Google Before You Date 27-36

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I¿ I reil10c lvNolIvNulrNl lcu0lc cNlv

Because it´s very dangerous

¿lou ÁLl/ú\ lo ÁtlM ¿(alep putlq) aloleq lau ro^eu e^¡noÁ euoouros LlllM alep e uo uoeq la^a noÁ a^eH 't
interestings, religions and music tastes.
I need know her or his name, their likes, the way in that they have to think,
'ra^ sue lnoÁ uleldxf
¿leq Jo ulrl qllM alep e uo o3 lluv\ noÁ aloleq suoauios /v\ou) ol a^PLl nor{ op lleM MoH 'z
the other person.
I think that there factors like few communication or don´t give atenttion for
'alll aq plnoM elep peq P )iulLll noÁ ]eLlM aqussep ¡lou ll
'peq os elep aqi epeu ]eq/u\ equ3sap 'soÁ ll ¿elep peq Álleal e uo ueeq la^e noÁ a^eH 'I
'Peqsruu o ¿q nol uel{.{r4. set?u¡ss¿IJ Jnof
{srag}o q}rrr,t Surregs elgzuoJuro3
pue ¡eqf,Eel Jnof qr1,l.r sre.r su¿ mof Surssncsrp eq ¡ul nof se IeeJ
nof legrur ururop alrm, fpo 'ru¡oJ ]urod ur sasuodsa¡ rnor( ot¡J1n puu suo¡lsenb Surrrr'o¡oJ aql PeaU
,tlt'illcv cNl0ulu-lud
:(slurod ulen¡) t qdet8ere¿ Butyoddng
:(slurod uleru) Z qder8erPd Fut¡loddng
:(slurod u!en¡) I qdetBete¿ Eut¡roddn5
Have you ever use6 the Internet (i.e. Google, Facebook, etc...) to
find out more about a person? lf
4. you haven't'
yes, did you find out anything unexpected? lf not, explain why

Often yes, but I´m not surprised anymore so I keep getting to know the person better

public, or is it good to have all that

5. Do you think the Internet makes people's personal lives too
information out there for anyone to see? Explain your answer'

No, I don´t think so . I think it´s better just to make superficial information public

Verb Adjective Adverb
Vocabulary in Context Noun

1. sanctuary (n.) sanctuary X X X

2. glances (n.) glance glance X
3. disaster (n.) disaster X disastrous

4. declares (v.) declaration / declare declarative / X

declarer declaratory
5. groans (v.) groan / groaner groan groanrng
chiropractic X
6. chiropractor (n.) chiropractor / X
7. blurts (v.) X blurt X X

8. swig (n.) SWg swrg X X

9. breeds (v.) breeder breed X

gasp gasp gasprng gaspingly

10. gasps (v.)
11. meltdown (n./i.) meltdown X

12. slithering (v.) X slither slithery X

freak X freakish freakishly

13. freak (n.)
14. understatement (n.) understatement X

screen screenlng X
15. screening (adj.) X
gesture / gestural gesturally
16. gesturing (v.) gesture / gesturer /
gesticulation gesticulate
17. forum (n.) forum
(v.) convict convicted X
18. convicted conviction
(v.) pry pryrng X
19. prying X

