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Name: __MELDRID BACUNAWA_______________________________ Date: MAY

Year and Course: _BSED Filipino 3A______________________ Score: _________

Assessment in Learning 2
Final Exam

Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank before the

_D__1. Who among the teachers below gave the most authentic assessment task for the
objective “Solve word problems involving the four basic operations”?

Teacher A who presented a word problem involving the four fundamental

operations then she asked the pupils to solve it.
Teacher B who asked her pupil to construct a word problem for a given number
sentence that involves four fundamental operations and then she asked them to solve
the word problem they constructed.
Teacher C who asked her pupils to construct any word problem that involves the four
fundamental operations and then asked them to show how to solve it.
Teacher D who ask her pupils to construct any word problem that
involves the four fundamental operations then formed them by twos so that each pair
exchanged problems and solved each other’s problem.

___C_2. Teacher Sunshine wants to test his students’ abilities to speak

extemporaneously. Which of the following is the most valid assessment tool?

A. Let his students construct a speech.

B. Let them make their portfolio on speeches delivered.
C. Prepare a performance test in extemporaneous speaking.
D. Give a written test on the on the guidelines in the delivering an
extemporaneous speech.

_A___3. Assessment should be on real-world application and not on out-of-

context drills. To apply this principle, what should Teacher Cecile do? A. Assesses
students’ English oral communication skills in a graduation program simulation
where each student has a speaking assignment
B. Gives a 20-point quiz asking students to determine whether or not the sound of “a”
is lomg or short
C. Gives students a matching type of test on vocabulary
D. Gives a 10-item quiz on adding dissimilar fractions which is the weakness of students

_A__4. Which statement about performance-based assessment is FALSE?

A. It emphasizes merely process.
B. It stresses on doing, not only knowing.
C. It accentuates on process as well as product.
D. Essay tests are examples of performance-based assessments.

A___5. Which is the most important about portfolio and performance-based assessment?
A. Authentic assessment
B. Numerical grading
C. Letter grading
D. Scoring rubric

_C_6. The following are examples of Non-Tests Assessments except

Written exams

__C 7. Which is a good portfolio evidence of a student’s acquired knowledge and writing skills?
Test Results
Reflective Journal
Critiqued Outputs

___A_8. Ms. Isabel uses alternative methods of assessment. Which will she NOT likely
A. Multiple Choice Test
B. Reflective Journal Writing
C. Oral Presentation
D. Developing Portfolios

__C_9. Teacher Alex wants his pupils to display their favorite poem among the poems each one
composed. What type of portfolio is Teacher Alex expecting to see?
A. Development portfolio
B. Progress portfolio
C. Showcase portfolio
D. Assessment portfolio

_A__10. Teacher Rhea asked her pupils to display their penmanship work in the beginning,
middle and near the end of the school year. Which type of portfolio is displayed?
A. Development portfolio
B. Evaluation portfolio
C. Showcase portfolio
D. Assessment portfolio

__C_11. The following statements describe some of the purposes of portfolios

I. Identifying students’ strengths
Address students’ deficiencies by providing new steps III. Have a
collection of folders containing students’ works

II and III

B___12. Which of the following is LEAST measured by portfolio assessment?


_D__13. What term refers to the collection of students’ products and

accomplishments for a period for evaluation purposes? A. Anecdotal Record
Observation Report

__C__14. Assessment is said to be authentic when a teacher

A. Gives a valid and reliable test
B. Includes other stakeholders in the assessment procedures C. Gives
students real life task to accomplish
D. Involves the students in the formulation of the test

__A___15. Teacher Queenie gave a True-False pretest on social justice. Based

on the pretest results, she taught her class social justice by correcting whatever wrong
concepts the students have and affirmed and expounded on their correct concepts. After
correcting their wrong concepts and affirming their correct answers, Teacher Emma gave
the class a posttest. Among the forms of assessment explained, which one/s did Teacher
Emma do?

