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BMECOPMN - Operations Management in Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Quality Management

Submitted by:
Group # 13


Submitted to:

Date of Submission
April 5, 2022
I. Abstract

This report is being conducted to determine the importance of adaptations to total

quality management (TQM). Total quality management is defined as a strategy focused
at developing and delivering high-quality products and services that meet all the needs
of consumers while also achieving a high level of customer satisfaction. This paper
examines the importance of quality in operations, how to diagnose quality problems in
operations, and how to compare the operations view of quality with that of the customer.

II. Objectives

• Discuss the importance of quality in the operations

• Compare the operations’ view of quality from that of customers.
• Discuss how to diagnose quality problems in the operations
• Elaborate the definition of total quality management and the importance of its

III. Detailed Discussion

Quality Management Addresses quality from different angles including planning

control and improvement. Some of the common quality techniques includes establishing
sound hiring and training practices. Carefully designing the company’s product or
service. Creating Detailed problem-solving plans. Also Maintaining efficient process to
consistently create the product or service. Using checklist and charts to follow
processes and under cover obstacles reviewing and revising processes to ensure they
yield expected results. Constantly improving no matter how small those improvements
are. Measuring Results beyond the financial aspects. Essentially quality management
entails overseeing all activities and tasks needed to maintain that excellence. Overall
Quality Management has developed processes that are pivotal to an organization’s
growth and management.

In Quality Management we discovered 12 differing problems. First is Supply Chain
Complexity that extending into other areas has produced a new issue which is what we
called “supply chain”. The logistics of delivering these items from their point of origin to
the buyer have become more sophisticated, necessitating greater monitoring and
expertise. Second is Lack of Resources and Time regard the time commitment as
detracting from their own responsibilities, which they would rather delegate to a single
department, and they seem to fail about seeing the seriousness in this situation. To
reduce this cost, the entire company must embrace quality as a shared responsibility
and invest the resources and time necessary to achieve optimal performance in all
areas. The third Quality Management Problems is Managing by Department it is a
quality control or quality assurance department is responsible for ensuring that the firm's
products are manufactured correctly. Every department should regard itself as a
component of the total, with everyone working together to deliver a high-quality result.
Fourth is Insufficient Motivation it is lack of motivation is a common symptom of
depression. It can also be linked to other mental illnesses, like anxiety. So, it's important
to consider whether your mental health may be affecting your motivation level. The fifth
is Resistance to Technology this problem is the Employees do not like the idea that
Artificial Intelligent or bots will now do their jobs. The fear that new technologies will
threaten their jobs will cause them to resist the changes consciously or unconsciously.
Sixth is the Lack of Quality Equipment in this problem is Lack of maintenance or
inadequate maintenance can lead to dangerous situations, accidents, and health
problems. Maintenance is a high-risk activity with some of the hazards resulting from
the nature of the work. Maintenance workers are more likely than other employees to be
exposed to various hazards. The seven of the quality management problems is Non-
Compatibility with Company Policies it is the Policies and procedures are an essential
part of any organization. Together, policies and procedures provide a roadmap for day-
to-day operations. They ensure compliance with laws and regulations, give guidance for
decision-making, and streamline internal processes. The Eight Quality Management
Problem is Lack of Employee Engagement and Communication it is said that the
Communicators hold a powerful position by influencing the way things are done at work.
Effective communicators establish a two-way flow of information for employees, and

they also influence managers and executives to communicate better, which leads to
stronger employee engagement. The Ninth is the No Training and Development in this
problem employee training it can severely impact business performance, team morale,
financial turnover, and your ability to attract and retain good employees. Trainings
should be documented and demonstrate all that is required for the tasks, with
considerations for experience and expert level. The Third to the last in this Problem is
Over-Reliance on Theory the firm’s over-dependency on theory alone poses a clog in
TQM’s progressive wheel. Firms should practice TQM, which will make the organization
more effective and allow it to achieve its goals. Ultimately, the firm’s value will increase.
The Eleven problem is Excess Documentation that Paperwork is useful for the overall
efficiency and effectiveness of the process. However, it should not be the focal point of
the TQM process. The TQM process is not aimed at creating excess documentation.
Documents are to be used for communication, proof of the result, and for knowledge
management within the organization. Lastly is Tight Bureaucracy that requires a free-
flowing organizational structure to be implemented successfully. When the firm’s
structure is too rigid, the overall effectiveness of TQM will be restricted. Research has
shown that the reason many European firms have shaky TQM is because of their very
tight/rigid structure.

Total quality management can have an important and beneficial effect on employee and
organizational development. By having all employees focus on quality management and
continuous improvement, companies can establish and uphold cultural values that
create long-term success to both customers and the organization itself. Total Quality
Management manage on how the customer will be satisfied on their services, the more
good quality they give to the customer the more customer will recommend them to
others, while on the other hand, the customer that are not satisfied on their quality
management that they are doing, are going to give a bad feedback so that you cannot
get more customer, So that Total Quality Management is the one that find a solution on
the kind of scenario and make sure that the quality of their services are good. Total
quality management about carrying out the necessary tasks regardless of the time and
resources available. When you manage your time effectively rather than efficiently, you
will become more productive and complete more of the right work. With the lack of

resources, it cannot attain the goal of satisfactory meanwhile time is an important part of
quality management because it gives the ability to ready and prepare things and
manufactories with the lack of time, it won’t help to provide the opportunity to present
the items. The goal is to continuously improve internal practices to improve the quality
of an organization's outputs, including goods and services.

The Total Quality Management have a Four Categories and that are Plan, Do, Check
and Act. In Planning, Is the most crucial phase of total quality management. In this
phase employees must come up with their problem and queries. Second is doing phase
employees develop a solution to their problems. Third is Checking Phase is the stage
where people do a comparison analysis of before and after data. Last is Act In this
phase employees document their results and prepare themselves to address the other

IV. Conclusion

Quality management starts at the corporate management level in the development

and support of attitudes toward quality and cost effectiveness. Here comes the things
you want to happen or the outcome of the business you should do to strengthen or
ensure that it will work with what you thought should happen. Total Quality Management
is practiced by many business organizations around the world. It is a proven method for
implementing a quality conscious culture across all the vertical and horizontal layers of
the company. Although there are many benefits, one should take the cost into the
account when implementing TQM. Quality Management refers to the quality of a
product. It's a good outcome that will satisfy your customers. it's not only can be used in
business, but you can benefit from it yourself. You also need to improve on your own
mindset so that you can also do proper research on a Quality management in yourself
that is needed. In Quality Problems, it shows here some of the possible problems in
case you do not follow the requirements of quality management. It is important that you
check the products or ones you should sell so that no problems can be found.

V. Ppt Slides/Video Report Screenshots

VI. References


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