012 - I Kade Krisna Yuda Gumilang - TUGAS BAHASA INGGRIS

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Dosen :

Drs. I Nyoman Udayana, M.Si, Ph.d

Oleh :

I Kade Krisna Yuda Gumilang

NIM : P07133121012
D-III Kesehatan Lingkungan



Visiting The Beautiful River in Jembrana "Gelar River"

Hello my name is I Kade Krisna Yuda Gumilang. You can call me Krisna. I am a student in Politechnic of
Health Denpasar, . I am from Jembrana. I usually waking up at 7 AM and get ready for online lectures.
But this morning, suddenly one of my friend is calling me, he is asking me to visiting one of the rivers in
my city, namely the Gelar River Jembrana. Of course, i am saying yes, and I am felling so happy. I am
making sure that this plan will going perfectly. Then I am checking Google's weather forecast to see how
it is going, and so lucky because it is a sunny day today.

After finishing the online lecture, and then, I am ready to go. My friends are picking me up at my house.
We are going by car at 1 PM. In the car, we already have a lot of things, ranging from a portable stove, a
small chair, fishing tools and food ingredients such as sausages, and chicken that has been seasoned.

The trip is not taking too far, it just in 30 minutes. This river is located in Batuagung Village, Jembrana
Regency. To getting to this location is not so difficult, because there are two rural routes, through
Batuagung Village and through the Kresna Jvara SportBuilding in Sawe Rangsasa Village. The path we
are taking today is through the direction of the Kresna Jvara Sports Building. Along the way, We are
playing on our favorite songs and singing together.

After 30 minutes, finally we are arriving at our destination. There, we do not need to pay an entrance
ticket, it is free, we just pay for parking only Rp 5.000. We are taking our things immediately, because we
will walking to getting to the edge of the river. And here we are, the River Gelar Jembrana is indeed the
right choice for nature tourism that is free from the crowded cities.

This river has a clear water flow, because the source of the water comes from the mountains. The
freshness of the water makes anyone interesting in touching themselves in the water. The conditions
around the river are still beautiful, moss and shady tree, and it has cool with fresh air, so far away from
pollution. The sound of birds and insects adds to the impression of the river's sound of nature.

After arranging our things, we are going to swimming. The cold and fresh water directly touching my
skin. And i can seeing there are a few small fish under the water. They are swimming around my feet.

Most of the visitors are young people with their friends, just like us. They are not only coming from
Jembrana, but also some of them even come just to see the scenery here.

Above the Gelar River Jembrana, there is a red bridge that is the iconic for this river. But, only two-
wheeled vehicles can pass through this bridge. There are many large rocks that arround the river. One of
my friends is trying to jumping off the rocks. And, he doing it well. Then, I am trying too, but there is not
good as he doing. At the ending we are jumping together.
After being satisfied with swimming, it is looking like we are getting hungry. We are preparing some
food for eating. We are turning on the stove and starting to cooking the chicken, sausages, and some
fishes that we are getting from fishing.

The smell of our food is so delicious. After the food is serving, we are eating our food together while it is
still warm. But before of that, we do not forget to make offerings to nature according to our beliefs. My
friends and I really enjoy this moment. Eating time is the best time to exchange stories. We are asking
each other about our respective college activities, and laugh at together. It is because we rarely meet due
to different university.

The sun is begining to set slowly and it is already 6 PM. We are starting to tidying up our belongings. We
do not forget to also clean the place that we used earlier, so that is not a single trash is left behind. Then,
we are returning to the parking lot and back to our home.

One thing that i learning from our trip is protecting nature, not just enjoying its beauty. Often we are
finding some people who do not care about nature. One of the efforts to protect nature that we can doing
is to maintain the cleanliness and beauty of the environment by not littering. Because the simple things we
can doing today, it will have a big impact one day..

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