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Object-Orientation UML

PowerPoint Presentation for Dennis, Wixom, & Tegarden Systems Analysis and Design with UML, 3rd Edition
Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

What is an object?
Something identifiable Something with attributes Something able to do things (behaviour) And has meaning to people in its context

17 March, 2011

ICT117 Systems Analysis & Design, Semester 2, 2010 Includes John Wiley& Sons Inc material

3. 2

Abstraction and objects

Object is an abstraction of something In business, objects can be described
Customer Product Order Delivery

The Information System that is an abstraction of the business can be composed of interacting objects
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Characteristics of objects
Objects can be classified on the basis of similarities

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ICT117 Systems Analysis & Design, Semester 1, 2011 Includes John Wiley& Sons Inc material

3. 4

Characteristics of objects
Similarly classified objects may be further specialised (or generalised)

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3. 5

A class is an abstraction of the objects that it describes A class is NOT a collection of all objects A class is a TEMPLATE that applies to all its objects
CLOCK: Tells time of day Has two hands Has numerals Circular display format
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Generalisation and specialisation represent an inheritance hierarchy
Living Thing





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ICT117 Systems Analysis & Design, Semester 1, 2011 Includes John Wiley& Sons Inc material

3. 7

Means (literally) one thing that has many forms or shapes In Object-Orientation it applies to inheritance hierarchies. It means: a classs particular inherited behaviour being changeable depending on the identity of the sub-class

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ICT117 Systems Analysis & Design, Semester 1, 2011 Includes John Wiley& Sons Inc material

3. 8

The class Animal will have a behaviour Move that is inherited by its sub-classes. When Mammal receives a message to Move, it will walk, but Fish receiving the same message will swim

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3. 9

To put something inside something else (hiding something) The concept that we dont need to know how something is done just that it is done. In Object terms we can know the name of a behaviour in order to execute it, but we dont know how it is executed.

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ICT117 Systems Analysis & Design, Semester 1, 2011 Includes John Wiley& Sons Inc material

3. 10


From Booch, Maksimchuk et al pg 51

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ICT117 Systems Analysis & Design, Semester 1, 2011 Includes John Wiley& Sons Inc material

3. 11

Software objects
The business objects that we identify in the Problem Domain can become: Software objects in the Solution Domain
Software that is identifiable (named modules) Software that has attributes (data structures) Software that has behaviour (executes logical sequences)

We construct an IS from software objects to support the business

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The Unified Modeling Language

Unified Modeling Language

UML provides a common vocabulary of objectoriented terms and diagramming techniques rich enough to model any systems development project from analysis through to implementation Version 2.0 has 14 diagram types in 2 major groups: Structure diagrams Behaviour diagrams
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Basic concepts (Booch et al, 2007)

Object: A well-defined concept Can be comprehended intellectually Uniquely identifiable Represents some part of reality Can be real (tangible) or abstract Has a well-defined role in the problem domain
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Basic concepts (Booch et al, 2007)

Object definition for OOSAD purposes: An entity that has state, behaviour and identity. The structure and behaviour of similar objects are defined in their common class. The terms instance and object are interchangeable. Class is a generalisation of (or classification of) a set of like objects
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State, behaviour, identity

State: all the properties of an object plus their current values Behaviour: an objects outwardly visible activity how it acts and reacts in terms of its state and its stimuli (communications) Identity: that property of an object that distinguishes it from all other objects
(Booch et al, 2007)
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UML Structure Diagrams

Represent the data and static relationships in an information system Class Object Package Deployment Component Composite structure
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UML Behaviour Diagrams

Depict the dynamic relationships among the instances or objects that represent the business information system - Activity - Timing - Sequence - Behaviour state machine - Communication - Protocol state machine - Interaction overview - Use Case diagrams
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The Unified Process is a two-dimensional systems development process described with a set of phases and workflows The Unified Modeling Language, or UML, is a standard set of diagramming techniques

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ICT117 Systems Analysis & Design, Semester 2, 2010 Includes John Wiley& Sons Inc material


Use case driven Architecture centric Iterative and incremental

17 March, 2011

ICT117 Systems Analysis & Design, Semester 2, 2010 Includes John Wiley& Sons Inc material

3. 21

The Unified Process

A variant of the SDLC using ObjectOriented modelling techniques

The Unified Process

A specific methodology that maps out when and how to use the various UML techniques for object-oriented analysis and design A two-dimensional process consisting of phases and workflows
Phases describe how the system evolves over time Workflows are collections of tasks that occur throughout the lifecycle, but vary in intensity
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The Unified Process


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ICT117 Systems Analysis & Design, Semester 2, 2010 Includes John Wiley& Sons Inc material


Unified Process Phases

Inception Elaboration Construction Transition

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ICT117 Systems Analysis & Design, Semester 2, 2010 Includes John Wiley& Sons Inc material


Engineering Workflows
Business modeling Requirements (gathering) Analysis Design Implementation Testing Deployment
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Supporting Workflows
Project management Configuration and change management Environment Operations and support* Infrastructure management*

* Part of the enhanced unified process

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Next week
Requirements determination (finding out what is required to be done)

17 March, 2011

ICT117 Systems Analysis & Design, Semester 2, 2010 Includes John Wiley& Sons Inc material


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