Job Aid For Maximize Your Productivity by Managing Time

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Job Aid: To-do List Guidelines

Break items down into achievable tasks

 Complicated, loosely defined, or time-consuming activities need to be

broken down into smaller tasks.

Create realistic objectives and time lines

 Make sure you don't have too many items, or not enough.
 Don't include items that are vague, lack definition, or are too subjective.

Assign priorities to list items

 List your to-do items in order of priority, or chronologically as they

appear in your schedule.
 Consider using a priority matrix to assess the importance of your tasks.

Revise the list as needed

 Make sure your list is current.

 Be prepared to review and amend your to-do list regularly.

Keep motivated

 Don't lose faith in your ability to make time work for you or to see your
tasks through.
 Go back to your completed schedules and to-do lists and remind
yourself of how much you've accomplished.
 Reward yourself.

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