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MODULAR DISTANCE LEARNING: advantages and disadvantages from the point of

view of Grade 12 students of Tiong Hen So Memorial High School

A Research Work Presented to JAN JULIUS B. FOSTER Research 2 Teacher of


In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Grade 12 TVL/GAS

In Practical Research 2


John Mark Amante

Jeffrey Chavez

Rex Dalida

Ronel Gacis

Quinbe Gavanzo

Ariel Ombrog

Ronnel Pahid

Mark Pedres

Mark Villarosa


First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for his protection

and for showers of blessings throughout our research journey to complete the research


We would like to acknowledge and give our warmest thanks to our School head, Mr.

Alex F. Givera, for giving us support and words of encouragement.

We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our teacher in Practical research

2, Mr. Jan Julius B. Foster, for giving us the opportunity to do research and providing

invaluable guidance throughout this research. His dedication, sincerity and motivation have

deeply inspired us. He has taught us the methodology to carry out the research and to

present the research works as clearly as possible.

Our sincere thanks also go to our beloved Adviser, Ms. Ma. Catherine Naga, for her

assistance and for the words of encouragement which truly inspired us.

We cannot express enough thanks to our Research adviser, Mr. Francis Garalde, for his

time and effort in checking our research works. It was a great privilege and honor to work

under his guidance. We are extremely grateful for what he has offered us.

We would also like to express the deepest appreciation to our Classmates, our

respondents as well, thank you for helping us and for being part of our study. Your efforts

are very much appreciated, thank you for doing your best to do our responsibilities in school

especially in this kind of endeavor, our research work.

Finally, we would like to acknowledge with gratitude, the support and love of our family. To

our Parents, thank you for your understanding, caring and sacrifices for educating and

preparing us for our future. You all kept us going, and this research study would not have

been possible without your help.




Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………... …. iii-iv




Background of the study…………………………………………………………………2

Significance of the study…………………………………………………………….......3

Statement of the problem………………………………………………………………..4-5

Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………………...5

Hypothesis of the study…………………………………………………………………....6

Scope and Delimitation…………………………………………………………………….6

Definition of terms…………………………………………………………………………..6-7


Related Literature Local…………………………………………………………………8

Related Literature Foreign………………………………………………………………9


Research Design…………………………………………………………………………10

Research Locale………………………………………………………………………….10

Respondents of the study……………………………………………………………….10

Sampling Procedure…………………………………………………………………...…10

Data Gathering Procedure……………………………………………………………….11

Research Instrument……………………………………………………………………...11

Statistical Treatment………………………………………………………………………11


Table 1. Age Distribution of Grade 12 Students…………………………………………12

Table 2. Distribution of students according to their economic status………………….13

Table 3. Distribution of students according to their interests……………………...……13

Table 4. Stability of Internet Connection………………………………………………….14

Table 5. Modes of Modular learning……………………………………………………….14

Table 6. How stressful is Modular Distance learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic?............ 15

Table 7. Is modular distance learning more effective than to face to face classes?.................15

Figure 2. Advantages of Modular Distance Learning From the point of view of Grade 12


FIGURE 3. Disadvantages of Modular Distance Learning from the Point of view of Grade 12

FIGURE 4. Major barriers in the modular distance learning……………………………….18







Curriculum Vitae…………………………………………………………………………………48-58


Face to face learning engagement of students and teachers within the school has been

suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has paved the way to the

implementation of Modular Distance Learning as an urgent response to ensure continuity of

education. The Philippines is in the process of adapting to the new normal form of education

at present, and continuous innovations of educators and active involvement of other

stakeholders are the driving force for its success. The key purpose of this study is to find out

the advantages and disadvantages of modular distance learning from the point of view of

Grade 12 students of Tiong Hen So Memorial High School. These points of views were

identified through descriptive qualitative research by conducting surveys to the 25

participants in the said school through a purposive sampling. Statistical treatment analysis

was used in the interpretation and coding of data. The advantages of modular distance

learning are the students are able to learn how to value their time and it increases the

adaptability and the ability of the students to learn on their own. The disadvantages that
some students tend to copy their answers from other references without reading the

modules. The poor internet connection is the hinders of their learning process in the new

normal setup. It concluded that in a new normal setup education stability of internet

connection really matters especially in students.

In conclusion, the study was able to determine the disadvantages and advantages and

the major barriers on the implementation of modular distance learning.

