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Glossary: Audience and Purpose in Business Writing

Audience and Purpose in Business Writing


Abstract word A word describing an entity that can't be visualized or sensed.

Comma splice A punctuation error in which only a comma separates two clauses
that could each stand alone as a sentence.

Concrete word A word describing an entity that can be visualized or sensed.

Connotation Implied meaning, which may be either positive or negative. Many

words have connotations as well as literal meanings.

Editing The review stage during which a document is examined critically and
the contents and structure are improved or refined.

Functional word A word that serves to clarify the role or relationship between other
words in a sentence. Examples include articles such as "the" and "a"
and prepositions such as "by," "for," and "from."

Informative messages Messages designed to transfer information to the readers.

Jargon Terminology that's specific to a particular field, profession, or group.

Noun cluster In a sentence, a group of nouns without functional words to separate

them. Including too many nouns in a cluster can make text difficult to
Persuasive messages Messages designed to motivate readers to support an idea or take

Proofreading The review stage focused on correcting superficial, or mechanical,

errors in a written document. The focus during proofreading is on
identifying grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, as well as style

Responsive messages Messages designed to reply to previous communications.

Tone The style or manner of expression, in speech or writing.

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