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Junior High School Department

Mathematics 10
SY 2021-2022

Project for 3rd Quarter Period

Simple Architectural Kitchen Design Analysis

You are an architect tasked to verify if the kitchen island in a house is

in its optimum location, using your knowledge and skills on distance and
midpoint formulas.

A. Find the location of your kitchen island.

Find the optimal location for an island in your kitchen. If you already have
a kitchen island, determine if its current location is the best possible place
for it. The island needs to be in close proximity to all of the important
points in your kitchen, namely the kitchen sink, stove, and refrigerator.

1. Measure out your kitchen at home. Make sure to detail the total
dimensions of your kitchen as well as the stove, refrigerator, and
kitchen sink. Use graph paper to create a scaled drawing of your
kitchen floor plan on the grid (1 meter = 1 unit).
2. Label each important point in the kitchen with an ordered pair. The
important points to label in the kitchen are the sink, refrigerator, and the stove. If these points are
connected, a kitchen work triangle is formed.
3. As these three locations, sink, refrigerator, and stove, create a triangle, there are mathematical
methods that can be used to help us find the best location. Find the optimal location using graph
paper. Show all your work. You may verify your answer using graphing applications (Geogebra,
Desmos, etc.)
4. Check the distances between each important location in the kitchen and your island location choice.
Provide these values on your display board.
5. Create a display board with the given supplies. Your board must display the problem situation and you
must show your work regarding how you solved the problem. The rubric detailing how your grade will
be determined will be given out as well. Follow each piece of the rubric carefully. (15 points)

B. Outputs:

- Display board (sized 8.5 by 13 inches, landscape orientation) saved as PDF file.
1. First Page
1.1 Scaled drawing of the kitchen floor plan. (2 points)
1.2 Graph paper with a scaled drawing of the kitchen floor plan on the grid, with optimal location of
the kitchen island. (2 points)
1.3 Your picture doing the actual measurement in your kitchen. (2 points)
1.4 Table of answers
1.5 Coordinates of the optimal location of the kitchen.

2. Second Page:
2.1 Neat solution sheet for the computation with the corresponding labels/legends (9 points)



(3 points) (2 points) (1 point)
Some parts have been
No thought seems to
The display board has thought out, but some
The display is neatly have been given to
been well organized parts seem to have
organized. the organization of
and easily read. been rushed or
the display board.
The display included
the following
i. problem statement
ii. graph of the work
triangle using grid lines
iii. clearly marked the All five of the required Two to four elements One or none of the
important pieces of the elements are present. are present. elements are present.
problem (as detailed
on the activity sheet)
iv. work shown to solve
the problem
v. answer to problem
The display board is
visually pleasing by
including the
Board is visually
i. board is neat using Board is somewhat Board is messy and
enhanced with color or
type for work or neat disheveled and difficult little effort was given
clipart and is easy to
handwriting to read. to enhance display.
read and understand.
ii. color is incorporated
into the board
iii. board is easy to
The display board
accurately displays The work is
The work is present The work is present
work necessary to incomplete and/or
and correct, as well as but has errors and/or
solve with the correct the answer is
the answer the answer is incorrect.
answer. incorrect.

Note: Save your two page-output as PDF file following the file name format below.


e.g. F.04.DELACRUZ.PT3.1

Submit on or before March 18


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