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Submitted to


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Under the Guidance of

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
PES College of Engineering, Mandya

Submitted By
Vignesh R


2021 -2022
PES College of Engineering, Mandya. 571401.
2021 -22


It is C ertified that the Seminar entitled “ BRAIN CONTROLLED CAR FOR

VIGNESH R USN: 4PS17ME108 , in partial fulfillment of requirements for the
award of Bachelor of Engineering degree in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING by
academic year of 2021 -2022 . This seminar report has been approved as it satisfies the
academic requirements .

Signature of the G uide Signature of Ho D

Prof. Santosh V Dr. Rudresh Addamani
Assistant Professor Professor and Ho D

Signature of

Examiner 1 : ………………….

Examiner 2 : ………………….

Chapter-1 Introduction 1
I. Artificial Intelligence 2
Chapter 2

History 5

I. Brain-Computer Interface 7

II. The Evolution of BCI s and

the bridge with Human Computer
III. Brain Imaging to Directly 10
Control Devices
IV. Control Brain Signals 11
V. Evaluation of Potential Impact 11

I. Automatic Navigation
System 13


List of Figures
Fig 1.1 Brain Controlled Car for Disabled 1

Fig 1.2 Working of A. I 2

Fig 1.3 Neuro headset 3

Fig 1.4 Working of Head set 4

Fig 2.1 Evolution of wheelchair 6

Fig 3.1 Asynchronous Switch Design 9

Fig 3.2 EEG Transmission 10

Fig 4.1 Sensors and Their Range 13

Fig 4.2 Sensor arrangement 14

Fig 4.3 Vehicle with on-board 15

Brain Controlled Car for Disabled Using Artificial Intelligence


Autonomous cars play an important role in current robotics and A.I. research. The
development of driverless cars started in the late ’70s and ’80s. Ernst Dickmann’s
Mercedes Benz achieved a travel velocity of 100 km/h on restricted highways without
traffic. In the DARPA Grand Challenge 2005, autonomous cars drove off-road on desert
terrain, several of them reaching the finish line. DARPA’s Urban Challenge of 2007
demonstrated that intelligent cars are able to handle urban scenarios and situations with
simulated traffic.
Lately, autonomous cars have been driving through real-world traffic for testing
purposes in urban and rural areas alike. This research leads to the introduction of various
driver assistance systems for street cars. One key aspect for driver assistance systems is
how the interface between human and machine affects usability. This interface question is
more important for people without full bodily control. Brain Computer Interfaces can be a
solution here. Recently, BCI- systems have become relatively affordable and allow people
to interact directly with their environment. Another big field lies in human interaction
within computer games, e.g. in the research game “Brain Basher” or in. As a sub-field of
BCI research, BCI using motor imagination brain patterns has become popular, where the
user has to think of a motion instead of performing it physically. In other work, users
could control mechanical device switch EEG patterns. In this paper we want to present a
solution where a human controls a car just by using brain signals, i.e., without need for
any physical interaction with the car.

Fig 1.1- Brain Controlled Car for Disabled

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Brain Controlled Car for Disabled Using Artificial Intelligence
In the first application, computer-aided free driving allows the passenger to claim 8
steering- and speed-control in special areas. The car prevents traffic rule-violations and
accidents by reclaiming control before they happen. The second application implements a
semi-autonomous path-planning, where a car drives autonomously through a road-
network until it arrives at so called decision points. Typically located at crossings, decision
points require the passenger to choose which way to drive next.

I. Artificial Intelligence:
Humankind has given itself the scientific name Homo sapiens — man the wise because
our mental capacities are so important to our everyday lives and our sense of self. The
field of Artificial Intelligence or AI, attempts to understand intelligent 11 entities. Thus,
one reason to study it is to learn more about ourselves. But unlike philosophy and
psychology, which are also concerned with intelligence, AI strives to build intelligent
entities as well as understand them. Another reason to study AI is that these constructed
intelligent entities are interesting and useful in their own right. AI has produced many
significant and impressive products even at this early stage in its development. Although
no one can predict the future in detail, it is clear that computers with human-level
intelligence (or better) would have a huge impact on our everyday lives and on the future
course of civilization.

