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Medici di Makati College Fundamentals of Nursing Practice

Competency Performance Checklist

Logrolling a Client

Student: _______________________________________ Date: _______________

Section/Group: _________________________________

Essential/ Element Competency

critical Demonstrated?
element? Yes No
1. Introduced self and verified client’s identity.
2. Explained procedure to client.
3. Gathered appropriate equipment.
4. Performed hand hygiene and observed other appropriate infection
control procedures.
5. Provided privacy.
6. Positioned self and client appropriately before the move.
a. Placed client’s arms across their chest.
7. Pulled client to side of bed.
a. Used a turn sheet or friction-reducing device.
b. Stood with another nurse on the same side of the bed.
c. Assumed a broad stance with one foot forward, and grasped edge
of the turn sheet or friction-reducing device.
d. On a signal (“one, two, three, go”), all persons pulled the client to
the side of the bed by shifting their weight to the back foot.
8. One person moved to other side of bed and placed supportive
devices for the client when turned.
a. Placed pillow where it will support client’s head after the turn.
b. Placed pillows between client’s legs.
9. Rolled and positioned the client in proper alignment.
a. The person furthest from the client assumed a stable stance.
b. This person reached over the client and grasped the far edges of
the turn sheet or friction-reducing device.
c. One nurse counted “one, two, three, go”
d. At the same time, all nurses rolled the client to a lateral position.
e. Nurse behind the client helped turn the client and provided
pillow supports to ensure good alignment
f. Supported client’s head, back, and upper and lower extremities
with pillows.
g. Raised siderails and placed call bell within client’s reach.
NCM103- Fundamentals of Nursing Skills Lab Medici FON Skills Lab Team 2022

Berman & Snyder’s Skills in Clinical Nursing, 8e
Guide to Nursing Skills and Procedures, Mosby
Medici di Makati College Fundamentals of Nursing Practice

___ Used effective body mechanics throughout procedure.

___ Communicated appropriately with the client.
___ Documented all relevant information.



Overall Performance: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Evaluator: _______________________________

NCM103- Fundamentals of Nursing Skills Lab Medici FON Skills Lab Team 2022

Berman & Snyder’s Skills in Clinical Nursing, 8e
Guide to Nursing Skills and Procedures, Mosby

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