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No.RW/NH-3501 4/35/2070-H (Part-lV) (Comp no.

Government of lndia
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
(Highways Section)
Transport Bhawan,1, Parliament Street, New Dethi-110001

Dated:31 May,2022


1. The Principat secretaries/Secretaries of atl states/uTs Pubtic works Department

deating with Nationat Highways, other centratty sponsored schemes & state schemes.
2. The Engineers-in-chief and chief Engineers of atl states/uTs Pubtic works
Department deating with Nationat Highways, other centratty sponsored schemes &
State Schemes.
3. The Chairman, National Highways Authority of lndia (NHAI), G-5&5, Sector-10),
Dwarka, New Dethi-110 075.
4. The Managing Director, Nationat Highway lnfrastructure Devetopment corporation
Ltd.,3rd ftoor, PTI Buitding, Partiament Street, New Dethi- 110 001

Subject: Standard Request for Proposal (RFP) for National Highways and
centralty sPonsored road works proposed to be implemented on EPC
Mode of Contract- Amendments to RFP regarding'

Ref: (i) Ministry's Circutar no. RW/NH-37010/4/2010/PlC EAP (Printing) dated

(ii ) Ministry's Circular RW/NH-37010/4/2010-EAP (Printing) vot.-lV dated
(iii) Ministry's Circutar RW/NH-37010/4/2010-EAP (Printing) vot.-lV dated
(iv) Ministry's Circular RW/ NH -37010/4/2010-EAP (Printing) vol.-lV dated
(v) Ministry's Circutar NH-3501 4/35/2020'H dated 02'11'2020

This is in continuation to Ministry's circulars referred above'

as per
of 'Highway Sector' works for assessing the 'simitar work experience' of bidders
Ctause of the RFP, the Clause 2.2.7'2,7'7'2'4 &' 7'7'2'5
shatt be amended as
Modi fied Clause
Existin clause Clause 2. 2. 2.2 Tech hical CaPacitY
Clause 2. 2. 2.2 Technica I
pac ty a n d
capacity and de mo n st a t n g tec h n CA C a
Fo r
{i) For demonstrating technicat ex p (l ne n CC t he T e c h n c
a Ca pac tv t h e
L'i*r,"^." 1in" "re-chnical caPacilv")' the d de sh a II ove t he p a 5t [5
iiii,..t^jr. ou", the past [5 {five)]'financiat
e n a NC a e a rS p rec e d n g t h e B d Due
I^",.. "r.i.oi"n the Bid Due Date' have D a te ha ve rec eived p a ym en tS fo I
I:::i,J;"-;;fi""is ror construction or C o n s t ruc t to n of E g b e Pr o ec t S or h as

Liintui"" pl"i"iir,). or has . undertaken

u n de rt a ken c o n S t ruc t on
ks by tse f ln a

ioit,ir.,'on bv itsetf in a PPP project'

ii-r, t th e t ot a th ereof
P P P p ro ec t SU ch th a su
IJ.rl''t"rlJ1n" tr,
totut thereof as further ' a 5 I u rt he ad u s ted n acco
danCe t h cla u SC
li] rri"l'i,i i..",dance with cLause 2 2 2 5 h S m o re ha n Rs
*c ro re

:;';t; i;;; Gn [Rs ""crore 1Rs- ""t) 2 ? 7 5

t he T h f esh o d T e c hn ca
capaclty 'l-' R5 )l
it'ne ';rnrestroto rechnical Ca Pacl ty I
Isrfiver vears in case of normal highway of n o rm a h gh ay
'" j"i iorien) vears in case of
ve yea rS n C a SE
stand 5
ro e c t a nd 0 T en ye a S n
"i,ii".ii to".lii'red projects
IiJir (Major)
CA SC o S ta n d a lon g spe C] a lze d p ro ec tS
Ftyover/Tunnel) T u n ne
Bridies/ ROB/ o B rl dges RO B Ft yove
2Thrs amount shoutd be as fottows 2This amount should be as fottows
(A) For normal highway Proiects (A) For normal highway Projects

