TOS 6 Unit 4 Design of Steel Framed Factory Building

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TOS 6: UNIT 4: DESIGN OF STEEL FRAMED FACTORY Ue (0) e} [Yona a. To Understand the Various Elements of a a ea Building in Steel LO KoM Varese ne MP kaa Le fasessend Tey to Proportion them. To UEC the Need for Bracings p> c. To Understand the ices BSS igen eR Different Loads Ww d. To Understand ee Ne eS moll load, and Actua! Design Procedure. e. To Put up a Steel Factory Shed on a Given Plinth. 80 TOS 6: Unit 4: Design of Steel Framed Factory Building 4.a Introduction: Though the Objectives Mention Factory Buildings Herein we are going to be talking about large column free areas required for Auditoriums, Assembly Halls, Work-Shops, Factories, and Warehouses etc. The Roof is generally of A.C Sheets (Banned in some countries) G.1 Sheets etc. supported on Purlins which in turn are supported on Stee! Roof Trusses placed at intermittent intervals, which in turn could be supported on Steel Stanchions or R.C.C Columns or Load Bearing Walls (in case of small spans) So the Different Elements of the Structure ofa Steel Framed Factory Building would be 1. Roofing and Glazing Sheets Supported on. Purlins Spanning and Transferring the loads to Top Chord Members of the Roof Truss Braced by Bracings at Top Chord Level and Bottom Chord Level Stanchions Supporting the Roof Trusses and Side Wall Cladding at Upper Levels P.C.C Pads at Plinth Levels and Finally R.C.C Isolated Footings Transferring the Load to the Soil 4.b Roof Trusses Types and Proportioning: 4b.1 Basic Concepts: '* The Truss Supporting the Roof Should be a Perfect one: Perfect framesare the frames, which can be analyzed to get the intemal member forces and extemal support reactions by using the three conditions of static equilibrium. Hence, they are statically determinate structures. «They are divisible into triangles only. « They follow the following equation 1m =2)-3 where m = number of members, j= number of joints, ‘© The Frame is loaded at the Joints only which actually means the Purlins are at the Joints of the Truss + Allthe members are connected together at thelr ehds by Pin Joints which are absolutely frictionless or All the Joints Are Pin Joints and do not transfer Moments 4b.2 It is defined as the ratio of the height of the Truss to the Span. Truss Span 4| Truss Type Truss Divisions | > A minimum pitch of 1/6 is. {200mm > Spani6 recommended for G.1sheet King Post Roof Truss for span up-to 6m > For Ac Sheet one can goaslowas ua. © However, Howe Triangle 6 Panels for span from 6m - 45m ‘U6 is mostly Not he Lengh ae Largest Sut=1628rm) recommended ‘TOS 6 Unit 4 Design of Steel Framed Factory Building Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho;Er. Hemant Joshi 81 © Greater the Slope Lesser the Live Load and Greater the Wind Load. © Also as Slopes decrease we will have to increase the Overlap in the sheets to prevent backlash of rain water centering the Space inside 4b.3 Roof Coverings: We studied these in the last Unit but repeating it over here. 1. In India Corrugated 6.1 Sheets are used extensively for Covering for Roofs and Sides of Industral Building. ‘a. They come in Lengths of 1.83m, 2.4m and 3.05m, b. They come in Widths of 0.92m (0.80m usable width} and 0.84m (0.72m usable width) {Overlap 120mm) They come in gauges of 24, 26, and 28 2. Inindia A.C Sheets are also used a. Lengths available are from 1.05m to 3.0m b. Widths Available 1,05m to 1.5m 3. Color Coated Sheets: The range is too large to cover here. For sizes refer company literature We studied these in the last Uit but repeating it overhere. ‘a, Spacing: The Spacing of Purlins may Vay from 1.5m to 175m for G.! Sheets. The Spacing of Purlins may vary from 1.4m for 6mm Thick Sheets to 4:6m for 7mm Thick Sheets for A.C. Sheets b. Shapes Used: Span of the Purlin = Spacing of Stanchions = Spacing of Trusses 1. For Span of Purlins between 3m to 4.5m Use Unequal Angle Sections: Depth > Span/45; Width > Span/60; t26mm, For Span of Purlins between 4.5m to 5.5m Use C Channel Set For Span of Purlins greater than 5.5m Use I Sections For Span of Purlins greater than 10m Cross trusses replace Single Section Purlins For Large Projects: Cold Rolled Formed Sections with thickness up to 6mm are used for Purlins as per |$.811. Stresses are reduced due to Buckling Effect. Types of Sections used are C Section and Z