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Johar town, Lahore

+92 333 3896868


OBJECTIVE To obtain a creative and challenging position that enables me to gain valuable commercial
experience and improve my development skills that I gained as part of my degree course.

WEB DEVELOPER | March 2020 | Cognitive Axis:

Working as a Web developer, My responsibilities including system design, database design,

database development and implementation of client’s requirements in the web.
Working with different platforms (Laravel, Drupal, React js, Vue js, Slack, Git).

WEB DEVELOPER | June 2019 – February 2020 | Appconcocters:

Working as a Web developer, My responsibilities including system design, database design,

and implementation of client’s requirements in the web.
Working with different platforms (Laravel, trello, Git).

WEB DEVELOPER | SEPT 2018 – May 2019 | Codershut:

Working as a Web developer, My responsibilities including system design, database design,

database development and implementation of client’s requirements in the web.
Working with different platforms (Laravel, Slack, React-Native). Meanwhile always
new things.

WEB DEVELOPER | AUG 2016 – SEPT 2018 | Wu-Wo Web Development:

 Maintained the current website and added more appealing features.

 Improved coding of CSS and JavaScript to enhance functionality and user experience.
 Provided efficient, cost-effective web hosting to exceed client's technical needs.
 Performed validation of completed sites including the debugging and testing of code.
 GIT is used to control source code. HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, PHP(Symfony), MySQL are the
technologies used in that project.

WEB DEVELOPER INTERN | JUL 2015 – SEPT 2015 National Institute of Electronics:

 Modified current systems, writing and testing code.

 Created site layout/user interface from provided design concepts by using standard
HTML/CSS practices.
 Performed validation of completed sites including the debugging and testing of code.
 Optimized sites for usability, search engine optimization and accessibility.
 Performs research on website design and development requirements.
 Improved coding of CSS and JavaScript to enhance functionality and user experience.

EDUCATION 2012 – 2016 University of Engineering & Technology (U.E.T) Taxila

B.Sc. in Software Engineering.
SKILLS AND  Theoretical knowledge of basic OOP and DS concepts with the practical application.
ABILITIES  Database Concepts and Database Management with the working experience.
 Web designing in HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript/JQuery, AngularJS.
 Have firm knowledge of SDLCs, testing types and methods.
 Knowledge of Php and frameworks available for it (Symfony, Codeigniter, Wordpress,

PROJECTS  Sportif mark (

(Feb, 2018)

It’s an ecommerce website where user can see our items that we made. In this site our main
aim is to provide a catalogue of products to our customers. I have done this job using

 SmartCitiAdmin (smartcitiadmin):
(Dec, 2017)

Smartcitiadmin is a social application where we show different programs, meeting, and a lot
of different stuff. I am part of the core development team, and My responsibilities is to
provide new features and also do changes in an existing system. In this project we use
AngularJs as a frontend technology.

 Online Banking System:


It is a web based application that facilitates the user online banking. It is salient features
includes the Bank Statement of a user and Funds Transfer. For the Admin (Manager) it
provides the list of customers registered within his branch with details and certain events.
We are developing the website in HTML, CSS, Oracle dB, C# and

 Barcode Reader:

It is an application developed in C#. In this project we detect the barcode by reading the
distance between the line and show barcode digits. Actually in this, we upload a picture and
our program detect the barcode, based on the distance between the lines.

 Sports Tube:

It’s a manually control videos system in which we handle the videos and send it to the page
when a person click on a video button. I have done this job by using, html, css and
using Sql Server.

 Soccer Recommender System:

(University-Final Year-Project)

It’s a website that facilitate the user for online shopping. Basically it’s an ecommerce site
where we have different brands of different companies and we show out the products of
those brands.
The main feature of this site is a Recommender System that recommend items according to
user interest. I have done this job by using MVC framework, Html, css and using SQL

REFERENCES References can be provided on demand.

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