Estimate d ftrrestrota ihresho ld

5l No Sl No Estima ted
Project Cost Technical Cost echnical
(EPC) of the CaPacitY apacitY
(EPC) of the
Project being roject being
invited nvited
Estima ted 0.75 time ofE 0.75 time ofE
1 Estimate d
Project roject Cost'=100
Cos t<=100 Crore rore
Estima ted O tirne of fPC .0 time o f EPC
1 7 Estima ted 1

Project Cost> P ro e ct Cos t 00

100 Crore rore & 5 00
&<=500 crore rore
Estimate d 1 .0 time o f EPC
1 .0 time o f EPC
3 l Estimate d
Prorect Cost> roiect Cost' 500
500 Crore rore

lB) For Stand-alone specialized Projects

(Bt For Stand-alone specialized projects Jeesrno g/Flvover/Tunnel)
iM"i"i iriag.tlnoB/Flvover/Tunnel)
Proiect Thresho ld
Thresho td Sl No Estimate d
Sl No Estima ted Project
Technical t (EPc) of the echnical
Cost (EPc) of the roject being apacitY
Proiect being nvited
invited Estima ted Project 0.75 time o f
Estimate d Project 0.75 time o f 1
st< 100 Crore
Cost. 100 Crore EPC
Estima ted Proiect 1 .0 time of
Estima ted Project
1.0 time o 2
'100 PC
6s51, 100 Estimate d Project 1.0 time of
Estimate d Proiect 1 .0 time o 3
Crore&'= EPC
t,500 CroreA<= EPC
Cost, 5OO
1000 Crore
1000 Crore
Existing Clause Modified Clause
4 Estimated Project '1.0 time of 4 Estimated Project 1.0 time of
Cost' '1000 Crore the Cost> 1000 Crore the estimate
estimate project cost
project cost or Rs.1000
or Rs.1000 c rore,
crore, whichever is
whichever is tess
tess 5 Estimated project 1-0 time of
5 Estimated project 1 .0 time of st> 1000 Crore of he estimate
cost> 1000 Crore of the and-alone roject cost
stand-alone estimate peciatize projects r Rs.1000
speciatize projects project cost rore,
or Rs.1000 ichever is
cro re, tess
whichever is

(ii) For normal Highway projects (including (ii) For normal Highway projects (including
Major Bridges/ROB/Flyovers/Tunnels): Bridges/ROB/Flyovers/Tun nels) :
Provided that at least one simitar work of at least one simitar work of
Provided that
20% of Estimated Project Cost [Rs.'*.crore 20% of
Estimated Project Cost [Rs.'"'crore
(Rs.'"")l shatl have been compteted from the (Rs.'-'-)l shatt have been compteted from the
Etigibte Projects in category 1 and/or ELigibLe Projects in Category 1 and/or
Category I specifjed in Ctause For Category 3 specified in Ctause For
this purpose, a project shatl be considered to this purpose, a project shatl be considered to
be compteted, if more than 90% of the vatue be compteted, if more than 90% of the vatue
of work has been compteted and such of work has been compteted and such
compteted vatue of work is equal to or more compteted vatue of work is equal to or more
than 20% of the estimated project cost. than ZlY" of the estimated Project
cost. Eligible proiects shall include

(a)Widening/ reconstruction/uP-gradation
works on N H/SH/Expressway or on any
category of road taken uP under CRF,
(b) Widening/reconstruction/up-gradation
on MDRS with loan assistance from
lateral agencies or on BOT basis
(c) Widening/reconstruction/uP-gradation
of roads in Municipal corporation
construction of Bypasses
(d) Construction of stand-alone bridges,
(e) Construction/reconstruction of linear
like airport runways, railways
of railway
yards for keeping containers etc')
rail and ports (including
of Jetties)