Sections, eliminating the use of Angle Cleats for Fixing 2 sections C sections Upped 2 Zot: Plain Lipped Cold Formed Rolled Sections ‘TOS 6 Unit 4 Design of Steel Framed Factory Building Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho;Er. Hemant Joshi 82 4b.5 Spacing of Trusses: This is also the spacing of the Stanchions supporting the roof trusses and also the span of the Purlins. As Spacing. Increases, the number of russes and number Stanchions decreases but the span of Purlins and hence Purlin Cost Increases. Generally, the following guidelines may be useful. a. ForSpan of Trusses up-to 15m Spacing of trusses could be 3m to 4.5m b, ForSpans of Trusses from 15m to 30m, spacing of trusses could be 4.5m to 6m €._ForSpans of Trusses more than 30m, Spacing of Trusses could be Greater than 6m Tass Span Truss Type T Divisions ‘Span = 12000mm Howe Tiangle8 Panels for span from 12m to 18m (Note the Leng ol he Longest Seu = 212mm) Saag kas ros tie 2 /8 = 100mm Truss Divisions [Purin Spacing = 157mm ‘60000: Fink Truss Upto 6m (eo Longin of to Lengeet St = 1057) Puri Spadeg = 188tmm gS ~~ = Spanis Fink Truss Upto 10m Note the Lengh othe Ln Designing the Truss First Decide the Height © Calculate the Hypotenuse * Divide the Hypotenuse so the Purlin Spacing is not exceeded and Struts of too long Lengths are not created ‘TOS 6 Unit 4 Design of Steel Framed Factory Building Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho;Er. Hemant Joshi ‘TOS 6 Unit 4 Design of Stee! Framed Factory Building ‘Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho;Er. Hemant Joshi 84 4b.6 —Bracings for Stability Perpendicular to the Truss Direction “Need: The Trusses are designed to take the load of the purlins and transmit forces acting in their plane. However, they offer litle resistance to forces acting at right angles to their plane. Such force is mainly due to the wind blowing parallel to the ridges. The resistance offered by the purlins to such forces may not be sufficient. Hence bracings are provided at two levels. ‘Provision and Sections Used: # One set of bracing is provided at the level of the top chord in the frst and the last level as shown in the sketch below consisting of ISA 90 x 60 x 8mm generally * One set of Bracings is provided at the level ofthe bottom chord consisting ofa plate whose S.R < 250 connecting at panel points. ‘* Diagonal Bracings are provided in the last but one panel at both ends. ‘* _ Invery long buildings additional diagonal bracings are provided at every 4" of S" bay ‘¢__ Simple Bracings of M.S.Rods and Turn Buckles are used in P.E.B Industrial Sheds. (Picture on earlier page) cI ais, 4s000nm 900mm Bat Chord oo in wt Plan At Top Chord Level Plan At Bottom Chord Level Bracing System ‘TOS 6 Unit 4 Design of Steel Framed Factory Building Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho;Er. Hemant Joshi 85, IESE} ECS eS aE CES W SE Bracings at Bottom Chord Level 415.800 Provisions for Expansion Joints and Bracin L001 —___—-I a. fone bay of longitudinal bracing is provided at the centre of the building or building section, the length of, END OF COVERED Bull DNIEISECTION, the building section may be restricted to 180m in case Fio. 3 Maxnum Laxori of Buriowo went Ox of covered buildings and 120m in case of open Bay of Bracinc. gantries (see Fig. 3). b, Ifmore than one bay of longitudinal bracing is provided near the centre ofthe building/section, the maximum centre line distance between the two lines of bracing may be restricted to SOm for covered buildings (and 30m for open gantries) and the maximum distance between the centre of the bracing to the nearest expansion joints end of building or section may be restricted to 90m (60m in case of open gantries), The maximum length of the bullding section thus may be restricted to 230m for covered buildings. (150m for open gantries), Beyond this, suitable expansion joints shall be provided (see Fig. 4). ‘TOS 6 Unit 4 Design of Stee! Framed Factory Building ‘Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho;Er. Hemant Joshi 86 EXPANSION . JOINT LL 20 m 50m 90 m | | Fic. 4 Maximum LENGTH OF BUILDING/SECTION Wit Two Bays OF BRACINGS 4b.7 Top Chord, Bottom Chord, Struts and Slings > Top Chord Members are members like C1, 02, E5, F6, G9, H10, 113, 14. These are in Compression due to the Dead Load, live Load and Wind Load on Purlins resting at the joints > Bottom Chord Members are