish growth. Simply, 75% of the nitrogen many as 7C%-80%of nitrogen in the feed is
content in feed was potentially delivered to converted into ammonia by direct excretion
pond water as ammonia pollution. In the shrimp or through mineralization by bacteria. Accord-
cultivation, this kind of pollution was amounted ing to Avnimelech er 01. (1992), 33% of nitro-
to 90% of feed nitrogen (Brune et al., 2003). gen contained in fish feed will be excreted by
This compound can diminish the productivity fish and can be recycled.

, Corresponding author. ResearchInstitute for FreshwaterFish Breedingand Aquaculture,

JI. Raya2 Sukamandl,Subang41256, WestJava,Indonesia. Tel.: +62 260 520500

Indonesian Aquaculture Journal Vol.6 No.1, 2011

Bacteria communities which accumulate in the presence of sufficiently organic materials,

the aquaculture systems will form bacterial heterotrophic microbial processe~ will be the
flocs. These flocs can be utilized as a source dominant bacterial process which con.vert
of feed for fish (Schryver et at., 2008; Crab et ammonium into bacteria biomass more qUlck~y
at., 2007). Microbes composition, morphologi- than autotrophic bacteria. The heterotrophic
cal structure and nutritional value of biofloc bacteria are able to absorb up to 50% of the
for aquaculture is determined by various fac- amount of dissolved ammonium in the water.
tors including the mixing intensity of water,
The production efficiency of heter~tr~p.hic
dissolved oxygen levels in water, the type and
bacteria was much higher than the nitrifying
amount of supply of organic material into the
bacteria, i.e. 25-100 times than that of
water, and water temperature and pH (Schryver
Nitrosomonas sp. and 10-33 times than that of
er al., 2008). In order to get the best conver-
Nitrobacter sp. (Montoya & Velasco, 2000).
sion rate of nutrients into bacterial biomass,
According to Brune et al. (2003), the process
Schneider et al. (2006) suggested that the
of biosynthesis of heterotrophic bacteria took
hydraulic retention time should between 5·9
place more quickly than the process of bio-
hours. At the retention time of 8 hours, the
synthesis of algae or the process of bacterial
average bacterial biomass production reached
123.8 g VSS/kg feed with inorganic nitrogen nitrification. The regeneration times of the
conversion rate reached 90%. heterotrophic bacteria are about 10 hours com-
pare with 24-48 hours of nitrification bacteria.
Ebeling et al. (2006) said that the nitrogen Algae and nitrification bacteria had similar
conversion processes in aquaculture systems growth rate, however the production coeffi-
that played an important role in the reduction cient of algae was almost 57 times higher than
of ammonia level consisted of three processes that of the nitrifying bacteria, i.e. 11.4 g algae/
namely photoautotrophic processes by algae, g N in compare to 0.2 g bacteria/g N. McGraw
bacterial autotrophic processes that con- (2002) stated that in addition to having faster-
verted ammonia to nitrate, and bacterial het- growth, heterotrophic bacteria was good
erotrophic processes that converts ammonia source for fish feed.
directly into bacteria biomass. However, in the
natural system, there were no pure photoau- This experiment was conducted to analyze
totrophic, bacterial heterotrophic nor bacte- the optimum ratio of carbon to nitrogen (the
rial autotrophic (ytIyk& Avnimelech, 2007). C/N ratio) to support the growth of het-
erotrophic bacteria (biofloc) in order to con-
According to Schneider et at. (2005), the trol the accumulation of nitrogenous waste in
biochemical processes in pond water were the intensive catfish culture.
mainly work on the soluble fish waste com-
pounds. The particulate waste was often dis- MATERIALS AND METHODS
charged in large quantities as unutilized nutri-
ents. Heterotrophic bacteria were able to Fish Tanks
convert these kind of nutrients to bacterial bio-
mass which are potential as fish feed ingredi- The 250-L size fiberglass tanks were used
ents. On the feeding trial with pelletized feed in this experiment. The tanks were filled with
of 41 % protein content, the supplementation 200 liters of water. The aeration equipments
of sodium acetate resulted in bacterial bio- were installed in each tanks to ensure that the
mass production as 55-125 9 VSS/kg feed, dissolved oxygen level in water was not drop
equivalent to 0.2-0.5 g VSS/g carbon less than 2 mg/L (Schneider et al., 2006). The
(Schneider et al., 2006). Theoretically, 1 g of tanks were covered with dark plastic to mini-
ammonium is required to convert 20 g of car- mize phytoplankton growth due to the avail-
bohydrate (Avnimelech & Wyk, 2007). ability of light.
Montoya & Velasco (2000) said that the The disinfectant of chlorine was applied at
ammonia excreted by fish will form an equilib- a dose of 5 mg/L. It was conducted three days
rium with ammonium ions in the water. In the before fish stocking to avoid undesired mi-
natural condition, ammonia in the form of am- crobes (bacteria) in the water. After the disin-
monium ions will be converted into nitrite and fectant was re-neutralized, I.e. about three
subsequently into nitrate under nitrification days after chlorine application, the fish were
processes by chemoautotrophic bacteria. In stocked into the tanks.

