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Let’s Learn
We play games in order to enjoy the company of one another. For
every game you play, we follow a set of rules. We stick to these rules so
that everything will be fair. As we play, we give our very best in order to
win. There will always be winners and losers in every game. We feel better
when we win and you are still sad when we lose. But what is really more
important in playing?

In life, just like in a game, we follow a set of rules to guide us in

facing the challenges that come our way. We feel confident of our actions
when we abide by the rules.

There are so many things that we fear in life. We are scared that our
parents will scold us when we do something bad or when we get failing
marks in school.

We are afraid that our friends will avoid us when we do not let them
copy our answers during examinations. We are also afraid to talk about
God to our friends because they might laugh at us or ask us many
questions that we may not be able to answer. There are also times when
we are afraid of doing something good because people might mock or
ridicule us.
Courage is being brave in facing the difficulties in life. It also means
making the right decision no matter how hard it may be. It is admitting
one’s mistakes with the intention of correcting them. Courage also means
saying “no” to temptations. It is doing what is right no matter what it
costs. Courage helps us make good and wise decisions.
We feel good and at peace with ourselves and with God when we
decide to do what is right. On the other hand, we feel afraid and worried
when we do not do the right thing.

We are courageous when we do brave acts. When we hate things

that are wrong and terrible, and we are resolved to go against them, we
become great. For example, if someone wants to pick a fight with you for
no reason at all, you decide not to get involved because you know that it is
wrong. Brave or courageous people are determined to do what they know
is right no matter what it will cost them.
Cowardly people lack confidence and tend to be fearful. They can
easily be influenced to do bad things, especially when they see other
people doing them.
Good people are courageous and upright. They do things that will
please the people around them. We need to be great to do the right things
at all times. There are people who may influence us to do the right things.
Let us choose to do the right thing and at all times no matter what it will
cost us.

Tell Me!
Why should we be courageous in doing what is good and right?

We should be courageous in doing what is good and right because
we are expected to make wise decisions. Being courageous and careful
with our decision helps us stay away from trouble.

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