members lke Al, A3;A7, AB, A12, and A14. These are called the Tie Members and are in Tension > Struts are internal members subjected to Compression lke 1.2, 3.4, 5.69.10, 11.12, 13.14, > Slings are internal members subjected to Tension like 6.7, 4.7, 9.8, 11.8 etc, > _ Sag Tie is member 7.8 carrying 0 force but provided to reduce the sag in member A7 or AB ‘TOS 6 Unit 4 Design of Steel Framed Factory Building Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho;Er. Hemant Joshi 87 4. Loads on Trusses The loads on the Trusses are as follows 41. Dead Loads 2. Live Loads or imposed Loads 3, Wind Loads 4. Other Loads 1. Dead Loads: Ths Includes weight of roof coverings, purlins, racings and other loads suspended from the trusses. Weight of Gl Sheets i taken as 100 -1SON/m? and Weight of A.C Sheets as 170 - 200N/m?, This includes weight of laps, connectors, ete, Weight of Purlins can be taken 100 -120N/m? of Plan Area. For calculating Self Weight of the Truss (hich actually is small percentage ofthe total load) many formulae are used. One of them is w= 20 + 6.61N/m? where lis the span ofthe Truss for a live Load 2KN/m? 2, Live Load is taken as 0.75KN/m? up-to 10°. For more than 10° slopes deduct 0,02kN per degree of slope above 410°. However, a minimum of 0.4kN/m?is considered, The Purins and Sheets are checked to support a concentrated load of 0.9kN 3. Wind Loads: Design Wind Speed Vz = ki k2 k3 Vb Where ki ferrain, height and Structure Size Factor, k3 = topography factor, Vb = Basic Wind Speed (Ranging from a highest of $5m/sto@ lowest of 33m/s and can be got from 1S 875 Part 3 which divides the country into 6 zones). The valies Of Ki, K2, K3 ean also be got from 1S 875 ‘The Wind Pressure Pz = 0.6 Vz? 4. Other Loads could be due to Snow Loads in Hilly regions. Earthquake Loads do not influence the design of pitched roofs with G1 or AC Sheets as they are light weight roofs 5. Coslateral Loads due to Piping and Cable Racks. These are hung fom Nodal Points ofthe Bottom Chord. For this 20kN Load at every Joint of Bottom Chord is considered. Also a Mono Rall of 10kN capacity can be hung from Bottom Chord 6. Load Com tions could be 1. Dead load + Live Load 2) Dead Load + Snow Load 3, Dead Load + Wind Load 4.d Design Sequence; will be as follows. 1. Layout of the Factory Building: First Decide On the width and Length of the Factory Shed. The Width or the Span of the Truss will guide us in deciding the Spacing of the Stanchions which is also the span of the Purlins. The Span of the Truss will help us decide the shape of the Truss. Decide on the pitch of the Truss and the divisions to be made. Very Long Compression members should be avoided as they are more prone to Buckling and will require larger sections for longer Lengths 2. Design of Purlins: Calculate the Load on the Purlins and design it ike a Bending Member spanning between the purtins, 3, Transfer Load of Purliné to Tru Load to The Truss at the Joints 4, Solution of Truss: Solve the Truss Analytically or Graphically to find load in each member 5, Member Design of Truss: In TOS 6 we learnt to design the tension members and compression members for the forces which they are subjected to. However, from aesthetic point of view as well as from the point of view of Fabrication, itis not desirable to design each and every member for its Design Forces. Accordingly, groups are made and the following are the minimum sizes used for each group. a. Top Chord: 215A 75 x50 x6 b, Bottom Chord:2 ISA 75 x 50 x6 ©. Main Slings:2 ISA. 65 x45 x6 d. Main Struts: 21SA 65x45 x6 6. Design of Joints: Gusset Plates used to connect the various members are to be of an appropriate size. Thickness could be 2mm greater than the maximum thickness of a member to be connected. Welded or Bolted joints may be designed as desired. Care should be taken to see that the C.G of all members at a Joint intersects at one point ‘Once the Purlin is designed, add the Purlin weight to its Load and Transfer the ‘TOS 6 Unit 4 Design of Steel Framed Factory Building Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho;Er. Hemant Joshi 2x 5A 60 x 60» & 7. Transfer Load to the Stanchions: The reactions of the Trusses are to be transferred to the Stanchions. The Stanchions will also be subject to the Load of the Cladding (dead weight and Lateral Wind Pressure too in some cases) and also Gantry Load when provided. LEGEND OF LOAD TRANSFER =, Roofing