Keywords: Distance learning modalities, modular distance learning, Education in COVID-19




Coronavirus disease, also known as Covid-19, is a health problem today deeply

affecting several areas like daily life, working life and the system of education in world. It first

appeared in Wuhan City, China in December 2019, World Health Organization (WHO)

(2021) declared Covid-19 as a global state of emergency on 30 January 2020 and a global

pandemic on 11 March 2020. To reduce the spread of this life-threatening virus, specific

limitations, and rules such as travel restrictions and closure of restaurants, entertainment

venues, theatres and cinemas have been imposed occasionally. One of these limitations is

the suspension of face-to-face education. Distance education implementations have been

used to mitigate the spread of virus and to continue education. By this way distance

education has started to be implemented from preschool education to higher education.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, institutions, administrators, educators, students and

even parents have unpreparedly found themselves in the distance education process.

Transition from face-to-face teaching methods to more indirect methods, has forced schools

into a flow of learning which is full of complexities and limitations (Rasmitadila, 2020). This
process has had a great impact on school, teachers, and students (Mailizar et al., 2020). In

this process, individuals inevitably have faced specific difficulties and obstacles in

institutions. Students have been affected psychologically by school closures, lack of

equipment to participate in courses, inability to access online materials from home and

inability to leave home for a long time (Apriyanti, 2020). Also, the inadequate technological

infrastructure of educational institutions can be considered another factor. Such factors are

obstacles to the success of education. In order to gain success in distance education,

advantages and disadvantages should be revealed. Revealing these are important for

maintaining, removing, reducing, or solving the barriers in modular distance education

implementations to be conducted in the future.

In today’s digital age, online learning, blended learning, social media and open

learning are critical developments for an effective teaching (Bates, 2018). Also, the

widespread utilization of mobile learning tools has added a different dimension to distance

education. The utilization of mobile learning tools in distance education has positive impacts

on learner’s motivation, self-regulation, control and personalization of learning environment

(Sönmez, Göçmez, Uygun & Ataizi, 2018). However, teaching by using new technologies

requires a variety of skills that most educators are not familiar with, the educators need to be

trained on how to use these new devices and how to integrate them into their own

implementations. In addition, students should be prepared and motivated for distance

education lessons that are greatly widespread and designed in different models.

Distance Learning refers to a learning delivery modality, where learning takes place

between the teacher and the learners who are geographically remote from each other during

instruction. This modality has three types: Modular Distance Learning (MDL), Online

Distance Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based Instruction. (Quinones, 2020)

Modular learning is the most popular type of Distance Learning. In the Philippines,

this learning modality is currently used by all public schools because according to a survey

conducted by the Department of Education (DepEd), learning through printed and digital
modules emerged as the most preferred distance learning method of parents with children

who are enrolled this academic year. This is also in consideration of the learners in rural

areas where internet is not accessible for online learning.

Tiong Hen So Memorial High School is one of those schools that is in rural area.

Where in teacher takes the responsibility of monitoring the progress of the learners. The

learners may ask assistance from the teacher via e-mail, telephone, text message/instant

messaging among others. Whenever possible, the teacher shall do home visits to learners

needing remediation or assistance. Printed Modules will be delivered to students, parents or

guardians by the teachers. Since education is no longer held within the school, parents

serve as partners of teachers in education. Parents play a vital role as home facilitators.

Their primary role in modular learning is to establish a connection and guide the child.

In connection to the present study, it is being conducted to identify the student’s

perception regarding the advantages and disadvantages of having modular distance

learning, and how they cope with and accept the challenge of learning in such a different

way compared to the traditional way of teaching.


Modular learning is a form of distance learning that uses Self-Learning Modules

(SLM) and is highly convenient for most typical Filipino students. It was also the most

preferred learning system of the majority of parents/guardians for their children. The SLM is

based on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by the Department of

Education. In modular distance learning, the teachers take the responsibility of monitoring

the progress of the learners. The students may ask assistance from the teacher via email,

telephone, and text message/instant messaging. For those students who experience

difficulties, the teacher will give remedial activities.

According to the Department of Education (DepEd), parents and guardians perform

the various roles in Modular Learning such as Module-ator, Bundy-clock, and as Home
Innovator. As a Module-ator, they are the ones to get and submit the printed Self-Learning

Modules (SLMs) from and to schools or barangay halls at the beginning and end of the

week, depending on the agreement between the parents and the school. As a Bundy-clock,

they must check their child's schedule or workweek plan. Because of the number of subjects

or activities to be done, they must see that it is being followed accordingly to avoid cramming

or delays in submission, which may affect the child's performance. Lastly, as a Home

Innovator, they must provide their child with a productive learning environment to help them

focus more on Learning. It must be a well-lighted and well-ventilated space in the house,

with little or no distraction.

