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What is a Planimeter?

Planimeter is an instrument used in surveying to

compute the area of any given plan. Planimeter only
needs plan drawn on the sheet to calculate area.
Generally, it is very difficult to determine the area of
irregular plot. So, by using planimeter we can easily
calculate the area of any shape. The essential parts of
planimeter and its working is explained below.
Parts of a Planimeter
Before we start with how to use planimeter, first let
us know about the parts of a planimeter. Following
are the parts of a planimeter:
 Tracing arm
 Tracing point
 Anchor arm
 Weight and needle point
 Hinge
 Tangent screw
 Index
 Wheel
 Dial
 Vernier

Tracing Arm
Tracing arm is an arm which manages the position
of tracing point at one end with the help of hinge.
Tracing Point
Tracing point is the movable needle point which is
connected to tracing arm. This point is moved over
the outline of area to be measured.
Anchor Arm
Anchor arm is used to manage the anchor position or
needle point position on the plan. Its one end is
connected to weight and needle point and other end
to the integrating unit.
Weight and Needle Point
It is also called as anchor. A fine needle point is
located at the base of heavy block. This needle point
is anchored at required station on the plan.
Clamp is used to fix the tracing arm in standard
length without any extension.
The tracing arm and anchor arm are connected by
hinge to the integrating unit. With the help of this
hinge the arms can rotate about their axes.
Tangent Screw
Tangent screw is used to extend the tracing arm up
to required length.
Index is a location where all the measuring
arrangements like wheel, dial are located.
Wheel is fixed in the integrating unit which helps to
measure the tracing length. It is used to set zero on
the scale.
Dial is nothing but scale which is to be set zero at
the initial level using setting wheel.
Vernier is attached to the wheel as rounded drum
with graduations on it. It is divided into 100 parts
How to Use Planimeter in Surveying?
Planimeter is used to compute the area of given plan
of any shape. In the first step anchor point is to be
fixed at one point. If the given plan area is small,
then anchor point is placed outside the plan.
Similarly, if the given plan area is large then it is
placed inside the plan. After placing the anchor
point, place the tracing point on the outline of the
given plan using tracing arm. Mark the tracing point
and note down the reading on Vernier as initial
reading A. Now move the tracing needle carefully
over the outline of the given plan till the first point is
reached. The movement of tracing needle should be
in clockwise direction. Note down the reading on
Vernier after reaching the first point and it is the
final reading B. Now the area of the plan which
boundary is traced by the planimeter is determined
from the below formula.
Area = M (B – A + 10N + C)
Where, A = initial reading B = final reading N =
no. of completed revolutions of wheel during one
complete tracing. N is positive if dial passes index
in clockwise, N is negative if dial rotates in anti-
clock wise direction. M and C = constants which
values are provided on the planimeter. Constant
C is used only when the anchor point is placed
inside the plan. Read More in Surveying
Study and use of
 Planimeter
 Graph paper
 Pencil
 Scale
 Compass
Study and use of
 Planimeter
 Graph paper
 Pencil
 Scale
 Compass

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