Actividades Ingles

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1. before you listen look at the pictures. would you take these classes

Art class cooking class music class

2. Listen to two students talking about their vacation. Write T (Tom) and/or J (Joanne) next to the
places they visited and the subjects they are interested in.

1. Italy J

2. Spain

4. art

5. cooking

3. Florida

6. languages

7. Italian

8. Portuguese

9. Japanese

3. Listen again. Answer the questions.

1. How did Joanne describe her vacation?

2. What does she want to study this semester?

3. Why did Tom go to Europe?

4. Did Tom and Joanne travel to other places in Europe?

5. Who did they visit when they returned to the US?

6. Why does Tom want to go to Brazil?

4 Listening PLUS. Listen to more of the conversation. (Choose (✓) True or False).

1. Tom recognized Lisa when he saw her. 2. Tom and Lisa were in the same class last semester..

3. Lisa and Joanne met in Europe.

4. Lisa probably saw Tom in a hostel.

5. Lisa didn't like Barcelona very much.


BEFORE YOU READ Look at the pictures. What are the people doing?


My friend Garry called me about three months ago. "What are you doing in June?" he asked.

"Going on vacation," I replied.

"Excellent! So am I," he said. "I'm going to do a Tough Mudder in New Jersey. And so are you!"
Tough Mudder is a really hard endurance test. You have to be a little crazy to do it. But you also
have to be very fit.

"Wait a second," I said to Garry. "I'm not fit enough to do a Tough Mudder."

"Neither am I," he replied. "So let's get fit." So we got fit. Last week, we finally did the Tough
Mudder. And it was tough!

There were about 20 weird obstacles on the course. The first was a dumpster full of ice cold water.
We dove into it. It was terrible; I almost died. Next, we crawled across a muddy field with live
electric wires over our heads. I was terrified of getting an electric shock. Then there was Everest.
You run up a quarter pipe covered in mud. It's impossible if you don't work as a team. Your friends
at the top must help you.

At the end, I was exhausted, cold, wet, and covered in mud.

"How do you feel?" asked Garry. "Great," I replied.

"So do I," he said. "When do we start training for the next one?"

2. Read the article. Answer these questions.

1. What is Tough Mudder?

2. Who suggested doing the Tough Mudder?

3. What did they have to do first?

4. Can you do the Everest obstacle alone? 5. How did they feel at the end?

3 GROUP WORK. Discuss these questions with your group.

1. Is there anything like this challenge in your country?

2. Do you think the challenge is a good idea? Why or why not?

1. fishing, kayaking, hiking, sightseeing, scuba diving, camping

1. Tom went scuba diving in the ocean near Australia. He saw lots of interesting fish and plants
under the sea.

2. Olga loves fishing She sits on her boat for hours, listens to music, and waits to catch some
food for dinner.

3. We went climbing and hiking in the mountains. We were so tired!

4. I don't like camping outdoors on vacation. I like to sleep in a comfortable hotel!

5. Tina didn't go shopping in New York City, but she did go sightseeing She saw the Statue of
Liberty, Times Square, and the Empire State Building.

6. Evan and John went kayaking on the river.

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