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1. In transmission teaching, there is a sense of accomplishment that facts were taught and a chapter finished.
This is in contrast with active learning when the teacher needs to construct a ______ to guide the learning
a. Tool c. Plan
b. Scaffolding d. Signal

2. In what way/s are Ausubel's advance organizers a big help to learners? I. Help learners use their
personal experiences and content knowledge to learn new information. II. Help learners remember what
they see III. Help learners acquire and integrate content into a new language.
a. II and III c. I only
b. I and II d. I, II and III

3. How can a teacher helps students with different learning and thinking styles continue to learn more
a. Allow sufficient time for processing different types of information.
b. Use questions of all types to stimulate various levels of thinking and valuing
c. Provide a general overview of the lesson.
d. Use a variety of reflection strategies.

4. Theorist that put much emphasis on vicarious learning and the ability of humans to learn a variety of
behaviors in diverse situation.
a. John Watson c. Ivan Pavlov
b. B.F. Skinner d. Albert Bandura social modeling

5. Based on Piaget’s theory, what should a teacher provide in the formal operational stage?
a. Games and other physical activities to develop motor skills
b. Learning activities that involve problems of classification and ordering
c. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with
d. Activities for hypothesis formulation

6. Teacher Maya engages her students with information for thorough understanding for meaning and for
competent application. Which principle governs Teacher Maya?
a. Gestalt c. Cognitivist
b. Constructivist d. Behaviorist
7. Teachers’ goal to create an expert learner who is
a. Able to think for himself/herself without much supervision
b. Dependent on his/her parents or teachers
c. Capable of asking questions
d. Able to create excellent outputs

8. Which category/variable of cognitive knowledge refers to the knowledge about how human beings learn
and process information?
a. Person Variable c. Task Variable
b. Time variable d. Strategy variable

9. In Piaget’s sensorimotor stage, this particular characteristic is considered as one of the most important
a. Conservation c. Egocentrism
b. Pre-conventional morality d. Object permanence

10. It is advisable to promote pictures and visuals to a student in late childhood because he needs to
develop _______.
a. Observation skills c. Social Skills
b. Reading readiness skills d. Numerical Literacy

11. This type of learner primarily uses his senses to grasp on reality, which is why he verifies first before
believing. What kind of learner is he?
a. Intuitive c. Thinking
b. Feeling d. Sensing

12. With teaching principles in mind, the teacher interacts with the students while delivering his lectures.
Which principle of learning does the teacher do?
a. Learning is an active process.
b. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.
c. Effective learning begins with setting objectives.
d. Learning is the discovery if the personal meaning of ideas.

13. The ______ places importance on the personal import of any stimulus rather than on logic.
a. Thinker c. Intuitive
b. Feeler d. Sensing

14. A Sped teacher wants to introduce new lesson to her ADHD students. Before doing so, she helps them
build the prerequisite knowledge since prior knowledge is essential for the comprehension of new
information. What learning theory does the Sped teacher implement?
a. Information Processing Theory c. Discovery Learning Theory
b. Schema Learning Theory d. Meaningful Learning Theory

15. According to the Field theory, it is important to understand the specific individual and ‘total situation’
in which he exists before we could make any prediction about his behavior. Who is the proponent of this
a. Albert Bandura c. Jean Piaget
b. Kurt Lewin d. Urie Bronfenbrenner

16. Which psychologist challenged the concept of a g-factor and instead identified a number of what he
referred to as "primary mental abilities"?
a. Charles Spearman c. Jerome Bruner
b. L. L. Thurstone d. Robert Sternberg

17. Grace is bilingual. She speaks both English and Filipino fluently. She begins to study Spanish and
immediately recognizes many similarities between the Spanish and Filipino languages and uses this
information to acquire the new language faster. What kind of transfer was Grace able to use?
a. Specific Transfer c. General Transfer
b. Lateral Transfer d. Vertical Transfer

18. Research says, people tend to attribute their success to internal causes and their failures to external
causes. Based on this finding what should be taught to students for them to be genuinely motivated to
a. Convince them to realize that genuine motivation is the only factor that matters for a person to succeed
b. Make them realize that failure is a part of life
c. Tell them the research finding when applied will make them genuinely motivated
d. Make them realize that both success and failure are more a function of internal causes

19. Who proposed the theory of intelligence that explains the declining reaction time of aging adults?
a. Goleman c. Gardner
b. Cattell d. Sternberg
20. This theory states that an attitude of determination is the foundation for motivated behavior:
a. Whiting and Child Behavior Theory c. Self-determination Theory
b. Solomon’s Opponent Process Theory d. Self-efficacy Theory

21. Teacher Dian makes sure her tests include problems that tend to be clearly defined, come with all the
information needed to solve them, have one right answer, and are unrelated to ordinary experience. Which
kind of intelligence is being assessed by Teacher Dian?
a. Analytical intelligence c. Practical intelligence
b. Creative intelligence d. Academic achievement

