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Name : Rinda Rahmanisa Sasmi

NIM : 21030184080
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram below shows stages in greenhouse warming, showing some of the main
feedback effects.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

The diagram shows the stages of greenhouse warming with some main feedback
effects. Within a certain period of time, there are several stages, namely: emissions,
atmospheric concentration, radiation emission, warming commitments, actual warming, and
sea level rise.
The first step is the emission of gases caused by human activities. The second step.
Emission of gases into the earth's atmosphere is called atmospheric concentration.
Atmospheric concentration is a major determinant of the quantity of greenhouse gases. The
third step, the radiation force process, is the measurement of a concentration that decreases
rapidly so that it will not accumulate over tune. The heat is retained so that it will stick to the
earth. In the fourth step, there is a commitment to warming that causes the temperature on
earth to increase. The fifth step is the actual warming process with several supporting factors,
namely the albedo (level of reflexivity) of the earth's surface, cloud cover, and the
composition of greenhouse gases that cause sea level to rise. This emission gas will not be
able to be reflected back to the surface. In general, the greenhouse heating stage and the
feedback effect.
The increase in greenhouse gases is contributed by energy where the use of various
kinds of fossil fuels or BBM, forestry where forest destruction occurs, livestock and
agriculture in the agricultural sector produce the most methane (CH) gas, and also waste
resulting in the formation of gas methane (CH), because of daily human activities.
So we as humans who live on earth should try to reduce the greenhouse effect and
avoid global warming by, among others, trying to reduce air pollution, for example using
public transportation or bicycles, trying to find alternative energy to reduce air pollution and
increase heat-absorbing gases, and the simplest is throwing garbage in its place to have an
effect that helps reduce air pollution.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows the information of carbon dioxide and temperature records.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Carbon cycle shows the movement of carbon in elemental and combined states on
earth. Diamond and graphite are the elemental forms of carbon and, in combined state, it is
found as carbonates in minerals and as carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere.
The picture is made more complex by the action of feedback mechanisms. First,
increasing surface temperature will increase water vapor in the atmosphere. As water vapor is
also a greenhouse gas, this will trap more heat, and increase the overall temperature rise:
positive feedback. Including this effect increases temperature rise to about 1.9 C. However,
the increased moisture will tend to reduce the adiabatic lapse rate, as the wet adiabatic lapse
rate. Is lower than the dry. This is because of the release of latent heat as the moisture
condenses at a height. This effect mitigates global warming at the surface as it tends to warm
the atmosphere higher up. Second, increasing temperature will reduce the areas of ice, both at
the poles and in mountains. Ice has a very high albedo-it reflects most of the Sun's radiation
back out again, keeping itself cool. Once it has melted, more radiation will be absorbed (by
sea, rocks, plants or whatever replaces it). This will increase the temperature further: another
positive feedback. Including this effect increases temperature rise to about 2.9° C. Third,
there will be effects because of changing cloud patterns. These are more complex, as the
radiation absorbed depends on the cloud type, which may alter. In some cases increased cloud
cover will cool the surface, while in others clouds act to retain more heat or the structure of
clouds will change leading to heating; in other areas, higher temperatures will reduce cloud
cover. It is not clear if the net effect is positive or negative feedback, and there may be
significant local variations.
A further area of uncertainty is biological feedback, affecting the carbon cycle.
Increasing CO2 in the atmosphere can stimulate plant growth by the 'carbon fertilization"
effect, as the photosynthetic rate is faster when more CO2 is available. This tends to reduce
CO2 in the atmosphere, reducing the warming rate, but is limited as it only affects some
plants, and growth is also constrained by water or nutrient availability. Warmer temperatures
and higher precipitation could also have this effect, producing negative feedback. However,
higher temperatures combined with drought in some regions could reduce plant growth and
even kill entire forests, in particular natural ecosystems that do not have time to adapt. One
study by the UK Hadley Center for Climate Prediction even suggests serious dieback in the
Amazon, due to reduced rainfall. This would lead to a big positive feedback as. The carbon
held in this important sink is released. Similarly, any changes in phytoplankton activity
brought about by changed sea surface temperatures would have major biofeedback effects.
Any changes in vegetation can create further feedback through albedo changes. As the albedo
of snow is so high, deforestation in Arctic areas would produce a strong cooling effect if
dark, absorbing coniferous forests are replaced by snowfields. Increased sea temperatures
will also reduce the amount of CO2 dissolved in the oceans, while any change in ocean
circulation could also reduce this CO2 sink.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows the information of carbon dioxide and temperature records.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

The image above is a graph that shows information about carbondiksida and
temperature records at a time a thousand years before now, namely from the Last Interglacial,
Ice Age, and the current interglacial. In the graph, there are changes in temperature and
concentration of carbon dioxide that occurred over a thousand years ago.
In the table, it is seen that in the last interglacial age, the concentration of carbon
dioxide was quite high, at around 280-300 ppm, resulting in the Earth's temperature at that
time also increasing. During this age of concentration, they also decreased, but the decline in
the Incident was not too significant. While the temperature in this era has decreased, even
though at the beginning of the age the temperature was high enough to be 2 Kelvin. So the
temperature changes that were formed in the last interglacial age are -8 to 2 kelvin. In the ice
age, the concentration of carbon dioxide decreased significantly. There was an increase, but
the increase that occurred was not too great. The concentration of carbon dioxide in this
period is about 180 - 240 ppm. This decrease in carbon dioxide concentration causes the
Earth's temperature to also decrease by around -4 to -10 Kelvin. In the current interglacial
age, the concentration of carbon dioxide has increased to 280 ppm. This increase is quite
significant and causes a rise in the Earth's temperature of up to 0 Kelvin.

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