lf any Major Bridge/ ROB/ Ftyover/Tunnel is lf any Major Bridge / ROB / Ftyover/Tunnel is
(are) part of the project, then the sote )part of the proiect, then the Bidder
Bidder or in case the Bidder being a Joint necessarity demonstrate additionaI
Venture, any member of Joint Venture shatl in construction of Major
necessarity demonstrate additionaL Ftyovers/Tunnet in the last 10
in construction of
expe rience Major )financiat preceding the 8id Due
Mod ifi e d c lau se
h a ve c o m pte ted a tt ea
Existin clause st one
n t he la S t 0 Da te
e sh a
o BS yove
F rS T u n ne o Ftyov e I T U nne of
B n dge R
mi la ( Major B rl dge R B
p ece d n g th e B d Due
(Ten) fi n a n cl a ye a rS ttowing sizes:
st o ne
Da te l. e sh a h ave co mp tete d a t Iea
RoB F yover h avi n e
s ml la Maior B rid
sp a n eq U a to or g re a ter th a n
to n ges t spa n of
c ase
case, tongesl sPan of a n
lat ln d ge R o B 5 less
yove h a n o eq a o
l'.ir"^, ongl ftror.r is tess than or equat to no add it lo n a u a
q if c a t lo n is equl red
is required'
ftil.n;'ili ,;"t qualification
is more than 60 m : b he n Ion ges t sp a n S nro
e th a n 60 m
iii ;'n"""];ne;t, span of th e lo n ges t spa n o 00
( m h ic h eve
ii,i span or 1oo m' whichever the tu re
truc p ro pose d n rh s
proposed in this o S
p ro ec t h a vl ng
(c) n ase T UN ne S a p a t of
And in case of tunnel' if any'. shatt have C
to 2 00 m t he n no
n gt h tess t h a n o I eq U
i.i"i","i -"tt-ction of atteast one tunnet t on a qua f ca ti o n S req U re d
.;'T"1" "''['lo]*':iJ:]', il:l?i
i,li:;;l; nroro-etectric projects etc ) d h e n [eng th of tu n ne mo e than 1 00 m
o f p ro pose d
llii)t'"*,.^, 0% of th e C o 5S SE cti on a area
t U n ne c ross-
having atteast: o two Ia n eh ghw a
c h eve S [ess a nd 20%
cti o n a a rea ted n th S
gt h o th e t u n ne to be c o n S tru C
Fo t he

*'i"",mx.;;;*miftlg*d t ro e ct o 1 km
U p o SC o t h s
n gte t n tU be S f o
tc h eve r

o a dS
S tess

req u e m en t t un ne ma v
a a ys m
h a ve
e t ro
required. t p ro ects e tc
lga t lo n hvd oe e ctri cl

than 200m
lbrwhen tength of tunnel more proposed
:";ill:';i ,h;".;"tt sectional area of
tunnel cross'
i#;i "; Ut lane hishway is tess and 2o%
:::il"I area. *htcheuer
to . be constructed
il;il ;- ,* tunnetwhichever is [ess'
ii',trrt p,oi"i o' 2 km' projects:
(iii) For Stand-atone speciatized
(iii) For Stand-atone speciatized Projects:
(a) Major Bridges/ROB/Ftyovers Proiects:
(a) Maior Bridges/RoB/Ftyovers Projects:
al ized p ro e ct
n cas e the cos t of sPec
o sPec a iz ed Pr o ect
th e co 5 t
q U a to RS 0 00 c r: Th e
a n c a 5e s es S th a n or e
ess th a n or e q ua to Rs 1 000 Cr T h e sha h ave c o m p e ted a t
l.east on e
B dde
e AS t o ne
at yove r p ro CC t n
B d de sh a h a ve om p et e d 5 m ta o B n dge R o B FI
o Flyove I p o ec t n a yea rs p rec edi n g
S m a o B de e R B
p recedi ne t he a5 t 0 (T e n t n a C eq u a to o
n c1 at ye a r5 g spa n
t he as t 0 (T e t'l f n a q to or the B id Due Da t e h avl n t n o r 00
n e a
n 50% o f th C to
t h e B id D UE D a te h avl n c spa St S p a n o 00
U n S
e rea te rh a th e s t u ct U e
tess o
rea te r th an 50% ol rh
e [on ch eve I
mt ]S
t he S t ruct U re
a n d a tso t he COSt
mtr h ]C h eve r ]S [es S of p roposed n t h s p o ect of
a tso th e C o S t o p ro ec t sha b e a te a S t 20%
P ropose
d n t h S p o EC a n d s uc h s m a
s t 2 0% o t
p ro ec t sh a be a t Ie a t p u rPose
h e E ma ted P ro ec t
Cos F o h ls
SU c h s m ta
be C on S] de red to
t or h S p LI p o 5e be
h e E m a ted Pro ec
t C o5 F
a p o e C t sh a
be C on 5 ide ed to
be e a Iue
d p o eCt sh a C o m p [ete d
f m ore th a n 909/" o rh
th a n 90 % o f t he va U e of m pt e t ed a n d suc h
L om p Ie ted f m o re wo rk h AS bee n C o mo re
rk h as bee n com
p Ie te d a n d SU C h
c o m p e ted a lu e of
rk S e qua to o r
o k 5 e qua to o r mo t h a n 7 0%of t h e E 5 t m a ted P o
ect Cos
c o m p te t e d va tu e of t
eCt c
t h a n 7 o%of t he E S t m a t e d P o
o s
pr o ec t
(a2) n ca5e th e c o5 t of
S pec ia ze d

