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Aspect Ratio (m) Wing Span (m) Length (m) Wing Area (m^2) Height (m) Wing loading (kg/m^2) Type of engine No. of engine Thrust per engine (KN) Maximum Speed (km/hr) Cruising Speed Service ceiling Range (km) Rate of climb (m/s) Empty weight (kg) Gross weight (kg) Maximum take off weight(kg)
1 Airbus A220 - 100 Airbus Canada Limited Partnership 10.97 35.1 35 112.3 11.5 561.43 Pratt and Whithey PW1500G 2 103.6 840 871 12497 6390 10.16 31951 63048 58000
2 Antonov An - 148 - 100E Ukrainian Kyiv AVIANT plant 9.57 28.91 29.13 87.23 8 500.45 Turbofan jet 2 63 850 870 12200 4400 24.9 22000 43654 43700
3 De Havilland Canada Dash 8 - Q400 De Havilland Canada Limited 12.6 28.4 32.8 64 8.4 476.26 PW150 2 2.5 667 667 8229 2040 8.128 17819 30480 30481
4 Comac ARJ21 - 700 Comac 9.31 27.28 33.46 79.86 8.44 544.7 CF34 2 75.87 870 828 11900 2200 8.2 24955 43500 40500
5 Embraer E - Jet E2 family - E190 Embraer 11.04 33.72 36.25 103 10.96 547.57 GE 34-8E-10 2 85 1012 876 12000 5280 17.76 33000 56400 56400
6 Sukhoi Superjet 100 - 95LR SUKHOI 9.22 27.8 29.94 83.8 10.28 590.09 Power Jet SAM 146 2 71.6 590 870 12500 4578 84.83 25100 49450 49450
7 Boeing 707 - 120B The Boeing Company 3.57 39.88 44.22 226 12.7 517.01 Pratt & Whithey JT3D 2 84.2 870 828 11000 6700 10.16 30600 116844 50000
8 Fokker 100 Fokker 8.43 28.08 35.53 93.5 10.51 489.94 Rolls royce RB183Tay 2 61.6 1000 845 11000 2700 15.24 24375 45800 43090
9 Bombardier CRJ700 Bombardier Aviation 7.62 23.2 32.3 70.6 7.6 481.85 CF34 2 61.3 845 829 12497 2553 17.7 20069 34018 34019
10 Sud Aviation Caravelle 12 SNCASE 8.01 34.29 36.23 146.7 9.02 395.36 Pratt & Whithey JT8D 2 64.5 876 810 12000 3200 2.38 29500 58000 27215
11 Bae 146 /Avro RJ - 300/RJ100 BAE Systems 8.97 26.34 31 77.3 8.61 572.12 Lycoming ALF 502 2 31.1 600 709 11000 3074 10.16 25640 44224 38101
Design Parameters Values
Wing area (S) 149.53 m2
Aspect ratio (AR) 10.7
Wing span (b) 40 m
Taper ratio (λ) 0.18
Root chord (CR) 8m
Tip chord (CT) 1.5 m
Mean chord (Cm) 5.47 m
Sweepback angle (ᴧ) 300
Dihedral angle (Г) 50
(R/C) MAX 8.12 m/s
TURN RADIUS 4354.32 m
TURN RADIUS 0.062 Rad/s
GLIDE ANGLE 3.59 deg
S.No Velocity npositive nnegative
1 50 0.72 -0.72
2 100 1.56 -1.56
3 150 2.28 -2.28
4 200 4.19 -4.19
5 250 6.51 -6.51
6 300 8.35 -8.35
W0 (gussed) We/W0 Wo remain We Wf Wo
30000 0.451 3247.4 10766 14337 6753.98 31858.4
31000 0.45 31952.6
32000 0.449 31858.4
33000 0.448 34764.7
34000 0.447 31671.5
T/W= 0.375
thrust per engine = 156263.677
Thrust Required = 0.375*31858*9.81
ITEM W(Kg) X(m) W*X(Kg.m)
Wing 3641.44 Xlew + 1.63 3541.44 Xlew + 5935.54
Horizontal tail 190 Xlew + 1.1 190 Xlew + 209
Vertical tail 414.4 Xlew + 2.45 414.4 Xlew + 1015.28
Engine 2039 Xlew – 1.15 2039 Xlew – 2344.8
Nose wheel 7469 Xlew – 4.85 7469 Xlew – 362.44
Main wheel 238 Xlew + 0.539 238 Xlew+128.28
Fuselage & System 8904.42 7.425 66115.31 Xlew + 4581.67
Total 6597.53 Xlew + 4581.67
Cruise speed(km/hr) Altitude(m)
871 12500
870 12200
667 8229
828 11900
876 12000
870 12500
828 12500
845 1100
829 12479
810 12000
709 9144
Cruise speed(km/hr) Range(km)
871 6390
870 4400
667 2040
828 2200
876 5280
870 4578
828 6700
845 2700
829 2553
810 3200
709 3074
Cruise speed(km/hr) Wing loading(kg/m^2)
871 561.43
870 500.45
667 476.26
828 544.7
876 547.57
870 590.09
828 517.01
845 489.94
829 481.85
810 395.36
709 572.12
Wing loading(kg/m^2) Takeoff Run(m)
561.43 1463
500.45 1885
476.26 1425
544.7 1900
547.57 1450
590.09 2052
517.01 2300
489.94 1520
481.85 1605
395.36 1478
572.12 1535
Cruise speed(km/hr) Aspect ratio
871 10.97
870 9.57
667 12.6
828 9.31
876 11.03
870 9.22
828 3.57
845 8.43
829 7.62
810 8.01
709 8.97
Cruise speed(km/hr) Wing loading(kg/m^2)
871 561.43
870 500.45
667 476.26
828 544.7
876 547.57
870 590.09
828 517.01
845 489.94
829 481.85
810 395.36
709 572.12
Max Speed(km/hr) Length(m)
840 35
850 29.13
667 32.8
870 33.46
1012 36.25
590.09 29.94
870 37.8
1000 35.53
845 32.3
876 36.24
600 26.19
Max Speed(km/hr) Range(km)
840 6390
850 4400
667 2040
870 2200
1012 5280
590 4578
870 6700
1000 2700
845 2553
876 3200
600 3074
Wing loading(kg/m^2) Aspect ratio
561.43 10.97
500.45 9.57
476.26 12.6
544.7 9.31
547.57 11.03
590.09 9.22
517.01 3.57
489.94 8.43
481.85 7.62
395.36 8.01
572.12 8.97
Range(km) Aspect ratio
6390 10.97
4400 9.57
2040 12.6
2200 9.31
5280 11.03
4578 9.22
6700 3.57
2700 8.43
2553 7.62
3200 8.01
3074 8.97

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