20. suspicious (adj.) suspicion suspecl suspicious X


t¿ | lell'10c tvN0t.LvNUlINt leu0le eNr){
'euours sllaÁ ,,¡sn llel lsnf,,
'PUaau slse ,,¿leqM,,
').l3rs Eurleel
lnoqlrM ]r Áes Álpreq um I
¡poe q(HH 'ssor8 Állear
Surq¡aLuos SVM ]r lnq 'euaau
'noÁ ¡uroddesrp o¡ Á.r.rog,,
,,'ssol8 ,{¡¡eel
Eurqlauos ¡,usem ¡r edoq ¡
'qO ¿,iqqoLl pra/v\ srLl seM
lEqM,, 'slse euaau ,,¿puv,
'luerlPor.Itr lool auouJS
pue euaau 'aaJJoJ laq 1o ,Ernns
8uo¡ e e¡e1 o1 sasned ,fita1
,¡'ara/v\ sarqqoq srLl ]eqM [uil..|
paISP | 'ueq1'poo8 sÁenn¡e
sr r.lclLlm 'au ur pelsala¡ur
Á¡¡ear paLuaas pue Jeualsrl ¡ee;E e sem aH 'sselc esles Áu pue
qnlJ looq ÁLu ¡noqe urq 3ur¡¡e¡ spm I pue arom serqqoq Áu ¡eqrut
eu pelse eH )auurp paJapJo ¡snt peq a/v\ pue luelnelsar aql lp
erem oM 'leql se pram se lsotulp s,lr ¡ng,, fral sÁes ,,'ou 'Lun,,
,,¡noÁ qsemurerq ol peul eq pue llnJ
snor8r¡er e o¡ s8uo¡aq eH,, 'euours lno lspnlq ,,iau llal l¡uoq,,
¡¡'pra^ ¡aB o1 papels s8urq¡ 'ueql 'oo1 'uosrad ur poo8 seru\ eq 'elep rno lo salnurur 0Z lsr,t oql rol
'pue laded uo poo8 se/v\ aq 's,{em,{uy ¿}eLll ro¡ ualle¡ | a^eq sauurl Áueuu mo¡ 'taded uo pooe Á¡¡cex3,,
'sÁes euea¡ ,,'ueelu no¡{ leded uo poog,,
,,'drqsuorle¡a: e roJ srseq poo8 e a¡r¡
peueas ¡r 'og 'a¡doad aues aql ¡o r(ueuu /v\oul a/n lno surnl ll 'puaul lseq s,ernel puau+ loot.lcs q8tq ÁLu
s,aq f¡¡en1cy'uaLll Lurq Moul l,uprp ¡ os tap¡o sreaÁ anr¡ s,eq ldacxe 'loot{cs q8tq euues aql ol luam aM
'ro¡cerdorrqc e s,aq-qof poo8 e seq aH 'leurou fe¡o go papep elep aLll ¡lla6,,
pauaas eq 'ueoLu ¡
úo¡s pes raq sur8aq pue 'aa¡,roc raq ¡o drs e selel 'sq8ts ,fua1
,,¿pauaddeq letlM,, 'eueeu nsueo;E ,,'poe 'qO,,
,,iasroM sauJrl ual ]noqe se/v\ lq8ru 1se¡ ']r e^erleq uec noÁ Jl ln8 'leLll
lnoqe ua¡1o8ro+ lsorJle peLl 1,,
'uMoJ] e qlrm sar¡dar fura¡ ,,'au Surpuruuar JoJ elueql 'auoLurS 'se^,,
,,¿Áem ¡eq¡.¡elleq pa)iool lr pres pup ssarp rno,{ uo aurM pal ¡¡rds oq/v\rasol ¡eq¡'uo1 iaqrüeuieu 'Ll}
lsel ueLll esrom ueeq e^eLl l,uplnoo ll,, 'euourS sÁes,,'peq teql uaaq a^pLl l¡uplnoJ ll iuo euJoo'q0,,
'rsareloep tue¡ ,,¡rg3lgvsl6 e sem ll,,
¡¡'lr lnoqe llP sn llef,, 'qse Puaau ,,¿os,,
'rsacue¡E a8ueqcxa euours pue euaau
'eneals raq uo eelroc Io ]!q e 3ur¡¡rds 'urrnop slrs pue spuarll raq ol Je^o s¡¡em Ára1 'pueq ur ae#oC
'aura1Jeo pue reBns pappp aql spaau aqs fepo¡ a>1r¡ Áep e ug 'ossa.rdse
Jo lorls erlxe ue pue leusreo ellxe Lllr^ olerqJOptu leuprpo
p sJepro pue '>1ceq aql ur alqel re¡n8er rraq¡
¡e Eur¡rs Ápear¡e are oq/v\ 'auouurg pue eueeu 'spueu¡ o^ l req ol senem eqs 'eprsur le8 o1 ltem l,upc aqS
'qorg pue LIIZI Jo reuroJ eq] uo doqs eefoc lleurs aql :rfuen¡cues req ol roop eLll uado saqsnd fura1
1IU0 n0^ilor]s 1rc00c
Terry looks at herfriends with a pained expression on herface. "He breedss snakes!" she cries, burying
her head in her hands.

