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Prodi Hukum Keluarga Islam

22 Juni 2022


Diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
Dosen Pengampu : Shokhikatul Khasanah, S.Pd, M.Pd.

Achmad Syafi’e


The Role Of Islamic Civilization In
Development Of Science And Science
Achmad Syafi’e
Hukum Keluarga Islam, STAI Nurud Dhalam
Jl. Tana Bentar Barat, Kec. Ganding Kab. Sumenep Jawa Timur 69462

Abstrak actually stated otherwise, that Science

Knowledge cannot be separated from
This paper discusses the triumph of Islamic Civilization.
civilization Islam from the perspective
As the words of the Prophet
of science knowledge. History shows
Muhammad :
that Islamic civilization has achieved
success, one indicator of the triumph "Whoever wants to live in peace in
of Islamic civilization it is an indicator world, the instrument is knowledge.
in the field of science knowledge. Who wants live happily in the afterlife,
There are two main elements of the ingredients are knowledge. And
success Islamic civilization from the whoever wills both, the ingredients are
perspective of science knowledge,
namely the high level of scientific Which Islamic Civilization has this
activity and the progress of science, ever been reached its heyday, the
both science religion and general time when Islamic civilization plays a
science. Scientific activity What is big role to the development of science
meant is the author of books scientific modern. This is called the Golden Age
and translation movement. Progress Islam.
science in religious disciplines includes This civilization is a torch holder the
interpretation, hadith, kalam and fiqh. second relay of scientific development
While advances in general science human knowledge. First, start since
includes philosophy, medicine, the Classical eras of Greece, Rome,
astronomy, mathematics, and Persia and India to then stick the torch
geography. passed on to scientists Europe that is
entering the Age of Renaissance.
Keywords - Science; Islam; Science;
Religion ; Knowledge Islamic civilization itself is a topic
which is quite often mentioned in
I - PRELIMINARY various meetings, both in class,
Attention and interest of scholars mosque and in open discussion. But
and Muslim scientists to Science very unfortunately, no all understand well
big. At a time when the Western world
influenced by the teachings of the 1
Adang Afandi, Conception of Islam and its
Church which states anti and against History, PT. Rosdakarya Youth, Bandung Cet.
science in the Middle Ages, Islam IV, 1994
about civilization Islam and its role. al-Ma'mun (813-833 AD). During the
Therefore, the author decides to Abbasid era, the capital city of
choose a written work that entitled Baghdad became the center of Muslim
"The Role of Islamic Civilization in intellectuals, where there was the
Development of science".2 development of Islamic science and
culture. Schools and academics appear
II – LITERATURE REVIEW in every corner. Large public libraries
Science is a source of life for were established and open to anyone
humans who are used to support their so that the great philosophical
duties as caliphs on earth. With thoughts of the classical era were
science, humans can maintain, studied side by side with Islamic
preserve and prosper the earth. With science.
science, humans can understand the It was at this time that the
power of Allah SWT much better. development and emergence of
Islam is a religion brought by the science, both in the fields of religion
Prophet Muhammad SAW for and non-religion and Islamic culture.
mankind so that they can live happily This era has given birth to Islamic
in this world and the hereafter.3 scientists with various discoveries that
rocked the world. For example, al-
Science is a way to acquire new Khwarizmi (780-850) who discovered
knowledge in the form of scientific the number zero and his name was
products and scientific attitudes immortalized in the branch of
through an activity called the scientific mathematics, Ibn Sina (980-1037)
process. whose name was famous in West as
III – WRITING TECHNIQUES Avicenna, a legendary Islamic medical
expert with his scientific work Qanun
The writing of this paper includes (Canon) which became a reference for
an introduction, literature review, medical science for Western students
writing techniques, discussion as well and Al-Biruni (973-1048) who made
as conclusions and suggestions. observations on plants.
Before collecting data, we In the fields of education and
determine the theme to be discussed, literature, Caliph al-Ma'mun showed
make an outline paper, analyze the his great concern. Collected tips that
problem and then collect references exist in the areas of his power such as;
from the internet and books. Syria, Africa and Egypt. Old books
were translated into Arabic. Al-
IV - DISCUSSION Maknun Palace seemed to be a
meeting place for science and
The Development of Science During
literature, not the center of
the Heyday of Islam
government and caliphate. Because
The popularity of the Abbasid State there consist of teacher critics and
reached its peak during the caliph translators.
Harun al-Rashid (786-833) and his son
It is not surprising that Baghdad
Badri Yatim, History of Islamic Civilization,
became brilliant not as the capital of
PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, 2000 the Abbasid caliphate but as a center
Hasymy, A., History of Islamic Culture,
Jakarta Star Moon, Cet. V, 1995
of culture, art, and literature that has of the Islamic world. Although Ibn
never been seen by mankind. Rushd had been adamant against it, Al
Cultural Development, The culture Ghazali still declared "war" against the
that developed during the Islamic influence of Greek philosophy and