The key purpose of this research is to find out the advantages and disadvantages in

the implementation of Modular Distance Learning from the point of view of the students.

Also, this study aims to ascertain the methods, interventions or solutions of every

educational institution as well as the government in providing assistance to students, parents

and teachers who are having difficulty in this new learning modality.


The study is made with the aim to provide information and knowledge that would be

beneficial to the following:

School- The findings of the study redound to the benefits of school administrators to reflect

on their current teaching practices and develop possible interventions to improve learning


Teachers- This study will give a significant plan for educators to improve the teaching-

learning process and how modular distance learning can be implemented effectively. It can

help teachers because it would serve as an eye-opener for them in knowing the advantages

and disadvantages of modular distance learning in learner’s academic performance so that

they can implement appropriate guidelines and instruction.

Students- this enables them to know the essence of having modular distance learning in

which it could help them to be trained on time management setting their priorities and it can

be associated with developing self-regulation skill by being independent. They could also

have a positive and academic attitude towards the new learning modality.

Parents- the result of this study would motivate the parents to extend more assistance and

guide their child/children through the modular lessons that would be sent to learners while

doing remote learning. Through modular distance learning, parents would be able to identify

their child/children’s weaknesses and strengths when doing their assigned task incorporated

in their modules.

Future Researchers- This research paper will help future researchers who will conduct

future research about Modular Distance Learning (MDL). They may consider the findings of

this study about the advantages and disadvantages of Modular Distance Learning (MDL)

when they are still accomplishing their study in drafting their related concepts and should

include other variables that are not discussed in this study.


Research questions are provided below for a foundational knowledge. These questions will

be addressed and will be further explored throughout this investigation.

1. What are the students profile in terms of:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Economic Status

d. Interests

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of modular learning as perceived by the

3. What are some major barriers identified by students in the modular distance



The following hypothesis were formulated to guide the study:

1. Student’s age and interests have a great impact in giving their perception about

modular distance learning.

2. Lack of interest in self-education and the distraction of social media and household

chores are some of the disadvantages of studying at home using module.

3. In terms of advantages, students learn how to value and manage their time and

parents realize their role as it is very important in their child’s education.

4. Lack of training in the use of distance learning and poor of internet connection are

the most often reported barriers.


1. Profile of Grade 12 1. Use of survey
questionnaire in gathering 1. Identified Advantages
students. and disadvantages of
and collection of data from
2.Advantages and the respondents . modular distance learning
disadvantages of modular based form the point of
distance learning. 2. Discussion and Analysis View of students.
of Results .
FIGURE 1. Conceptual Framework


The study is conducted to determine the advantages and disadvantages of modular

distance learning from the point of view of the Grade 12 students of Tiong Hen So Memorial

High School. It only focuses on 25 respondents composed of TVL and GAS student. The

investigation be done during April to May 2022. However, it delimits the junior high school

students and those who are not in Grade 12. Also, the students who are not studying in

Tiong Hen So Memorial High School.


For clarity of understanding, some terms are defined operationally by the researchers.

Academic Performance - It refers to the final grade for 1st quarter. It is composed of written

works and performance tasks.

Distance Learning- It refers to the alternative mode of learning. It is not done inside the


Distance education- is formalized instructional learning where the time/geographic situation

constrains learning by not affording in- person contact between student and instructor.

Traditional Learning- A learning that takes place in school. A mode of learning before the

new normal educational system was applied.

Modular Distance Learning Modality- It is a type of modality that uses modules for the

students to learn.
Students. It refers to the learners from Grade 12-GAS and TVL that are enrolled for School

Year 2020-2021.



Related Literature Local

According to Lev Vygotsky (2000), Modular learning is a form of distance learning

that uses Self-Learning Modules (SLM) based on the Most Essential Learning competencies

(MELCS). The modules include sections on motivation and assessment that serve as a

complete guide of both teachers’ and students’ desired competencies. Teachers will monitor

the learners’ progress through home visits. The modular approach situates Filipino students

to learn in the comfort of their homes. Limited contact with teachers will place parents or

guardians as the learners’ model or the “More Knowledgeable Other” (MKO). Someone has

a better understanding or higher ability level than the learner, concerning a particular task,

process, or concept. Another Filipino author, classified the use of modules, together with

programmed instruction, self-learning kits and correspondence courses, and mastery

learning technique, under the self-pacing method of instruction, Garcia, (2015).

