Tukiad, Shirly

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Shirly J.

Tukiad Grade 12- ABM

A Media Information Literate Individual
Technology is rapidly evolving and changing. Technology has become an integral element
of our daily lives. Its progress is usually parallel in the media. Technology continues to assist us
every day, from accessing enormous amounts of information on the internet to simply enjoying an
enhanced personal existence. Information can be transmitted at any moment and is promptly
disseminated. The usage of media and the internet may easily transmit information. Technology
has also simplified communication. People with media and information literacy can analyze and
make educated decisions as users of information and media, as well as become skilled developers
and producers of their own information and media messages. It encompasses a variety of
competencies and combines media literacy and information literacy into one word. The ability to
comprehend media functions, judge how they are performed, and use them for self-expression is
referred to as media literacy.
Respect and self-control are required to be media and information savvy. Everything we
say and post on social media must be carefully considered. We must take full responsibility for
every action we take. Many people who use the media or social media are truly illiterate and
irresponsible. We tend to overlook the correct behavior and simple etiquettes that we must observe
as individuals because of our freedom and liberty. Most of the time, we are abusing our freedom
and, unfortunately, we are unaware of it. Information is vital because it teaches people how to deal
with various situations. Every subject has knowledge, and each has its own set of tools. Classroom
discussions are an excellent way to disseminate accurate information, particularly among students
in their early college years. People have learnt to use the media to spread information in today's
fast-paced environment. This might be accomplished through the use of radio, television,
computers, and cellphones. We may readily share information to those we know through the use
of media such as text and phone conversations. However, because of social media, we have a
bigger scope and that is the public audience, our power and responsibilities grow. Information and
media go hand in hand, and both are fantastic. As a responsible audience, we should select just the
most relevant and valuable information in order to gain a better understanding of events,
circumstances, people, and everything else in order to avoid misunderstandings and improve
Technology has clearly become an integral part of our daily lives, making life more
convenient and enjoyable. Our lives have become more straightforward than previously. To
become media literate, a person must have respect, self-control, be able to recognize when
information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed
information. To be Information Literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is
needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.

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