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Brief History:
The total land mass of unused "free" land is 10,200 hecters out of which 65 hecters is being used for
cashew farming. In the year 2000 the facility got funding from TETFUND to which they officially started
operations, but they had limitations, which subsequently they partnered with RMRDC( raw materials
research and development council) who gave them the necessary equipments and production of nuts
and juice started immediately. It was then discovered that the juice had a very low shelf life of
maximum of 48 hours. Without losing site of the what's ahead the juice was iced and sold to students
on a daily basis. As the years goes bye they couldn't susistain it due to the economy which made them
stop production in 2012. Recent research has found a way to extend the shelf life up to 12 months and
cashew oil is used in break pad and paint industries.

The funnaab processing facility is fully milking the cashew value chain from selling the cashew
seedlings the Brazilian (jumbo) seed at 150 naria per seed,to purposeful harvest of cashew for juice, to
selling the kernel and finally selling the extracted oil to research facilities and interested industrial


 Step 1: During the cashew season women are employed to pick the cashew from the farm every
3 days, from which the good Cashew is sperated from the bad ones, then the big nuts are
sorted from the smaller ones. After which the apple is separated from the nut.
 Step 2: The nut is then steam boiled and dried for about three days after which the shell is then
separated from the kernel using a locally sourced tool which was donated by RMRCD Which
Women / students are employed to each separate 20kg of nuts and sort the whole from the
broken nuts. The nut is then transferred to the oven where it is evenly heated for 4 days during
which it is therm-shocked in another oven.
 Step 3: Finally it is being package by the mutil-purpose packaging machine donated by RMRCD.
It is packed in bottles of 100g ,250g and 500g and cost 500-1500 naria respectively. Which is
immediately pushed out for sale.

Nothing is left behind,the shell is then processed in an engine which the cashew oil is secreted and
also commercialized. Cashew has a huge impact on the creation of jobs and creating a susistaible

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