Operational Management

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BMECOPMN – Operations Management in Tourism and Hospitality Industry


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April 5, 2022

I. Report Abstract

Any company's success hinges on its ability to manage its operations. The
management of direct resources required to create goods and services given by a
company is known as operations management. It encompasses all actions required
to produce, design, manage, and deliver a product or service, from sourcing raw
materials and suppliers to supply chain management and distribution. It is the
department inside an organization that is responsible for the creation of all of a
company's products and services. In this report, we tackle the project planning and
control in operational management. It discusses the importance of successfully
planned and controlled projects. Effective project planning and management are
major elements of any successful project. The importance of project planning,
monitoring, and control cannot be overstated. It's the foundation for completing a
project successfully. Project planning can be approached in three ways: reactive,
planned, and rolling waves. In order to be successful, a project must have a clearly
defined scope. A scope statement is created to clearly specify what the project will
involve. The statement should describe what will be produced, delivered and/or
accomplished. It is very important that the scope is well defined and agreed upon by
everyone involved in the project as well as those who have an interest in it. The
scope statement should be in writing and agreed upon by the project manager, the
sponsors and the project team.

We also discuss the factors affecting the success of a project, first is the good
plan. A project plan should include a plan for how the project manager and team will
maintain quality standards throughout the project's cycle. Second, project
documentation because documentation can be the backbone of the project to
success. Third, is the appropriate communication, project managers need excellent
communication skills and a comprehensive scheme that encourages formal and
informal discussion of expectations, innovation, progress and results. Fourth is the
good measurement, it implements processes that measure progress, both
qualitatively and quantitatively, throughout the project at individual, team and whole
project levels. Fifth is the constant review, successful project managers diligently and
regularly review progress against the schedule, budget and quality elements of the

project. And lastly, act early. Measurement and review are important, but they are
only effective if the project manager takes action on issues identified. Leaving
problems to be fixed up later is a recipe for disaster. We also mention the
characteristics of an effective manager. Employees' working lives have traditionally
revolved around effective management. It's common for teams to lose motivation,
energy, and productivity if better management isn't in place, which can lead to
professionals looking for another job. A manager's relationship with their reports has
a direct impact on the team's morale and success. Being a good and effective
manager has standard characteristics and a good project manager is guided by
strategic planning which is tuned to windows of opportunity in the marketplace. This
often means putting more resources to work to speed up project completion.
Problems arise that slow the project. The ability to manage under pressure and
crises requires strong leadership, a fact that should be recognized when selecting
project managers. Effective project managers are accustomed to living with great
risk and the threat of large penalties, their goals are strategic and usually vitally
important to top management and the success of the company. An effective manager
requires rapid systems-wide cooperation to resolve their problems quickly. This is a
different kind of leadership than that required by process managers who are
control-oriented. Effective leadership skills, project managers must also deal with
teams coming from various walks of life. Thus, it becomes imperative for them to
motivate employees and fine-tune team performance to achieve organizational goals
through various leadership styles. Good decision maker, project managers are
empowered to make innumerable decisions which will help define the project track. A
wrong decision taken can easily jeopardize the entire project. Set clear vision and
cultivate a clear vision about the project and develop a “mission driven” psyche. It
often happens that project managers confront a situation where they must deliver
results on time and within a budget, but that is not an easy task. A project manager
has to establish a communications plan, list of stakeholders (by name), their
organization, what you need to communicate to them, how frequently, and by what
means (phone, e-mail, visit, and so on). Also, finding and removing hidden
dependencies which are situations when one task is delayed because it shares a
resource with another activity. Good project managers are pessimists, things go
wrong much more often than they go right in a project because of unforeseen
circumstances, also one of the marks of a superb project manager is his or her

ability to anticipate, plan for, and successfully manage project risks.Good negotiation
skills, a project managers must also be a good negotiator as this skill is required in
case differences of opinion arise between team members. They also need to be
empathetic as this trait helps them gain support. It’s all about understanding and
caring for people who are part of the team. It also includes understanding the needs
of the project, stakeholders, team issues and the risks involved and being
enthusiastic about the project. Enthusiasm is contagious and every effective project
manager disperses the same through their “can do” attitude, invigorating others with
optimistic expectations of the project.

A plan is a formalization of what is intended to happen at some time in the

future. Control is the process of coping with changes to the plan and the operation to
which it relates. Although planning and control are theoretically separable, they are
usually treated together. The balance between planning and control changes over
time. Planning dominates in the long term and is usually done on an aggregated
basis. At the other extreme, in the short term, control usually operates within the
resource constraints of the operation but makes interventions into the operation in
order to cope with short-term changes in circumstances. In planning and controlling
the volume and timing of activity in operations, four distinct activities are necessary,
which are the loading, sequencing,scheduling, monitoring and control.

