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English Elementary Cutting Edge

Level Three

Unit One
Choose the correct answer:
1-My parents ………… work.
a-am b-is c-are✅ d-be
2-His father is …………holiday. He will return in 2 weeks.
a-at b-on✅ c-in d-by
3-Khalid and Abdullah ………….close friends.
a-am b-is c-are✅ d-be
4-How old ……..she?
a-am b-is✅ c-are d-be
5-…………is his address?
a-Where b-Who c-What✅ d-How
6-………… he? -He is my father’s friend.
a-What b-Where c-How d-Who✅
7-The children……….. asleep.
a-am b-is c-are✅ d-be
8-Where ……they now?
a-am b-is c-are✅ d-be
9-What ………their date of birth?
a-am b-is✅ c-are d-be
10-Where ………….your brother?
a-am b-is✅ c-are d-be
11-She ate …………..apples.
a-a b-an c-……✅ d-one
12-Our home ………….far from school.
a- a-am b-is✅ c-are d-be
13-Ali and I …………so happy.
a-am b-is c-are✅ d-be
14-My cell phone ………….new.
a-am b-is✅ c-are d-be
15-My mom is …………business.
a-at b-on✅ c-in d-by
16-The cameras …………old. We need to buy new ones.
a-am b-is c-are✅ d-be
17-This address …………close to the main post office.
a-am b-is✅ c-are d-be
18-Her country of residence ………….in Indonesia.
a-am b-is✅ c-are d-be
19-Mr. Ibrahim ……….the family lawyer.
a-am b-is✅ c-are d-be
English Elementary Cutting Edge
Level Three

1-…………is a person who practises or studies law.
a-an actor b-an engineer c-a lawyer✅ d-a singer
2-…………is a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures.
a-an actor b-an engineer✅ c-a lawyer d-a
3-……… a person who serves customers in a shop.
a-an actor b-an engineer c-a lawyer d-a shop assistant✅
4- ……….is a man whose job is to serve customers at their tables in a restaurant.
a-a waiter✅ b-an engineer c-a lawyer d-a shop
5-……….is a person who plays a musical instrument, especially as a profession.
a-an actor b-an engineer c-a musician✅ d-a singer
6-……… a person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television.
a- a singer b-an engineer c-a musician d- an actor✅
7-He bought ……… watch.
a-an b-a✅ c-…….. d-the
8-She is Tunisian, but her country of ……….is France.
a-life b-live c-residence✅ d-alive
9-What is his ………. ? -It is Al Anazi.
a-First b-middle c-surname✅ d-one
10-He is a musician. I love his………..
a-songs b-plays c-music ✅ d-acting
11-How do you ……… surname? -It is E-L-H-A-J-R-I
a-pronounce b-spell✅ c-say d-tell
English Elementary Cutting Edge
Level Three

Unit Two
Choose the correct answer:
1-Is ………..your key here?
a-this✅ b-that c-these d-those
2-Look at …………house over there! It’s beautiful.
a-this b-that✅ c-these
3-That is …………nice car.
a-an b-a✅ c-…… d-at
4-He is ………….intelligent boy.
a-an✅ b-a c-…… d-at
5-Look! That’s a beautiful ……….
a-apples b-houses c-bags d-cat✅
6-Have you …………..your keys?
a-get b-gets c-got✅ d-
7-Dina …………got her mobile phone.
a-have b-do c-has✅ d-did
8-He’s British. ’s = ……………
a-have b-has c-is✅ d-had
9-She is Dina’s friend. ’s = ……….
a-has b-have c-is d-possession✅
10-………….is my new phone right here.
a-this✅ b-that c-these d-those
11-Have you ………a car?
a- a-get b-gets c-got✅ d-
12-Nora ………got a very long hair.
a-have b-do c-has✅ d-did
13-My school ………….20 classes.
a-have b-does c-do d-has✅
14-His family …………..4 children.
a-have b-does c-do d-has✅
15-Ali and Khalid………..two sisters.
a-are b-have✅ c-has
16-My mobile phone…………a nice camera.
a-is b-have c-has✅ d-do
a-Have you b-Have you got c-Are you got d-Are you✅
18-…………….any good friends?
a-Are you b-Are you got c-Do you have got d-Have you got✅
English Elementary Cutting Edge
Level Three

19-How many sisters…………….?

a-Are you b-Are you got c-Do you have got d-Have you got✅
20-These ……… favourite two people.
a-have b-is c-are✅ d-has