Nepomuceno,(2000), described the modules in the following statements: It focuses

on a distinctive, identifiable skills or set of skills or outcomes other than skills; It is fairly short

so as to make students use their study time efficiently; It is essentially self-teaching,

even though it may encourage group work; It blends theory and practice, and combines

doing with reading and reflecting; It provides a list of further readings or sources related to

the skill being promoted; It provides suggestions to students for participating in in the
design of their own projects, explanatory activities, and evaluation criteria; It is reality-

oriented in the sense that it involves the students in real situation if not possible,

tried to use stimulation technique; and It provides feedback for improvement and

redesigning. a module can be advantageous for students and teachers because: It

provides opportunity for organizing numerous sequences of experience to reflect special

interests of the teacher or student; Self-instructional units allow the teacher to focus on

student deficiencies in subject matter that must be corrected and also serve to

eliminate the necessity of covering subject already known to the student; It provides

a way of assessing students‟ progress in learning; It reduces the routine aspects of

instruction learning. The teacher is free to engage in personal contact with the student; the

independent nature of self-instructional units facilitated the updating of study materials

without major revisions; and it serves as model for teachers who wish to develop their own

materials and insert their own personality.

Lourdes Servito,(2001). A
Filipino author, cited that a
module is a self contained
and independent unit of
instruction with a primary
focus on a few well-defined
objectives. A handout
distributed during the
Workshop in the Application
Educational Technology –
DECS-UNESCO referred to
it as a set of learning
opportunities systematically
organized around a well-
defined topic containing
the elements of instruction
that cover specific objectives,
activities and evaluation using
criterion-referenced measures,
Dr. Lourdes Servito, (2001). A Filipino author, cited that a module is a self-contained and
independent unit of instruction with a primary focus on a few well-defined objectives. A
handout distributed during the Workshop in the Application of Educational Technology –
DECS-UNESCO referred to it as a set of learning opportunities systematically organized
around a well-defined topic containing the elements of instruction that cover specific
objectives, teaching-learning activities and evaluation using criterion-referenced measures,

Another Filipino author


classified the use of

modules, together with
programmed instruction, self-
learning kits and
correspondence courses, and
mastery learning technique,
under the self-pacing
method of instruction, Garcia,
(2015). Nepomuceno described
the modules in the
following statements: It
focuses on a distinctive,
identifiable skills or set of
or outcomes other than skills; It
is fairly short so as to make
students use their
study time efficiently; It is
essentially self-teaching, even
though it may
encourage group work; It
blends theory and practice, and
combines doing with
reading and reflecting; It
provides a list of further
readings or sources related to
the skill being promoted; It
provides suggestions to
students for participating in
According to Lev Vygotsky
(2000), Modular learning is a
form of
distance learning that uses
Self-Learning Modules
(SLM) based on the Most
Essential Learning
competencies (MELCS). The
modules include sections on
motivation and assessment that
serve as a complete guide of
both teachers’ and
students’ desired
competencies. Teachers will
monitor the learners’
through home visits.
According to Lev Vygotsky
(2000), Modular learning is a
form of
distance learning that uses
Self-Learning Modules
(SLM) based on the Most
Essential Learning
competencies (MELCS). The
modules include sections on
motivation and assessment that
serve as a complete guide of
both teachers’ and
students’ desired
competencies. Teachers will
monitor the learners’
through home visits.
According to Lev Vygotsky
(2000), Modular learning is a
form of
distance learning that uses
Self-Learning Modules
(SLM) based on the Most
Essential Learning
competencies (MELCS). The
modules include sections on
motivation and assessment that
serve as a complete guide of
both teachers’ and
students’ desired
competencies. Teachers will
monitor the learners’
through home visits. The
modular approach situates
Filipino students to learn in
the comfort of their homes.
Limited contact with teachers
will place parents or
guardians as the learners’
model or the “More
Knowledgeable Other”
Someone has a better
understanding or higher
ability level than the learner,
concerning a particular task,
process, or concept.
Related Literature Foreign
Modular instruction promises a
efficient mass education by
offering more effective
individual instruction at a
time when a teacher is faced
with a problem of producing
learning in a large
group all at the same time. It is
a technique of self-instruction
that involves the
presentation of instructional
materials to demonstrate their
skills and
comprehension, Deterline,
W.,(2002).It is described that
modular instruction
provides the basis for a
close interaction between the
learner and the subject
matter, that the learner is called
upon to respond actively in the
interaction with
an instructional program, and
that the rate at which the
interaction proceeds are
governed individually by
each learner’s response,
Hughes J. L.,(2005).
Modular instruction promises a more efficient mass education by offering more