the co5 t of 5 pe cla ze d p ro l ect 000 c ( T h e B id d er 5 ha

S mo re th a n
n caSe R5
a2 o
Cr Th e B d de sh a st o n c 5 m a
s m or e t h a n Rs 1 ,000 ( o ave c o m p le ted a t [ea
h ave c o m Le ted
il t e a S t o n e S m Ia
di fied c la use
th e a S t 0
Existin Clause
yove p ro ec t n t h e la s t 0 rl d qe R o B F yove p ro CC t
B rid ge RO B F
n a n C ta ye a S p e CE d n c th e B d 0 ue
n g rh e B d Due (T e n f
(T en I n a n cl a ye a s p rec e d a t e h avi n e spa n equ a to o c e a ter h a n
eq a o o gr ea te th an
h e st UL tU re
Da t e h avl n c spa n LI
o ( h e lo n ges spa n o
5 0'/" o rh e o n ge s t 5 pa n of t he st rU Ct U e
00m c heve r is
c heve ( pose d n th S p ro e Ct o
p o p o sed n th S p o EC t o
00 m pro e ct
les S a n d a lso th e CO S t of
s UC h S m a
an d a SO th e cos t o 5 uch
s mi a P ro EC t
S tes S
be a t Ie AS t z0% of t he E s t ma t e d
p ro ec t sh a tt be a t e a S t 7 0% of t he Es m a ted
h tc h ev e r S tess Fo t h t5
( h ich ever s tess Cost o RS 000c I
P ro ect C o 5 t o I Rs 000c
pose a p ro e Ct sh att b e c o n si de re d to be
p o e Ct S ha be Lu e o
F o th s p LI pose a
pt e ted if m o re t h a n 90v" o f h e a
{ m ore th a n
c o n 5 id e red to be com tet d SUC h C om pt e ted
p ed
ee n com p Ie ted rk h as bee n C o m p e ted an
rk q U it to o mo e t h a n 2 0%o I
wo h t)
9 0rl o f t h C a o
q a to U e o wo rk s e
L] C o WO k 5 e 0 00 C I
a n d suc h CO m P te c d d
h e E s t ma t e d P ro CC t c
o S t o Rs
mo e t h a tl 20% o th e E 5 t m a ed P ro EC
o hichever is less
000 C h 1C h eve S tes S
Co S o Rs

B dde I sh a tt h a ve
h ave (b Tu n n e p ro e ct Th e
T u n n e pr oj ec t T h e B d de
Sh a
p ro ec t n th e
o m p (et e d a t e AS t t
b o n e U n ne
p ro ec t tn t he th e B id
CO m p Ie ted a t [east
o n e tU n ne
5 t 0 (T e n n a NC il ye a rS p e CC d n c
years prec e d n c th e t U be s
ast 0 Ten f n an C ia t n Due Da te C on S] n o
g 5 n g te o r t n
d D U e D a te s s nc o t S n g Ie o a v Me o
nc ud n e U n ne s f o
B CO ro a ds Ra
Ud ng U n ne S to t rl c p o e ct 5 etc
u bes NC
rrl ga t
on h yd ro a r r1 ga t on hvd ro e Iec
av t ro a e cross' SC C ti ona a rea
roa d 5 R a
n g a t e S t 50
a of a n g a t le as t 50% of rh
e C t I] C p o ec ts e c ha t ruc ted o t c ross
ne t o be t he tu n n e to be CO n s

t he C rosS sect lo n a a e a of the tun t io n a a e a o 2 Ian e h ghw ath v t UN ne

