Hydac Software & Parameter Update V1.0

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Hydac Software & Parameter update


Produced : 16/09/2020
By : Hencon
Type : Hydac
Author : BKS
Update instructions



Prepare 3
Software to USB 3
Check current hardware & software versions 4

Conditions 5

Starting the software update 6


Prepare 9
Software to USB 9

Conditions 9

Starting the parameter update 9

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Update instructions

Software update
• Empty USB stick
• Software update sent by Hencon
• Check current hardware & software versions and send to Hencon

Software to USB

If the software update has not been delivered on an USB stick, the following action have to be performed.
If the software update has been delivered on an USB stick, you can skip to chapter 1.2

The software update will be send as ‘’MCUM_DCUM’’.

Figure 1: Prepare software file

This folder needs to be opened. The folder ‘’updater’’ will be shown.

Figure 2: Prepare software file

The folder ‘’updater’’ needs to be put on an EMPTY USB stick as shown above.

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Update instructions

Check current hardware & software versions

The current software versions can be found by going into the main options menu. From the main options menu
it’s possible to navigate to the hardware & software information menu.

Figure 3: Main options menu

Press to open the diagnostics menu.

The next screen will be displayed.

Figure 4: Diagnostics main menu

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Update instructions

Press to view the controllers’ software and firmware information.

The next screen will be displayed.

Figure 5: Hardware and software information menu

In this screen it’s possible to check the current hardware and software versions from each controller
Before performing a software update, send copy of this screen to Hencon.

Before starting the software update:
• Make sure the machine is on a safe and secure location
• Make a screenshot of the current software versions
• Shut down the machine completely
• Hencon support is available from 08:00 – 17:00 UTC+1 time zone from Monday to Friday

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Update instructions

Starting the software update

1. Plug in the USB stick containing ONLY the file for the software update at the back of the operator
2. Turn the ignition
3. The following screen will appear

Figure 6: Start customer updates

4. Select: Start customer updates and press

5. The display will reboot itself
6. Make sure to not turn off the machine or turn off the main battery switch

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Update instructions

7. Read following instructions before performing further action

- When the display has been rebooted, it will ask again to confirm start customer updates

Figure 7: Start customer updates

- When this has been confirmed, the display will say: ‘’perform a Power-Cycle NOW!’’

Figure 8: Power-Cycle

- This means that the ignition switch has to be turned off and on quickly after each other
- This has to be done within a few seconds after confirming the customer updates

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Update instructions

8. Confirm start customer updates and perform a Power-Cycle

- Make sure to not turn off the machine
- The software update will start writing

Figure 9: Performing update

9. When the update is finished select ‘’OK’’, remove the USB stick and reboot the system by switching off
the ignition switch for at least 20 seconds.

Figure 10: Confirm and reboot

10. Check new hardware & software versions and send to Hencon as described in chapter 1.1.2

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Update instructions

Parameter update
• Empty USB stick
• Parameter update sent by Hencon

Software to USB
If the parameter update has not been delivered on an USB stick, the following action have to be performed.
If the parameter update has been delivered on an USB stick, you can skip to chapter 2.2.

1. Create folder ‘’Hencon_ParLog’’ to an empty USB stick

2. Copy the parameter file *.CSV to directory. See example below

Figure 11: Parameter directory

Before starting the Parameter update:
• Make sure the machine is on a safe and secure location
• Hencon support is available from 08:00 – 17:00 UTC+1 time zone from Monday to Friday

Starting the parameter update

1. Login in Service user level (see CSM for instructions)

2. Plug in USB stick containing ONLY the file for the parameter update at the back of the operator
3. From the main settings menu go into the parameter settings menu

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Update instructions

Figure 12: Main settings menu

4. In the parameter menu select the parameter manager.

Figure 13: Parameter manager

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Update instructions

Figure 14: Parameter manager

5. The USB must be green This means the USB device is connected and ready for use.

6. Select memory USB

7. Press the desired file. It will become yellow as shown in the above image.
- ‘’New file’’ is the updated parameter file
- ‘’Local file’’ is the current parameter file
- Make a screenshot or write down the old parameter file name

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Update instructions

8. Writing new parameters to display (DCUM)

- Select write to DCUM

- The display will ask for confirmation

- Press confirm

Figure 15: New parameters to display

- Once this copy is completed, check that both ‘’new file’’ and ‘’local file’’ entry fields have the
exact same name stated.
- Next, the parameter file should be loaded from the DCUM to the MCUM. See next page.

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Update instructions

9. Writing new parameter to main controller (MCUM).

Figure 16: New parameters to main controller

- Select write to MCUM

- The display will ask: ‘’write or read parameter data MCUM’’. Press

- The display will ask for confirmation

- Press confirm

- After confirming the below progress bar will be displayed

10. When the update is finished, remove the USB stick and reboot the system by switching off the ignition
switch for at least 20 seconds.
11. Send updated parameter screen to Hencon.

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Update instructions

Hencon B.V.
De Stenenmaat 15, 7071 ED Ulf t // The Netherlands
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P.O. Box 16, 7070 AA Ulft // The Netherlands
Phone +31 315 68 39 41 // info@hencon.com

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