effective individual instruction at a time when a teacher is faced with a problem of producing

learning in a large group all at the same time. It is a technique of self-instruction that involves

the presentation of instructional materials to demonstrate their skills and

comprehension, Deterline, W.,(2002).It is described that modular instruction provides

the basis for a close interaction between the learner and the subject matter, that the

learner is called upon to respond actively in the interaction with an instructional program, and
that the rate at which the interaction proceeds are governed individually by each learner’s

response, Hughes J. L., (2005).

The instructional modules form an important educational innovation and teaching

technique. Aside from proposing a solution to the problems of teaching instruction, modules

are more efficient mass education by giving more effective individual instruction, Acelejado,

(2007). The preparation of self-instructional modules includes careful analysis of the course

plan or syllabus, preparing preliminaries and designing of the learning activities. The design

of the learning activities includes the objectives, directions, pre-test and key, activity proper,

self-evaluation exercises and post-tests, Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, (2009). The modular

system has been considered as an alternative to traditional teaching for a long time. The

modules in the principles and methods of teaching include lessons and topics which meet

the requirements of authorities in teacher education. The contents of the modules reflect the

most important aspects of what is being taught.



This chapter presents the research design, research locale, the respondent,

sampling procedure, data gathering tools, treatment data and the scoring procedure in the

foregoing study.

Research Design

This study used a descriptive research design, certain questions were designed to

draw out responses on specific information regarding the advantages and disadvantages of

modular distance learning from the point of view of Grade 12 students of THSMHS.

Research Locale
The researchers conducted the study in Tiong Hen So Memorial High School which is

located in a rural area of Bon-ot Big Matnog, Sorsogon. This school was purposively chosen

because of its accessibility to the researcher in gathering data.

Respondents of the Study

Since this study was conducted during the time of pandemic, the respondents were

purposively chosen and contacted via online messaging. There were around 25 selected

students from Grade 12 TVL/GAS of Tiong Hen So Memorial High School, they serve as key

informants who were considered to be part of this study

Sampling Procedure

The researcher will choose purposive sampling, considering that the population of

respondents is small.

Data Gathering Procedure

Emails, and social media were used in the distribution of questionnaires and retrieval

of data. The questions used in the questionnaires were localized, which was validated by the

researchers’ research advisor.

Research Instrument

The researcher utilized a survey questionnaire to gather data of the said study, First

Part is the demographic profile of the respondents. This was including their age, sex,

economic status, and interests. Second part of the questionnaire deals with the independent

variables. The last part includes the advantages and disadvantages of modular distance


Statistical Treatment
The various data gathered were subjected to statistical treatment to present the profile of

students and their point of view about the advantages and disadvantages of having modular

distance learning. The following formula will be used:

Percentage: X 100 Where: F= Frequency

N= Number of respondents



This chapter presents analysis, results and data gathered from the survey conducted

are presented and analyzed based on the specific question and previously stated.

The presentation considers the variables included in the study namely:(1) Profile of

the respondent in terms of age, sex, economic status and interests (2) advantages and

disadvantages of modular learning. (3) major barriers in the modular distance learning.


Age Distribution of Grade 12 students

Age Bracket Frequency Percentage

17 4 16%

18 15 60%

19 3 12%

20 0 0%

21 1 4%

22 2 8%

TOTAL 25 100%

The table 1 shows that out of 25 respondents, there are 4 students who are 17 years

old, there are 15 or 60% respondents who are in age of 18, 3or 12% are 19 years old, there

is 0 student whose age at 20, there’s only 1 or 4% of student who is 20 years old and there 2

or 8% students who are 22 years old already. This table shows that most of the respondents

are in legal age and at this age they are already develop their complex and abstract thinking.


Distribution of students according to their Economic Status

Economic Status Frequency Percentage

Poor 15 60%

Average 9 36%

Rich 1 4%

TOTAL: 25 100%

Table 2 reveals that out of 25 respondents, there is 1 student says that he is living in

a comfortable life, there are 9 or 36% respondents are in average status it means that these

9 students have life that not so poor and not so rich. While the 15 0r 60% respondents are

suffering poverty.