Fig 1.2 Working of AI

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AI addresses one of the ultimate puzzles. How is it possible for a slow, tiny brain,
whether biological or electronic, to perceive, understand, predict, and manipulate a world
far larger and more complicated than itself? How do we go about making something with
those properties? These are hard questions, but unlike the search for faster-than-light travel
or an antigravity device, the researcher in AI has solid evidence that the quest is possible.
All the researcher has to do is look in the mirror to see an example of an intelligent
AI is one of the newest disciplines. It was formally initiated in 1956, when the
name was coined, although at that point work had been under way for about five years.
Along with modern genetics, it is regularly cited as the "field I would most like to be in"
by scientists in other disciplines. A student in physics might reasonably feel that all the
good ideas have already been taken by Galileo,Newton, Einstein, and the rest, and that it
takes many years of study before one can contribute new ideas. AI, on the other hand, still
has openings for a full-time Einstein.
AI currently encompasses a huge variety of subfields, from general-purpose are as
such as perception and logical reasoning, to specific tasks such as playing chess, proving
mathematical theorems, writing poetry, and diagnosing diseases. Often, scientists in other
fields move gradually into artificial intelligence, where they find the tools and vocabulary
to systematize and automate the intellectual tasks on which they have been working all
their lives. Similarly, workers in AI can choose to apply their methods to any area of
human intellectual endeavour. In this sense, it is truly a universal field.

Fig 1.3 Neuro headset

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Fig 1.4 Working of Head set

Wheel Chair:

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A wheelchair is a chair with wheels, used when walking is difficult or impossible due to
illness, injury, problems related to old age, or disability. These can include spinal cord
injuries (paraplegia, hemiplegia, and quadriplegia), cerebral palsy, brain injury,
osteogenesis imperfecta, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy,
spina bifida, and more.

The earliest records of wheeled furniture are an inscription found on a stone slate in China
dating 6th and 5th century BC. The first records of wheeled seats being used for transporting
disabled persons date to three centuries later in China, the Chinese used early
wheelbarrows to move people as well as heavy objects. A distinction between the two
functions was not made for another several hundred years, when images of wheeled chairs
made specifically to carry people begin to occur in Chinese art.

Although Europeans eventually developed a similar design, this method of

transportation did not exist until 1595, when an unknown inventor from Spain built one for
King Phillip II. Although it was an elaborate chair having both armrests and leg rests, the
design still had shortcomings since it did not feature an efficient propulsion mechanism
and thus required assistance to propel it. This makes the design more comparable to a
modern-day highchair or portable throne for the wealthy than to a modern-day wheelchair
for the disabled.

In 1655, Stephan Farffler, a 22-year-old paraplegic watchmaker, built the world's

first self-propelling chair on a three-wheel chassis using a system of cranks and
cogwheels. However, the device resembled a hand bike more than a wheelchair since the
design included hand cranks mounted at the front wheel.
The invalid carriage or Bath chair brought the technology into more common use
from around 1760.
In 1887, wheelchairs ("rolling chairs") were introduced to Atlantic City so invalid
tourists could rent them to enjoy the Boardwalk. Soon, many healthy tourists also rented
the decorated "rolling chairs" and servants to push them as a show of decadence and
treatment they could never experience at home.

In 1901 the basic chair was invented. It closely resembles the modern design of
wheelchairs used today. It had a seat, footrests and four wheels – two smaller wheels at the
front and two larger at the back.

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Brain Controlled Car for Disabled Using Artificial Intelligence
In 1932 the folding wheelchair was introduced. It’s one of the biggest design
breakthroughs in the device’s history. It was invented by Harry Jennings for his friend.
The folding design and tubular steel chair with a cross frame became the standard design.
This model allowed people to use the wheelchair outside of the home, hospitals and care
facilities. Later designs built on Jennings concepts and were focused on decreasing weight
of the chair and improving its overall performance.

