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SULIT ‘$K025°2 SK0252 Chemisty 2 Kimia 2 Paper 2 Kertas 2 Semester I] Semester I Session 2019/2020 ‘Sesi 2019/2020 2% hours 2% jam KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA BAHAGIAN MATRIKULASI “MATRICULATION DIVISION PEPERIKSAAN SEMESTER PROGRAM MATRIKULASI MATRICULATION PROGRAMME EXAMINATION JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU. DONOT OPEN THIS QUESTION PAPER UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO D0 SO. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 16 halaman bercetak. This question paper consists of 16 printed pages. (© Bahagion Matthias SULIT SULIT ‘$k025/2 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE: This question paper consists of 12 questions, ‘Answer all questions. Answers must be written in the answer booklet provided. All steps must be shown clearly. Use a new page for each question. ‘Maximum marks awarded are shown in brackets at the end of each question or section. ‘The use of electronic calculator is permitted. ARAHAN KEPADA CALON: Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 12 soalan. Jawab semua soalan. Jawapan hendaklah ditulis pada buku jawapan yang disediakan. Semua langkah kerja hendaklah ditunjukkan dengan jelas. Gunakan muka surat baharu bagi nombor soalan yang berbeza. Markah maksimum yang diperuntukkan ditunjukkan dalam kurungan pada hnyjung setiap soalan atau bahagian soalan. Kalkulator elektronik boleh digunakan. 2 SULIT SULIT ‘$K025/2 RELATIVE ATOMIC MASSES OF SELECTED ELEMENTS JISIM ATOM RELATIF UNSUR-UNSUR TERPILIH Element Symbol Proton Number | Relative Atomie Mass ‘Aluninium AL 3 21.0 Silver Ag 47 107.9 “Argon Ar 18 40.0 ‘Arsenic As 33 749) Gold ‘Au 79 197.0 Barium Ba Ed 1373 Beryllium B 4 9.0 Bismuth Bi Ed 209.0 ‘Boron B 5 108 Bromine Br 35 79.9 Iron Fe 26 35.9) Fluorine F 9 19.0 Phosphorus P is 31.0 Helium He 2 | 40 Mercury Hg 30 200.6 Hydrogen H 1 10 Todine T 33 1269) Cadmium ca 48 124 Potassium K 19 39.1 Calcium Ca 20 40.1 Carbon c 6 12.0 Chlorine ci 17 35.5 Cobalt Co. 27 38.9) [ Krypton Kr 36 3.8 ‘Chromium cr 24 52.0 ‘Copper Cu 29 86 Tithium Li 3 69 Magnesium Mg 12 243 Manganese Mn 25 54.9 Sodium Na i 23.0 Neon Ne 10 20.2 Nickel Ni 28 58.7 Nitrogen N 7 14.0 ‘Oxygen oO 3 16.0 Platinum PL 78 195.1 Tead Pb 82 207.2 Protactinium Pa 91 231.0 Radium Ra 88 226.0 ‘Radon Rn 36 222.0 Rubidiom, Rb 37 35.5 Selenium Se 34 79.0 Cerium Ce 38 140.1 Cesium Cs 55 132.9 Silicon Si 14 28.1 ‘Scandium Se 2 45.0 Tia sn 30. 118.7 ‘Antimony Sb 3 Le Strontium Sr 38 87.6 Sulphur S 16 32.1 ‘Uranium U 92 238.0 ‘Tungsten W 7 183.9 Zine Za 30 65.4 ] 3 SULIT SULIT ‘$K025/2, LIST OF SELECTED CONSTANT VALUES SENARAI NILAI PEMALAR TERPILIH- Jonisation constant for water at 25 °C Hasil darab ion bagi air pada 25 °C Molar volume of gases Isipadu molar gas Speed of light in a vacuum Laju cahaya dalam vakum Specific heat of water Muatan haba tentu air Avogadro's number Nombor Avogadro Faraday constant Pemalar Faraday Planck’s constant Pemalar Planck Rydberg constant Pemalar Rydberg Molar of gases constant Pemalar gas molar Density of water Ketumpatan air Freezing point of water Takat beku air ‘Vapour pressure of water Tekanan wap air Ky Vn Prater 1.00 x 10° mol” dm 22.4 dm? mol” at STP 24 dm’ mol” at room temperature 3.0 x 10°ms 4.18 ki kg KT 4.183 gtk" 4185 gC" 6.02 « 10° mol 9.65 «10°C mol" 6.6256 x 10°* Js 1,097 « 10" mo 2.18 x 10"8J 8.3143 K7 mol 0.08206 L atm mol Kt 1gem* 0.00 °C 23.8 torr UNIT AND CONVERSION FACTOR UNIT DAN FAKTOR PERTUKARAN Volume 1 liter = 1 dm? Isipadu 1mL =1cm’ Energy i= Tenaga 1 calorie = 4.184 Joule LeV = 1.602 10°F Pressure Tekanan Others 1 Faraday (F) = 96500 coulomb Lain-lain 1 Newton (N) = 1 kgm s* kg m’s?=1N m= 10" erg 1 atm = 760 mm Hg = 760 torr = 101.325 kPa = 101325 Nm SULIT SULIT ‘$K025/2 Answer alll questions. Jawab semua soalan. 