Distribution of students according to their Interests

Interest Frequency Percentage

Learning 8 32%

Reading 1 4%

Sports 1 4%

Photography 1 4%

No response 14 56%

Total 25 100%

As shown in the table 8 or 32% of respondents have an interest on learning, there’s 1

respondent says that he/she has an interest in reading. Also, there’s 1 student who said that

he has an interest in sport specifically in volleyball. There’s 1 student says that she is

inclined in photography while there are 14 or 40% respondents are not responding and

sharing their type of interests.


Stability of Internet Connection

Stability of Internet Connection Frequency Percentage

Poor 5 20%

Good 18 72%

Very Good 2 8%

Total: 25 100%

This table revealed that out of 25 respondents, 2 students are having very stable

internet connection. There are 18 or 72% respondents said that they have an stable internet
connection while 5 or 20% respondents said that they are having a hard time in finding an

stable internet connection.


Modes of Modular learning

Modes of modular learning Frequency Percentage

Printed modules 24 96%

Online Class 1 4%

Google Forms 0 0%

Total: 25 100%

The table shows that 24 or 96% of respondents are having printed modules as their

mode of learning while there is 1 student said that online learning is his mode of learning and

there is on students answered the google forms as their mode of modular learning.


Hoe stressful is Modular Distance learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic?

Ranges Frequency Percentage

Not at all stressful 2 8%

Slightly stressful 19 76%

Moderately stressful 3 12%

Very stressful 1 4%

Total: 25 100%

As shown in this table, 1 out of 25 respondents said that modular distance learning is

very stressful. 3 or 12% respondents said that modular learning is moderately stressful,
there are 19 or 76% respondents said that modular learning is slightly stressful for them

while there are 2 respondents who said that modular distance learning is not stressful at all.


Is modular distance learning more effective than to face to face classes?

Is modular distance learning effective? Frequency Percentage

Yes 1 4%

No 9 36%

Maybe 15 60%

Total 25 100%

This table shows how modular distance learning effective than face to face setup, out

of 25 respondents only 1 student said that modular distance learning is effective than face to

face classes. There are 9 or 36% respondents who said that modular distance learning is not

effective than face to face classes. There are 15 respondents who are undecided whether

the modular distance learning is effective compared to face-to-face classes.


Advantages of Modular Distance Learning From the point of view of Grade 12


Advantages of Modular Distance Learning

It decreases the
chance of students to
get infected with others
covid Convenient Learning
3% 14%
Parents realize their
role as it very inpor-
tant in education Self- Pacing
11% 16%

students to learn to Increases the adapt-

value their time ability and challenge

Convenient Learning
Self- Pacing
Increases the adaptability and challenge the ability of the students to learn on their own
students to learn to value their time
Parents realize their role as it very inportant in education
It decreases the chance of students to get infected with covid

This illustration shows the advantages of modular distance learning from the point of

view of Grade 12 students. It implies that one of the most advantages of having a modular

distance learning is that the students are able to learn how to value their time and it

increases the adaptability and the ability of the students to learn on their own. It must be

concluded that students take modular distance learning s an opportunity to develop their

ability and to value their time so that they will be able to attain their goals amidst the

pandemic they’ve experienced.


Disadvantages of Modular Distance Learning from the Point of view of Grade 12


student's procrastination It limits social interaction

8% 11%
High chances of Dis-
Student's poor internet

Some parents spoil their

children to do deed in-
stead of their children

some students tend to copy their

answers from others without read-
ing modules

It limits social interaction

High chances of Distraction
Some parents spoil their children to do deed instead of their children
some students tend to copy their answers from others without reading modules
Student's poor internet connection
student's procrastination

This illustration shows the disadvantages of modular distance learning from the point

of view of Grade 12 students. It implies that the majority said that one of the most

disadvantage of modular distance learning is that some students tend to copy their answers

from other references without reading the modules.


Major barriers in the modular distance learning

Major Barriers in the Modular Distance Learning








Lack of training in the use of distance learning Poor internet connection


As shown in the illustration poor internet connection is one of the most barriers in the

modular distance learning. Majority of the respondents said that the poor internet connection

is the hinders of their learning process in the new normal setup. It concluded that in a new

normal setup education stability of internet connection really matters especially in students.



This chapter presents the summary, conclusions and recommendations based from

the gathered data and findings of the study.