In 1950 after World War II, demand for wheelchairs spiked. There were thousands
of wounded veterans who needed mobility assistance. A Canadian, George Klein, saw the
need and invented the electric wheelchair for veterans. The original design was a standard
wheelchair with a motor added. Later designs had the motor and battery built into the chair
under the seat. Additional developments in ergonomics, controls, comfort, and
performance were created as new technologies were developed.

In 1980 Niche wheelchair designs began to come to market. During this time, the
rigid wheelchair was created. It was intended for athletes. They are self-propelling and
some can reach speeds of up to 30 km/hr.

Fig 2.1 Evolution of wheelchair

I. Brain-Computer Interface (BCI):
For generations, humans have fantasized about the ability to communicate and
interact with machines through thought alone or to create devices that can peer into
person’s mind and thoughts. These ideas have captured the imagination of humankind in

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the form of ancient myths and modern science fiction stories. However, it is only recently
that advances in cognitive neuroscience and brain imaging technologies have started to
provide us with the ability to interface directly with the human brain. This ability is made
possible through the use of sensors that can monitor some of the physical processes that
occur within the brain that correspond with certain forms of thought.
Primarily driven by growing societal recognition for the needs of people with
physical disabilities, researchers have used these technologies to build Brain Computer
Interfaces (BCIs), communication systems that do not depend on the brain’s normal output
path ways of peripheral nerves and muscles. In these systems, users explicitly manipulate
their brain activity instead of using motor movements to produce signals that can be used
to control computers or communication devices. The impact of this work is extremely
high, especially to those who suffer from devastating neuromuscular injuries and
neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which eventually strips
individuals of voluntary muscular activity while leaving cognitive function intact.
Meanwhile, largely independent of these efforts, Human-Computer Interaction
(HCI) researchers continually work to increase the communication bandwidth and quality
between humans and computers. They have explored visualizations and multimodal
presentations so that computers may use as many sensory channels as possible to send
information to a human. Similarly, they have devised hardware and software innovations
to increase the information a human can quickly input into the computer. Since we have
traditionally interacted with the external world only through 13 our physical bodies, these
input mechanisms have mostly required performing some form of motor activity, be it
moving a mouse, hitting buttons, using hand gestures, or speaking.
Additionally, these researchers have started to consider implicit forms of input, that
is, input that is not explicitly performed to direct a computer to do something. In an area of
exploration referred to by names such as perceptual computing or contextual computing,
researchers attempt to infer information about user state and intent by observing their
physiology, behavior, or even the environment in which they operate. Using this
information, systems can dynamically adapt themselves in useful ways in order to better
support the user in the task at hand.

It is believed that there exists a large opportunity to bridge the burgeoning research
in Brain-Computer Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, and this book attempts to
do just that. We believe that BCI researchers would benefit greatly from the body of
expertise built in the HCI field as they construct systems that rely solely on interfacing

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with the brain as the control mechanism. Likewise, BCIs are now mature enough that HCI
researchers must add them to our tool belt when designing novel input techniques
(especially in environments with constraints on normal motor movement), when
measuring traditionally elusive cognitive or emotional phenomena in evaluating our
interfaces, or when trying to infer user state to build adaptive systems. Each chapter in
this book was selected to present the novice reader with an overview of some aspect of
BCI or HCI, and in many cases the union of the two, so that they not only get a flavor of
work that currently exists, but are hopefully inspired by the opportunities that remain.

