Movie Observation 1

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Short movie synopsis

Mulan 1998 movie. This movie is set in the 4th to 6th century of China. At that time it was usual
that there where many war regarding territory, it was also very common for men to be recruited
while their wife and kids stay home. One day the protagonist of the movie noticed that their
father is going to be recruited even though he already fought many wars before, Mulan was so
upset that stole the letter and the armor of his father and run to the training camp as a man.
2. The deciding factors that had a gender concept in the movie 
The first deciding factor about gender in this movie is that young women have to be prepare for
marriage while young men needs to train for upcoming war. Another way to put it is that people
that were born in that time have already role that was impossible to avoid. While women have
the duty of getting marriage and conceived kids, men were to go to war to fight.
The second deciding factor was when the army notice that she was really a woman and not a
man. She was so close to be killed by his own team, but the commander stood for her with a
really good excuse that for that time where men pride are everything it was convincing enough
to forget about Mulan. It is worth to mention that during that time women did not have any role
when it comes to war. No like World of War II where women were assign to be nurse so they
can treat the injured.
3. What were the impacts of the gender issues/concerns
The result was very clear to Mulan after she got kicked out from the army. She was ready to go
home, get married and have kids like any other women. However, she noticed that the enemies
where not really dead at least not all of them and I think that was a decisive moment for Mulan.
She had to decide one more time between being a woman or a man; whether she come back
home or go to save their friends in her current state.
4. Explain two ways how can you connect aspects of this movie to what we have
discussed in class and/or the textbook
I think that the first aspect how this movie connect to this class is that men tend to believe that
women are the weak gender and they always need a real man to protect her. But this movie
wanted to prove that women can stand and fight by herself.
Finally, in the past the role of women were very straight forward not just in China but for most
countries in the world. However, nowadays I think women have so many option in life just like
men does, so they do have to stick with the fact of getting married, have kids and server her

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