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Daniel Scott G.

Lagmay 1st Year-BS BIO 1

Flexible Learning Assessment #: 8


Directions: You were given a day to shop like a king or queen and spend money as much as you
want. List down all the things you want to buy; then, answer the following:

 Houses/ subdivision/ villas (including land properties)

 Foods from different culture
 Knowledgeable and academic books
 Transportation ( all sorts of vehicles)
 Current mobile devices and technology
 Clothes
 Physical, Human and Financial resources (business resources)

1. What do you plan to do with all the items in your list?

With an honest heart and wholesome gratitude, the items on the list were not only intended for
my satisfaction; rather, it is for the sake of other people who, much likely, needed to be the kings
and queens much more than I am. First of all, the items were certainly fitting for the basic needs
and sustainability of the people. Indeed, my intentions were to provide for the people who are
hopeless and helpless in the current society we live in. It would be of someone’s concern to look
at the lives of the people who might need assistance. It might be a simple lending of a hand or
luckily, this oppurtunity to spend everything. Either way, if given the oppurtuntiy to spend like
kings, it’s also reasonable to rule like kings.

2. How are you connected with those items?

These items reflects the heart of my identity which is service. Placing my joy on other people’s
restoration gives so much more than any money could buy. Helping people was never a brag of
state and authority, however, it is an opportunity to practice love and justice among the others.
This is how relevant these items are to me; servantship was the core connection that resembles
these items.

3. Which among those items in your list best describe you? In what way?

Among the list of items, I would depict myself as clothes. In its definition, clothing basically serves
as a material covering a person’s body for protection, comfort, and aesthetic. Not only does it
beautify someone’s appearance, but also concerns the health of a person, through certain kinds
of garments fits certain kinds of environment and weather. In this sense, I could somehow see
myself parallel to what clothes do for us. It is such a lifestyle for me to always concern other
people besides myself, especially when it comes to fellow companions, relatives, and siblings.
Whenever anxieties and troublesome issues concern them, what I will always do is to comfort
them, covering them with warm words, lifting them upon raising morale and self-confidence. Like
the clothes, I indulge in protecting someone, imperfectly covering their adversities with love,
beautify them in the sense of motivation and heartening. I do not gain anything from them nor do
I wanted to be appraised but it fills the void of the purpose I have for myself; that is to serve others.
Daniel Scott G. Lagmay 1st Year-BS BIO 1

4. Which among those items you like best? Why?

Foods from different cultures would be the best thing for me because it is fundamentally one of
the essentials people innately need for sustainability and development. If given this opportunity
to spend lots of resources on all sorts of foods from around the world without having to be
concerned with the expenses would be far too great for it might possibly end world hunger. Not
only that it caters to people’s survival, but it also puts a smile and happy stomach for them. Who
would not enjoy food and generosity? If I would have to choose for myself, the court will always
have to side for the food.

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