Simone gaspslo, but Reena needs more information. "Wait a minute. What do you mean, 'he breeds
snakes'? Like, he has a couple of pet snakes? ls that it?"

"Really, Reena. Do you think that's it? Do you think I'd be having a meltdownll over a couple of
pet snakes? No. That is not it. That is not even close to being it. The man BREEDS SNAKES. He is
a one-man snake factory. He has dozens of them. Hundreds. Different kinds of snakes all slitheringl2
around his apartment, all over everything! Snakes everywhere, doing disgusting snakey things: shedding
skin, laying eggs, swallowing large things whole and taking years to digest them. He gave me a detailed
description while we were eating our spaghetti! | had to excuse myself at one point to go be sick! |
couldn't listen to it anymore!"
"You poor thingl" exclaims Simone.

"Ugh. How can he live like that?" wonders Reena.

"How can he live like that?" Teny repeats. "l'll tell you how he can live like that. Because he's a freakl3!
Just like every single guy I meet is a freak. I'm telling you, girls. This is it. From now on, no more dates. I'm
through. Clearly, I am meant to be single. Why else would I have so many failed relationships?"
"Well," Reena begins. "l will admit that you do seem to have extremely bad luck with men."
"That's a huge understatementl4," Terry says bitterly, sticking herfinger inside her now-empty cup and
licking off some leftover caramel.
"l think what Reena means is that, yes, you've had bad luck in the past, but you shouldn't give up,"
says Simone encouragingly.

"That's right," agrees Reena. "lt's crazy to give up. You're a great person and somewhere out there is
the man of your dreams. You will find him. All you need is a better screeningls process."
"What do you mean by 'a better screening process'?" asks Terry.

"Well, for starters, you should never date anyone without doing a little background check to make sure
that they're normal," says Reena.
'A background check? You mean like hire a private detective?"
Reena rolls her eyes. "Honestly, Terry. You're a smart girl, but sometimes I wonder what century you
are living in. You don't have to hire a private detective when all the information you need is at your
fingertips, on a little invention known as the Internet."
" might be onto something," says Terry.
Two weeks late¡ Terry is in the waiting room at her dentist's office. She is flipping through an old
magazine, when she notices a good-looking guy leaving one of the examining rooms. Their eyes meet.
There is an instant soark of attraction.

The guy walks over to Terry. "HRRGGHH. MMMNNMSSHH BHHBB," he says.

"Um, what?" Terry asks, confused and a little bit frightened.

The guy looks over at the receptionist and stads gesturingl6 wildly. Terry watches as the two
communicate through some sort of strange sign language. Finally, the receptionist tells Terry, "This young
man would like you to know that his name is Bob. He thinks you are very pretty and was wondering
whether you would like to have dinner with him tomorrow night."
"RRRNGGGHHH, RRRRRNNNNNNGGGGGGHHH!l!" says Bob, pointing at his mouth.
"Oh, and he would also like you to know that he just had a tooth removed and his mouth is still
frozen. He will be able to speak normally by tomorrow evening."
Terry laughs, delighted that this cute, handsome man is willing to risk embarrassment just to ask her
out. She agrees to have dinner with him and, with the receptionist's help, they are able to arrange a time
and place for their date. Then, they exchange business cards and wave goodbye.


