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Daniel Scott G.

Lagmay BS Bio 1-1

Activity 4
Water and the Fitness of the Environment

1. Label the hydrogen bond and the polar covalent bond in the figure. Is a hydrogen bond a
covalent bond? Explain.

Hydrogen Bond

Polar Covalent Bond

Hydrogen bonding and covalent bonding never once overlap each other in its definition and
mechanism alone. It can’t be considered that a hydrogen bond is a type of covalent bond and vice
versa due to the fact they have unlike principles and functions that fundamentally depicts the
character of attraction forces acting upon them. First of all, hydrogen bonding is considered an
intermolecular bond. It means that electrostatic forces exist between molecules. In this scenario,
the water, in itself is governed by covalent bonding; especially the strong electronegativity of
oxygen causes greater attraction of hydrogen atoms to its nucleus rather than the nucleus of the
hydrogen itself. In this sense, partial charges are designated to the following: partial positive
charge for the hydrogen and partial negative charge for the oxygen. In view of how intermolecular
bond works, the partial charges between the atoms causes undeniable attraction of hydrogen of the
other molecule to respond to the attraction given by the oxygen of the molecule. This example also
suggest us that covalent bonding works in intramolecular level. It means that forces exist within
the molecules. Forces acting on different areas also describes the intensity of the bonds that were
supposed to hold the atoms or the molecules. With these, intramolecular forces have stringer bonds
than intermolecular forces.
2. Describe how properties of water contribute to the upward movement of water in a tree.
First of all, we are familiar that actual forces are occurring within and between water molecules.
These forces generate features significant to the inner-workings of water from a natural
perspective. It must be understood that water molecules are governed by hydrogen bonding. This
intermolecular bonding exemplifies the linkage between water molecules, making them intact with
one another. With numerous hydrogen bonds, the molecules of water stick together. This is the
Daniel Scott G. Lagmay BS Bio 1-1

cohesive property of the water. Furthermore, the adhesive property of the water compliments this
kind of phenomenon. In its definition, adhesion is the ability of the molecules to hold onto other
materials or substances. These two properties create a significant role in the internal sustainability
of plants. Let’s take an illustration of the movement of water inside plants and trees. Scientists will
always tackle transpiration or the evaporation of the water inside the plants into the atmosphere. It
tells us about the movement of the water as it turns into vapor in the air. In this matter, the process
of evaporation creates a negative pressure that acts on the leaves and the tissues of the xylem
through suction. This tension generates a sucking force unto the water molecules that draws them
to move upward from the tissues. How do cohesion and adhesion play a role here in the process of
transpiration? Well, with the cohesion among water molecules holding altogether tightly, the
pulling force acting in the negative pressure caused by transpiration drags the molecules
collectively. The strong forces among them let them be pulled altogether upwards without
breaking. Moreover, the adhesion forces act upon the tissues of the xylem as the water molecules
attach themselves to the tubes in the cell walls. Imagine placing a straw into a glass of water. It
can be observed that even without sucking the water from the straw, there is already water filling
up inside the straw itself. In the same sense, it would be reasonable that a capillary action was
caused by the adhesion of the water. That is why the cohesive and adhesive property of the water
accompanies the upward forces acting inside the plants.
3. Explain what properties of water can be observed on the picture. How do these water
striders float on water?

The hydrogen bonds on the water enable it to resist the external forces acting upon its
surface with the actuality of the cohesive property. This nature is responsible for the inclusion of
the phenomena called surface tension. This occurrence can be best exemplified with an illustration
of an overfilling glass. If you would notice that as the water overfills the entire glass, the surface
of the water creates a dome-like film that stands above the glass’s lip. This is how we would
materialize surface tension. The water molecules tend to stick to each other. However, in this
scenario, since the surface water molecule doesn’t have molecules to cling above it, it would be
an implication that stronger bonds will be created among them, fabricating a strong layer of bonded
molecules. It creates a definite border between the air and the surface itself that can withstand
pressure or forces to some extent. Where does it apply to an extent? It is only when the weight of
an object overwhelms the strong layer of water molecules.
Daniel Scott G. Lagmay BS Bio 1-1

Now that we have comprehended this property of water, it can be easily understood why
water striders can float on the water surface. Given the previous statements, water striders can float
on water because of surface tension. They have taken advantage of the high surface tension of
water with the incorporation of their hydrophobic legs. As we know, water striders have
extensively adaptive legs that viably distribute their weight over a surface area. These special legs
enable them to balance their weight evenly hindering the penetration within the pressure on the
water’s surface, complimenting the resisting force above it. Their legs also have hydrofuge hairs
which also contributes to their water-repelling capabilities. With these, they can propagate in

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