PSPM 2020 SK025 Subj Q

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SULIT $k025 Answer all questions. Jawab semua soalan. 1 Decomposition of gaseous hydrogen iodide, HI at 508 °C is represented by the following equation: Penguraian gas hidrogen iodida, Hl pada 508 °C adalah diwakili oleh ‘persamaan berikut: 2HI(g) > Ha(g) + Ig) The molar concentration of HI was measured at time interval in second (s) and the graph of concentration against time for the decomposition of HI at 508 °C is shown in FIGURE 1. Kepekatan molar HI diukur pada seta masa dalam saat (8) dan graf kepekatan melawan masa untuk penguraian Hl pada 508 °C ditunjukkan pada RAJAH 1. O11 0.10 0.09 5 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 Kepekatan HI (M) 0.04 0.03 5 Concentration of HI (M) 0.02 H I 0.01 FE 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Time (s) Masa (s) FIGURE 1 RAJAH 1 Scanned with CamScanner SULIT @ b) 2 @ ‘$K025 (i) Based on FIGURE 1, determine the order of reaction and write the rate equation for the decomposition. Berdasarkan RAJAH 1, tentukan tertib tindak balas dan tuliskan ‘persamaan kadar untuk penguraian tersebut. (ii) Calculate the rate constant, k, and initial rate for the decomposition of HI. Hitung pemalar kadar, k, dan kadar awal bagi penguraian HI. [8 marks] [8 markah] State two (2) requirements for effective molecular collisions in producing a chemical change. Nyatakan dua (2) syarat perlanggaran moleku! berkesan dalam menghasilkan ‘suatu perubahan kimia, [2 marks] [2 markah] TABLE 1 shows the lists of stan@aR@IGHtillpzehange associated with the solubility of silver chloride, AgCl. JADUAL 1 menunjukkan perubahan entalpi piawai yang berkaitan dengan keterlarutan argentum klorida, AgCl. TABLE 1 JADUAL1 Enthalpy AH? (k3 mot") Emtalpi Lattice energy of AgCl Ais Tenaga kekisi AgCl Hydration energy of Ag* 465 Tenaga penghidratan Ag’ Hydration energy of Cr = Tenaga penghidratan CY (Construct the thermochemical cycle to show the relationship between lattice energy, hydration energy and enthalpy of solution for AgCl, Bina kitar termokimia bagi menunjukkan hubungan antara tenaga kekisi, tenaga penghidratan dan entalpi larutan bagi AgC\. (ii) Calculate the enthalpy of solution of AgCl. Hitung entalpi larutan bagi AgCl. [6 marks} [6 markah} Scanned with CamScanner $K025 SULIT (b) Arrange the following substances in ascending order of lattice energy. Explain your answer. Susun bahan berikut mengikut tertib tenaga kekisi menaik. Jelaskan jawapan anda. AICI, MgCh, NaCl [4 marks] [4 markah] 3 Anelectrochemical cell is constructed from the following two half-cell reactions: Suatu sel elektrokimia dibina daripada dua tindak balas sel-setengah berikut: @) (b) (©) 1.00 V 0.13 V VO3"(aq) + 2H"(aq) + © > VO" (aq) + H20() Be Pb**(aq) + 2e > Pbi(s) EB Write a balanced equation for the overall reaction when the two half-cells are connected. Tullis persamaan berimbang bagi tindak balas keseluruhan apabila dua sel-setengah itu disambung. [2 marks] [2 markah] Calculate the standard electrode potential for the reaction. Hitung keupayaan elektrod piawai bagi tindak balas tersebut. [2 marks] [2 markahi] Calculate the initial cell potential at 25 °C if the initial concentrations of VO," = 0.10 M, H* = 0.05 M, VO" = 0.10 M and Pb** = 0.25 M. Hitung keupayaan sel awal pada 25 °C jika kepekatan awal bagi VO," = 0.10 M, H’ = 0.05 M, VO** = 0.10 M dan Pb** = 0.25 M. [3 marks] [3 markah] Scanned with CamScanner

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