This study aims to know the advantages and disadvantages of modular distance

learning from the point of view of Grade 12 students of THSMHS. Specifically, the study

sought to answer about the profile of Grade 12 students in terms of; age, economic status,

and interests, stability of internet connection, modes of modular learning, advantages and

disadvantages of modular distance learning and the major barriers in the modular distance

learning as perceived by the Grade 12 students.

The Grade 12 TVL/GAS students are the primary respondents of this study. Survey

questionnaires were disseminated to the students via limited face to face at Tiong Hen So

Memorial High school and through online platforms.

The study used the descriptive-qualitative research design, it was the most

appropriate method to use that a survey questionnaire was used as a valuable tool in

gathering data from the respondents. The results of the survey were tabulated and

interpreted in order for the researchers to come up with a better conclusion.


The following conclusions were formulated based from the findings of the study.

1. Modular distance learning is slightly stressful compared to the normal setup of


2. The advantages of modular distance learning are that the students are able to

learn how to value their time and it increases the adaptability and the ability of the

students to learn on their own.

3. The disadvantages that some students tend to copy their answers from other

references without reading the modules.

4. The poor internet connection is the hinders of their learning process in the new

normal setup. It concluded that in a new normal setup education stability of

internet connection really matters especially in students.


From the survey conducted, several recommendations were gathered. The methods

and strategies suggested by the students to school to further improve the Modular Distance

Learning are reduction of activities from the modules, more examples for each subject, home

visitation once a week, limited face-to-face class or Blended Learning, provision of colored

printed modules, immediate information given by teachers on what to answer in the

modules, online consultation with students, responsiveness of teachers through the use of

social media platform, and leniency of teachers in the submission of students’ outputs.

The proposed solutions to lessen and address the disadvantages in Modular Distance

Learning are reduce/lessen activities in the modules, simplify the modules, implement

blended Learning, consistent instructions in the modules and as much as possible, limit

group activities, give each student ample time to complete all the modules, and give more

examples and explanations to each of the given activity. Through this way the researchers

believed that students would lessen the stress in doing their modules.

Al Rawashdeh, A. Z., et al., (2021). Advantages and Disadvantages of Using e-Learning in
University Education: Analyzing Students’ Perspectives. The Electronic Journal of e-
Learning, 19(2), pp. 107-117

Sumaoang J. (2020). The Implementation of Modular Distance Learning in the Philippine

Secondary Public Schools

Ozudugro G. (2021). Problems faced in distance education during Covid-19 Pandemic


Llego, MA. (n.d). DepEd Learning Delivery Modalities for School Year 2020-2021. TeacherPh.


Quinones, M. T. (2020, July 3). DepEd clarifies blended, distance learning modalities for SY

2020- 2021. Philippine Information Agency.


Adnan, M., & Anwar, K. (2020). Online learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Students’

perspectives. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 2(1), 45–51.


FlipScience. (2020, October 5). 'Tagapagdaloy’: How Filipino parents can help ensure

successful modular distance learning. FlipScience - Top Philippine Science News and

Features for the Inquisitive Filipino.



Name:_______Quinbe Gavanzo Sex: Female

Age: ______20_____ Address: Genablan Oriental Matnog, Sorsogon

Educational Attainment

Elementary Level: __Genablan Oriental Elementary School ____

Secondary Level: __Tiong Hen So Memorial High School___


_To finish my studies so that I could provide my family’s needs. I want to travel with my friends and in

God’s plan I want to get married at the right time, place and person.

Parents Information

MOTHER’ NAME: _Salvacion G. Gavanzo__Occupation: ______housewife____

FATHER’S NAME: _Roberto G. Gavanzo__ Occupation: Coast Guard



_________QUINBE GAVANZO__________

Signature over Printed Name


Name: John Mark Amante Sex: Male

Age: ______20_____ Address: Genablan Oriental Matnog, Sorsogon

Educational Attainment

Elementary Level: __Genablan Oriental Elementary School ____

Secondary Level: __Tiong Hen So Memorial High School___


To finish my studies so that I wil be able to find a decent and regular job to help my family.

Parents Information

MOTHER’ NAME: Marites a. Baluyot Occupation: housewife

FATHER’S NAME: Danny Baluyot Occupation: Farmer




Signature over Printed Name


Name: Reylan B. Haylo Sex: Male

Age: ______19_____ Address: Genablan Oriental Matnog, Sorsogon

Educational Attainment

Elementary Level: __Genablan Oriental Elementary School ____

Secondary Level: __Tiong Hen So Memorial High School___


After finishing my study, I want to find a job so that I could help my family and my siblings.