Choose the correct answer:
1-I use a …………to tell the time.
a-dictionary b-key c-watch✅ d-a bag
2-I need some …………to park my car in this parking lot.
a-glasses b-cameras c-wallets d-coins✅
3-If you don’t know the meaning of a word, you can look it up in a ……………
a-credit card b-photos c-tissues d-dictionary✅
4-I use a …………to save all my files.
a-glass b-coin c-credit card d-memory stick✅
5-I keep my money in my …………
a-wallet ✅ b-tissue c-watch d-
memory stick
6-I don’t have cash, but I can pay with my …………..
a-ID card b-chewing gum c-credit card✅ d-keys
7-I like to take photos with my new…………..
a-keys b-bag c-wallet d-mobile phone✅
8-I keep my food in my ………………
a-packet b-wallet c-watch d-bag✅
9-What ………….is your car? - It is a Corolla.
a-model✅ b-kind c-old d-age
10- My sister’s son is my ………..
a-grandson b-niece c-nephew✅ d-son
11-He is my grandfather, so he is my father’s ………
a-father✅ b-son c-nephew d-grandfather
12-My father’s grandchild is my…………
a-daughter✅ b-grandmother c-aunt d-uncle
13-Alia is my aunt’s daughter, so she is my ……….
a-niece b-nephew c-cousin✅ d-granddaughter
English Elementary Cutting Edge
Level Three

14-I love Batman. He is a nice ……………..character.

a-real b-fictional✅ c-man d-woman

Unit Three
1-Ali and Khalid ………….in a small flat.
a-lives b-live✅ c-living d-are live
2-They ………… London.
a-studies b-study ✅ c-studying d-are study
3-They go to school by ……………
a-hand b-plane c-foot✅ d-bicycle
4-I don’t ………
a-has b-had c-have✅ d-am
5-We………..early to go to university.
a-go b-get c-goes d-get up✅
6-I work ……….a big company.
a-on b-by c-for✅ d-to
7-I go to SPSP …………7:00 a.m.
a-in b-on c-with d-at✅
8-I only work …………weekdays.
a-in b-on✅ c-with d-at
9-……….the weekends, I go to the beach.
a-in b-on c-with d-at✅
10-Mona and Ali ……to bed early.
a-goes b-go✅ c-going d-are go
11-Do they like vegetables? –Yes, they ………
a-don’t b-aren’t c-are d-do✅
12-…………we have tickets to the game?
a-Does b-Do✅ c-Are d-Is
13-…………….Khalid and Abdullah study a lot in the evening?
a-Are b-Is c-Does d-Do✅
14-We can meet at (quarter to six) = ……………….
a-6:45 b-6:15 c-5:15 d-5:45✅
15-What ……….the time in London now?
a-do b-does c-is✅ d-are
16-We don’t go to SPSP ………….Friday. Lucky us!
a-at b-in c-on✅ d-by
17- We’ve ………..a new shopping center in our neighborhood.
a-get b-got✅ c-gets d-getting
18-I ……….got money. I have to wait for next month to buy the jacket.
a-have b-has c-have you d-haven’t✅
English Elementary Cutting Edge
Level Three

19-Are they from Lebanon? -No, they ……….

a-do b-don’t c-are d-aren’t✅
20-We watch TV ………..the evening.
a-on b-in✅ c-on d-at

1-It’s too hot. We should go to the ………….
a-flat b-street market c-beach✅ d-cinema
2-We need to buy some grocery such as cheese, tea and sugar. You need to go to the ………
a-park b-restaurant c-cinema d-supermarket✅
3-We like the ………very much. It has all the vegetables and fruits we like.
a-block of flats b-cinema c-beach d-street market✅
4-I took my family to the ……….to enjoy the sunny weather.
a-supermarket b-restaurant c-cinema d-park✅
5-We live in a ……….It’s small but lovely.
a-park b-pool c-cinema d-flat✅
6-We finally have a new ……… our city. Now we can shop anything from one place.
a-cinema b-small shop c-beach d-shopping center✅
7-We’ll watch the new movie in the ………….Would you like to come with us.
a-restaurant b-cinema✅ c-flat d-beach
8-People ……………..their food from the supermarket.
a-close b-buy✅ c-open d-test
9-………….is a person who helps passengers with their bags.
a-colonial times b-station master c-a porter✅ d-clerk
10-………….is a guess about the future.
a-Hope b-Prediction✅ c-A wish d-A dream
English Elementary Cutting Edge
Level Three

Unit Four
1-Does she like …………time with friends?
a-spend b-spent c-spends d-spending✅
2-She doesn’t …………TV in the morning.
a-watching✅ b-watch c-watches d-watched
3-Ali doesn’t…………..a car. He comes to work with me.
a-have✅ b-has c-had d-having
4-My mother ………….all the housework.
a-do✅ b-have c-doing d-does
5-I hate …………sports on TV.
a-watch b-watching c-watches d-watched
6-He ……….goes to school. The teachers gave him zero for attendance.
a-never✅ b-always c-often d-sometimes
7-…………the weekend, I always meet my friends.
a-In b-On c-At d-About
8-He likes …………with his family.
a-shop b-shops c-shopping d-shopped
9-She loves…………in the fresh air.
a-be b-is c-are d-being
10-They….……always with their friends on Friday evenings.
a-have b-has c-are d-do
11-I bought a new camera because I like …………photographs.
a-having b-taking✅ c-doing d-selfie
12-Lovely ………you.
a-see b-to see✅ c-sees d-saw
English Elementary Cutting Edge
Level Three