II. The Evolution of BCIs and the Bridge with Human Computer
The evolution of any technology can generally be broken into three phases. The
initial phase, or proof-of-concept, demonstrates the basic functionality of a technology. In
this phase, even trivially functional systems are impressive and stimulate imagination.
They are also sometimes misunderstood and doubted. As an example, when moving 14
pictures were first developed, people were amazed by simple footage shot with stationary
cameras of flowers blowing in the wind or waves crashing on the beach. Similarly, when
the computer mouse was first invented, people were intrigued by the ability to move a
physical device small distance on a table-top in order to control a pointer in two
dimensions on a computer screen. In brain sensing work, this represents the ability to
extract any bit of information directly from the brain without utilizing normal muscular
In the second phase, or emulation, the technology is used to mimic existing
technologies. The first movies were simply recorded stage plays, and computer mice were
used to select from lists of items much as they would have been with the numeric pad on a
Similarly, early brain-computer interfaces have aimed to emulate functionality of
mice and keyboards, with very few fundamental changes to the interfaces on which they
operated. Itis in this phase that the technology starts to be driven less by its novelty and
starts to interest a wider audience interested by the science of understanding and
developing it more deeply.

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Fig 3.1 Asynchronous Switch Design

Finally, the technology hits the third phase, in which it attains maturity in its own
right. In this phase, designers understand and exploit the intricacies of the new technology
to build unique experiences that provide us with capabilities never before available. For
example, the flashback and crosscut, as well as “bullet-time” introduced more recently by
the movie the Matrix have become well-acknowledged idioms of the medium of film.
Similarly, the mouse has become so well integrated into our notions of computing that it is
extremely hard to imagine using current interfaces without such a device attached. It
should be noted that in both these cases, more than forty years passed between the
introduction of the technology and the widespread development and usage of these
It is believed that brain-computer interface work is just now coming out of its
infancy, and that the opportunity exists to move it from the proof-of-concept and
emulation Figure.2- Asynchronous Switch Design 15 stages into maturity. However, to do
this, we will have not only had to continue the discovery and invention within the domain
itself, but also start to build bridges and leverage researchers and work in other fields.
Meanwhile, the human computer interaction field continues to work toward expanding the
effective information bandwidth between human and machine, and more importantly to
design technologies that integrate seamlessly into our everyday tasks. Specifically, we
believe there are several opportunities, though we believe our views are necessarily
constrained and hope that this book inspires further crossover and discussion. For
• While the BCI community has largely focused on the very difficult mechanics of
acquiring data from the brain, HCI researchers could add experience designing interfaces
that make the most out of the scanty bits of information they have about the user and their
intent. They also bring in a slightly different viewpoint which may result in interesting
innovation on the existing applications of interest. For example, while BCI researchers
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maintain admirable focus on providing patients who have lost muscular control an
alternate input device, HCI researchers might complement the efforts by considering the

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locked-in experience, including such factors as preparation, communication, isolation, and
awareness, etc.
• Beyond the traditional definition of Brain-Computer Interfaces, HCI researchers
have already started to push the boundaries of what we can do if we can peer into the
user’s brain, if even ever so roughly. Considering how these devices apply to healthy users
in addition to the physically disabled, and how adaptive system may take advantage of
them could push analysis methods as well as application areas.
• The HCI community has also been particularly successful at systematically
exploring and creating whole new application areas. In addition to thinking about using
technology to fix existing pain points, or to alleviate difficult work, this community has
sought scenarios in which technology can augment everyday human life in some way. We
believe that we have only begun to scratch the surface of the set of applications that brain
sensing technologies open, and hope that this book stimulates a much wider audience to
being considering these scenarios

III. Brain Imaging to Directly Control Devices:

Bypassing Physical Movement to Specify Intent:
Most current brain-computer interface work has grown out of the neuroscience and
medical fields, and satisfying patient needs has been a prime motivating force. Much of
this work aims to improve the lives of patients with severe neuromuscular disorders such
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also popularly known as Lou Gerig’s disease,
brainstem stroke, or spinal cord injury. In the latter stages of these disorders, many patients
lose all control of their physical bodies, including simple functions such as eye-gaze. Some
even need help with vital functions such as breathing. However, many of these patients
retain full control of their higher-level cognitive abilities.