CIN ratio and nitrogenous wastt accumulation ... (Bambang Cunadi)

Inoculation of commercial bacteria isolate tent of 31.85% dry weight gave the following
of Bacillus sp. was carried out once at the first results:
day of feeding to get a bacterial density in
tanks water of about 106 cfu/rnl, • Protein content in the feces amounted to
31.65% dry weight, therefore nitrogen (H)
Fish Stocking concentration in the feces VIas 5.06%. This
value was equivalent to 0.86% of wet
Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fingertings with weight of feed.
average weight of 50 g were used in this ex-
periment. The stocking densities were 20 fish • Carbohydrate levels in the feces amounted
per tank, equivalent to 100 fish per ml or 5 kg to 42.24%, so that levels of carbon (0 in
per ml.ln the adaptation period, fish were fasted the feces amounted to 16.90%. With the
for 24 hours before stocked. digestibility of feed of 83.16%, then the
amount of feces produced was 16.84% of
Fish were fed with a commercial floating wet weight of feed. Thus, the amount of
pelletized feed with crude protein content of carbon (0 in the feces Vias equivalent to
31%-33% (manufacturer label). The feed was 2.85% of wet weight of feed.
given at a daily rate of 2.5%of the fish biomass • The total ammonia (TAN) supply in water
and was applied three times a day started on was 0.20% of wet weight of feed.
the first day of fish stocking.
With above assumptions, the amount of
Treatments molasseswhich were required to add daifywas
The experiment was designed according calculated as listed in Table 1.
to completely randomized design with four
treatments and three replicates. Four treat- Floc Properties and Water Quality
ments applied in this experiment were as fol- Parameters
Samplings to observe floc properties and
1. No application of molasses (called (IN = 0) water quality were carried out every two days
for bacteria population in form of volatile sus-
2. The application of molasses at ratio of 7( :
pended solids (VSS),floc volume, concentra-
1N (called C/N = 7)
tion of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate. dissolved oxy-
3. The application of molasses at ratio of of gen, and pH level of the tanks water. The VSS
14C : 1N (called (IN = 14) was determined gravimetrically after drying at
4. The application of molasses at ratio of of 1 osee and burning at 5500C of GF/C-filtered
21C : 1N (called (IN = 21) tank water (Method 2540 E;APHA. 200S). The
level of dissolved oxygen and pH of water was
The application of molasses was taken measured by the Water Quality Checker. The
everyday by diluting it into tanks water. The concentration of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate
amount of required molases was calculated were measured by HA(H DR2800 Spectropho-
according to the concentration of carbon and tometer following the Nessler method (HACH,
nitrogen in the water and feces. The previous 8038), cadmium reduction method (HACH,
studies using floating pellets with protein con- 8039) and Diazotization method (HACH,850n,

Table 1. The addition of molasses in each treatment to obtain the expected (IN ratio

Treatments The amount of Percentage of

Total feed
(The expected of molasses addition molasses from feed Note
C/N ratio) (g) (~

C/N = 0 (without 36.15 0 0 (IN ratio obtained

rrolasses) is 2.69
C/N = 7 (7C: 1N) 36.15 6.60 18.26
(IN = 14 (14(: 1N) 36.15 17.31 47.89
(IN = 21 (21c. 1N) 36.30 28.14 77.52

