Practice Test 13

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1. The matter has been left in _______ until the legal ramifications have been explored.
A. recess B. suspension C. abeyance D. waiting
2.It was an extremely hostile article which cast _______ on the conduct of the entire
A. criticism B. aspersions C. disapproval D. abuse
3 Could I pick your _______ on the subject before the meeting?
A. brains B. mind C. head D. intellect
4.Simon's business has been on the _______ for some time and I understand he's going
into liquidation.
A. fire B. rocks C. wave D. clouds
on the stocks = facing dilemma
5. She wouldn’t have heard anything. She is _______ deaf.
A. stone B. rock C. post D. bat
stone deaf: completely unable to hear
6.We've made some great improvements over the past three months, but we're still not
out of the _______.
A. jungle B. bush C. dark D. woods
7. We need a process that ______ corrupt police officers.
A. tides over B. beats about C. barks up D. weeds out
weed sth/sb out: remove, get rid people or things from a group because they are not
wanted or under required standard
tide sb over sth: help sb during a difficult period
beat yourself up (about/over sth): to blame yourself too much for sth
beat about the bush
bark up the wrong tree: quan tâm không đúng chỗ
8. If you had never seen a telly ad, you would be all at ______ with popular culture.
A. crossroads B. distance C. sea D. length
all at sea: confused and not knowing what to do
at a/the crossroads: at an important point in sb’s life or developmet
9. Kristina felt on top of the ______when she won the beauty pageant.
A. world B. earth C. sky D.universe
on top of the world: very happy or proud
10. Mary is the black ______ of the family. She's always in trouble with the police.
A. dog B. cat C. sheep D. horse
the black sheep of the family: người bị gia đình bỏ rơi
11. His fee is a drop in the ______ compared with the real cost of broadcasting.
A. bucket B. ocean C. lake D. sea
a drop in the ocean/bucket: an amount of something that is too small or unimportant to
make any real difference to a situation
12. I'd been living in this country for a few years, but it wasn't until I had kids that I felt
like I had really put down ______ here.
A. roots B. seeds C. nuts D. fruits
13. I'm absolutely ______ under with work at the moment.
A. snowed B. iced C. rained D. fogged
14. I have been ______ by ill health ever since I left university.
A. hounded B. wormed C. ducked D. dogged
be dogged by ill health: bị bệnh
hound sb down: săn lùng, truy lùng
15. It was a very wild winter. I think we had one ______ of snow and that was it.
A. gust B. flurry C. drop D. patch
flurry of snow: tuyết rơi nhẹ
16.I always clean the flat before my mom comes round, but she always find at least one
______ of dust and says it’s filthy.
A. scrap B. gust C. speck D. blade
speck of dust: hạt bụi
17. As winter ends, I always seem to feel a ______ of energy.
A. charge B. spring C. revival D. burst
feel a burst of energy: tràn đầy năng lượng
18.The entire staff was thrown off ______ when the news of the takeover was announced.
A. composure B. disarray C. stable D. balance
composure (n): điềm đạm
disarray (n): sự hoảng loạn
19. Gavin will ______ to the challenge of his new promotion.
A. raise B. rise C. ride D. arise
rise to the challenge: đối mặt với thử thách
20.I know you have a good voice and have ambitions to be an opera singer but do not
give up your day ______ yet.
A. situation B. work C. job D. place
21. I am in the ______ as to where Chris was last night.
A. shade B. dark C. pink D. black
in the pink of condition: rất khỏe = have a clean bill of health
in the black: có tiền ở ngân hàng
work like a black: work hard
22. Breaking his leg dealt a ______ to his chances of becoming a professional footballer.
A. thump B. strike C. hit D. blow
deal a blow: giáng một đòn mạnh
23. Let’s make a dash for the train now as the rain seems to be ______ off.
A. easing B. slowing C. reducing D. running
ease off: giảm bớt
24. Our firm is so successful because it is at the cutting ______ of computer technology.
A. limit B. fringe C. verge D. edge
25. Monsoon Wedding was described as a cinematic jewel when it hit the
_____________ screen.
A. golden B. silver C. bronze D. diamond
the silver screen: ngành điện ảnh
a rough diamond: Người thô kệch nhưng trung thực và tốt bụng, kim cương thô,
26. For busy people in today’s society, lifestyle management is gaining ______ .
A. points B. speed C. ground D. terrain
gain ground: become popular
27.We at Buyrite throw down the ______ to competitors to match us for price, quality
and service.
A. mitten B. gauntlet C. sword D. hat
28. This time she's leaving for ______. She will never return.
A. all B. always C. good D. once
for good: mãi mãi
29. The old house was ______furnished and we had to buy almost everything new.
A. thinly B. sparsely C. mildly D. rarely
sparsely furnished: thiếu dụng cụ, đồ đạc
30.Sometimes, we don't appreciate the ______ pleasures of life such as a beautiful sky, a
cup of coffee with a friend or seeing a good film at the cinema.
A. sheer B. simple C. normal D. plain
31.That old house hasn't been lived in for nearly thirty years, hence the fact that it looks
so ______
A. decrepit B. trashed C. rotten D. derelict
32. Despite harsh criticism, she's sticking to her ______ on this issue.
A. weapons B. guns C. thumb D. neck
stick to one’s guns: giữ lập trường
33. If traffic increases beyond a certain level, the city grinds to a ______
A. halt B. stop C. pause D. end
grind to a halt: to stop slowly
34.Various ecological issues have come to the ______ since the discovery of the hole in
the earth's ozone layer.
A. front B. back C. side D. fore
come to the fore: trở nên quan trọng
35. I've seen her perform on television, but never in t
he ______
A. meat B. flesh C. blood D. vein
see sb in the flesh: gặp ngoài đời
36.The full horror of the war only hit ______ when we started seeing the television
pictures of it.
A. base B. down C. home D. back
hit home: trở nên rõ ràng
37. She's always ______ to me about how badly she's treated at work.
A. grumbling B. whining C. objecting D. complaining
grumble (v): càu nhàu
38. I didn't mean to leave her name off the list; it was a(n) ______ .
A. neglect B. disregard C. insult D. oversight
oversight (n): sơ suất
39.The most important parts of your job may seem difficult now but they will become
second ______ to you within a couple of weeks.
A. instinct B. thought C. nature D. mind
become second nature: trở nên quen thuộc
40.The winning team were roundly criticised by the local media for the way in which
they had ______ over the losing team. It was considered very unsporting.
A. gloated B. relished C. showed up D. dominated
gloat over: cười hả hê

