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Lesson Demonstration Reflection

At the very beginning, from creating a lesson plan, a PowerPoint presentation up until doing
the recording of the teaching demonstration we had a very stressful journey. Not because we
had difficulties but because of our hectic schedule due to the fact that we are both working
students and our time would not meet. But we tried our best to make it and we can submit
those activities. In my virtual demo teaching, I realized that online learning is quite
challenging for me. It was a hassle having a virtual teaching demonstration because you are
just talking to the screen acting like there is somebody listening and answering to you. I also
experienced technical issues while having my virtual demonstration and it made me
unmotivated to continue my demonstration. Even though it was by pair, it all needs your focus
and dedication in order to achieve your goals. The journey of having a virtual teaching
demonstration is quite frustrating because we are pressured due to many activities that need
to be completed.

Prof Ed 14 subject, for me it was a demanding subject because it has a lot of activities to be
done. I even regreting in enrolling this subject, I was planning to withdraw this due to the
heavy activities of this subject. But as time passess by I accepted the fact that this subject is the
most useful of all as you are becoming an educator someday. The activities in this subject are
very realistic and very helpful to me. I had so much learning with this subject and also because
of the teacher. The teacher is also doing his best for us to make the subject quite easier and
cannot burden us.

Overall, I can describe my PROF ED 14 journey as a thrill ride. The path has taught me a lot,
including how to be mentally,emotionally, physically, and spiritually prepared for the
complete work at hand. It did challenge my patience at times, especially during the group task,
because I still had to rely on my group mates to complete their assigned task so that we could
finish and submit the requirements. Despite the fact that almost all of our outputs are late, I
am grateful for their cooperation because they were important in completing the complete
group task for this course. I imagine it will be difficult without them. In general, my assessment
learning experience with Sir Io was fantastic. The overall task criteria had aided me for
becoming a better future teacher, especially in creating an assessment activity that was
connected to your performance criterion. Furthermore, I am grateful for Sir Io's patience in
checking our outputs despite the fact that we passed it quite late; I simply can not imagine my
Assessment learning without Sir Io. Sir Io, thank you for sharing your wisdom with us; it's an
opportunity to be one of your students.
- Joey Allen Amamangpang Rivera

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