We also had it discussed through video and explained it thoroughly and the
topic is fairly given to each member.

II. Objectives

● Describe the importance of successfully planned and controlled project

● Discuss factors affecting the success of a project
● Enumerate and explain the characteristics of an effective project manager
● Identify the different stages in project planning and control process

III. Detailed Discussion



- You will be able to execute it appropriately, precisely and correctly, the way it
should be.

- In terms of having difficulties, you already have a backup to save you from it.

Project controls are responsible for initiating, planning, monitoring, and managing
projects, as well as communicating and closing out project expenses and schedules.

Let's take a look at the procedures that define project management

Project Planning

- Planning is one of the important steps in which controllers and project

managers work together.


- Integrating the budgeting process into project activities is essential to calculate

costs accurately and to understand when and why variances occur.

Risk Management

- Project controls provide a meticulous approach to managing risk.

Change Management

- When a project deviates from its original estimates, it’s often not due to a single
factor, but due to the cumulative effect of several factors that tend to go unnoticed.


- By increasing the accuracy of estimates-at-complete, project controllers and

managers can gain a lot more insight into the current drivers of cost and schedule
overruns. Good progress measurement is a critical input to the forecasting process.

Performance Management

- Defining and using key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor project health
and forecast trends is crucial to take corrective actions.

Project Administration

- This process involves establishing processes and systems that can help team
members communicate and collaborate with each other.


A Good Plan

The Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle is fundamental to achieving project quality. The
overall project plan should include a plan for how the project manager and team will
maintain quality standards throughout the project's cycle

Project Documentation

Documenting everything in a project is key to being successful. In order to maintain

budget, scope, effectiveness and pace a project must have physical documents
pertaining to each specific task. Documentation can be the backbone of the project
to success.

Appropriate Communication

Despite good project planning and scheduling, poor or absent communication with
team members and stakeholders can bring a project undone. Project managers need
excellent communication skills and a comprehensive scheme that encourages formal
and informal discussion of expectations, innovation, progress and results.

Good Measurement

Early in the process it is important to identify the key outcomes and outputs of the
project and how you will measure whether they have been delivered. Implement
processes that measure progress, both qualitatively and quantitatively, throughout
the project at individual, team and whole project levels.

Constant Review

Along with good measurement go good review mechanisms. Successful project

managers diligently and regularly review progress against the schedule, budget and
quality elements of the project.

Act Early

Measurement and review are important, but they are only effective if the project
manager takes action on issues identified. Leaving problems to be fixed up later is a
recipe for disaster.


Good Project Managers are Leaders organizations that encounter the need
for project management whenever they consider introducing a new product or
service. Often, they turn to their process managers and appoint them to deal with the
project over its lifetime.

The project manager is:

Guided by strategic planning

Which is tuned to windows of opportunity in the marketplace. This often means

putting more resources to work to speed up project completion. Problems arise that
slow the project. The costs of such delays can be many millions of dollars, whereas

the production shop manager can accept delays that cost much less and are
correctable the next time around. Usually, there is no next time around for the project

The ability to manage under pressure and crises requires strong leadership

A fact that should be recognized when selecting project managers. Effective project
managers are

Accustomed to living with great risk and the threat of large penalties

Their goals are strategic and usually vitally important to top management and the
success of the company. Often, their goals are the change-management plans for
the company. Thus, the profile of a successful project manager is different from that
of job shop and flow-shop process managers.

Require rapid systems-wide cooperation

To resolve their problems quickly. This is a different kind of leadership than that
required by process managers who are control-oriented.

Effective leadership skills

Project managers must also deal with teams coming from various walks of life. Thus,
it becomes imperative for them to motivate employees and fine-tune team
performance to achieve organizational goals through various leadership styles.

Good decision maker

Project managers are empowered to make innumerable decisions which will help
define the project track. A wrong decision taken can easily jeopardize the entire
project. Thus, a project manager needs to be capable of thinking quickly and
reacting decisively.

Set clear vision

Cultivate a clear vision about the project and develop a “mission driven” psyche. It
often happens that project managers confront a situation where they must deliver
results on time and within a budget, but that is not an easy task. In spite of all these

difficulties, project managers need to have a clear picture of the direction in which
they are headed. They should be committed to the vision and try to explore ways of
realizing this in the shape of an established project. Their frame of mind should take
care of obstacles that could deter them from achieving their goals.

Project manager is to establish a communications plan

To do this, list your stakeholders (by name), their organization, what you need to
communicate to them, how frequently, and by what means (phone, e-mail, visit, and
so on).

Finding and removing hidden dependencies

Which are situations when one task is delayed because it shares a resource with
another activity.

Good project managers are pessimists

Things go wrong much more often than they go right in a project because of
unforeseen circumstances. And every estimate is a contract. When estimates are
exceeded — because of scope creep or other common issues — clients tend to
punish the providers who developed the estimate.