1. An historical awareness also imparts a sense of continuity (continue).
continuity (n): tính liên tục
2. Last month's elections saw a continuance in power of the country's socialist party.
continuance (n): the state of continuing or exist
3. It's very discouraging to find out that your own team members have been lying to you.
discouraging (a): mất tinh thần
4. Do you believe in the curative powers of the local mineral water? (cure)
5. She has an artist's discriminating eye. (discriminate)
discriminating (a): able to judge the quality of sth
6. The government enacted laws to protect women from discriminatory employment
practices (discriminate)
7. Maria loved both the children. There was never a hint of favoritism (favour)
favoritism (n): sự thiên vị
8.They often are involved in the hiring and dismissal of employees but generally have no
role in the formulation of personnel policy. (form)
formulation (n): sự soạn thảo
9.An agreement on the formation of a new government was reached on June 6. (form)
formation (n): sự thành lập
10.There are people who want to humiliate you and grind you down. (humble)
humiliate (v): làm bẽ mặt
11.The discussions reached a new level of intensity and by lunchtime the exchanges
were becoming very heated. (intense)
12. Intensification and specialization in agriculture, especially in the vineyards, gave rise
to commercial exchange and opportunity for profit and saving. (intense)
Intensification (n): sự đẩy mạnh
13.Areas near the frontier were rough and lawless in the old days. (law)
Lawless: vô trật tự
14.It is unlawful for a teacher to inflict corporal punishment on pupils. (law)
unlawful (n): trái pháp luật
15.The relation of politics and economy is a masterstroke of historical gradual progress.
masterstroke (n): kì công
16.A builder from South London, McAvoy was the mastermind of the robbery (master)
mastermind (n): người vạch kế hoạch
17.Photographs and memorabilia that cover the walls and fill several display cases
chronicle the foods this area is famous for. (memory)
memorabilia (n): những việc đáng nhớ, vật kỉ niệm
18.The three countries have signed a(n) memorandum pledging to work together.
memorandum (n): bản ghi nhớ
19.Olympic gold medalist Ekaterina Gordeeva is writing a(n) memoir about her life with
Sergei Grinkov, her late husband and figure-skating partner.(memory)
20.Her first defeat was an early lesson in humility (humble).
humility (n): sự khiêm tốn
21.They cannot forget the humiliation they suffered at the hands of their oppressors.
humiliation (n): sự bẽ mặt
22.Sales have slowed down quite markedly (mark).
23.To the untrained eye, the two flowers look remarkably similar. (mark)
24.Always check the mileage before you buy a secondhand car (mile)
mileage: đồng hồ đo quãng đường di chuyển
25.The invention of the wheel was a(n) milestone in the history of the world. (mile)
milestone: cột mốc quan trọng
Part 3. The relationship between the modern consumer and his or her rubbish is a
complex one. Getting rid of rubbish has come to mean a great deal more than simply
consigning breakfast leftovers (1) to a plastic bag. With the (2) advent of recycling,
rubbish has now invaded many people’s personal lives to an unprecedented degree.
There was a time, in living (3) memory, when rubbish collection was a simple matter –
but today’s household rubbish, (4) before being discarded, has to be filed and sorted into
colour-coded containers according to its recycling category. What is more, we are (5)
brought out in a rash of irritation by the suggestion that, if rubbish collections (6) was to
become more infrequent, people would then make the effort to cut down on shopping and
recycle more. We might be excused for wondering how this would be (7) possible. Can
people realistically buy fewer eggs or tubes of toothpaste than their lives (8) require?
Recycling is (9) supposed to be good for us. But for some, it’s just a (10) load of
Part 4. The environmental outlook for the future is mixed. In spite of economic and
political changes, interest in and (1) concern about the environmental remains high.
Problems such as acid deposition, chlorofluorocarbons and ozone depletions still require
(2) solutions and concerted action is needed to deal with these. (3) Until acid
deposition diminish, loss of aquatic life in nothern lakes and streams will continue and
forest growth may be affected. Water pollution will (4) remain a growing problem as an
increasing human population (5) put untold stress on the environment. To reduce
environmental degradation and for humanity to (6) save its habitat, societies must
recognize that resources are finite. Environmentalists believe that, as populations and
their demands increase, the idea of continuous growth must give (7) way to a more
rational use of the environment, but that this can only be brought about by a dramatic (8)
change in the attitude of the human species.

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