1 @ _ The data for the reaction between methyl ethanoate, CH;COOCHs, with hydroxide ion, OH’, at a certain temperature is shown in TABLE 1. Data tindak balas antara metil etanoat, CH;COOCHS, dengan ion hidroksida, OH pada suhu tertentu ditunjukkan dalam JADUAL 1. TABLE 1 JADUAL1 Experiment | [CHsCOOCHS]/M | [OH]/M | Initial rate/Ms™ x 107 Eksperimen Kadar awal /Ms" x 10 1 0.050 0.120 1.38 2 0.050 0.154 2.03 3 0.084 0.154 3.40 4 0.084 0.200 4.42 (@ Determine the order of reaction with respect to each reactant. Tentukan tertib tindak balas terhadap setiap reaktan. (ii) Write the rate law for the reaction. Tulis hukum kadar bagi tindak balas ini. ii) Calculate the rate constant. Hitung pemalar kadar. (iv) How many times will the rate increase if the concentrations of both ‘CH3COOCH; and OH are doubled? Berapa kali kadar akan meningkat jtka kedua-dua kepekatan ‘CH3COOCH; dan OH digandakan dua kali? [9 marks] [9 markah SULIT 0) SK025/2 ‘The decomposition of NH5 to Nz and Hy at 450 °C was studied on the surfaces of tungsten and osmium catalysts. The profile diagram for the reaction using Penguraian NH kepada Ny dan Hy pada 450 °C dikaji pada permukaan mangkin tungsten dan osmium. Rajah profil bagi tindak balas menggunakan setiap mangkin diberi dalam RAJAH |. Reaction pathway Laluan tindak balas FIGURE 1 RAJAH 1 @ Which catalyst is better for this reaction? Explain. Mangkin manakah yang lebth baik untuk tindak balas ini? Jelaskan. (ii) The activation energy for the above reaction using tungsten catalyst is 163 kJ mol”!. How many times faster is the reaction if the temperature is increased to 550°C? Tenaga pengaktifan bagi tindak balas di atas menggunakan mangkin tungsten ialah 163 kI mol”. Berapa kali gandakah tindak balas ini lebih cepat jika suhu dinaikkan kepada 550 °C? [5 marks] [5 markah] 6 SULIT SULIT ‘$K025/2 2 @ _ Ethanol, CHsCH,OH, is produced from fermentation of sugarcane and widely used as an alternative fuel to replace petrol. A 1.00 g sample of ethanol was burned in a bomb calorimeter, which has a total heat capacity of 11.0 kI °C". ‘The temperature of the calorimeter and its contents increased from 25.0 °C to 21.7°C. Etanol, CH;CH,0H, dihasilkan daripada fermentasi tebu dan digunakan secara meluas sebagai bahan api alternatif menggantikan petrol. Sebanyak 1.00 g sampel etanol dibakar dalam kalorimeter bom yang mempunyai jumlah ‘muatan haba 11.0 k} °C", Suiu kalorimeter serta kandungannya meningkat daripada 25.0 °C kepada 27.7 °C. @ Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction that takes place in ‘the bomb calorimeter. Tulis persamaan kimia berimbang bagi tindak balas yang berlaku dalam kalorimeter bom. (i) Calculate the enthalpy of combustion of ethanol per mol. Hitung entalpi pembakaran etanol per mol. [6 marks] [6 markah] T SULIT SULIT 0) $K025/2 Bom-Haber cycle for the formation of calcium sulphide is given in FIGURE 2 (The cycle is not drawn to scale), Kitaran Born-Haber bagi pembentukan kalsium sulfida diberi dalam RAJAH 2 (Kitaran dilukis tidak mengikut skala). AH; AH; AHs @ @ Gil) Gy) Calg) + S(g) ,e@ts@ Ca*@) +S*(@) Cig) +S@) AHS 200 kJ mol +1145 kJ molt Ca‘(g) + S(g) +590 kJ mol”! 4279 kJ mol 3013 kJ mol Ca(g) + S(s) AH; +178 ks mol Cals) +S) ~482kJ mol! t CaS(s) FIGURE 2 RAJAH2 ‘Name the enthalpy changes for AH; and AHS. ‘Namakan perubahan entalpi bagi AH, dan AHy. Identify the species X formed from AHs. Kenal pasti spesis X yang terbentuk daripada AH, Use the data in FIGURE 2 to calculate the value of AH. Gunakan data dalam RAJAH 2 untuk menghitung nilai AH. Will the lattice energy for CaO be larger or smaller than CaS? Explain briefly. Adakah tenaga kekisi bagi CaO lebih besar atau lebih kecil daripada CaS? Jelaskan secara ringkas. [6 marks] [6 markah] 8 SULIT SULIT © @ sk025/2 Given the following thermochemical equations: Diberi persamaan termokimia berikut: C(s) + Or(g) > COx(g) AHr=-393.5 KJ mol S(s) + O2(g) — SO2(g) AHS r C(s) + 28(8) > CS) AH= -87.9 kJ mol Determine the enthalpy change for the