Fig 3.2 EEG Transmission

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While medical technologies that augment vital bodily functions have drastically
extended the lifespan of these patients, these technologies do not alleviate the mental
frustration or social isolation caused by having no way to communicate with the external
world. Providing these patients with brain-computer interfaces that allow them to control
computers directly with their brain signals could dramatically increase their quality of life.
The complexity of this control ranges from simple binary decisions, to moving a cursor on
the screen, to more ambitious control of mechanical prosthetic devices.
Most current brain-computer interface research has been a logical extension of
assistive methods in which one input modality is substituted for another. When users lose
the use of their arms, they typically move to eye or head tracking, or even speech, to
control their computers. However, when they lose control of their physical movement, the
physiological function they have the most and sometimes only control over is their brain

IV. Control Brain Signals:

Other researchers have designed interfaces that exploit the specific affordances of brain
control. One such interface presents a grid of keys, each representing a letter or Figure.3-
EEG Transmission 17 command (Sutter 1992). Each row or column of the grid flashes in
rapid succession, and the user is asked to count the number of flashes that occur over the
desired key. The system determines the row and column of interest by detecting an event-
related signal called the P300 response, which occurs in the parietal cortex about 300
milliseconds after the onset of a significant stimulus.
It is believed that there remains much work to be done in designing interfaces that
exploit our understanding of cognitive neuroscience and that provide the maximum
amount of control using the lowest possible bit rate. We believe that expertise in human-
computer interaction can be leveraged to design novel interfaces that may be generally
applicable to brain-computer interfaces and low bit rate interactions.

V. Evaluation of Potential Impact:

We are still at a very early stage in brain-computer interface research. Because current
systems require so much cognitive effort and produce such small amounts of control
information (the best systems now get 25 bits/minute), they remain useful mainly in
carefully controlled scenarios and only to users who have no motor alternatives. Much

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work has to be done before we are able to successfully replace motor movement with brain
signals, even in the simplest of scenarios.
While researchers believe that these interfaces will get good enough to vastly
improve the lives of disabled users, not all are certain that brain-computer interfaces will
eventually be good enough to completely replace motor movement even for able bodied
users. In fact, many researchers have mixed feelings on whether or not this is useful or
advisable in many situations. However, we do foresee niche applications in which
braincomputer interfaces might be useful for able-bodied people.
For example, since these interfaces could potentially bypass the lag in mentally
generating and executing motor movements, they would work well in applications for
which response times are crucial. Additionally, they could be useful in scenarios where it
is physically difficult to move. Safety mechanisms on airplanes or spacecraft could benefit
from such interfaces. In these scenarios, pilots experiencing large physical forces do not
have much time to react to impending disasters, and even with limited bandwidth brain
control could be valuable. Also, since brain control is intrinsically less observable than
physical movement, brain-computer interfaces may 18 be useful for covert operation, such
as in command and control or surveillance applications for military personnel.
Brain-computer interfaces could also be successful in games and entertainment
applications. In fact, researchers have already begun to explore this lucrative area to
exploit the novelty of such an input device in this large and growing market. One
interesting example of such a game is Brain-ball, developed at the Interactive Studio in
Sweden (Hjelmand Browall 2000). In this game, two players equipped with EEG are
seated on opposite sides of a table. Players score simply by moving a ball on the table into
the opponent’s goal. The unusual twist to this game is that users move the ball by relaxing.
The more relaxed the EEG senses the user to be, the more the ball moves. Hence, rather
than strategic thoughts and intense actions, the successful player must learn to achieve
calmness and inactivity.


I. Automatic Navigation System:

Advanced vehicle control and safety systems represent an important and growing segment
of the current research in the automation of highway systems. The most important topics
include automatic vehicle localization, cruise control, traffic management, obstacle

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detection, collision avoidance, etc. The navigation system generates a set of collision
avoidance man oeuvres between the vehicle in consideration and other moving vehicles as
well as static obstacles on the highway.
Planning collision-free and safe man oeuvres for an unmanned vehicle in dynamic
environments such as highways is a difficult problem and has been addressed by
researchers only recently.
Several motion-planning and obstacle-avoidance techniques for autonomous guided
vehicles have been proposed in the literature. Collision prediction and avoidance are
implemented by selecting vehicle speeds outside a set that would result in collision with a
given obstacle. Of course, it is assumed that the instantaneous state (position and speed) of
each mobile object in the scenery is measurable. A collision-free trajectory is then obtained
by searching a tree of feasible avoidance man oeuvres, computed at discrete-time intervals.