9Z I lelll0c lvN0lIVNUllNll0u0le cNl)l
¿/bP^ud slLl Sullselold lsnt eLl
seru Jo '¡sauoqsrp sr all uPaul lelll saoq '3ut¡qnoll sl sqluou eloq/v\ lnol
ro,rpalep aq ]eLll ueuro/v\ e Luoll talqSnep slq plLl qo8 leql lce+ aLll 'oslv
frolsrq ¡euosrad palect¡dt-uoc e qJns seLl oLlM auoaulos qltm 1no oB o¡
Apear sr aLls erns l,ust oqs 'splI qtlm euo auole lel 'elolaq ueu pa3lo^lp
e palep re^eu seq fula1 ¡dacxa'peq os aq l,uplnom leql ¿pe3lo^lp aq
sr JO ¿r.JrLl t.llr/v\ lno Suto8 o¡ut uoLuo/v\ )l3ul ol a¡Euts eq o¡ Sutpuelatd
Á¡uo aq
sl ¿palreu qog sl ¿ueaul +Pql seop leLl/v\ 'anl] sl ll ll 'anll aq
+q8lur ll 'pueLl ieqlo aql ug
fuo¡s a¡oqan aq¡ 3ut>1eu aq plnoo aqs
'sr t/euueLllaq alqellel Moq /v\oul l,usaop aqs '¡¡e Jo ]slu 'uollPLülolul
eq¡ ssacotd o1 Eur,{t1 'auut1 Euo¡ e loJ ueelss aq¡ ¡e sale¡s futa1
'ute8e a¡ods renau
,,¡rerl P sr aH iueur slql uorJ,{eme,{e¡s'salpPl
aM 'luernelsar aql uel pue sseulsnq umo ¡(u; pulul ol eu plol aH ']qEIJ
a8nq e peq eM pup lt lnoqe utq palse I IsPq auPc qog uaq/v\ pue auoqd
I ilnoqe eu plo] ra^au eLl ¡eq1 la¡q8nep e
aq1 dn Sunq I palooLls os sPM
peq qog ilr o^arleq l,uplnoc | ,¿ereLll Áppeq ÁLu sl 'actlV sl slql 'ples aqs
pue ,¿srql sl oq6, 'pa¡se ¡ 'p¡o slear{ lno1 lnoqP papunos aqg '¡ttB e¡¡l¡
e lnq 'ueuro^ e ueau l,uop I ipua laLllo eLll uo ¡ltB e sem alaql pue ll
para/v\suP ¡ os '3ut3utt peueF auoqd aql 'uloolqleq eLll ol lueM aq allq/v\
alqel eql uo auoqd sltl Ual aq pue luernelsel e le aiam 0/v\ 'otJll auo
uaql 'o¿snorcrdsns ¡eE ol pauels I uer.lm s,leql 'fnls IloM ¡snf '¡uepodLut
Surq¡ou sem U aul plol eLl puP 'aultl aq] ¡¡e utq Eutuoqd sem oqan utq
pelse | '3ur¡¡ec sem oLlM aes o] palool sÁem¡e ¡nq 'ueql pala/vlsue lanau
aH 'selep rno Jo elppl.u aql ut slleJ auoqd a8uetls asaq¡ le8 sÁem¡e p¡nom
aq pue 'asnoq srq ol au pall^ul .la^au aq ]eLl] asllou ol peuels I uaq]
lnq-reJ acru 'qo[ poo8 fuun¡ 'e¡¡ ¡e ÁnE ¡ce¡ad aq] elll pauaes
e¡1 'reaÁ ]sel sLlluoul lnol lnoqe lol llapunlS qog Lll!/v\ lno luem 1,,
:s¡{es aqs }eq^ st stqf 'tlauuPqleq
se paurluepr uPl.uoM e ,{q uegum st ,!1ua eql 'ullL.l uo Ál¡ua aq¡ Eutpeal
trJorl lleeaq dols 1,uec eqs lnq 'a¡t¡ ¡euoslad s,qog olul u,EutÁld ¡noqe
peq Jo purl s¡aa¡ fule1 'eutl lsltl eLll lol 'ueul relnslyed e ulotl Áeme
