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The only variable that affect the period of a swinging pendulum is the length of the string.

Length of the

string / length of the pendulum is one of the factors for the pendulum's period. Changing the length of a

pendulum while holding all other variables constant alters the length of the pendulum's period. Longer

pendulums have a longer period because they swing at a lower frequency than shorter pendulums.

Frequency of the pendulum is the rate at which the pendulum swings back and forth in a given time.

The period of the pendulum is not affected by the angle of the pendulum, the mass of the bob at the
end of the pendulum, and the force of gravity being acted upon the pendulum. Frequency is the one
being affected by these 3 variables.

The amplitude of motion A, the mass m of the load, and the force constant k all influence the pace at
which the spring moves. The amplitude is the length of the movement or the maximum deviation of the
spring from equilibrium during harmonic motion. The load's bulk acts as a drag on the spring's motion.
Finally, the spring constant k represents how stiff the spring is.

If the spring constant k is increased wherein the weight of the spring is 100 g, the period also increases.
This is how the formula works - T = 2(m/k) where T is the period for a mass m attached to a spring with
spring constant k. Thinking in terms of Newton's second law, a stiffer spring would lead to a shorter
period. In Newton's second law, F = ma, a stiffer or stronger spring equals a higher force. For a given
mass, this signifies a larger acceleration, which causes the mass to travel faster and, as a result,
complete its motion faster or in a shorter period. In relation to this, since the spring is stiffer and the
spring has a mass of 100 g, it tells us that the larger mass will have a lower acceleration (for the same
force), hence a larger mass would simply travel slower and so it would take longer to complete its

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