President - Jordan Guidry

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President Application Form

Name: ______ ___________ Parish : ______ __________

. 121h
Gra d entenng I Email: 11-..o.-!.r..... ... c... e: Years in 4-H: _____ d.... ... o-.-.m_.___
Answer the fol/owing questions on a separate sheet of paper. Please type and email if possible.
1) Officer Positions Held:
During the past year, I have held the following officer positions:
- President of the St. Martin Parish 4-H Junior Lea dership Club
- Reporter for the Breaux Bridge High School 4-H Club
- President of FFA Chapter at Breaux Bridge High School
- St. Martin Parish 4-H Advisory Leadership Committee Member (currently serving a three year term)
- Southwest Region Volunteer Leadership Committee Member
2) Please describe in detail an example where you were responsible for leading a group or team. Talk
about methods used to communicate and motivate.
Every year, there are officer training workshops for all of the 4-H club officers in our parish.
Members of the j unior Leadership Club are responsible for teaching the workshop for each of the
different offices. Since I was a junior l eadership Club officer and an officer in my school's 4-H club, I
decided to step up and serve as the leader of the team that would train all of the Presidents in the
parish. As the leader, I was responsible for motivating some of the other junior leaders to want to help
with my particular workshop. I got others to join my team by helping them realize that being a 4-H Club
President was an important officer position and that we would have fun while teaching the members
attending our wo rkshop the order of business and basic parliamentary procedures that they would use
during their own 4-H club meetings. Once I had all of my team members, I had to communicate to them
what the 4-H Agent wanted us to teach the club officers. I got the group to share their ideas with the
rest of the group and we had a very fun and successful training session. I also got a ch ance to
communicate with and motivate all of the club officers who attended my workshop, I got them to
actively participate in the act,ivities and help them brainstorm ways to get the members involved in their
own clubs.
As the President of the Junior Leader Club this year, I was responsible for planning each
meeting, with the agents and other officers, and making the agenda. I presided over each Junior Leader
meeting and made sure that all of the planned activities were carried out. By serving as the President, I
was able to serve as a leader in a variety of roles. Last summer, the agents wanted to have an officer
retreat. I worked with the agents to plan the agenda for the retreat and also conducted a lot of the
sessions by myself. By attending and participating in the retreat, the officers developed a sense of
belonging and worked together to p'an activities for the coming year.
As the Program Cnairman for our Junior Leadership Club last year, I was responsible for planning
and conducting an educat'ional program for each meeting. Prior to each meeting, the officers would
meet to p1l an the agenda. At each of these planning meetings, I would tell the other officers about two
programs that I. would like to conduct and as a group, we would vote and decide on which program
would be conducted at the regular Junior Leader meeting. Once the program was decided upon, I would
get with the others and together we would discuss the best way to go about conducting the program.
We would work together to gather up supplies and materials and dedde upon who would do each part
of the program. We worked together to make sure that the program was educational and FUN!
3) Tell us your vision for leadership of the board. Be specific in goals you would like to accomplish and
how you would implement the goals.
I am a "people person" who loves to meet new people and doesn't mind speaking in front of a
large group. I like working with others in order to accomplish common goals. I know that one person
can't do it all, so I encourage others to be more involved in planning and conducting different activities.
This year, I would like for the SET Board to be more visible at events and activities at the parish,
regional, and state levels. I want the SET Board Members to visit with members and/or clubs at
different activities in their region and promote science, engineering, and technology. The regional
representatives could work with the 4-H Regional Coordinator to plan this . SET Board Members in each
region could work together to plan and coordinate activities on a multi -parish level.
4) Character is an important part of being a good leader. Write a brief paragraph discussing the traits
of good character and why character is important as a leader.
4-H has helped me learn a lot of character traits that I will need to be a good leader and a
successful adult . I learned a lot about the character traits of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility,
fairness, caring, and citizenship while participating in numerous 4-H events and activities. As the Junior
Leader President, I learned that others look up to me as their leader so it is important that I always show
good character and be a role model for others. Here are some of the ways that I have shown good
character traits through my project work: I learned that my animals depend on me for their care. It is
my responsibility to feed them and see about them even if there is bad weather . I learned that I need to
treat everyone with respect. I also learned about being trustworthy and fair . I especially learned about
caring and citizenship by doing all of those community service projects this year . I'm glad that I am
involved with a great club that helps children build strong character.
5) Tell us why you think you would you would make a good President.
I believe that I would make a good President for the Science, Engineering, and Technology
Board because I am very involved in SET related projects and activities already. I love anything having to
do with science, engineering, and technology and I want to share my knowledge with others. I want
others to "learn by doing" really cool experiments and activities. I believe that I can motivate the other
members of the SET Board to work together and come up with great ideas so that we can promote SET
projects and activities and be a successful group.
6) What do you think is the best way to communicate with board members?
Because the board members all live in different parts of the state, it is not possible to meet in
person very often. I believe that the best way to communicate with board members is through our
Facebook group page. We could also communicate through email and text messages when needed.
Since we are the SET Board, I think that we should use technology as much as possible.
June 15, 2011
Dear Louisian SET Board Advisors and Members:
It is my sincere pleasure to nomi nale Jord n Guidry as an
choice to serve Pre5ident of th l l Ji<; iana 4-H Sci ee, Engineer ing.
and Technology Board. Jordan is an outstanding 4-H member from St.
Martin Parish and will soon begin his third term on the LOUiSlrlni'l 4-H SET
Jordan has demonstrated a sincere commitment to the 4-H program,
and has been a very a tive 4-H member for the past nine years. Jordan
is m mbcr of the Breaux Bridge High School 4- H Club where he served
as the reporter for the 2010-2011 school year. He also serv d as the
Presid nl of til St. Martin Parish 4-H Junior leader Club during the
2010-2011 school year. In addition to serving on tI State 4H SET
Board, Jordan JS a member ot the Sl. M rUn Parish 4 H Advisory
Leadership Council nd a member of t he Southwest Region Volunteer
Leadership fommittee.
Jordan has proven his Icader'ihl abil ities and has xcelled in his project work. Jordan was
chosen by his luni or leader peers as th B t LeadeJ amI the OulstandinB Boy Memb r Overall
for 2010-2011. He was also selected as Outc; t andine 4-H Cl ub Member nd he Outstandin8
Boy Record Book winner for th year in a row. Jordan has won numerou educ tion I
awards trips for his accomplishments i n t h swine project, and in 2009 Jord, n was warded the
National4-H Congress Trip, where he w 5 selectC!d as the Youth Delegate Advi sor for Louisiana,
for being the state winner in the SET Mandated 4-1-1 Records Contest. As his 4H Agent, I am
very proud of Jordan's dedication, determination, and ccompl ishments and he is to be
commended. For all of the above reason ', r am pi ased to recommend this amazing young man
to serve as the Louisiana 4-H SET Board Pre ident. Please calf me if I can be of further
Sine rely,

Hope Gujdry
St. Martin Parish 4-H Agent

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