r(e¡s o¡ uauJom reqlo lol s8ulule¡vr sp l3e qslqM Jo atuos 'sallols leuoslad
areqs Áaq1 pue 'auocut o¡ f1t¡euoued ol 'slool tuol¡ Eutq¡rtane e¡et
Áaq1 'q¡tm ¡no oE Áaq1 uau aql lnoqe ueuom laqlo ulrolul ol auaos
Eur¡ep aq1 uo uauro/v\ a¡8uts to¡ ece¡d e s,1l 'sl slql alls lo pull leqm
sazrlper eqs ',{¡¡uelsu¡ 'qog uo fu1ue aql peel o} sut8aq ,i¡¡c¡nb,fua1
'sdse8 pue alls
iecu;o s,lsrluep eql uort 'qog iaH ¡atn¡ctd s,qog st ataql
eql uo $1cr13 Ára1 'p¡oq ut ue¡u^ st llepunlS qog stJeu aLl+ puP'uloJ
'aleplnor{a¡er pellm elrsqaM e s,1¡ 'aÁa s,Ñle1 saqc¡ec Eutq¡auos 'ueql
1o]3op P l,usl eq asnesaq ullq eq l,uplnos lPLll lnq 'I002
ut aseastp ulls alel e loj eln3 e pare^ooslp otl/v\ llepunlS qog e spuU oslP eqs 'uoeao eules aql sl U ]l
Eurtrou¡ ¡o Áervr
ou pup alotUe eq1 ur arnlord ou sr araql ¡nq '3urp¡rnq Eutunq e r-uol¡,{ddnd s,tnoqqElau
srq Eurnes roJ sautlppoq lecol apeuJ oq^ 'oluolol u! llepunlS Uaqog e spuU eqs 'eoqJo s¡lslluep aLll
uoll qog eql eq l,uplnoc 1r os '¡tef ut lltls st eq Á¡t¡cn¡ lnq '/66I ul leplnu Jo srpelJl¡uoo sem oq¡
'pue¡3u3 ul llapunlg qog e sputl aqs 'qolees taq dn sdaa¡ fura1 'q8noql'pa8elnocstp lou lllls
,,fepLlylq s1t uo tea,( Álena luasetd e 1t sÁnq pue lP3 slq seueu r{¡qeqold
aq IOnl Ár"u q¡rrvr lnq 'urlt.l lou s.leql edoq ¡,, 'sq8rs Álle1 ,,i¡ii¡Sssll-lllnnnnnU UVCSVN,, f¡duuts s,(es
lueuuoo aql 'Zlllepunlqqoq ,{q }ueuuoo p spull eqs ¡rlun a8ed eql u^ op sllolcs aqs 'sue} Jec e3el
roJ 1rt!n.rol e s,1¡ 'Eut¡sr¡ Uau eql uo slctls aqs 'lleeaq o¡ sÁes eqs ,,'utq lou A¡a¡tut¡aq,, )eLl lo luor] ul
sreadde atl pel e qUM ueuallua8 Á¡rap¡a Fur¡ru-rs e ¡o arn¡crd e pue ]r uo sl3t13 aqg 'attqsduueH /v\eN ul
luafie a1e1se leei p lol s¡ Eur¡sr¡ lsJI aqf 's8urpr¡ OOO'L99 sputl aut8ua []3Jeas aq]'puo3as e ueq] ssal ul
,,'llapunlg qog,, u! sadr{1 pue e¡8oog o¡ sao8 eLlS 'Icaqc punotS¡ceq ¡euostad umo ieq UPls ol Apeal 'ptec
ssaulsnq s,qog seq aqg 'le¡nduoc Jaq lo luol¡ ut auoq le euolP Eur¡ts ¡¡asraq sput¡ futa¡ '1q8tu ¡eq1
Discuss the story with a p^ntner or in a group and make a decision as to what Terry should
do next. Should she break her date with Bob, or should she keep it? Should she ask him
about his daughter right away or should she keep quiet and just enjoy the date? What if
they really like each other? Can Terry date a man she doesnt trust?

