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Teeny Weeny Bag by Penny Peberdy


Phildar Licorne in various colours or Patons 100% Cotton 4ply

2.50 mm crochet hook


N.B. the first 2 ch on each row are for height and not counted as a

1. Make 27 ch. Into the 3rd ch from the hook make 5 htr; make 1 htr
in each of next 23 ch, ending with 5htr in final ch.

2. Now turn and work along the other side of the starting ch,
working 1 htr into each ch, to the first of the 5tr.

3. 2ch, 1 htr into same st. as, 2htr into ea of next 3 sts, 1 htr
into ea of next 25 sts, 2htr into ea of next 3 sts, 1htr into ea of
next 24 sts, to join.

4. 2ch, 1 htr into same st. as ea of next 3 sts, 3 htr into
next st, 1 htr into ea of next 31 sts, 3htr into next st., 1htr into
ea of next 25 sts, to first htr to join. (66 sts)

5. Work 1 round in dc., to join.

6. Working into the back of the dc of previous round, work one
round in tr. This makes the dc round stand out around the base of
the bag.

For illustrations on how to do this, see the pictures below, which are
actually of the same procedure – used for the top of the bag.

Step 1
Insert your hook through the dc st from
the back of the work.

Step 2
Keeping the top of the dc at the front,
place your hook through the st (on
previous round) and pull the yarn through
to make the 3 loops needed for a treble

Step 3
Continue to make the st as normal.

Step 4
The work should look like this.
7. Work another tr row in the same colour

Changing colours every 2 rows, work until there are 6 stripes, including
the first one just above the base.

8. Work 1 round in tr, then 1 round in dc.

9. Repeat the sequence shown in the pictures above, to form a
decorative edge for the bag.
10. Work 1 round in the same colour as the 6th stripe, as this will be
sewn to that stripe, on the inside of the bag.
11. End off, leaving a very long length, which is used to sew the
turnover to the inside of the bag.
12. Sew the turnover down, going into the inside of the 6th stripe
13. Sew in all ends.

Handles (Make Two).

1. Using any colour, and leaving a long length for later sewing-up,
make 57ch.
2. 1htr into 3rd ch from hook and each ch to end, turn
3. Work 2 more rows in htr.
4. Working through the previous dc row AND the starting chain,
work in dc to end.
5. End off, leaving a long end for sewing the handle to the bag.
6. Make the second handle in a contrasting colour.

Sew the handles to the inside of the bag, as shown in the illustration.

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