heyday was as follows : wanted the purification of Islamic
teachings. Since the change in the
a. Politics and Government philosophy of purification, the Islamic
The pattern of leadership in Islam Golden Age has experienced a drastic
both when the Prophet was still decline, so that it rarely produces
alive and when he died continued great scientists like in the 9-11
to develop, this underlies the basis centuries ago.
of one's faith in Allah and His
Messenger. Second, the invasion of the
Mongols which finally destroyed
b. Social and Economic Sector Baghdad along with the most
Islam teaches its people to have a complete library as well as the center
high work ethic. Economy is the of knowledge at that time, Bayt Al
basic capital to build the people to Hikmah. Luckily, hundreds of
continue the values of the struggle thousands of manuscripts from Bayt Al
to uphold Islamic law. Hikmah were saved by Al-Tusi to the
c. Field of Education and Science Maragheh Observatory, Azerbaijan,
Seeking knowledge of law is which later became a source of
obligatory for men and women in reference and inspiration for
Islam. The heyday of the Abbasid European scientists during the
dynasty has shown how Islam has Renaissance and Enlightenment.
been able to make a valuable The Development of Modern Science
contribution to the advancement of
human civilization knowledge. The development and progress of
d. Art field human civilization cannot be
Cultural arts also continue to separated from the role of science.
develop, namely in the field of What is meant by modern times in this
sound art, such as reading the case is the last years that we are living
Qur'an. In music, such as up to now. New things found at one
tambourine, kasidah, nasid. In time become an important element
dance, such as Sufi dance, Saman for other discoveries in the next
dance and in fine arts such as Al- period.4
Qur'an calligraphy and architectural
art. The development of science in
modern times is developing very
The cause of the destruction of the quickly. each science develops itself
heyday of Islam into branches because of the various
discoveries that have been made. For
First, is the criticism of Al Ghazali example, in the past the science that
who opposes the influence of Greek
philosophy which upholds logic in
scientific reasoning in the civilization Hasymy, A. History of Islamic Culture, Jakarta
Star Moon, Cet. V, 1995
deals with all living things was biology, Copernicus, Darwin, Newton, to
now biology itself has been divided Einstein.
into very many branches. The lesson that can be drawn from
the heyday of Islam is that modern
communication satellites, internet
world civilization today actually owes
and so on. In the health sector, such
a lot to the heyday of Islamic
as stethoscopes, x-ray machines, civilization. So, we must not forget the
vaccines and so on. role of the Golden Age of Islamic
Civilization. The real lesson that we
As has been written above, the new
can get from this extraordinary
things that we find in this modern era
civilization is that Islamic civilization
can not be separated from the various
was once so advanced because Islamic
discoveries and scientific foundations civilization at that time highly
created by scientists in the past. respected the open access to
V – CONCLUSIONS AND knowledge from various sources. They
value scientists from before as well as
from different cultures (Greek,
The heyday of Islam occurred Roman, Persian, Indian) as the first
during the Caliph Harun Ar Rashid and figures to refine our view of the
his son Al Ma'mun, when all the most classification of science and logic.
brilliant scientists and scholars on Scientists are very open with Jews,
earth at that time gathered in one Christians, Sabians, and Zoroastrians
Arab, Persian and Spanish caliphate. It (Majusi) to join together to build this
is through the Islamic world that they world and contribute to developing
explore and develop modern science. knowledge to make this world a better
When the Western world felt the need place.
for deeper knowledge, its attention
was turned not first to Greek sources, So study diligently and earnestly, in
but to Arabic sources. balance with religious knowledge. Be a
generation of Indonesian Muslims
Islamic Civilization. This civilization who participate in the development of
became the bridge of transition from science. Cheers to all of us.
abstract classical Greek philosophy to
more detailed subjects with REFERENCE
observational reasoning. This [1] Adang Afandi, Islamic Conception
civilization was the first to produce and Its History, PT. Rosdakarya
scientific research methods until it Youth, Bandung Cet. IV, 1994
was finally perfected by European [2] Badri Yatim, History of Islamic
scientists who wielded the third baton Civilization, PT. Raja Grafindo
who also had ups and downs due to Persada, Jakarta, 2000
the influence of the Roman Catholic
[3] Hasymy, A., History of Islamic
Church which prohibited the
Culture, Jakarta Star Moon, Cet. V,
development of science in the Dark
Ages of the West. Until finally "new 1995
heroes" were born in Europe who [4] Syalabi, A, Prof. Dr., Islamic History
again gave light to the world with new and Culture 3, Trans. Muhammad
understandings such as Galileo Gelilei, Labib, Pustaka_Al-Husnah, Jakarta,

1. Jelaskan pengertian ilmu pengetahuan.?

2. Paparkan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan di masa kerajaan isalam dan
3. Perkembangan budaya ataupun kebudayaan pada masa kerajaan islam
berkembang dalam bidang apa saja dan jelaskan.?
4. Dari tahun berapa dan sampai tahun berapa masa kejayaan daulah
abbasiyah dicapai.?
5. Hadist nabi yang menerangkan betapa pentingnya ilmu.?

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