Write down what you decide as a group. Then, on your own, write a conclusion to the story
in the space below. Be prepared to share it with your teacher and classmates.

First of all, they should to talk about of their personal life and if they are in a other

relasionship or some similar situation. In this way come to an agreement to able

to continue to know each other or not anymore.

Context Clues
Circle the best definition for each word. Instead of using your dictionary, check the story and try to
find each word's meaning from how it is used in the context of "Google Before You Date".

1. sanctuary
a a cearrr nlanp
e vvv'J
u. d^ 5dru ^t^^^
^^+^ prautr n e trrno nf ¡nffcp
v¡ e lJPv
u¡ H¡qvv

2. a swig
a. a drink b. a look c. a shake

3. breeds
a. types b. raises c, watcnes

4. gesturing
a. whispering b, laughing c. communicating using body langua¡

5. forum

a. a pnolo b. an e-mail address c. a place for discussion


l¿ | lcl|0c rvN0[vNU]lNI leu0lc cNlv

'sfl\a r^ralu r/o^u/ol/si noLl/tu luae¡rs/op/al el' g

¿a^eq/os/8u qleu os/e/a^o/ur'^oplleu/{rlM/¡u e¡lod

I tu t u n' V


'aas73urq¡{lene73u¡,fi d7s,ue8ey17se,{a't


'oo]/eLllAno/sÁeMl e/oqs/le^ su e/sun lq/uoos' z


::,::til:r '
lseq^eqvol/,ro¡retdot tqcTsd la Ll/a^al lallu I ed' I
'Oarj aq
o1 paEEaq ueu pa]or^uoc oql - 'aq¡pa88aq¡ueLu/eqvpalsl^uoxlo/aill :eldwexf

'sprorrrde¡ PePIoq eqlJo l{r?e Sursn eruelues

.{\au ? e}?eJl'uoqlrepro }f,eJJof, otll ult\oleq sef,ue}ues aq} uI sPJo \ eq} }nd

repro pro^

po^eqoq oLl lq8noLl] re^au | ¿pl Jo os euoÁrana sl,iqM Y

(polelslapun'elelvapun'luoualelsropun)' e8nq e

seM letll )oplo ]lq e lool lall opeu ssa.lp /iar8 alll leLll pres eLls 'v

'puarr¡Áoq rol.l JJo pareos apeu oqs lelll enol lo 0l.ll_ ¿

(/ilqsrlearl 'qsr¡ee;¡ 'Iear]) 'lr ]eo

ol polueM auo ou iseloq lerenas pell pup lleLus senn e¡dde aql '¿

1Á¡snorlsesrp'snor¡sesr p
lalsesrp; 'perr1 1oB oqm aeÁo¡dLua aq1 ro1 riep e seM 1l 'I
(Á.leq]lls '3uuaqlr¡s¡ 'peor Árlunoc loq aql ssotce tutraq¡tls seM eleus Átaq¡¡¡s aql'eFwexf
)Iuqq qr¿e JoJ ruroJ Pro^r lseg eql esooqc

sr,urol proM
Inserting Words in a Paragraph
Insert each of the following words into the paragraph below. There may be more than one correct
place to put each word and each word may be used more than once.

Mark glances at his watch and gasps realizing he is

late for work. He starts running for the train and catches it just in time. He sits down and
groans , trying to catch his breath. He finally arrives at work and
glances at the clock: it is 9:05 a,m. He gasps , knowing
he is late. However, he is still hopeful that no one will notice him. Surprised that the
receotionist is not at her desk, he turns his office door knob and groans ,?S
the lights turn on and everyone yells, "surprise!" He had forgotten that it was ten years
ago today that he started working for the company, He is so happy and smiles at all his
coworkers. "Today is going to be a great day after all," thinks Mark.

Paragraph Editing
Circle all of the erro¡s in the following paragraph.Write the corrections above the errors.There may
be more than one correct way to fix each error. There are ten errors in total.