sheet to Purlins m= Purlins to Trusses Forces in the truss ==> Tension ==} Compression \\ \ L S SUD aay ML, on con WE My L, “e < NS a TOS 6 Unit 4 Design of Steel Framed Factory Building Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho;Er. Hemant Joshi 89 8, Design of End Bearings: Roof Trusses are supported on Stanchions either Single | Sections or | sections with Flange Plates or Compound Stanchions. The two ends of a Truss are made such that one end is hinged and the other sliding so that horizontal Forces on the Supporting Stanchionsare avoided. Fixed/Hinged End Sliding End oe08 \ es Fz i 008 e000] oval Shaped Foes Plan of End Bearing in Trusses ‘Prashant os ‘A base plate is fied to the supporting structure and another plate to the truss. To fix base plate to supporting structure anchor bolts are used. To achieve a Hinged or Fixed end provide holes with hardly any tolerance for end connection, To achieve Sliding End oval shape holes with 2mm to 4mm tolerance is made in base plate of Truss for anchor bolts, Base Plate is designed for bending due to end reaction while anchor bolts are designed to resist uplift force, 9, Design of Stanchion and Foundation: We have learnt all the3 aspects earlier a. Design of Stanchion b. Design of Base Plate ©. Design of Pad Foundation 410, Making Shop Drawings for fabrication of various Elements; ‘TOS 6 Unit 4 Design of Stee! Framed Factory Building ‘Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho;Er. Hemant Joshi 90 Truss of Gradual Slope Er Se one for 30m Span tn ne |. A Factory Building is to be Built over a Plinth Area of 15.5m x33m, ‘a. Decide at what centre to centre distance you will place the Stanchions to support Roof Trusses. b. Draw Key Plan Showing Stanchions, Bracing System Used and Position of Bracing System ‘c.You may use a Howe or Fink Truss. Draw the Single Line Elevation of the Truss Showing Important, Dimensions. Show Purlin Spacing. Calculate the Live Load based on the angle of the Truss. Suggest an ‘Unequal Angle Purlin (You may use Thumb Rules for the same) d. Explain the Importance and Structural Need of a Bracing System ‘e Suggest Angle Sections for Top Chord Members and Struts and Slings at an intermediate joint at Top Chord Level and Draw a Detail of same. Consider Wind Load as 2kN/m?, Assume a point load of 20kN per nodal point at the Bottom Chord of the Truss. Calculate the Total Load/m? on the Roof Area. Divide the Total Load by number of Columns to get Load per Column. ‘TOS 6 Unit 4 Design of Stee! Framed Factory Building ‘Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho;Er. Hemant Joshi paid ssa “apes 2 tot ey no ated 8 0g ‘sais 22+ (veroL wo (Cero OLEH) 83 “WN PHOYD WOU ® vo|d “WN POYD doy ® void ‘Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho;Er. Hemant Joshi TOS 6 Unit 4 Design of Steel Framed Factory Building 92 Qe from Above e. Suggested Angle Sections are as Follows © Top Chord: 215A 75 x50x6 ‘© Bottom Chord:2 ISA 75 x 50x6 © Main Slings: 2 ISA 65 x 45 x6 © Main Struts: 218A 65 x45 x6 Load Calculations per square meter of roof area 1. Roofing Sheets }0ON/m* 2. Weigh of Purlins = 120N/m? 3. Live Load 300N/m? (Calculated on the sheet) 4, Truss Load = 20+6.6x 15.5 = 120N/m? 5. Nodal Loads = 20x 9= 180kN / (15.5 x 4.75) 444N/m? Total Load = 3.5kN/in? Total Load of Roof =3.5 x 15.5 x33 =1800KN Load/ Column = 1800/16 2kN 5. Explanation for Nodal Loads; Every Truss carries the Load Spread thé area covered by c/¢ distance between trusses and span of truss. There are 9 Nodal Points on the Bottoin Chord. Hence 20kN x9 = 180kN spread over fan Area of &.75m x 15.5m 6. 16 bs the Number of Columns over which the entire Loads Spread Note: Generally, the Stanchlons Are Designed for Buckling and Gantry Loads rather than for the Dead Loads Suggested Theory Questions: Unit 4 Il. Give Guide Lines for the following war.t @ Steal Structures ‘+ Purlins ~ Position, Spacing, Sections Used ‘© Spacing of Stanchions or Trusses © Pitch of Trusses IIL. Explain the Structural Need of Bracings in a Trussed Steel Building. Where are they provided? What sections are used? IV. Whatare the different Loads a Factory Building is subjected to? V. _ Drawa Fixed and a Hinged End Bearing wrt to Truss Support on Stanchions ‘TOS 6 Unit 4 Design of Steel Framed Factory Building Compiled by Ar. Arthur Cutinho;Er. Hemant Joshi

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