Indonesian Aquaculture Journal Vol.6 No.1, 2011

respectively (HACH, 2005). Floc volume was However, there were indicatio.ns that the
measured by settling 1,000 mL of water into higher C/N ratio in the water, the ~Igher bact~-
Imhoff cones for 30 minutes. rial growth. This was more clearly Illustrated.,"
the regression relationship ~etw~en bacterial
Growth of fish was measured by weighing populations and the C/N ratio ~Flgure 2~..De-
the total biomass of fish at the beginning and spite the relatively low regression coefflclent
end of the experiment. The experiment was value, i.e. value of R2 = 0.5957, there was a
carried out for 8 days. tendency that the higher C/N ratio caused
higher growth of bacteria population.
Data Analysis
Increasing C/N ratio in fish pond water can
The results of the measured parameters be conducted by adding carbon source, such
were plotted graphically to evaluate their as molasses, wheat flour, sugar, sodium ac-
dynamics from the beginning to the end of etate, and other materials with high carbohy-
the experiment. The developments of bacte- drate content. Schneider et 01. (2006), found
ria population were then correlated with the that carbon supplementation stimulated bac-
concentration of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. teria production in aquaculture systems. The
Some of value of measured parameters at the addition of sodium acetate as carbon source
end of the experiment were analyzed byanaly- of 8 giL enhanced the production of crude
sis of variance (ANOVA)to determine their sig- protein up to 112 g protein/kg feed, amounted
nificance differences among the treatments. an increment of 50% of the ordinary system.
On fish feeding with 41% protein content, the
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION addition of sodium acetate could support bac-
terial production for 55-125 g VSS/kg feed,
Bacteria Population equivalent to 0.2-0.5 g VSS/g carbon.
The population of bacteria in the form of Total Ammonia Nitrogen (TAN)
volatile suspended solids (VSS)showed a ten-
dency to increase during 8 days of observa- Ammonia is the main metabolic wastes of
tion (Figure 1). The average of VSSvalue at the fish and frequently becomes a problem in fish
end of experiment ranged from 0.235 mq/L in farming. This compound should be kept in a
the CIN = 7 treatment to 0.388 mq/L in the CI very low level. Converting ammonia into bac-
N =·14 treatment. Overall, the VSSconcentra- terial biomass is a strategy to achieve this con-
tion at the end of the experiment was not sig- dition. The addition of carbon source to in-
nificantly different between treatments (P > crease the C/N ratio in water is expected to
0.05). support optimum bacterial growth, therefore

:;- ......... C/N =0

VI C/N =7
> 0.50 -.- C/N = 14

5 0.40
......,_ C/N = 21
~ 0.30
0. 0.20
0 2 4 6 8
Days of observation

Figure 1. Bacteria population in the form of VSSin the fish

culture tanks for eight days of observation


C/N ratio and nitrogenous waste accumulation ... (Bambang Cunadi)


01 Y = 0.006x + 0.254
E 0.30
....... R2= 0.595

a. 0.20

o 7 14 21
C/N Ratio
Figure 2. Regression relationship between C/N ratio and bacteria
population after eight days of catfish culture

high rate conversion of ammonia into bacterial (2000), in the presence of organiC materials,
biomass. Theoretically, 20 g carbohydrate is microbial processes that take place in the
required to convert 1 g of ammonium water will be dominated by heterotrophic
(Avnimelech & Wyk, 2007). bacteria and absorbed ammonium into bacte-
ria biomass more rapidly than with autotrophic
In this study, increasing C/N ratio up to
nitrifying bacteria. Heterotrophic bacteria were
14 to 21 was able to control total ammonia
able to absorb up to 50% of the dissolved
level in water until the fourth day (Figure 3).
ammonium in water.
During this period, the increment of ammonia
levels in the treatment of C/N = 14 and C/N = After day-4, total ammonia levels in all
21, i.e., 0.32 ± 0.14 and 0.13 ± 0.15 mg IL, treatments increased in a range of 2.01 ± 1.02
respectively, was significantly (P < 0.05) lower mg/L in treatment of C/N = 14 to 2.4 7 ± 0.49
than that of the treatment of C/N = 0 and C/N = mg/L in treatment of C/N = O. Overall, the
7, i.e., 1.19 ± 0.48 and 0.62 ± 0,09 mg/L, re- increment of TAN levels increase during the
spectively. According to Montoya & Velasco eight days ranged from 2.01 ± 1.02 mg/L in

