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Daniel Scott G.

Lagmay 1st Year-BS BIO 1

Flexible Learning Assessment #: 7

Direction: Answer the following questions about yourself as fully and precisely as you can.

1. What is the significance of the physical self in expression of your thoughts and feelings?

First of all, thoughts, feelings, and emotions intuitively dwell on the mental domain of human
beings. These particular cognitive components are abstracts that refine the personality and the
totality of one’s self. The intangible property of the self are incorporated on our rationale and
conceptual capabilities. However, the matter at hand designates a lacking definitive expression
towards what people wanted to convey for themselves. Given that all of these are impalpable,
there must be a way to materialize these cognitive and conceptual functions. With these, the
physical self resonates more of its importance to the completion of the thoughts and feelings one
represents. The physical self enables thoughts and emotions to be manifested in the reality. It is
the fitting materialization of our actual inner nature through physical senses and actions. The more
we realize its significance, the more we can understand the symmetry of our body and mental
functions. The calibration of these mental functions into a physical embodiment let humans to
have greater control of their self-expression and convey them more clearly. With these, the
physical self serves to be the medium of our interaction between the inner self-expression to the
external world. Without the physical interference of our emotions and thoughts alone can hinder
us to express from and to ourselves; vague comprehension and misinterpretations may occur
definitely. Individuals may not understand individuals; self may not completely understand the

2. Identify the most important of your body and state its significance.

Undeniable to the crucial importance, the brain, in personal reckoning, would be the most
important part, not only for my body but I believe for everyone else too. It might be a wonder to
us that a three-pound organ can be that critical for the entire human body. First of all, the human
brain entails certain functions indisputable for its role to stabilize and even maximize the
innerworkings of the physical vessel. This certainly suggest that it is one of the complex organs
functioning inside human beings. Through the cumulative interconnection among a staggering
hundred billion nerve cells, the performance and coordination of all the functions in the body are
viable. Ideas and thoughts are formed; memories are kept, and personalities are being developed.
It is this jelly-like mass of tissues that set us apart among other organism. The essence of the
intelligence, creativity, feelings and emotions(mind and soul) are what allows us to be humans.
Even the physical body itself value the brain with the enclosure of the bone skull for protection.
No wonder it is frankly absurd to not know the significance of the human brain to everyone.
Without the brain and all its complexities, we can’t have an appriopriate bodily reactions to stimuli;
we can’t generate cognitive and common sense; we can’t govern our feelings and emotions; and
the rest of all the external and internal functions in the body would not be performed. Simply put,
life would not exist.
Daniel Scott G. Lagmay 1st Year-BS BIO 1

3. List down at least 3-5 affirmative attributes to describe your physical self.

 When we are talking about height, I would positively relate myself as a tall person. It might
not be as towering like 6 ft. basketball players however, I am quite high in length compare
to the average Filipino male teen. It is affirmatively benefeciary to some extent because
there’s not gonna be a problem when it comes to reaching a jar in a high shelf.
 I think there’s nothing wrong with being medium-built because it was meant to be in the
average. Though I’m not muscular or well-built of some sort, I could say that my body is
healthy and tuned in enought for regular physical activites and stresses.
 It is of my preference to reflect a tanned skin tone and complexion. It was never something
to be ashamed of. This is somewhat positively taken because personally, it entails a native
depiction of my body.

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