Old Fashion: Reading Worksheet

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Unit 2 Reading Worksheet 2


1 Read quickly and mark (✓) the true sentence.

The fashion industry changes constantly.
We can always buy the clothes we want.
Old Fashion
c. We are always aware of the changes in fashion. S e n S e

recently saw a video of my parents’ wedding. It was about 20 years old. Likewise, seasonal trends obviously change to reflect different climate. In the
One of the things that really stood out were the clothes everyone was colder months, you might find it difficult to find a pair of shorts or a pair of
wearing! All of my relatives’ looks were so different! This got me thinking sandals at a time when the stores are full of sweaters and boots.
about fashion.
Furthermore, fashion takes on different forms over longer periods of
Whether we do it on purpose or not, we change the way we dress, times. A few years ago, all the girls at school were wearing flared hipster
accessorize and even wear our hair on a frequent basis. The fashion jeans, but now the fashion seems to be the total opposite—now they
industry is an ever-changing business that introduces new product all wear skinny jeans, and it’s difficult to find flared styles anywhere. My
lines every season of every year. You might not realize it, but even mom said my grandpa used to wear flared pants all the time when he
if you wear only jeans and T-shirts, you will be surprised how the was young. I can’t imagine that, but she says that fashion trends go
designs, logos and colors change. around in circles all the time.

Everett Collection / Shutterstock.com

Clothes stores are businesses that partly respond to demand For me, it is important to let my look show that I am creative and
from buyers, but also to the availability of the clothes from their original. So I adapt pieces or make my own. So far, I’ve adapted over
suppliers. For instance, big manufacturing companies might only 20 pieces of clothing and I have made two original designs: a jacket
produce light-colored T-shirts in a particular year, so even if the and a hat. This does not mean I have no influences from current
stores want to get other colors to sell to the public, these may not be fashion trends!
available. The fashion industry is one of the few businesses where the
Now, I am left thinking about the future: what will people think of my
supply sometimes dictates the demand.
fashion sense when they see old video of me in years to come?

2 Read again and circle the correct option. G lossary

stand out:
0. How old was the video of the wedding?
to be (very)
a. 10 years old. b. 30 years old. c. 20 years old. noticeable
1. What main difference did the author notice with her relatives? look: the style or
a. Age b. Clothes. c. Expressions. appearance of
2. How often does fashion change?
realize: to
a. Once a year. b. Never. c. Very often. understand a
3. In how many businesses does the supply dictate the demand? situation
a. In a few. b. In all of them. c. In many. suppliers:
a company,
4. What do clothes stores respond to? person, etc. that
a. Demand. b. Supply and demand. c. Clients. provides things
that people
5. How does the author describe her own style?
want or need
a. Boring. b. Exciting. c. Imaginative. supply: an
6. How many people does the fashion industry have an influence on? amount of
a. Most people. b. Almost no one. c. A few. something
trend: a
Stop and Think! When was the last time you changed your look? tendency in
fashion, style
5 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 5.2.R2

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