_,.._ C/N = 0
....._ C/N =7
.....- C/N = 14
2.00 ~ C/N = 21
•_ ........
1: ........
._ E 1.50
s:::: .......
E 1.00
;; ...
0 2 4 6 8
Days of observation
Figure 3. The dynamics ofthe Total Ammonia Nitrogen (TAN) in
catfish culture during eight days of observation

Indonesian AquQculture journa! Vol.6 No.1, 2011

treatment C/N = 14 to 2.55 ± 0.49 mg/l on nitrite level than treatments with higher C/N
treatment C/N = 0, and was not significantly ratio (Figure 4). On the eighth day of treatment,
different between treatments (P > 0.05). The the lowest nitrite level was observed at the
fact that ammonia levels increased, especially treatment of C/N = 14, i.e., 0.0131 ± 0.0015
after the day-4, showed that the growth of mg/l, while the highest nitrite level was
heterotrophic bacteria was not able to offset obtained in the control treatment (C/N = 0),
the accumulation of total ammonia in water. i.e., 0.0459 ± 0.0132 mq/l.,
Four main streams of N lost in fish ponds In general, the lower nitrite concentration
were fish harvesting (31.5%), denitrification were found in the higher C/N ratio treatments
(17.4%), ammonia volatilization (12.5%), and N (C/N = 14 and C/N = 21 ), whereas the higher
accumulation in the pond bottom sediment concentrations were observed in the lower
(22.6%): Average nitrification rate was 70 mg C/N ratio treatments (C/N = 0 and C/N = 7). In
N/m2 per day whereas denitrification rate was the high C/N ratio nitrification process took
38 mg N/m2 per day. Phytoplankton absorb place more slowly than heterotrophic bacte-
nitrate (NOl-N) at a rate of 24 mg N/m2 per day. rial process of ammonia conversion. In addi-
Meanwhile, the average mineralization rate of tion, the lower C/N ratio treatments had rela-
feed nitrogen into ammonia was 59 mg N/m2 tively normal nitrification process.
per day (Gross et al., 2000).
Nitrate concentration in the treatment with
The compound of nitrite was the result of molasses addition (C/N = 7, C/N = 14, and C/N
the first stage nitrification process which was = 21) showed an increment from the begin-
carried out mainly by Nitrosomonas sp. bacte- ning until the day-6 and then decreased after-
ria. In the natural waters with low C/N ratio, the
wards. In the other hand, in treatment without
process of ammonia breakdown was dominated carbon supplementation (C/N = 0) nitrate con-
by this bacterial nitrification process. On the
centration increased steadily from the begin-
contrary, in a heterotrophic system where the
ning until day-8 (Figure 5). This indicated that
C/N ratio was elevated through addition of
the second stage of nitrification process which
carbon sources, the nitrification was hampered
converted nitrite into nitrate ran in the treat-
by a faster-running heterotrophic process
ment of C/N = 0 throughout the period of
(Montoya & Vilasco, 2000).
observation. In the other treatments nitrifica-
This study revealed those phenomenon. tion process of nitrate formation occured
Treatments with lower C/N ratio had higher mainly during the initial four days.

-+- (IN = 0
(IN =7
0.040 = 14
-WI- (IN
::J' 0.035 ~ (IN = 21
0'1 0.030
4.1 0.025
0 2 4 6 8
Days of observation

Figure 4. Performance of nitrite in water media maintenance

catfish during the eight days of observation

C/N ratio and nitrogenous waste accumulation ,.. (Bambang Cunadl)
-+- C/N c: 0
___ C/N ... 7
--r- C/N", 14
:J' .....,._ C/N .. 21
<, 2.00
....41 1.50
Z 1.00


0 2 4 6 8
Days of observation
Figure S. Performance of nitrate levels in the catfish culture
water during the eight days of observation

