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Dharma vocabulary

From yesterday:
Object – oral transmission, empowerment, pen, vajra, laptop, scissors

Mind – that which is clear and aware (rigpa)


Aware or an Awareness – that which experiences an object

Awareness is something that when I pass by a dog, I will be aware of whether he will bite
me or not.
I am aware that the kitten will scratch me.
I am aware that the dog might bite me.
I am aware of… the sled on the snow.

If the kitten scratches me, I will experience being scratched.

If the dog bites Tenzin Rabgay, he will experience being bitten It will hurt.
If Tenzin Rabgay throws snow at me, I will experience… snow getting inside of my
clothes. When the snow melts, I will be wet.


Produce – The melted snow would produce water.

If the kitten scratches me, it produces (draws) blood.

Direct – When Tenzin Rabgay threw the snowball, he directly got snow on Kunsang.

The Russian military directly shoot the Ukraine army.

Indirect -- When Tenzin Rabgay threw the snowball, he indirectly got water on the floor.

When Russian military shoot the Ukraine army, they indirectly got wounded and killed.

New words today:

Eye consciousness (nose consciousness, etc.)

Direct cause – that which produces directly (Example: fire produces smoke)

"Fire is an example of a direct cause of the smoke. Fire directly produces smoke."

The seed is an example of a direct cause of the plant. The seed directly produces the

Chef is an example of a direct cause of food. The chef directly produces food.

A compassionate person is an example of a direct cause of kindness. The compassionate

person directly produces kindness.

Fire is an example of a direct cause of the smoke. And indirect ash.

In the subjects we've discussed (Harriet Tubman, slavery, Ukraine, the Irish fishermen,
Girl Scout cookies, Groundhog Day), what is an example of a direct cause?

Russia is an example of a direct cause of war in Ukraine. Russia directly produced war.

Indirect cause – that which produces indirectly (Example: a vase)

"Clay is an example of an indirect cause of a vase. Clay indirectly produces a vase."

Waiter is an example of an indirect cause of food. The waiter indirectly produces food.
Fan is an example of an indirect cause of wind. The fan indirectly produces wind.
Vladimir Putin is an example of an indirect cause of fear of World War.

In the subjects we've discussed (Harriet Tubman, slavery, Ukraine, the Irish fishermen,
Girl Scout cookies, Groundhog Day), what is an example of an indirect cause?

Substantial cause – that which produces a continuum of its own substance as its result
(Example: eye-consciousness creates the next moment of eye-consciousness)

"Eye consciousness is an example of a substantial cause. Eye consciousness produces a

continuum, the next moment of eye-consciousness."

The growth of the coconuts is an example of a substantial cause. The growth of the
coconuts produces a continuum, the next moment of growth.

A pen is an example of a substantial cause of impermanence. The pen is a substantial

cause of impermanence produces a continuum, the next moment of impermanence.

In the subjects we've discussed (Harriet Tubman, slavery, Ukraine, the Irish fishermen,
Girl Scout cookies, Groundhog Day), what is an example of a substantial cause?

Cooperative cause – that which produces something that is not a continuum of its own
substance (Example: form and eye-consciousness)


"Form and eye-consciousness are examples of cooperative causes. Eye consciousness

sees form, but the form is not eye-consciousness."

My fingers and a typewriter are examples of cooperative causes. My fingers use a

typewriter, but a typewriter is not my fingers.

My head and nose are examples of cooperative causes. My head has a nose, but it doesn't
have a sense of smell.
In the subjects we've discussed (Harriet Tubman, slavery, Ukraine, the Irish fishermen,
Girl Scout cookies, Groundhog Day), what is an example of a cooperative cause?

Condition -- that which helps the arising of its result

In the subjects we've discussed (Harriet Tubman, slavery, Ukraine, the Irish fishermen,
Girl Scout cookies, Groundhog Day), what is an example of a condition?

For example, when you plant a flower, the condition is like watering and heat from the
sun, wind, and the earth. These are the main conditions to grow.

The main condition is more desirable. And afraid of. (fear) (great fear) And great fear of

Result – that which is produced

In the subjects we've discussed (Harriet Tubman, slavery, Ukraine, the Irish fishermen,
Girl Scout cookies, Groundhog Day), what is an example of a result?

Death is the result of being born.

Death is result of growth.

Direct result – that which is produced directly

In the subjects we've discussed (Harriet Tubman, slavery, Ukraine, the Irish fishermen,
Girl Scout cookies, Groundhog Day), what is an example of a direct result?

Learning is a direct result of knowledge.

Indirect result – that which is produced indirectly

In the subjects we've discussed (Harriet Tubman, slavery, Ukraine, the Irish fishermen,
Girl Scout cookies, Groundhog Day), what is an example of an indirect result?

The burned food is the indirect result of my cell phone call.

Ending is an indirect result of beginning.

Feeling cold is an indirect result of not wearing thick clothes.

By this effort, may all sentient beings be free of suffering

May their minds be filled with the nectar of virtue.
In this way may all causes resulting in suffering be extinguished,
and only the light of compassion shine throughout all realms.


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