Parents Information

MOTHER’ NAME: Josephine Haylo Occupation: housewife

FATHER’S NAME: Roderick Haylo Occupation: Fisherman


“Nothing to compare to the generosity you have for someone and those wonderful memories should
last a lifetime”


Signature over Printed Name


Name: Mark G. Pedres Sex: Male

Age: ______19_____ Address: Genablan Oriental Matnog, Sorsogon

Educational Attainment

Elementary Level: Genablan Oriental Elementary School

Secondary Level: Tiong Hen So Memorial High School


To become successful and to finish my studies.

Parents Information

MOTHER’ NAME: Tiesa G .Pedres Occupation: housewife

FATHER’S NAME: Eduardo G. Pedres Occupation: Farmer


“Life is tough but so are you”


Signature over Printed Name


Name: Mark U. Villarosa Sex: Male

Age: ______22_____ Address: Genablan Oriental Matnog, Sorsogon

Educational Attainment

Elementary Level: __Genablan Oriental Elementary School

Secondary Level: __Tiong Hen So Memorial High School


To finish my studies in high school and to pass the exam in mariners so that I will be

successful someday.

Parents Information

MOTHER’ NAME: Josephine Villarosa Occupation: housewife

FATHER’S NAME: Buenaventura Villarosa Occupation: Farmer


“Don’t ever apologize for the fire in you”


Signature over Printed Name


Name: Jeffrey S. Chavez Sex: Male

Age: ______21___ Address: Genablan Oriental Matnog, Sorsogon

Educational Attainment

Elementary Level: __Genablan Oriental Elementary School

Secondary Level: __Tiong Hen So Memorial High School


To become an electrician since it is my course in Senior High.

Parents Information

MOTHER’ NAME: Evelyn Chavez Occupation: housewife

FATHER’S NAME: Jonathan Chavez Occupation: Farmer


“You are precious, no one can break you”


Signature over Printed Name


Name: Rex J. Dalida Sex: Male

Age: ______18____ Address: Genablan Oriental Matnog, Sorsogon

Educational Attainment

Elementary Level: __Genablan Oriental Elementary School

Secondary Level: __Tiong Hen So Memorial High School


My goals in life is to study hard and graduate with honors. It’s my goal to make my parents

proud of me. I want t be successful in life so that I will work hard to achieve those dreams.

Parents Information

MOTHER’ NAME: Marites J. Dalida Occupation: housewife

FATHER’S NAME: Richard P. Dalida Occupation: Farmer


“Never stop chasing you dream”


Signature over Printed Name


Name: Ariel H. Ombrog Sex: Male

Age: ______19____ Address: Genablan Oriental Matnog, Sorsogon

Educational Attainment

Elementary Level: __Genablan Oriental Elementary School

Secondary Level: __Tiong Hen So Memorial High School


My goal is to finish an automotive engineering degree. This is my preferred course because I

enjoy working with motors and machines. I want to look for a job to save money so that I would be

able to help my family.

Parents Information

MOTHER’ NAME: Imelda H. Ombrog Occupation: housewife

FATHER’S NAME: Arnel G.Ombrog Occupation: Farmer


“Nothing can compare to the generosity you have shown someone, and those wonderful memories
should last a lifetime”


Signature over Printed Name


Name: Ronel D. Pahid Sex: Male

Age: ______20____ Address: Genablan Oriental Matnog, Sorsogon

Educational Attainment

Elementary Level: __Genablan Oriental Elementary School

Secondary Level: __Tiong Hen So Memorial High School


To achieve success in life, have happiness, prosperity and peace.

Parents Information

MOTHER’ NAME: Luzveminda D. Pahid Occupation: housewife

FATHER’S NAME: Rolando Pahid Occupation: Farmer


“Have brains in your head. You have faith in your shoes. You can step yourself only in direction you


Signature over Printed Name


Name: Ronel Gacis Sex: Male

Age: ______22____ Address: Genablan Oriental Matnog, Sorsogon

Educational Attainment

Elementary Level: __Genablan Oriental Elementary School

Secondary Level: __Tiong Hen So Memorial High School


My goal is to finish my study and find a job.

Parents Information

MOTHER’ NAME: Occupation: housewife

FATHER’S NAME: Occupation: Farmer


“Life is short better live with it”


Signature over Printed Name

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