Iodine Test

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I. Materials:
 1 tsp cooked rice
 Banana
 Potato or sweet potato
 Chips (tatoos, Alibaba, Mang Juan etc.)
 Sugar solution
 Iodine (Betadine)
 Starch
 Small container

II. Procedure
1. Prepare the following set-up:
o A- 1 tbsp cooked rice macerated. Add 1 tbsp of water to cooked rice and macerate it.
Place the mixture in a small container.
o B- Banana. Macerate a piece of banana to 1 tbsp water. Place the mixture in a small
o C- Potato or sweet potato. Macerate 1 raw potato or sweet potato to a tbsp of water. Place
the mixture in a small container
o D-Chips. Add 3-5 pieces of chips to 1 tbsp of water. Macerate and place the mixture in a
small container
o E- Sugar solution. Add 1 tbsp of table sugar to a tbsp of water. Place the mixture in a small
o F- Starch solution. Mix 1/2 tsp of starch to a tbsp of water. You can use any type of starch.
Place the mixture in a small container

2. To every set-up (A-E) add 2-3 drops of iodine solution. After dropping stir the mixture using a
toothpick. Use separate toothpick to every set-up.
3. Record the before and after condition of each set-up.
4. Supply information that follows.
III. Observation. Insert the before and after images inside the cell. Write your observation for each set-up.
For the analysis indicate whether “positive” or “negative” for starch. You can adjust the cell if necessary. (5
points each row)

Set-up Before adding iodine After adding iodine Observation Analysis*

A Changes in Positive
the color
after adding
B Changes in Positive
the color
after adding

C Changes in Positive
the color
after adding

D Changes in Positive
the color
after adding
E No changes Negative
in the color
after adding

F Changes in Positive
the color
after adding


IV. Analysis. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Support your answer based on the
result of the experiment. It is required to cite your reference(s) in APA. No point will be given for answers
with no citation. (5 points each)

1. What is iodine test? How will you know the positive and negative result of this test?

The iodine test is a chemical reaction-based identification test for starch. In this test, iodine and
starch form a distinct blue-black colored complex. The sample turns blue-black in color when a few
drops of potassium iodide solution are placed on the sample. The reaction is due to the formation
of polyiodide chains from the reaction of starch and iodine.

2. Why some set-up did not test positive for iodine? Indicate the limitation of iodine test.
Limitations of Iodine Test
One of the major limitations of the iodine test is that the test is qualitative. That means one can
detect the presence or absence of the starch in the sample. However, the amount of starch present
in the sample can not be estimated using the iodine test.

3. What part of the plant cell contains starch? Why is stored by plants?
Some plants, such as potatoes and other tubers, and fruits like the banana and breadfruit, store
starch for later use. This starch is stored by special organelles, or cell subunits, called amyloplasts.

V. Conclusion. Why is the biochemical importance of starch and iodine test? List 3 reasons and explain.
Support your answer with credible references. Cite your references. No point will be given for answers with
no citation. (10 points).

Iodine test is a chemical test used to distinguish mono- or disaccharides from certain
polysaccharides like amylase, dextrin, and glycogen. This test has a variation termed starch-iodine
test that is performed to indicate the presence of glucose made by plants in the leaves.
Plants store glucose as the polysaccharide starch; the cereal grains (wheat, rice, corn, oats,
barley) as well as tubers such as potatoes are also rich in starch. Starch can be separated into two
fractions--amylose and amylopectin. Natural starches are mixtures of amylose (10-20%) and
amylopectin (80-90%).
When following the changes in some inorganic oxidation reduction reactions, iodine may be used
as an indicator to follow the changes of iodide ion and iodine element. Soluble starch solution is
added. Only iodine element in the presence of iodide ion will give the characteristic blue black

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