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Individual Task.

Certificate in Estate Agency

1. Introduction
This project is designed to further the achievement of the objectives set out for the
course and will form part of the course’s assessment.

2. Submission and Assessment

Your completed task must be submitted on 27.6.2022 NOT LATER THAN 5.30 PM via

3. Marking Schedule & Feedback Sheet

Marking Schedule Marks Allocation Scored (%)

Part 1 15
Introduction of the report
● To provide the general
framework of the assessment,
theoretical and concept of every
taxation incidence of real estate
acquisition, holding & disposal.

Part 2 70
Report main body
● Critical analysis of the case
study based on your practice
and actual cases of
customary law in Malaysia.

Part 3 10
● Conclusion to overall report
technical procedure and to
summarize the objective as
clearly stated as well as your
professional comment towards
customary land law.

Report Structure and Formatting. 5

● The report should be well
structured and readable for
academic references.
● Good command of English is
expected ( Grammar, punctuation
and free of spelling errors)

Total 100

4. Submission Requirement
The submission will take the form of a well-structured professional report with appropriate
sections and headings/titles that enables a clear and coherent message to be conveyed.
Generally, in writing the report, the following guidelines should be followed:

● The main body of the report should be world-processed as normal and include page
numbers; ∙ Use one and a half line spacing in theme font Times New Roman and a font
size of 11 or 12 for ease of reading;
● There should be a title page, an executive summary (not exceeding 150 words) and a
table of contents in that order on standalone pages;
● Please avoid the use of first person pronouns like ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘my’ etc.;
● Any references used are to be appropriately cited in-text and listed at the end of the
work in conformity with the Harvard referencing style [please, see a copy of a guide
to the Harvard referencing style on BB];
● All detailed calculations, data and other relevant information relied upon in carrying out
your analysis must be shown; and The word limit for the report is circa 7,000 words
including any references used but excludes appendices. However, please note that
quality is always preferable to quantity.

5. Restrictions
Cheating and Plagiarism found will be considered failed. Plagiarism is the use without
adequate acknowledgment of the intellectual work of another person in work submitted for
assessment. You are also reminded to be careful when downloading information from the
internet. Module Lecturer have the right to screen your submission via turn-it-in with a
plagiat rate not more than 20% is allowable.

6. Individual Assessment.

The Question:

“Customary law is the law of the local people as developed and handed down from time
immemorial. A local word which is quite widely used in South-east Asia for recognised
customary behavior is the word “adat”. Rural people in general have a high regard for adat and
usually expect persons from outside the locality to respect it. Owen Rutter provides a
distinction between a law and a customs by saying that “strictly speaking the difference
between a law and a custom is that a law is a rule of which a judicial court takes cognizance,
punishing its infraction, whereas a custom is where it punishes in its own manner those who
disobeys it”

Source: Teacher, Law. (November 2013). Founder, History of Native Customary Law in Sabah
and Sarawak. Retrieved from

Based on the above quotation, You are required to critically discuss the
regulation ,management and implementation of Malaysia customary land law in Malaysia.

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