13-Adel ………..cats.
a-like b-hate c-hates✅ d-hating
14-My sister likes to ……………nice clothes.
a-wears b-wear c-wearing d-were
15-Mona ……….her word at 6 p.m.
a-finish b-finishes✅ c-is finish d-finishing

16-My wife and I always ……….to music in the evenings.

a-listening b-listen✅ c-listens d-are listen
17-………… rain a lot in Dammam?
a-Do b-Are c-Does d-Is✅
18-When ………….your class start?
a-is b-are c-do d-does✅
20-Where …………..your friend work?
a-is b-are c- does✅
d- do

1-……………is a good sport for your legs.
a-Reading b-Cooking c-Cycling✅ d-Watching sport
2-I was at a musical …………yesterday. It was fantastic.
a-friend b-meeting✅ c-album d-concert
3-She has a lovely pet ………..
a-musician b-singer c-cat✅ d-actor
4-He has a lot of money, but he likes to live in …………..flats.
a-expensive b-crazy c-simple✅ d-big
5-The bed is so…………I slept really well yesterday.
a-crazy b-uncomfortable c-comfortable✅ d-comfort
6-Adele doesn’t like ………..big concerts.
a-going b-doing ✅ c-signing d-dancing
7-In Italy, I was happy to………….friends with Italian people.
a-do b-make ✅ c-did d-does
8-What does she ………..of Lebanon? – A fantastic country.
a-like b-think✅ c-hate d-have
9-My mother likes………….dinner for us.
English Elementary Cutting Edge
Level Three

a-having b-preparing✅ c-eating d-cook

10-I like ………….the piano for my kids.
a-hitting b-playing✅ c-singing d-cleaning
11-The food was so ……………I ate all of it.
a-sour b-bad c-salty d-delicious✅
12-I like ……… of people. I have great skills.
a-doing b-painting✅ c-watching d-seeing

Unit Five
1-He is too fat. He ……… all day.
a-can✅ b-can not c- cans d-can’t
2-Can she …………fast?
a-swims b-swim ✅ c-swimming d-does
3-I go to school by………….bus.
a-the b-an c-a d-no article✅
4-I want to study in …………..USA.
a-the✅ b-an c-a d-no article
5-I love to ………….your mother one day.
a-meeting b-meet✅ c-meeting d- am
6-Does he ………..enough money?
a-has b-having c-have✅ d-is
7-The students ………three math lessons today.
a-has b-are have c-having d-have✅
8-Your house …………a swimming pool. That’s is fantastic.
a-is b-are c-have d-has✅
9-I always use ………….tube when I go around the city.
a-an b-a c-…… d-the✅
10-Mothers…………care of their children.
a-takes b-are take c-taking d-take✅
11-Children always ………… cream.
a-likes b-are like c-have d-like✅
English Elementary Cutting Edge
Level Three

12-Sailing ………….my favourite hobby.

a-has b-have c-is✅ d-are
13-My husband and I ……… a flat.
a-are live b-live✅ c-living d-lives
14-The classes……… 7:30 a.m.
a-start✅ b-starts c-starting d-is start
15-What ……….you see in the picture?
a-is b-are c-does d-can✅

1-Before you board the plane, you have to go ………….security.
a-board b-delay c-book d-through✅
2-You can always ……….your flight online.
a-board b-delay c-book✅ d-through
3-My God! My flight is …………till tomorrow.
a- board b-delayed✅ c-book d-through
4-I can’t find my boarding……………I had it in my hand a minute ago.
a-check b-pass✅ c-destination d-ticket
5-First, I will travel from Dammam to Riyadh, but Meddina is my …………
a-luggage b-immigration c-flight d-destination✅
6-He can’t find his …………..He lost it when he changed the flights.
a-departures b-luggage✅ c-screens d-gate number
7-Once you reach the airport, you need to go to the ………….desk.
a-departures b-flight c-check-in✅ d-lounge
8-You can find the flight gate number displayed on any ………….at the airport.
a-destination b-departures c-screen✅ d-immigration
9-I had to wait in the departure ……… board the plane.
a- lounge✅ b-screen c- destination d-immigration
10-King Khalid Airport allows travelers to travel to 60 different……………including Switzerland.
a-departures b-flights c-lounges d-destinations✅
11-The hotel has many ………….such as, a swimming pool and a gym.
a-leisure b-restaurants c-facilities✅ d-shopping areas.
English Elementary Cutting Edge
Level Three

12-During my …………..I like playing computer games.

a-rush hour b-traffic jam c-leisure✅ d-hard work
13-The scheme was great. We helped a lot of people. Scheme means………..
a-instructions b-plan✅ c-lounge d-immigration

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