A. Assessment OF Learning
B. Assessment AS Learning
C. Assessment FOR Learning
D. Assessment FOR and AS Learning

___D_16. Mrs. Clara tasked her students to show how to play basketball. What
learning target is she assessing?

__B_17. Mr. Smart is doing a performance-based assessment for the day’s lesson.
Which do you expect to happen in his classroom? A. Students are evaluated in one
B. Students do an actual demonstration of their skill.
C. Students are evaluated in the most objective manner.
D. Students are evaluated based on varied evidences of learning.

__C_18. Which among the teachers described below is doing assessment? A. Mr. Lim
is administering a test to her students.
B. Ms. Andas is counting the scores obtained by the students in a test.
C. Mr. Mapa is computing the final grade of the students after completing all their
D. Ms. Teodoro is planning for a remedial instruction after knowing that students
perform poorly in her test.

____A_19. This refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that educators
used to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill
acquisition, or educational needs of the students.

_C__20. Mrs. Geronimo is doing an assessment of learning. At what stage of

instruction is she doing this?
a. before instruction
b. prior to instruction
c. during the instructional process
d. after instruction

Match Column A and Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Being aware of or sensitive to the a. Receiving

Existence of certain ideas, materials b.Responding

Or phenomena and being willing to c. Valuing
Tolerate them. d. Organization
Answer: A
2. Value set is to act consistently in accor- e. Characterization
Dance with the values he or she has
Answer: C
3. Willing to perceived by others as attaching
Importance to certain ideas.
Answer: D
4. Being committed in some small measure To ideas,
materials involved by actively Responding to
5. Relating the value to those already held And bring it
into a harmonious philosophy.
Answer: E

Write atleast 5 Example of Affective Domain Assessment

__1. Receiving
Ex. Students are listening the lecture of their MAPEH teacher.
2. Responding
Ex. Students are actively participating during intramurals to win their game event.
3. Valuing
Ex. Students motivate and helping each other.
4. Organization
X. Identifies responsibility and proper decision making.
5. Characterization
Ex. A student managed to resolve problems._________________________

Read each sentence. Write T if the statement is True and F if False.

1. A scoring rubric is a must in traditional assessment. F
2. Checklist and rating scales differ from scoring rubric.T
3. Rubrics make teaching and learning more focused.T
4. General rubrics are used for critical skills and traits like problem solving. T
5. Rubrics are important because they ensure constructive alignment of instruction,
assessment with learning outcomes.T
6. Authentic assessment is an authentic form of assessment.T
7. A portfolio collection is intended to document what a student has learned based on
intended learning outcomes. F
8. Developmental or growth portfolio documents student’s proof of best effort with respect to
learning outcomes. F
9. Showcase portfolio presents the student’s most outstanding work.T
10. Portfolio is a systematic and organized collection of a student’s work that demonstrates
the students skills and accomplishments.T

Evaluating and Creating

Present the KCAST grading system. Does your grading system include traditional and authentic
assessment which in turn includes process assessment and product assessment? Explain
comprehensively. (10points)
The Kapalong College of Agriculture Sciences and Technology (KCAST) employs a multi-
grading system that includes both the regular number grade system and the checklist
technique. The KCAST grading system integrate the traditional and authentic evaluation
methods, making it ideal for the institution's innovative blended learning model. Also, the
local college's existing tradititional and authentic assessments are present via online
platforms due to restrictions imposed by the school in combating the pandemic. KCAST
applies authentic assessments by limited face to face activities like individual stage plays
or demonstrations and online ways like situational or real life tasks presented through
audio visual presentation. Moreover, traditional assessment are also done the same way
through online and limited face o face tasks. Lastly, product and process-oriented
assessments and curriculum are integrated through blended learning instructions.
Make a sample of Analytic Rubric. You can present it in Filipino. (10points)
Prepared by:


Course Instructor

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