Dissolved Oxygen tlon requirement. As organisms test, this study

Dissolved oxygen levels in all treatments utilized catfish which had ability to consume
declined sharply during the first two days and oxygen directly from air. Their capability lead
then were relativelv stable in a range of 1-2 to the fact that catfish were not bother by the
mg/L (Figure 6). Additional aeration to each low oxygen level in water, as happened in this
tanks was not enough to maintain dissolved study.
oxygen excess of minimum level for optimal
growth of heterotrophic bacteria. According Water pH
to Schneider er 01. (2006), minimum dissolved
There was a different pattern of perfor-
oxygen level of 2 mg/L was required to sup-
mance of water pH during observation in the
port optimum bacterial heterotrophic pro-
catfish culture with heterotrophic system
through the addition of molasses as carbon
Most of aquatic organisms need optimum source. Water pH in the treatment of C/N = 0
dissolved oxygen levels to meet their respira- and C/N = 7 increased from the beginning to

-+- C/N c: 0
:::J 4.00 ___ C/N = 7
01 ......- C/N = 14
E 3.50
...... .....,._ C/N = 21
c: 3.00
>- 2.50
0 2.00
> 1.50
III 1.00
0 2 4 6 8
Days of observation
Figure 6. Performance of dissolved oxygen levels In water
media maintenance catfish during the eight days of

Indonesian Aquaculture Journal Vol.6 No.', 20"



c 8.20 _,._ C/N = 0
~ _C/N=7
a. 8.00 ......... C/N = 14
7.80 C/N = 21


0 2 4 6 8
Days of observation
Figure 7. Dynamics of water pH value of catfish tanks during
the eight days observation

the end of the observation. In contrast, in the Microbial composition, morphological

treatment with higher C/N ratio (C/N = 14 and structure, and nutritional value of aquacultural
C/N = 21), water pH declined until the end of biofloc was determined by various factors in-
fish culture (Figure 7). cluding the intensity of water mixing, dissolved
oxygen levels in water, the type and amount
The decrease of water pH in the het-
of organic material supply, temperature, and
erotrophic treatments (C/N = 14 and C/N = 21)
pH of water (Schryver er al., 2008).
was suspected mainly deal with the process
of nitrification by Nitrosomonas bacteria
Fish Growth
which produced nitrite. According to Brune et
al. (2003), each conversion of one gram of ni- The growth of catfish during eight days of
trogen would require alkalinity equivalent to observation are provided in Appendix 1. The
7.1 g CaCO)' The decrease of alkalinity and higher C/N ratio caused higher growth of cat-
increase of H + ions will decline pH. On the fish. This fact was related to the lower level of
other hand, increasing pH was mainly associ- total ammonia and nitrite in the water. There
ated with the presence of CO2 as a result of was an exception that fish growth in the treat-
respiration of biota in water. ment of C/N = 0 was 8.36 (± 3.34)%,higher than
those in treatment C/N = 7 and C/N = 14, i.e.
In general, pH values measured in this study
7.28(±2.3S)%and 7.83 (±2.28)%, respectively.
were in the optimum range for most fish and
other aquatic biota, i.e., 6.5 to 8.5 (Svobodova The addition of molasses as a carbon
er al., 1993). source to increase C/N ratio in the water
seemed to be able to maintain water quality in
Floc Volume better conditions, especially in inhibiting the
increment of ammonia and nitrite levels, there-
Bacteria communities in aquaculture sys- fore catfish are able to grow better. Other wa-
tems will form a floc which comprises various ter quality parameters did not show a specific
microorganisms including algae, protozoan, relationship to C/N ratio. In fact, it still needs
and bacteria themselves. The observation of more in-depth study to explain the correlation
the floc volume showed that generally the floc of water quality dynamics to the ratio C/N in
grew until the sixth day and then declined af- water and catfish growth.
terwards. The treatment of C/N = 14 gave the
highest growth of floc which reached a peak CONCLUSION
of 52.67 mL/L at day-6. The treatment of C/N =
21 provided the lowest floc development The addition of molasses to increase water
(Figure 8). C/N ratio up to 14 to 21 could support the

C/N ratio and nitrogenous waste accumulation ... (Bambang Gunadi)

....,._ C/N - 0
5.00 ~ C/N-7
-a- C/N c: 14

4.00 ........ C/N - 21

:I 3.00
v 2.00

0 2 4 6 8
Oays of observation
Figure 8. The dynamics of floc volume in the catfish culture
water during eight days of observation

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