Fig 4.1 Sensors and Their Range

An obstacle-avoidance method for 2D motion planning, based on aerospace

guidance systems, is presented in. Collision prediction is achieved by a collision cone
approach. This concept reduces the engagement between two irregularly shaped obstacles
into an equivalent engagement between a point and a circle. Position and speed of the
obstacle are measurable by on-board sensors.
Different collision-free man oeuvres for an unmanned vehicle are generated by
different alternatives of avoiding a predicted collision with a moving vehicle (obstacle).
The only available information of the mentioned obstacle is its current position and speed
obtained by on-board sensors. As soon as new information from the world is provided by
the sensors, the man oeuvre planner is intended to be executed, defining a closed-loop
approach. Sensors provide to the navigation system, under a predetermined sample rate,

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speeds and positions of every vehicle (obstacle) in sight. Figure. 8 shows a vehicle
equipped with rings of ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors, a laser scanner and GPS.
Collision is predicted by computing the minimum translational distance between the
motions of the unmanned and obstacle vehicles. The unknown motion of the obstacle is
assumed to be estimated from the recent position and speed received from the sensors.
When a collision is predicted, intermediate temporal-positions, which avoid the mentioned
collision, are determined by defining different man oeuvres for the unmanned vehicle.
Vehicles and other unforeseeable obstacles are modelled by a sphere. Automatic
generation of this type of geometric models and their extensions are shown in. Motions of
the involved vehicles are represented by the spherical cylinder that contains the volume
swept from their current positions to their expected future ones. Speeds along such
estimated motions are assumed constant.

Fig 4.2 Sensor arrangement

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Fig 4.3 Vehicle with on-board

Rotations are not considered in most of motion-planning algorithms for

autonomous vehicles. In the presented application, it is assumed that vehicles move only
by translation in a two-dimensional space. Another characteristic assumed by the proposed
man oeuvre planner is discarding the non-holonomic constraint of the involved vehicles,
due to the minimum speed and to the m inimum curvature radius permitted in a highway.

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When the above requirements are satisfied and if this car becomes cost effective
then we shall witness a revolutionary change in the society where the demarcation between
the abler and the disabled vanishes. Thus, the integration of bioelectronics with automotive
systems is essential to develop efficient and futuristic vehicles, which shall be witnessed
soon helping the disabled in every manner in the field of transportation.

Brain-computer interfaces pose a great opportunity to interact with highly

intelligent systems such as autonomous vehicles. While relying on the car as a smart
assistance system, they allow a passenger to gain control of the very essential aspect of
driving without the need to use arms or legs. Even while legal issues remain for public
deployment, this could already enable a wide range of disabled people to command a
vehicle in closed environments such as a park, zoos, or inside buildings.

Free drive with the brain and Brain Chooser gives a glimpse of what is already
possible with brain-computer interfaces for commanding autonomous cars. Modifying the
route of a vehicle with a BCI is already an interesting option for applications that help
disabled people to become more mobile. It has been proven that free driving with a BCI is
possible, but the control is still too inaccurate for letting mind-controlled cars operate
within open traffic. The semi-autonomous Brain Chooser overcame this weakness, and
decisions were performed with a high precision. Improvements of the BCI device could
have multiple positive effects. One effect, of course, would be a more accurate control of
the car, i.e., a more accurate steering and velocity control in free drive mode. Further, it is
desirable to be able to distinguish more than four brain patterns in the future. This would
enable the driver to give further commands, e.g., switching lights off and on, or setting the
on-board navigation system to the desired location by thought alone.

More detailed experiments regarding this decline of concentration over time and
within the context of car driving will be future work as well.

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