following reaction. Tentukan perubahan entalpi bagi tindak balas berikut. CS2(D) + 302(g) > CO2(g) + 2502(g) [2 marks] (2 markah] ‘The standard reduction potentials for copper(II), chromium(II1) and nickel({I) ions are given below: Keupayaan penurunan plawai bagi ion kuprum(I1), kromium(III) dan nikel(1) diberikan di bawah: Cu*(ag)+2e -> Cu(s) E°= 40.34 V Cr*(aq) + 3e > Cr(s) E°=-0.74,V Ni*(aq) + 2e + Ni(s) E°=-0.25V () Arrange the metals in order of increasing strength of reducing agents. Give your reason. Susun logam tersebut mengikut tertib menaik kekuatan agen penurunan. Berikan alasan anda, (ii) Determine whether the reaction below is spontaneous under standard conditions. Tentukan sama ada tindak balas di bawah adalah spontan pada keadaan piawai. CuP*(aq) + Cx(s) > Cu(s) +Cr**(aq) Gii) Explain what will happen if chromium container is used to store copper sulphate solution. Jelaskan apa akan berlaku sekiranya bekas kromium digunakan bagi ‘menyimpan larutan kuprum sulfat, [6 marks] [6 markah] 9 SULIT SULIT © 4 @ () $K025/2 Zine plating (galvanising) is an important means of corrosion protection. One of the possible ways in which this can be achieved is through electrolysi How many grams of zinc can be deposited on steel object if a current of 1.2 A is passed through zinc sulphate solution for one hour? Penyaduran zink (penggalvanan) adalah satu cara penting bagi perlindungan kakisan. Salah satu cara yang mungkin bagi melakukannya ialah melalui elekirolisis. Berapa gram zink yang boleh dienapkan pada satu objek keluli jika arus 1.2 A dialirkan melalui larutan zink sulfat selama satu jam? [4 marks [4 markah Propane undergoes free radical bromination to produce compound A. Draw the intermediates formed and structural formula of A. Propana mengalami pembrominan radikal bebas untuk menghasilkan sebatian A. Lukis perantara yang terbentuk dan formula struktur A. [3 marks] [3 markah] Hydrocarbon B, CsHiz reacts with one mole of hydrogen gas over platinum catalyst to produce compound C. Oxidation of B forms carbon dioxide and carboxylic acid D. Draw the structural formulae of B, C and D. Name a simple chemical test to differentiate B from C. Hidrokarbon B, Cetli2 bertindak balas dengan satu mol gas hidrogen di atas mangkin platinum untuk menghasilkan sebatian C. Pengoksidaan B membentuk karbon dioksida dan asid karboksilik D. Lukis formula struktur B, C dan D. Namakan satu ujian kimia mudah untuk membezakan B daripada C. [4 marks] [4 markah} 10 SULIT SULIT 5 @ o) 6 @ ‘SKO025/2 Based on the following reaction scheme, give reagents E, F, G and draw the structural formula of H. Berdasarkan skema tindak balas berikut, beri reagen E, F, G dan lukis formula struktur H. H I NO, H3C-C-CH; COOH O+z040£ Jou uw H major product [4 marks] [4 markah] Write the mechanism for the formation of isopropylbenzene. Tulis mekanisme tindak balas bagi pembentukan isopropilbenzena. [4 marks] [4 markah] 1-Chlorobutane reacts with sodium methoxide as shown in the chemical equation below. 1-Klorobutana bertindak balas dengan natrium metoksida seperti ditunjukkan dalam persamaan kimia di bawah. CH3CH,CH,CH,Cl_ + NaOCH; ——» CH;CH,CH,CH,OCH, (@ Name and draw the mechanism involved. ‘Nama dan lukis mekanisme yang terlibat. Gi) Write the reaction rate equation. Tuliskan persamaan kadar tindak balas. [5 marks] [5 markah) 1 SULIT SULIT © $K025/2 Complete the reaction scheme below by giving the reagent J and structural formulae of K and L. Lengkapkan skema tindak balas di bawah dengan memberi reagen J dan ‘formula struktur K dan L. H the I cH,CH-cH, 2+ x Madey thet HyC-C-CHy MgCl | i, CO) ii, H0* L [3 marks] [3 markah 7 Compounds M and N are isomers with molecular formula C320. The reaction of M and N with sodium metal forms gas bubbles. When M is heated with acidified solution of sodium dichromate, orange solution turns green and compound P, CsH00> is formed. N does not decolourise acidified sodium