It is an understatements to say that modern lífe is stressful. For many people,

both their workplace and home are sources of stress. So, people often look for
a to
an sanctuary; somewhere they can go and feel safe and relaxed. Different people

look for different places to escape their most disastrously days. Some people

run out to the spa after having one too many meltdowners, Other people watch

their favourite sporting event at the bar while taking the occasional beer swig

of. Also, there are individuals who feel most comfortable online, complaining

about their troubles on an forum lnternet. These people are not freakishly. They
are just more comfortable typing out their troubles. They'd rather not blurts out

what's wrong or declaration their stress to people face to face. Whatever way you

choose to relieve stress, do so regularly, Don't wait until you is groaning under

the weight of all the troubles you are carrying.


6¿ | l0lI03 tvN0ll"vNUl.LNlleu0l9 eNlv
take the measures before dating Bob
Because it can be a possible warning and so she or someone else can
¿alll leuosleo s,qo8 olul
Eurñd lnoqe peq slael aqs q8noql ua^a 'tleuueqlaq ,iq fu¡ue aq¡ peal o] enulluo3 tuta1 saop Áq¡¡ 't
what they will say
He is interested in meeting someone else, he is mysterious and wary of
'sanrlcefpe aarLll lseal ¡e as¡ ¿Á¡t¡euovad s,qog aqtl3sap noÁ p¡nom mo¡1 '€
She needed a kind of energy to start that day and start telling her story
le auta#e3 pue le8ns erlxo peeu Átta1 saop Áq¡¡ '¿
¿Áro¡s aql lo Uels aql
is swayed, cautious and imaginative.
'senr¡ca[pe aerLl] lseal 1e as¡ ¿Á¡t¡euosted s,Ártel aquosap noÁ p¡nom mo¡1 'I
suorlseno lerluelalul
or something.
another woman who says that bob had a daughter and is possibly married
She finds him on a dating site for singles, where there are comments from
¿ll pull eqs saop araqfl\ pue qo8 lnoqe tno puu,{le1 saop uolleulo}ul Sutqtn¡stp ¡eq¡¡ 's
receptionist helped to communicate through him.
Because bob's mouth is anaesthetised and he couldn't speak and the
oqm pue ,{¡tadord ¡eads qog ¡,uec Áq¡¡ 'V
¿Lurq roJ ,,elelsuerl,, sd¡aq
She recommends to do some research on the internet about the person that he are going to date.
(turol lurod) ¿solep req uo I3aqJ punorE¡ceq e op ol esn tura1 pueuulocel euaau saop leq¡ 't
He was in the waiting room , he waiting to go into the dentist's office
(Luro, lurod) ¿llapunlS qoE slaaur aqs uaqM sl araqM 'z
He bred snakes of all kinds that were all over his flat.
(Luro] lurod) ¿a^eq palep tura¡ rolceldotltlr aql plp Áqqoq a8uer¡s leq¡¡ 'T
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5. lf bethanneT4's story is true, why do you think Bob never invited her to his house?

Maybe because he's really engaged or married, or maybe he's afraid

of rejection for having a daughter.

Critical Questions
1. Do you think Terry has extremely bad luck with men, like Reena says, or is it her own fault she has
so many bad dates? Explain your answer.
They only speak from their points of experience,they have only met bad

people but they have not met all of them, they can still find someone special

2. In your opinion, is it better to try and meet someone on your own or should you get friends, family,
or a matchmaker service to set you up with someone? Give reasons for your opinion.
I think it is better to meet her on your own, because you can

compromise the trust you have with the other person who finds you a date

3. Do you think it was right for Terry to do a background check on Bob, or should she just have trusted
him? Explain your choice.
I do not search personal information about the other person other

than themselves, I think the ideal was to reach that point of conversation

and clarify everything with facts and truths

4. Can a relationship still be good after someone tells a major lie to his or her partner? Give reasons for
your oprnron.

After a big lie nothing is the same, there will always be doubt and distrust,

so it is very difficult for the relationship to remain firm.

Appreciative Questions
1. Do you or anyone you know have difficulty with relationships, like Terry? Describe the situation and
ask a classmate for some advice.

I only find it difficult when I want to talk to the person before I meet them,

after that I think I can relate more easily and get to know the other person better.

2. Would you ever read or post messages on a website like Why or why not?

No, because I would feel uncomfortable doing so, and I don't trust that

kind of place very much.


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