22. Critical thinking can help beyond the classroom as in which of the following:
a. how seriously involved you should get with relationships
b. how seriously involved you should get with relationships and how to identify the real problem
c. how to identify the real problem
d. how to think with imagination

23. Which guideline in asking questions when teacher Nina asks for clarification or restatement to elicit
accurate response?
a. redirecting c. memory question
b. probing d. prompting

24. Which of the following is NOT an implication of the Cone of Experience?

a. Varieties of activities have to be in place for careful selection depending on the students’ learning interests
and characteristics.
b. Students learn effectively via experiential learning; thus, teachers should disregard all other types
of experiences.
c. The more senses that are used, the greater our ability to learn from and remember an event or experience.
d. There should be a balance between concepts, and activities which are representations in the real context.

25. Why does crystallized intelligence tend to increase as individuals age?

a. Because it develops based on one’s education and experiences
b. Because it is based on the course of a person’s development
c. Because it is improved by the ability to use metacognition
d. Because it is influenced by the ability to memorize and recall
26. Reinforcement is delivered at predictable time intervals
a. Variable ratio schedule c. Fixed ratio schedule
b. Fixed interval schedule d. Variable interval schedule

27. It is a response attached to a stimulus through the stimulus occurring just prior to the response so that the
recurrence of the stimulus will evoke or cause the response:
a. Cohesive principle c. Metacognition
b. Feedback d. Adhesive principle

28. Which construct from Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence refers to the ability to find the best fit
between the individual and the environment?
a. Componential c. Analytical
b. Contextual d. Experiential

29. Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development is the ______ between what the children can learn on his/her
own and what is accomplished with the help of others.
a. Divisor c. Equivalent
b. Multiplier d. Difference

30. Which of the following strategies describes how a person would extinguish a response using principles
of operant conditioning?
a. Present the unconditioned stimulus without the conditioned stimulus
b. Withhold all reinforcement after responses to the stimulus
c. Present the conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus
d. Keep subject from being exposed to the stimulus for an extended time

31. This law states that when a person is prepared to respond or act, the result is satisfying:
a. Law of Exercise c. Law of Effect
b. Law of Readiness d. Law of Recency

32. Teacher Denali makes sure her tests include problems that tend to be clearly defined, come with all the
information needed to solve them, have one right answer, and are unrelated to ordinary experience. Which
kind of intelligence is being assessed by Teacher Denali?
a. Practical intelligence c. Analytical intelligence
b. Academic achievement d. Creative intelligence
33. Olivia performs well in her class. For every 15 quizzes she passes, her parents give her a monetary
reward. What schedule of reinforcement describes this arrangement for rewards?
a. Variable interval c. Fixed interval
b. Variable ratio d. Fixed ratio

34. Which statement is TRUE of behaviorists?

a. They focus solely on students' observable behaviors as the indicators of learning.
b. They believe that students play an active role in the learning process.
c. They believe that helping students work with others to meet common goal is an important part of
d. They look at knowledge as something constructed by synthesizing ideas with prior knowledge.

35. It includes everything from simple associations between stimuli and responses or association learning to
the development of complex insights as in problem solving:
a. Psychomotor learning c. Cognitive learning
b. Affective learning d. All of the above

36. When a child calls a small animal that looks a little bit like a dog, he thinks and calls it a “dog”. What
learning process is illustrated on Piaget’s cognitive development theory?
a. Assimilation c. Accommodation
b. Conservation d. Equilibration

37. He is known as the Father of Modern IQ Test.

a. Martin Lesley c. Alfred Binet
b. Lewis Terman d. Lawrence Kohlberg

38. Which is the correct order of Bruner's three stages of cognitive representation, from concrete to
a. Enactive, iconic, symbolic c. Enactive, symbolic, iconic
b. Iconic, enactive, symbolic d. Symbolic, iconic, enactive

39. Applying the principle “The more senses that are involved, the more effective the learning becomes,”
which instructional technology should be preferred?
a. Field trips c. Podcasts
b. Motion pictures d. Dramatization
40. After just being introduced to another guest in the party, Tina cannot remember the name of the guest
she was introduced to. In what memory stage was the information stored in?
a. Semantic memory c. Working memory
b. Sensory memory d. Episodic memory

41. Student A has an IQ of 160. Student A is classified as:

a. Average c. Genius
b. Below average d. Above average

42. In Piaget’s Cognitive Development, when a mother explains to the child that cats, unlike dogs do not
bark, the child is in the process of creating a new cognitive structure. What term did Piaget use to describe
the child’s cognitive experience?
a. Accommodation c. Schema
b. Assimilation d. Equilibration

43. What is the process for Piaget done during our growing years, acquiring new experiences and ideas?
A. Assimilation B. Accommodation

44. Shaping is evident in which of the following situations?

A. A child learning to catch a ball is praised for attempting to reach for it before being praised only for
catching it.
B. A math student is rewarded for any attempts at solving a simple problem after mastering more

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