dichromate solution. Sebatian M dan N adalah isomer dengan formula molekul CsH,20. Tindak balas M dan N dengan logam natrium membebaskan gelembung gas. Apabila M dipanaskan dengan larutan natrium dikromat berasid, larutan jingga bertukar hijau dan sebatian P, CsHio0a terhasil. N tidak menyahwarnakan larutan natrium dikromat berasid. @ ©) © Draw the structural formulae of M, N and P. Lukis formula struktur M, N dan P. ‘Write all chemical equations involved. Tulis semua persamaan kimia yang terlibat. Write the structural formula of product formed when P reacts with N. State the catalyst used, Talis formula struktur hasil terbentuk apabila P bertindak balas dengan N. Nyatakan mangkin yang digunakan. [7 marks} [7 markah 12 SULIT SULIT () ‘$K025/2 Based on the following reaction scheme, draw the structural formulae of Q, RandS. Berdasarkan skema tindak balas berikut, lukis formula struktur bagi Q, dan, MgBr HCN Q (CH;CH,CHO ii, HO" [3 marks} [3 markah] Compound T, C,Hy0 forms an orange precipitate with Brady's reagent. ‘Treatment of T with alkaline iodine solution gives a yellow precipitate. Sebatian T, CsHgO membentuk suatu mendakan jingga dengan reagen Brady. Pengolahan T dengan larutan iodin beralkali memberikan suatu mendakan kuning. @ Explain the observations and draw the structural formula of T, Jelaskan pemerhatian dan lukis formula struktur T. (i) Ozonolysis of an alkene, U produces only T. State the reagent used and suggest alkene U. Ozonolisis suatu alkena, U hanya menghasilkan T. Nyatakan reagen yang digunakan dan cadangkan alkena U. [5 marks} [5 markah] 13 SULIT SULIT » ©@ ) 10 ‘$K025/2 ‘Arrange the compounds below in order of increasing acidity. Explain your answer. Susun sebatian di bawah mengikut tertib keasidan menaik. Jelaskan jawapan anda, Propanoic acid 2-Chloropropancic acid Phenol Asid propanoik sid 2-kloropropanoik ——_-Fenol [4 marks] [4 markah ‘Show a two-step synthesis for the following compounds: Tunjukkan sintesis dua langkah bagi sebatian berilut: @___ Pentanoie acid from 1-bromobutane. Asid pentanoik daripada 1-bromobutana. (i) Butanoyl chloride from an alkene containing eight carbon atoms. Butanoil Klorida daripada alkena yang mempunyai lapan atom karbon. [6 marks] [6 markah} An amine, C3HpN has three isomers V, W and X. ‘Suatu amina, CsHoN mempunyai tiga isomer V, W dan X. @ ) Draw the structural formulae of V, W and X. Lukis formula struktur bagi V, W dan X. Suggest a chemical test to distinguish between V, W and X. State the observations and write the chemical equations involved. Cadangkan satu ujlan kimia untuk membezakan di antara V, W dan X. ‘Nyatakan pemerhatian dan tulis persamaan kimia yang terlibat. [8 marks] [8 markal] 14 SULIT SULIT cet @ ) $K025/2 ‘The structural formula of tyrosine is shown below. Formula struktur tirosina ditunjukkan di bawah. HN HC-COOH HO: CH, Write the chemical equations when tyrosine reacts with: Tulis persamaan kimia apabila tirosina bertindak balas dengan: (@) NaOH solution. Jarutan NaOH. (i) HCI solution. Jarutan HCI. ii) methanol with traces of concentrated sulphuric acid. ‘metanol dengan titisan asid sulfurik pekat. Explain why tyrosine can react with acid and base. Jelaskan mengapa tirosina boleh bertindak balas dengan asid dan bes. [4 marks] [4 markah} 15 SULIT SULIT ‘sk025/2 12 (@)_Drawthe structural formula of the repeating unit when the monomers below undergo condensation reaction. Lukis formula struktur bagi unit ulangan apabila monomer di bawah ‘mengalami tindak balas kondensasi. H,N(CH:):NEz and CICO(CH,),COCI (b) The structural formula of natural rubber is shown below. Draw the structural formula of its monomer. Formula strultur bagi getah asli ditunjukkan di bawah. Lukis formula struktur bagi monomernya. HC, CH, el Noe! Ly eS cH, oH a (2 marks] [2 markah] END OF QUESTION PAPER KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT 16 SULIT

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