n a a e a o 7 a ne e tU n n el
con st U c t ed or c o SS sec gth of
10 en
C heve IS le SS a n d 70%
che e SS a n d 2 0v" 7 km
h ghw a v t u n n e t h ]S ro
h VE S p o
o be C o n 5 t U c ted n
c on s t ruc te d n h ts o ec t
en gt h o t he t un ne to be t c p
h 1C h eve S e S5 a nd t h
e cos o su h
n d t he
p ro EC t km whi C h ev e r ts te 5S a rh t m a ted Pro ect
a b e a t le a 5 7 0% of
o 2 e E s
t le a St 7 0% of
C os o uc h p ro EC t S h a b e a
o RS 000 C o e h c h eve r s e SS Fo
e ct Cos o Rs 000 C o re o n de e d o
th e E S t trl a t e d P o
p ro e ct 5 pu rpos e a P o EC
sh a be c s1

C h ev e S [ess F o t h 5 p U p ose a m o re th a n 9 0% of th e a UE
p e te d if m o e e co m p let ed
be CO n s d ered to be o m ted a nd s U ch
t wo rk h a S b C en C o m p equa
Sh a
he va tue o f wo k h as bee t o o mo re
rh a n 90% o
UE o wo k
pt e ted a Iue o ( wo rk is e
C o m p te e d an d
h o m pt e te d a P ro ect c o t o RS
7 0%o( t he E S t m a ed
Es t ma ted han
S eq U a o o mo e t h a n 7 0%o t th e crore whichever is [ess.
ro e h C h eve 5 10OO
P ro e c t c o 5 t o RS 000 C


(ivl The updation
- factor to update the price
ii:'?',,1,'r",: 5::;":,,' ;::'
l,i' ,n" projects for the year
ndi cated in tabte betow:
indicated in tabte below: "1""'
ear ear ear' ear-5
Year Year Year
Year Year Year Year
Year .5 .1 2 3
-l -7 ,3 -4
.10 1 .15 1 .20
Up- 1 .00 1 .05 .05 1 .10 1 .15 1 .20
Up- 1 .00 1

dati dation
on factor
or ln case of a Joint venture: ln case of a Joint Venture:
Ca pac t an d
c a pa CI t v a nd (i) The Bi d c a p ac t v T CC h n ]C a
(i) The B d C apa C1 t v T e c h n lc a of al t he m be rs of
th e Mem be rs o FinanciaI
FinanciaI Capac of a
Existi Clause Modified Clause
Joint Venture woutd be ta ken into account Joint Venture woutd be taken into account
for satisfying the above conditions of for satisfying the above conditions of
etigibitity. Further, Lead Member shat[ meet eligibitity. Further, Lead Member shatt meet
at teast 60% requirement of Bid Capacity, at teast 60% requirement of Bid Capacity,
Technicat and Financial Capacity as per Technicat and Financia[ Capacity as per
Ctause, and and Ctause,\ and and
each of other JV members shatl meet at teast each of other JV members shatl meet at least
20% requirement of Bid Capacity, TechnicaI 20% requirement of Bid Capacity, Technical
and Financial Capacity individuatty as Per and FinanciaI Capacity individuatty as per
Ctause, and For CLause 2.2.2.'1, and 2.2.?.3. For
avoidance of doubt it is further clarified that avoidance of doubt it is further ctarified that
the Joint Venture must coltectivety and the Joint Venture must cottectively and
individualLy satjsfy the above quatification individualty satisfy the above qualification
criteriai.e- JV shatt cumutativety/cottectivety criteria i.e. JV shatt
futfitt the 100% requirement. cumutatively/ cotlectiveLy futfitl the 100%

(ii) For requirement of (ii), one (ii) Fo a re q u reme nt of z 2 2 2 (i &

Project e st ml la f rk of 20% of E st m ated
simitar work of 20% of Estimated Cost
from the fo ect Cos t 5 ho U ldbee n
ha mp le ted
shoul.d have been compteted
Etigibte Projects in Category 1 and/or o m th e E gi b e P rojec ts n Ca tegory 1
Caiegory 3 specified in CLause 2 2 2'5 nd/or Category 3 individually by any of the
indivjdualty by any of the JV members as a members as a single work.
single work. Categories an d Gctors for evatuation 2J-2.5 Categories an d factors lor

of Technical CapacitY: evaluatjon of Technicat CaPacjtY:

(i) Subiect to the provisions of Ctause 2'2 2 (i) Subject to the provisions of Ctause
the totiowinq categories of experience woutd ?.2.2 it e fottowing categories of
ouatifv as iechnicat Capacity and etigibte exoerience woutd quatify as Technicat
(the "Eligible Experience") in Capacity and etigibte exPerience
reiation to etigibte projects as stipulated in {the "Eligible ExPerience") in retation to
Ctauses (i) & (ii) (the'Eligible etigibte projects as stiputated in Clauses
Projects"). ln case the Bidder has experience 2.i.2.6 (n A (ii) (the "Eligible Projects").
across different categories, the experience ln case the Bidder has experience across
for each category woutd be computed as per different categories, the experience for
weight of foliowing factors to arrive at its each category woutd be computed as per
aggregated Etigibte ExPerience: weight of fottowing factors to arrive at its
aggregated Eligible ExPerience:

Project Factors
Category Project I Factors Category
Construction Construction
experience on
experience on
Eti ibte Pro ects
Eliqible Projects
1 Project in 1 1 Project in 1

highways sector highways sector

that quatifY under that quatify under
Ctause (i) Ctause i)

2 Project in core 0.75 2 Project in core 0.75

sector that quatify sector that quatify

under under
Ctause (i)
Clause (i)
Existing Clause Modified Clause
3 Construction in 1 3 Construction in 1

highways sector highways sector

that qualify under that quatify under
Clause Clause
2.?.2.6 (ii\
4 Construction in 0.75 4 Construction in o.75
core sector that core sector that
quatify under quatify under
Clause (ij) Ctause

(ii) The Technicat capacity in respect of an (ii) The Technicat capacity in respect of an
Etigibte Project situated in a devetoped Etigibte Project situated in a deveLoped
country which is a member of OECD shatt be untry which js a member of OECD shatt be
further muttjptied by a factor of 0.5 (zero urther muttiptied by a factor of 0.5 (zero
point five) and the product thereof shall be point five) and the product thereof shatt be
the Experjence Score for such Etigibte the Experience Score for such Etigibte Project.

(iii) For the purpose of this RFP:

(a) highways sector woutd be deemed to (iii) For the purpose of this RFP:
inctude highways, expressways, bridges, (a) highways sector would be deemed to
tunnets, runways, railways (construction/re- include highways, expressways, bridges,
construction of raitway tracks, yards for unnels, runways, raitways (construction / re-
keeping containers etc.) metro rait and ports nstruction of railway tracks, yards for
(inctuding construction/re-constructjon cost ping containers etc.) metro rail and ports
of Jetties, any other [inear infrastructure (inctuding construction / re-construction of
inctuding bridges etc. ); and etties, any other tinear infrastructure
nctuding bridges etc. ); and
(b) core sector woutd be deemed to inctude
civil constructjon cost of power sector, (b) core sector woutd be deemed to inctude
commercial setups (SEZs etc.), airports, of power sector,
iviL construction cost
industriat parks/ estates, logistic parks, merciaI setups (5EZs etc.), airports,
pipetines, irrigation, water suppty, sewerage, ndustriaL parks/ estates, logistic parks,
jrrigation, water suppty, stadium, hospitats, petines, irrigation, water suppty, sewerage,
hotet, smart city, warehouses/sitos, oit & rrigation, water suppty, stadium, hospitats,
gas and reaI estate devetopment. oteL, smart city, warehouses/sitos, oil &
s and reat estate devetopment. Core sector
ll also include the projects with the title
RIDF, PMGSY road, link road, city roads,
rural road, sector/ municipality road, real
tate projects which demonstrate road
lopment/construction bridges or
(l) ln case of projects executed by appticant ulverts.
under category 3 and 4 as a member of Joint
Venture, the Project cost should be
restricted to the share of the appticant in the
joint venture for determining etigibitjty as (iv) ln case of projects executed by appticant
per provision under clause lii\. ln under category J and 4 as a member of Joint
case Statutory Auditor certifies that, the Venture, the project cost shoutd be restricted
work of other member(s) is atso executed by the share of the appticant in the joint
the appticant, then the totat share executed nture for determining e[ ibility as
Existing Clause Modified Clause
by appticant can be considered fot provision under ctause ln case
determining etigibitity as per provisjon under Statutory Auditor certifies that, the work of
ctause (ii). other member(s) is atso executed by the
appucant, then the total share executed by
(ll) Maintenance works are not considered as appticant can be considered for determining
etigibte project for evatuation as per etigibitity as per provjsion under clause
lnstruction No.6 to Annex-lV. As such works
with nomenctature tike PR, OR, FDR,SR,
site/ micro grading, surface renewat, (v) Maintenance works are not considered as
resurfacjng work, Tarrjng, B.T. surface work, etigible project for evatuation as per
temporary restoration, urgent works, lnstruction No.6 to Annex-lv. As such works
periodic maintenance, repair & with nomenctature tike PR, OR, FDR,SR,
rehabititation, one time maintenance, site/micro grading, surface renewat,
permanent protection work of bank, externat resurfacing work, Tarrjng, B.T. surface work,
pre stressing, repair of central hinge, short temporary restoration, urgent works, periodic
term OMT contract of NHAI, any type of work majntenance, repair & rehabiUtation, one
related to border fencinq, work of earthwork time maintenance, permanent
atone, construction of buitdings/ work of bank, external pre stressing, repair of
centrat hinge, short term OMT contract of
hoste ts / hospitats, etcr or not specjfied, shatt
not be considered. However, such NHAI, any type of work related to border
maintenance works shatl be considered as fencing, work ol earthwork atone,
etigibte projects in case of Maintenance construction of buitdings/ hostets/hospitats,
works to be taken up on EPC mode. etc, or not specified, shatl not be considered.
However, such maintenance works shatt be
(lll)The works such as lmprovement in Riding considered as etigibte projects jn case of
Quatity work (IRQP/lRO, shalt be considered i,\aintenance works to be taken up on EPC
for Technicat Capacity (i)] but not mode.
for singte compteted works [ (ji)].
However, such work shalt be considered for (vi) The works such as lmprovement in Riding
singte completed works [ (i)] in case Quatity work (IRQP/lRO, shatL be considered
of Maintenance works to be taken up on EPC for Technicat Capacity 12.2.2.? (i)l but not
mode. forsimilar compteted works [ (ii) and\1. However, such work shatl be
(lV) Project in Highway sector shalt consideredjnfor similar compteted works
constitute the fottowing for the purpose of
(iitl case of Maintenance works to
taken up on EPC mode.
consideration under category I or 3 as
appticabte, if: (vii) ln case both the estimated cost of
project and revjsed cost of
i. Widening / reconstruction / uP- project are provided, the revised cost of
gradation works on NH / 5H or on any project shatt be considered for evatuation.
category of road taken up under CRF,
ii. Widening/ re-construction / up'
gradation works on MDRS with toan
assistance from muttitateraI agencies
or on BOT basis,
iii. Widening/ reconstruction / up'
gradation work of roads in Municipal
corporation [imits, construction of
iv. Construction of stand- atone bridges,
ROBS, tunnets w. r.t roads.
v. Long term OMT works of

(V) The projects wjth the titte of RIDF,

PMGSY road, link road, city roads, rurat road,
Existing Clause Modified Clause
sector/ municipatity road, Bridges for raitway
line, work of metro rails (bridges/ tunnet),
reat estate projects which demonstrate road
development/construction bridges or cutverts
may be considered under category 4.

(Vl) ln case both the estimated cost of

project and revised cost of
project are provided, the revised cost of
project shatt be considered for evatuation.

3. Contents of this circutar may be brought to the notice of att the concerned for
immediate comptiance.

4 This circutar shatt be effective from the date of its issue.

5 This issues with approvat of the Competent Authority.

Yours faithfulty

(Sushant Sudan)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of lndia
Tetephone no. 01 1 -23724515
CoDv to:
1 . At[ Technicat Officers at the Headquarters
2. Secretary Generat, lndian Roads Congress
3. Director, IAHE, NOIDA
4. Att ROs and ELOs of MoRT&H.

CoDV for information to:

1. PPS to Secretary (RT&H), PPS to DG(RD) & SS, PS to AS&FA, PS to AS/JS(EAP), PS to

ADG t/ .

2. Director(Technicat), NlC, MoRTH to uptoad this OM on the website of MoRTH

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