One of the marks of a superb project manager is his ability to anticipate, plan for,
and successfully manage project risks.

Good negotiation skills

Project managers must also be a good negotiator as this skill is required in case
differences of opinion arise between team members. Project managers, through
sheer negotiating skills, must try to settle such issues without letting the conflict grow
and disturb the team’s harmony.


Project managers must be empathetic as this trait helps them gain support. It’s all
about understanding and caring for people who are part of the team. It also includes

understanding the needs of the project, stakeholders, team issues and the risks


Project managers must be enthusiastic about the project. Enthusiasm is contagious

and every effective project manager disperses the same through their “can do”
attitude, invigorating others with optimistic expectations of the project.


The physical design of an operation should have provided the fixed resources
which are capable of satisfying customers’ demands. Planning and control are
concerned with operating those resources on a day-to-day basis and ensuring
availability of materials and other variable resources in order to supply the goods and
services which fulfil customers’ demands.

Planning and control

is the reconciliation of the potential of the operation to supply products and services,
and the demands of its customers on the operation. It is the set of day-to-day
activities that run the operation on an ongoing basis.

A plan is a formalization of what is intended to happen at some time in the future.

Control is the process of coping with changes to the plan and the operation to which
it relates. Although planning and control are theoretically separable, they are usually
treated together.

The balance between planning and control changes over time. Planning dominates
in the long term and is usually done on an aggregated basis. At the other extreme, in
the short term, control usually operates within the resource constraints of the

operation but makes interventions into the operation in order to cope with short-term
changes in circumstances.

In planning and controlling the volume and timing of activity in operations, four
distinct activities are necessary:

Loading - which dictates the amount of work that is allocated to each part of the

Sequencing - which decides the order in which work is tackled within the operation;

Scheduling - which determines the detailed timetable of activities and when

activities are started and finished;

Monitoring and Control - which involve detecting what is happening in the

operation, replanning if necessary, and intervening in order to impose new plans.
Two important types are ‘pull’ and ‘push’ control. Pull control is a system whereby
demand is triggered by requests from a work centre’s (internal) customer. Push
control is a centralized system whereby control (and sometimes planning) decisions
are issued to work centres which are then required to perform the task and supply
the next workstation. In manufacturing, ‘pull’ schedules generally have far lower
inventory levels than ‘push’ schedules.

IV. Conclusion

When we are creating something we always have a plan in order to succeed.

In this topic we are able to understand the importance of successfully planned and
controlled projects where we can execute it appropriately, precisely and correctly, the
way it should be. In this topic we also familiarize how project controls are responsible
for initiating, planning, monitoring, and managing projects, as well as communicating
and closing out project expenses and schedules.We also able to know the
procedures that define project management.

As young graduates we need to be aware of the factors affecting the success of a
project. It is also part of our discussions about what we do; A good plan, Project
Documentation, Appropriate Communication, Good Measurement, Constant Review
and lastly Act Early. These are the factors to achieve the success of the project that
you must also learn.

We discuss as well what are the characteristics of an effective Manager where

typical duties include estimating project work, building project plans, and monitoring
project scope and progress. They also make sure everyone’s clear on project status
and expectations and typically organize and facilitate project meetings. And to
familiarize we also give what are the characteristic such as; Guided by strategic
planning ,The ability to manage under pressure and crises requires strong
leadership,Accustomed to living with great risk and the threat of large penalties,
Require rapid systems-wide cooperation, Effective leadership skills,Good decision
maker, Set clear vision, Project manager is to establish a communications plan,
Finding and removing hidden dependencies,Good project managers are pessimists,
Good negotiation skills, Empathetic and the last Enthusiastic.

Also, to become aware and have knowledge we also discuss the Different stages in
project and control process where we need to have a Plan and Control in every
concern with operating those resources on a day-to-day basis and ensuring
availability of materials and other variable resources in order to supply the goods and
services which fulfil customers’ demands.

There are four distinctions of activities in project and control processes and those
are; Loading, Sequencing, Scheduling, Monitoring and Control.

Those knowledge you learned in this discussion will give you ideas on how to handle
some events that happened on every basis of our journey.

V. Ppt Slides/Video Report Screenshots



VI. References

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- Anderson, M.A, Anderson, E., Parker, G. (2013). Operations Management for

Dummies. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 111 River Street Hoboken, NJ
07030-5774. www.wiley.com

- Stamper, S. (2014). 10 Qualities of an Effective Project Manager. Dallas,

Texas, United States.

- Slack, N., Chambers, S., & Johnston, R. (2010). Operations Management (6th
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- Young, Michael L., (2018). 6 Success Factors for Managing Project Quality.
Quality Management.

- Project controls: Key elements, benefits and challenges. EcoSys. (2022,

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- Meyer, J., (2021). Effective project planning and control. Greater Munich
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